HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-6-22, Page 2i-- TThersdal, Jane Zhsd. 19114 s• •µ c • THE El& itanzg tavran.haaae 1141 QO1BICH : CANADA • dieatMr sf Oemes es weeii Seseem•ers :. ,- PahUshed every Thursday naming. - �. --•- _ -- •_. pr!M mein r•r ewer. le advance. TM SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. MD. Telepbone 36 : Godericl, Ont. H. Rosmarowe Scher read krarrapv lof their town se "me prettiest town Ln Canada," and teat is a term upon whh•h It to pard to improve. A few years ago one of the Ontario cities - was It lbrouto?-chose as its stogie "Tie Logical Location." It did not strike as as a eery good choice, and so far as ere fan milked it has aver helm much used. illrians, ilk. RTe7% names, grow up of themselves -they are born, not made; and even a good slogan will not "hick" anises the people take to It Involuntarily. Thursday, June f4*d. 1903 OODEZIGH'S GOOD FORTUNE The shutting down of the salt block at Kincardine by its owners, the Canadian Industrte0. is a very pare point with the people of. that town. Last week's Kincardine News, under tie heading, "If Godericb Can Do It, Why Not Klecarolner said: Vibes we read to The Ooderich Signal of the proposed exteUsies pleased by Me Uodertcb Salt Oa, we are reminded or the fact that In our awn town we Lave a 'splendid wattle - meet which is lying idle and useless as far as Kincardine or anyone alae is concerned. The Canadian Iades- tries, a large concern with wealtt emoa$b to buy out their opposttlom• is the present owner. Different pleas lave been made to have the block opeoed, but some recuse is always given, the moat popular one being that It would be a losing peoposltios with the salt tariffs so unfavorable. In face Of the succe efa1 ia which the Godericb block L operated It would seem that these excuse. are too Nin for anyone to aerloual7 con- sider. The News then went on to quote a portico of Mr. Wurtele's letter to the town Council which was publt.bed t• The "signal. The people of Ooderlcb should be, and no doubt are, very thankful that the Goderich Salt Company has re - instead mated an Independent firm. and the policy of the town .bould be to keep it that way If pessit•te. - Only 9 sr'1Mn lige *Mee this month. i' • • • Make your pians to spend Douala - ion Day In Goderlctt • • • Aren't you sorry for those peoplee who (larval eat strawberries? • • • lune has Mem bolag her best to please everybody. hut she seems t* like the iceman best. • • • 11 Chat chaileage tends. manes be- tween Hoa. Charles Keene and Kit- et1 Iiepbar* weer to lyase.- olt. Ike > , tecorrremuuk 4 lir .it+tiri ilei geld sad the PreessenetetAlltrOreenettlitle`MMerieiteeetioneedleverassest lag off the Provincial debt. should not be asked to undertake • • • • • • According to reports from London, little progress has yet been made to- wards agreement among tbe delegates to the Ae000mlc Con(er'estc'e. It was hardly to be expected. however, that fire delegatee would all at once find common dandles ground. They are not all Staniey Baldwins. Moot of Mem, no doubt, are mem of strong eoovlttton, and when men oe strong sad varying °pintoes meet they do not Immediately give groped to other views. What is going OD 111 Londdn PIM now is probably what might be expected in any moth gathering: every man putting up a ripping argument tor tris own views before be admiis any possibility of compromise. This Conference is nil a matter of a few days or weeks; K may last for six month. In the meantime the news- paper correspondents bare to supply "copy" for their newspapers, and the pub& may expect to bear of a good Confederation. Bast of Montreal ab- sorbed disagreements ant expressions sorbed the People's Bank of Halifax. THE COMING WEEK IN CANADA'S PAST, Compiled home Files of Montreal Omega ' by F. J. N. "Nesese • nerves • nnimil es, Jiang L6 1791. -The death took place of /IL Rev. J. 0. Bread, Roman Catholic Bishop of Quebec from March 3, 1704 to November 29, 1784. 1t was da to him, more than to any other mam. that Canada remained loyal to the BrItkh Crown darlag the Americas Invasion of 1775-1776. 1842. -Ht. Rev. Michael Power ar- rived erived at Toronto. He was the aunt Romrn Catholic Bishop of Wester* Upper Canada. and had for some years previously been cure of taped - rte. 1980. ---Kingsford Smyth flew 'terms the Atlantic to Newfoundland. June Id 1864. -Robert L Borden, Later Mr Robert aad Pressler Of (heath. wet tarn at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. He has donated his birthplace as a se- nses. 1902.-Knlgbchovd was coafereed en Hon. William Mteock, Pentameter - General ; Hon. Frederick W. Border. M4►tster Of Militia; Hou. IL M. Taschereas, Chief Justice of Canada; Hon. Daniel H. McMillan Lieut. -Gov- ernor of Manitoba, and Robert Boat of Halifax. amiss 27 1867.-A Reform courentlon ors beld at Toronto to consider the sew alignment of parties consequent rpm of disappointment and all that sort of thing from space -writers before the real new' of Conference results 1a giv- en to the world. PUSHING IT TOO FAR (Border CIUe. Star) It 1s aeceesary that steamy be practised by public bodies, but we think the Essex county conned is retrying the idea alto/ether too far when It suggests that Supremos Court judges, presiding here, Mould atlitme street cars in worts( between the court boom and their hotel. The item for automobile tr*naporatem is relatively small. In this country we are proud of our judicial machinery and we lay great stress ou the main- tenance � tenance of Judicial dignity cause of incites' dignity would bard - 1, be served, bowever, by caking their lordships to ride on street care - especially in view of the fad that members of the bar and most tidiest' would reach the court home via auto- mobile. uto- moblle. WHRBI AKE MAIMS GIANTS (Owe. Sound flus -Times) Owen Sowed and most other ports oa the Great Ickes have as a gee- eral rule renamed from urging on Me Department of Public Werhe at Chew" u Imf1p .panes ler barber, yiseg.'. h Sod weer "* Tb. Lethbridge Herald. looking &tress t• this P ovlmee std seeing the of "&C..' recently let love by ,a.,. iA the same sorta than- m V cot nap- 3•• pea 0 titles wore again granted on re- l' ` commendation of the Government at Ottawa. The Alberta editor suggests Sat the Ontario lawyer without a LC. is rapidly reaching a very ex- clusive position, and evidently doubts that titles would be banded out with any greeter degree of discriminate*. • • • The London Free Press notes that tike Provincial Liberals are very ac- tive. first, in choosing candidates, sad. --amend. la lighting amomg themselves. and 1t Chortles over a row that has developed In connection with the Ub- eral nomination for North Essex There were other days wben it was difficult to procure Liberal candidates for PIFOVIDcltl elections, sed conven- tions did not develop enough energy for agthing approaches. a row. To- day, as The Free Pelee e,eog ices. It is quite different -4a various rid- ing ambitious men ere putting op a flget for nomination as Liberal cads - date. shat does It tress? heavy capital expenditures. Only the most urgent work has been re- e- quested --each as dredging actually required to enable vessels to navigate. Here In Owen Sound benne en lai&0Jfragtt program of harbor ham been alband ' But what's the me? Looking tip the expenditures of the Department of Public Works it is found that money is being .peat In dredging and harbor work in donees of places that one has *ever heard of. Here are some expeoditnres for the year Just ended: Wilson Beach, $14.486. Shippegan Gully cost 316,128. Stuarttown Wharf got $19,048. Beresford breakwater got $40,4113. Buctoehe, 317.105. China73. Cranberry Wharf, 32,306. Rustic°. 38.407. Tignlah $4.096. - Ream ilecum. 3967. Scott's Bay, $11.908. Surmin's Point, 32,947. Herring Corp. 30.08'4. Cow Bal. $4.000. Mugnotdobalt 34.674. North That Peen[, $19,1100. Where are theca harbors? Have they steamship traffic that war- rants those expenditures -either iu times of prosperity or depression? The ports of the Georgia* Ray and Lake Huron are important tactors In the transportation of the commercebave of the nation. They rightly been modest In their requests for cantly har- bor improvements, But apps modestythis scone less important places. not extend lss kid of thing is to continue. North Koppel, come Oliphant, Oxeaden, Leith other places along the lake front should line up for wharf Improve- ments. The Department of Public Works should Mone the Ltd down tight on harbor work unless it can be shown to he ahaolotel7 neceseatl• • • • A view reversal of form 1. shown b 0000ecgoa with the Worid Moo - swede Cesteeewce now meeting in Len- on. Until a few )wars ago Great Britain was the champion of free trade. while the United Stamm was as strongly committed to prot>PrltCnh. Then a /rudest Introdnetion of pro- tective tariffs began in Great Bruen', and one of the chief British delegates at the Cooterence 1n Neville Chamber- ._ lain Chancellor of the iexchegoer. an avowed though moderate protection- ist. in tyre meantime ihlgh probe, Oleo tae come Into dIafevon In the 'eke +tsar wiggled Mabee and Secretary of State 11, «lie is representing the Wash• futon Government at the tlrmfwrerad, is a determined opponent of tariff pro- „ unction add makes spevrfiew stet as would have heed expected from a Brit- ish ('abient Minister of the pre-war ors. • • • oreagssege ken tip the lake has &WOW a doom "1hc.rdine--when .weer .• atAAaser Aids Duce." it's y IMOD as such things f' j 1.111.-T 7.6111 a, ...:.., '` ��-:e ago order- * pet It mrsett4 Cloder- -.gam el Toth,- AA a •iht arm "iwrea Men thio Mere tt O weft seem, GODERICR, ONT. Ic eL MOO Ata ped Lou of Nee* IMahe Lib- erals 1►erals Thee *Mu, Fred W. Elliott of Port Regeira, the present smother fur the rid/4m Paied In nominatlaw tot the Opt .4,etlou to the Legisla- ture- egWatare. Mr. *1bu has paid particular attention te ,,the Provincial Mathes and is l-ap"hh s• Cabinet timber. • • • The tethelkof entre' gins Arc- the r - the president for Os- tarlo, has logged to place candidates In Provlaciall,y•fduhge wherever orgmm- testioa is inlgentiy advanced to per- mit their nosltsutlou. One of these riding b ilk to Ire the mew Huron - Braes momtheiney. in wbkh R. J. ecate, a pssml4eet member of the Cc le resides. This ,l'. will antagonise to the new Nov* terprise. fit • • At • Memo ipefentlon is Koot Iassbton Leslie ete Oke, M.P.P., was again momalaatad for the Legislature as the U.F.O�qa+ edtdole, after a large number of tae deleestes had left the conventlom•� • :• • Hon. Chu. '*et'"se, Provincial Iffiniseer alt Miter, ea+ accepted Mr. Hepbern's MaBtlge to debate the matter of run W rgten Bay cams! Haler and po.mty other issues at a meeting to be b0 In either Lomdoa, ltoroneo or Otte It should be a they m eettrg. Juin IS 1858. -The Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway was opened from Fort Erie to Goderleb. 1894_ -The grit golf club was tie pulsed at Wlaalpsg. 1809. -lieu. 1. P. Mcoval wee ap- pointed Roman Catholic Btabop of Loadoe, and later Meanie Archbishop of Toronto. 1919.-'1fe treaty of Versailles was signed. Canada was one of the sig- natories. This embed the war well Germany, tboogh fighting lad ceased on November 11, 191A executive of attlos .t 130 the Liberal pa mut.-Cheslq Maio It/ 1003 Cliam lata reacted a labs era the St. Lawrence between Quin wed Momtrsal which be named fik Peter. as K was St. Peter's Day. 1760.-iueral Moockton took pos- session of Beanport, sear Quebec. This was the beginning of the smceess- fol slege of Quebec by the British. 1860. --The formation 0f the Falls of Niagara was changed by the col- lapse of Table Rock. 1927. -Viscount 'sod Lady Willieg- don flew from Ottawa to Montreal and back, tbe first vice -regal parties to do so. 1127.-Vim1 Ridge, the scene of the greatest Canadlaa triumphs In the war settle (ierma*7, wan toraalle transferred to eased* by 43. Yash Govetamen t. . JIM 4f' eeeie� sxtle.t„w were �IjsrelA. ,titlaa .1 01.44, Quebec. P0b9.-ACmile 0ravelot, batter known as Blodtn, waiked across lie Niagara gorge es a tight rope. 1884. -Toronto began a week's cel.bratlom of hs s.ml-centtnmisl u a,�a1aanlhes a,great its . r-o►xs 't?3s .?'Ye . }"t J &^.T it ei",•hire! 1803.- erhe Commercia Beni us Manitoba suspended. 1912.-A cyclone at Regina caused the death of amaage did prmpert7 of over $2,000.000. July 1 1806. -The Earl of Godard was ap- pointed Governor-General. He had been sent out to conciliate Ilee people pt Lower Canada, which be Arras sue- oeeding to doing when alleged abstracts boom his in•trucUoas were hpadt'bed in Toronto mod caused trouble which ended In the rebellion. 11969. --Ban Juan Island mwas by Aerlean troops. 111* ohne the --Ger tun dispute -Germanes arbitrator, awarded It to the Caned ofos. Bib 1897. -Ry the passingcm Reit, tab North America tet, s t inion of Canada came Into befog. Viscount Moute who had been Goveroore $ - al of the Freebies mat Quote, eras sworn In as the first Governor-Gen- eral ovenor- hen•eral of the Dominion of Canada. Sir John A. Macdonald was sworn In as the first Premier, with the fol- lowing as his Cabinet: Hon. A. T. Gait, Mance; Hon. B. 1. Tilley. Cus- toms: Hoa Hector Iamgsvia, stab; Hon. W. P. Howlamd. Island Re- venue; Hon. Peter Mltebetl. Marine and Fisheries: Hon. G. L ()artier, Militia ; Hoe. William McDougall, Public Werke : Hoa Alexader Chap - Hell, Postwasterl3seteal, std Hon. .1. C. Obapsls, Agriculture. 1871. -'Pike people of British Col- umbia celebrated their first Domin- ion Day, though the Province did not officially enter the Dominion nnttl July 20th. 1878.-Prtace pkhward Island en- tered Conf deratlon. ' • Cals while King Adrian ori few weeks the Spanish c. Alfonso , (1 of tie procuring versa aide The bear a Workers lands. MUST GO the bead of el - le repaeed Is a coinage of the e bead of Dom on the face it %ihmale Spare the Me re re res of Spain. es coin will Itepubile of ant sbaklmg ',to oke %ea.; nuoh HAM, (Klagston Wilg-Standard) A British authority bas made careful calculation about the annual world cwt of armaments mod finds[ that during 19th the total wee Etief e 000.000. It M a atupeadoua figura. ti whkb be gives pular to adding that the total armament expenditure for Met year 1s a sura equal to one gold mooed for avers, minute dace the birth of Christ. Buck statistics nen a metaacholy ring la lire ears of the average layman. Is face of them it seems almost laeredtble tot the world cannot agree ou measures of diaermament which w111 sad the waste of world resources and bomaa e.orgy. Setting aside eaglaeere, service setea- aat. and such. and the aoadlers aad sailors engaged la policing and ad- ministrative work. Me mea employed in the world's arnica tad navies are aom.prodocers; they are ahiet7 con sameea. Aad the outlay 1a warships. forth weapons, paras ao msoal. A -LOW TO MOIR TAYrve (The New Outlook) Just as the reprea.stades et forty seams were converging epos London tor the World £e.aetrk Cmafsreacte the Prince of Waw Imteed*eed the new United Sates Ambassador. Rob- ert W. Bingham. to a distinguished Anglo-American gathering la the ass. ropolls. Speak es of the Masses and bopes of the neer day, Mr. Blagbam said : "For years the majority et American people believed that title higher the tariff, the higher waaggesss and the geseral level of peseperity 1■ the country wash be. New tiny have learned the grim teems tht. with the blithest tariff the country las ever had, more titan 1UA00.900 people bave no wages at all. By bit- ter experience they lave loathed bee tapeesibLe it is to •omtlaas 1.11151 when they do not bey. ami they at last are prepared, throng! peeper agreement, t0 lower tariff Minims 1e that Iateraatiosal [ride may begin M Save again." • .t Newest Shoe 7 0 Fashions OUR NEW S')rRAP SLIPPERS, ; OXFORD TIES AND PUMPS this asasaa heist she lead Imo ss,=1 sad beauty of design. We have the tidiest, nattiest, most wearable line . of footwear to be found. - (,r EVERYONE CAN BE PLEASED in immerser rser hove. Paso Ammon tad perlaaties " •! •f a are seven. peisres is ear levee. AS the now healers wed Wen *Am a ewgthlmi. Geo. MacVicar THS PRACTICAL mon MAN North side of Square GODERICH 1 • _.fir .• # E. Vit. , e •:, ► ..... ,. •,,r••••••• -e..rrf,__- - -�- --- .b.,>-wrr . .�.;••=pa�.:..-.•,.w: ISIS RACKET "Has Jones given up sport since he's married? (hie never seems to see him shunt nowadays." "Oh. no, he OM keeps Me hand in st home. As I passed yesterday he was sifting cinder* through his tes- Mb racket." DAISIES A troop of daisies -How they rus fake riff ehildren, through the gram! TtoopIng and tumbling here, Straggling and straying there. Filling the day erith laughter where they peas. So gay a erowd. with upturned face, Chronacioun of their lowly home! Pushing ane tootling here. Merle= ewe desemille. Turning the lieng.t summer re seem. Goa hardiest* Ira fo,t -1` pirogiont•ii, reit Whom geese Is sweet. without 4 etre. ery parte was veld $42,371.1i6. They multiply libe Ahrant's med. bushwhackers got Rely a small there Tripping •nd aiming here, et the tremendous expense. of opesine baldly lingering there. a Metrivsy thensgh the forest that humble treed ! That's where • lot Of On - 'ARM" 0. MOW. 1:74 finances bave betel WOW& As the car drew up at the crone - roads two hands were thrust out, Um Driver's signalling • tarn to the left. Kr. Driver'. a tura to the right. "What do you two wastr said the policeman, strolling up "a separa- Goer WHERE THE MONTT IIENT We notice hy the public accounts that the Trans (nestle Highway, built for unemployment relef. cost Work in other ac- tions le New Ontario cost $4.733.- 748.00. • total of nearly 11 million /Mears. Is the 86 pages it takes to glee the detail. of thew. aerostats engineers and otter Mg bosom the" of ewe ail* with the mew in roe electric wager beans. As4 pew amatibear Iris bas este - All you brio is do ea wee installation is is ' Ogee your load Hyde* or fill our sad mall dui .fr comas above below. You will dies be for • ebbed wish ampleee deals. lollowies which you du piece your etrika. Flew with ebeemesum, look lueslieles mod WHAT fr COSTS YOU WNW and slitelpseest see thsethrardy foie of AS you do le ray et • wew low fee ettaert preeer med. keg remember. Hydro rates eel lam ibis year thaw over Wm. WHAT VT /MUM To YOU The bout and sisaplest water honing soaks . bums. Absolutely troubirens. Orratiss satosnedc. No escudos is omit& You Imo can and more convenience than by toy other isms at wafts beating. Thousands of these tree eleczrk water beaters have already been installed and arc in opals Woe, giving highly satisfactory service. Ask your neighbour who has one. PR/ IN AND NAIL THIS COUPON TODAY • Hymtwascnutirmit fro& *miss fp. samiessillethes.