HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-6-22, Page 1.'r WE Fr ANTS It girt elliiscrifklie oZte June Lt, 105 Ma OM littlI by re- n ewing autism We e 1 11 at Il -ha T be regular wbyglgdlfa ate intile.00. et 'Ibe 9'gpal In Ooderlcb and immediate district read your advertfeereent, Mr. Marchese or Mee their true* go to the city mall order houses/ ui' Xrl wo Baseball Games for Dominion Day da ?toroh Allyl" „flvdtuioh'g Jat�� • ' OeleicaUUoa 41k-. taoibr• 4d a Dowd** Dales 1, pa Saturday, July lat, - halt fed' Itself around a doobletwadR feasional. baiebalt game, with saner re• of an all day peogra*.lb.t keep thlap going iaordss, attir- e d *resist. e Odra isnbeedinga wt[t open 9.10 with a 'grand parade frogs Victoria Generous prizes nre offered for' thbpt ilk, ohne ate4 cars, decor teeTe eteeh pstrlal floats, . etc. .nmedlalele after the pend• ilkele 1 be. patriotic atelreseas from tie edited, m the Agnare. The rest of the morning will be de- ed e.ed to fbt1dren"s sports, for which trggthy tjnogram has been pepered. Baa.hsd anti Atr{Mta Oesbeeee . me kfternooa program will les st gr{mitgqrat Par#, eowmeaetng at 1$0 'clod *1th a series of atbletk eon- t% 1>tci54inp a 1y0 -yard. *print. a relay tare and a three -see ran, all epee be Heron county entreats. There will atao ire a tug-of-war for the CEP donated by the Huron 014 Boys' Aa. aoclatioa oe lbreato. Aa many as fea- sible ►sible of thee* eveota will be rue of before the first baseball game, width is timed for 2.15 p.m.; the remaining 'vanes will be wetted is beeem ee after the accord bate game The big !stun of the attenuant will be the doubleheader haast all Ames betimes two rebate preemies - al eesaa>---We least..* *theft of Buf- falo, ase of tie fasted preteados•1 teams in New Tack Stats, and the 'Meek Sox, an ab -star adored temp trhaaaptooa d the Ora State Lessem Pier Mese games mule ole et ra Men cg tip, i a p. "Is- aias team wk to • a I(r T*. teems ars- bobtail to be geek- � 1 detulud. and u they will as kooks, typ win two fast games --e v be kioks, tri. prefeestos*J ita- "e•e bootie>,a .PERSONAL MENTION . Mr. Doeglaa Campbell, of St Atate *Tine"' is rialtos trthi14s:iia *w'i this week. Mesa }laud Watson, of ' CstOMto. ti speeding a ailitw'a Aleltdare at her home helm Yrs. 11. Burkholder spent the week tied at London visiting bee oou, Mrs Chas. Dean. Mrs. Maty Boot rand lila litbelwys Scoot, of Clifford. spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Brest. Mrs. I. E. Notch is visiting with her brothers, lir. e. Aitchison and lir. 4byT Aitchison, at Manila., lies. le W. Carrie has retnrued to her home here after visiting for the winter at Toronto and Montreal. 1Rfa. Z. ¢ MUlhau. of Detroit, bas .tste* tip residence on Elgin avenue, where she will .remain for the sum mer month& Miss ¥•dean* Base, daugbtsr of Res. and Mn. D. J. Lane, and Miss IL P. . Hack. of Tomato, are holiday- ing at Port firma. Mr. Angus Matto has returned to Cayuga after Oohing for two weeks at the borne othis tareeted T. and Mrs. Archie Made. Mr. and Hrs. R. T. Phillips re- tained tart Friday after visiting friends at Ceylon, Markdale and Pro- ton, in Grey musty. Wag Florence Mooney, of the *Sr of -Aima CoIie * 8L 'laessea, L speeding a part of bee screamer vee - tion with her relatlrea bare. Mr. and lira George Alderson and daughter, Joan, of Detroit. spent the weskosd wIr Mrs. Atdesson'. fatb- er, Mr. Thos. Pap, Victoria street Mr.. sad Mrs. D. MieDosald and rriet NaeDoanld, of Ripley, .post eekad at the Loess of Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Mcxesiie, Qesbee street. Victor Illearteon, aria of Mr. end Mrs. 1.. Robertson, returned on Monday atter as extended visit of several swathe an Ocotlaad and Eng - Wed. Mss. W. 0. Masmar,i left last weak. wait her da gbters Helen and Rath - lama, on a msath's visit to Winnipeg, Where silt* will he tM guest of bet sis- ter, ala. (Dr.) Mc .rtas- Itr. fad hips. k. I. Phillips at- tMaMd the wo4dleg-watisws gives is *senor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. araaatos of Dungannon, after Utak peters from *ere ubeneyealos -a :411esse by 'le es Meq FA Nurses PIanttly z . Invade Annual District 'Meeting Nirses' Association R.Id Here Yesterday • +- Abut seventy -flee nurses ttom Shot eoe, lirsutford, Woodstock, Ogoo Sonnd, Guelph. Hamner add' Eieltea- er ■ ttended tae Meeting of the Re- gisters"! Nurses' Assodatlou Of 'Ola tarlo, districts 2 and 3, bele WO* Wednesday. Its nurses met le *kiltay- AI where they were extended a hearty welcome by Mayor Lee as belted/ of the town. Dr. W. W. gorge* ea ase of his spoutaneius addrttT[F►IR u* 1w 1s widely kauwu, w eoteed We nurses on Qahalt of the edlcal pre- teatime ertealoa. Dr. W. F. Osuew ge b 1ri- terestlag paper on tivlcsa Pulse sod Respiration." after whish Mies Putts, of Woodstock, read a re- port oe the conventkw of Me Nurses' Aseoctation that was bald is Windsor is -April, stung a detailed account of the nseettng. Mise Marjorie Buck, of Simeon spoke of the Bagletered Nnrdes' Asso- etatiow, telling of the advantages held by member, of the Association, and Mire Merinos, dietitian of Brantford (enrol hospital, gave the colluding paper on TO. Value of Vltautlos," Maus. Frank Maunders, accompanist lay Mau H. N. Livens, contributed 60 the pe a.. by elegiac in her plebe - I 151.515. The hamate! bawd b54 *reified for 1*e norms kik drtvf�M about the tows, d about tweety4 ears were os hand for bb's purpose. The care e•avyed tM 'VWtor+ wood by the take and te Rae various pinta, of la- terest;iRest the town. Alta the drive Me nurses were deposited at the hospital grounds, which were liana- afor the oocasiew with fimpe ani st eamerw. As tie' weather was de- cidedly cook tea *as server to tea hosplket corrldet Instead of"ea the lawn r had bees planned. The tables sod Moeld5r trees tastefully decorated add bdateta et rosea and others elan some lout • petlitufst!eir to mit e. 4._ Wades 0111 res a Feast Ter rites*, IR "teem* r for Iluron e t evrr 0. tooded the I char** The Suitor, to *agar o wereeeetted t._ • 't sucilynen re We with., the audio d*esel ,tteille stmts. Yr. Leiale and oldie itghlett ,the tam mery ' • also Me 1n eb. Mies tbirteeele the geed ramie feet seeotation X [,tared serardli- Piano •, 'Neared JO r$1 - Mr. • Cha popular 'ha the recitals 'reek the edppal eral solo. the pleaMeg Mrs. F ed o[ Isnox b 'the ye e Mr. Reg., the Cheerier C soelatlose give os, the emit tee elation- throes; teal pictures mint tare of in' some eulogy ltditrec VinoeeattWet *owe. c petals tib Mr. °on enDecade ,hen- • '.e ,,*- (lab Robert ku.sa Remembered by lidera ted Many hliads on 90th as tial i0 ' Birthday venlig. The home Of Robert Russell, well- known nielober of tie Qrtogenarla0 It was ('Id., was the scene of jt happy gath- that the erwg on Thursday Aat•.,when Mr. y /tureen celebrated hie n1s5Matb• butte t the con- day with a dinner and reception. gratulateSome twenty relatives Amite' present efforts • jus the dinner and mai*-tetsnds of lrI the grand old man edited during the toj �a day to extend their beet wishes and 'Ilia 'rend l- tem gra tulalions. AlthinAh .nine- 1loa- what weakesby a recestroke of Yr. ldetik laralyalr, Yr..4 nt' Rumen retain* his fae- nities of sight and hearing mod Is par- tleularly well blessed with t remark- able memory, making him a v'q en- tertaining host. was number of Hamilton, who was Stratford irmgrie her aid WOOS rwnr a f .sgelao, ser ea*, e.rai.111 tad twit isles eee� of Children'. As - rated ketone W the Assn Proviaea Asp rest improve - eases under the were Mown, an almgst ensa- ving bels mode. aling +e.aed !a the chitties!'wi!►5 Wort at bow- on et the e'm[eea wee of the the satiate toe 10 iahaIf Mr. Russell recalls with amazing exaetttude events that oeesrred In itis early manhood and tells with Pride of numerous high-Ilgkts to bis caner. As a young man he lead quite a reputation *e• a walker, he was the best swordsman In the 33rd Battalion at the age of twenty-one, sad be es- tablished lbs remarkable record of tearing down as old tense and erect- ing a new /10M-pl.ee rail testis 1n ase day While a reddest of Goderieh towneseeo he was apseaser ter live year' _ 1 was formerly depty neve .* ewaetller. ghillie( earned Rusialt di a - boy, pal went for filling In holes Valid e leek -pen, was used to percjaste a data Tata serly tend- ency to learning stood him a good stead during his lite ase esu • the foundation for the book of extraor- dinary writing that he has kept. In Ude bask are truly remarkable and heetdful specimens of penmanship. Ola tladiat his termite subjects waft. at151ns.Uc, geography and Ma- lted' regard to the "depression" so much a topic of conversation, Mr. Russell gassed It ori with a wave of the band._declaring that the one which followed Ile Rnatan war was mscb worse than the present one, and the Ree tome through It with Oyloi col - 1 a veteran of the replan . Russell a son i■ the ... wnsaetttbbS _` 40{1 idle curt. These the-balf- - tale Mal Tae* mu %plea to the *lame* t, of teems. • � In these Monthi~• ontee t wet line given from the band stied id ellos Square by the band of the G.dsrlch Muskat Society. BAND CONCERTS The Ooderlch Muslea l Society Band gave 11. gni open-air concert of the season from the bandstand 1a the Naar. on Thueeday evening last. In spate of the coolness of the weath- er • large and appreciative audience wiz In attendance end the various band numbers and solo were greatly enjoyed. A second concert is to bt Decd tots (Thuraday) .venln5 at o'etoek. INSPECTOR MOORE His,. Provinolal Pollee Inspeetor Walter Moore, of Kiteliener, was 1n town on Monday. Willie be was herr no of- ficial haainees, a visit to Oodertch )e, to Irspeeoetor Moore, like coming home, as he spent • number of yearn here before Miring the Provincial pollee forre. He says he advertises Goder- beb wherever he goes as a beautiful town and an attractive resort, and in chie connection he remarked that an Improvement coned be made by having more benches in the Square and at Harbor Park. This la somethingfor the attention of the town coun. AT HARBOR PARE --- Dank 8e.aon Has Commenced -Lake- side Attracts Online Parties Saturday was Meal picnic weather ■red ant -of town folk were quick to take advantage of It. Harbor Park wan the pk lc gronnde for no fewer than three groups of people who were lured to the lakeside for a day's out• Ing. Tea puplla of S.S. No. 10, McKillop, and their parents were present forty strong and enjoyed an anernodn of football and other gyms+. Nearly one hnndrd people, young sad old, from Bruce and Oxford coun- ties attended the McKay -Matheson Trenton at the park. Softball was played 107 a ontnber of enthadesta, while others were content to alt In the son or, go for a •wim In the cooling waters of the lake. Mies Weir of In- gersoll delighted the gathering by dancing a Seoteb reel. Other dances slab were enjoyed In the pavilion to music furnished by ■ violin In the banes of a eapahle musician. The arrival of • large temp from Hessen end Rnisaels eomplet.d the lIu .0 ptenlekers for the day. an. eer*'r Oar . end Wt - of p0aee and content • 0e '7'. '' e!L .'', t , 'e' cur:.._ 1d''tbOP w$R it viola at Mitis too Were *kb delicious foodstuffs. W testified to lrs saee•aa of lbs dayt rwtiwg, 1b.egqttte and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur B1chardoa of Swin- ton Park, Gray county. Rev. J. J. Cowart B.A., or Bolus. min, Mas, who was • commisstt'atsr -•-"�..a a W. t,-1&: The ceremony was goer by v. W. J. Patton, The bride Med groom were unattended. The bride looked wlnaome In • white silk wed- ding gown with wtlte iccemsoriee, her only ■dornment being • string of to leJ It 1 pearls, the gift of the groom. After o -t fill ' tri6 • s ,' J. B. Milne, Palmerstrs street.' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jack n. and Mr, and Mee. H. Gies and daughters, Norm and Agnes, have 'eternal to their Masa at EImvale after spending a few day at thelhome of Mr. and Mri, A. C. Jacksow, Britannia road_ Dr. W. F. Clark ano daughter, Musa Retta Clark of Toledo, visited the World's Fyr..at Chicago last 'week. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt, r. (ark of Poetise, Miele Tbey describe the fair as wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Clark and Miss Bette Clark art now at Bright's Grove, where they w1t1 spend several weeks b0idays. lir. and Mrs. D. B. Graham, of Pilot Mowed, Men„ with their daugh- ters Mrs. F. H.--BMtha of Winnipeg and Mrs. C. W. TA:tgdon of Dray ton, North Dakota, and their grand children Shlricy Blythe and Stanley Langdon, visaed this week at the home of Mr. and Mre. M. W. Howell They are upending u month In On tarin. Mrs. Grattan, who was form- erly MAO odium, has memories of Ooderteh halfa-century ago. PRESS MEETING IN GODERiCH Goderkl) 1s to hate a gathering of newspaper men of the dlatrlct tomor- row, the oicaslon i.eing the annual meeting of the Burin County Pleas A..oepatlon. Sessions w133 be held at the Park House ootpmeu'tng at ID a.m. and 2 pm. Mr. J. A. McLaren, of Ttle'Barrie Examiner, 1e to give an address et the afternoon iealon. 1t is expected that many of the visit- ing newspaper men will he accom- panied by their, 1.dies. HOMiN(i PIGEONS Forty eight birds from the Gilder- leh Iloming.I'igeon Ctnb were still/PM to Danville, illlnnis„tnr the flight last weekend. , They were liberated at 7 a.m. Saturday and the first one back. belonging to P. Johnston. at - rived at 5.37 p.m., meeting 420 miles In 10 hr.. 07 min. Ownera of the 6r.t seven Mott as they arrived are •a follows: Ed and 2nd, P. Johnstnu; 3M, Goldie Smith; 4th, J. Bowman; 5th, 1. Johnston; eth, C. Webb; 7th, Goldie pmlth. The next 61551 will be from DONE cur, illinois, a dletanee of 520 miles. The members of the club are con- templating making some entries In an MOW* night to take place some Hine In July. The starting point will he Springneld, Masa. The honing instinct Anally pre- vaflee.l In s pigeon owned by W. Raker that had apparently d.relnped as at - t& •,1 ..+a.ew,•1 ,tie 05.4... w/e.nw WO *set two years aro In, a dight :r..!s+ern•- * awe Oaf ""i • dl hire b�aaaa hear psulneMs UMBfha b Mr. Iltatelr a idle elle NMI was teat la 11111E where a s0rettn00. wedding dinner was served. Only the immediate re- latives of the contracting parties were present The happy couple left later by motor for • short honeymoon trip. -()o their return they will rewkle on the groos's farm east of Carlow. TO INDUCT NEW DEMISTERS Arrangements Ryle at Meeting 'f Presbytery as The Presbytery of Huron, Cnited Church oe (Janda, met at Benmilite 0o Tuesday of his week. Morn'pxa and afternoon sesame were held •M were presided over by Res_ Arthur Sineiair, of ejgslnll, ,clagrilsiiin or w e Presbytery. - New odicers elected for the ermine year ere: Chairman, Bev. F. W. Craik, Goderlch; Ieer.tary, Rev. W. A. Bremner, BroeeAeld ; treasurer, Mr. Fred Revenge, Mesforth. The main limn of business wee arranging for the Induction of new min oder.. This was arranged as follow* June 29, Thames Road and Roy's --- Rev. Hugh D. Taylor, to be lnduete l ; Rev. J. R. Peters, of Ellmville, to preside and Induct; Iter. F. W. Far - rill, of Clinton, to give the sermon and adcherss the people; Rev. Chea. Malcolm, of Egmondville, to address the minister. ane 30, Ktppen-Rev. E. F. Chand- lee to be inducted; Rev. Arthur Sfs- A•Ir, of llensafl, to penile), and in- duct; Rev. E. S. Pewter, of Varna, to glee the. sermon end address the people; Rer. R. 31. (tale, of Bayfield, to address the minister. Jane 30. Wesley -Wilily church, Clinton --,Flet. ('. 1). W. (lona to be Inducted; Rev. F. K (`ralk, of 0od• erk•A, to pwewMe and induct; Rev. E. A. Ki1Mtt, of Main street, Exeter, to plea the mermen and address the people: Ttev. J. H. Kt/Anton, of James street, Exeter, to address the minister. Jnne 30, McKttlop-Rer. G. E..Mor- roe 10 be Inducted; Rer. A. Gardiner, of Imrklenboro, los preside end induct: Rev. Clayton Moorehou,e, of Rrna- sets, to sire the mersnon and addres UM Omelet Rev. W. P. Lane, of Ssa- 'forth, to addrbis the minister. Jane 30, Rlnevaie--•Rer. A. Robb to be indneted ; Rer. W. A. Finiay, of Wtor.t er, to preside and Induct; Rev. A. M. Grant, of BAgrave, to give the merman and addressee Me people; Rev. G. W. Butt, of Gorvle, to animas the minister. Jnne 30, Centralia--Rer. Robe. N. 9tne t to be tndneted : Rev. John Johnston, of Crwlltnn, 0n precede and w.. (1.t W Oliver. of Myth. to give the sermon sad address the +s.eetass • R Thhe minhtwe were enS rtateed at dinner by the Who et Me BemaRIOS eberer„ . t,a--_ pow ,wroaffeeej! � lli2 • liSh& in. Max. Min. Thurs., June 5 ..p, 42 79 56 Fri., June Id -As 48 81 03 Sat., June 17 ,..,56 48 132 82 :tun., June 18 ... 71 45 79 67 efac , Jarw•]8 r...hBt 56.. . 2(1 _ 83_ Wed., Jour 21 ..,;3JGAi4 83 i ISL EMMBRSO` L%ST WiLL Tae late Dr. A. T. meraon, In his last Will and beta disposed of an estate of ell 15. Of this amount, Sarno $. property, the our benellclar- remainder personal, 1ee were named by the deceased: Mrs. Margaret R. Fletcher. a sister- in-law, who receives $0l0; Myrtle Me- intyre and Iteridee Howarth, who were lett elite each. -anti the brother of the decreed, Thawed Emmerson, of Peterborough wbo rlrver the re- mainder of the .State.. atm The rose and Roomy e/sw held by the (loderlrh Horticulture! Society on Tuesday and \\'edsgkley at this week In Tbommn'e cecina store brought to- gether many beaut/tbil exhibits from the gardens of mgni"ere of the So rtety. The majority of he seventy entries were rosea and peonies, but .other bowers, such the pewter hy- drangea, y- drangea, Mx. p0pl end lily and the ynore nnoommen rlan and lnowr- cella were exhibited. 31r. Fred Bar- ker had on exhibit *hut were believed to be the only d*bHi bleoalw in lain ut -Oda time of year. Tie exhibition wee quite steresafal and the. large number of people who visited it was evidence of the keen interest chit 1. tele n In the worip st the Societe._ After the omnclusion of the 'show Wedn'edny evening the Bowen were distributed among the s46b. The general exhiletlon ell the Hor- ticultural /Society well be liteld August 9th and 10th. AT TIIE HARB The former r;- cw•nme01 drd5e 109. w•hkfi has been -lying Me In the harbor for the Net. ten iters, has been sold by It. mrnere, He North west Dredging Company, to the Mnl- Ilvan Dredging Conepeny of Detroit. A crew ontfttd the bodge end pre- pared It for a trip ;o Detroit, where ibe machinery will be removed and pared in a new hell *bleb was hatlt hi Luluth and I* IOW 06'11* WIT *VII the lake.. The tog Chgmplala, of Sarnia (Captain W. 0. Rete), made the trip to Surma with the dredge on Thursday after fir,' being forced pack to port by the fog, and will re tsirn here for the (terrk•k, pelting up the dredge at Sural+ ma the way to Detroit The steamer 1). 0. llama left 117,- 000 be.le* of wheat at the efeltltor on Thornley kat and refereed on T needal of tine week *1110 a esters for UM 2tern ads Morn ese-e ter. e.- w4heaA t, barley laded bur the 416r. *torah* eaTtetNyy: war. Yr. Russell thlab that fedora eau w.e►.:" ' JP- R- 2 ML. 7118 S.:.I L.tY"vw iFsi :obaeelF deliotl�kaa,aprd. a'.:Aft..lu d lie worked '' M�r�. Russell was born 1n Stanley township, the son of Robert and Mar- lon Smeaton Rumeelt. He moved to Ooderlch township at the age of sev- en and remained there for fifty-one yeas .-4 1s..h 7 Gummed( towa- before he came to Goderl He was drat married to Miss Ellen Weston, of (oderleb townehip. His second wife was Mime "Hannah SwaI- well, formerly of Kincardine town- ship. There are five daughters: Mrs. Albert Skeet, Sween., Man.; lira Harry Stanley, Portage la Prairie; Mre. George Needham, Pinkerton; Mrs. Walter Kaoke, Kinloss, and Mrs. Allen iRobi'rtton, Kincardine, and two sone, Opt R.. of Olamis, and Al- fred, In Alberto'. There are twenty- seven grandchildren, twenty-one great-grandchildren end one great - great -grandchild. SSIA'S FIVE-YEAR PIAN Aekirees by Mies Ston of Oaten to Victoria Ilome and Scheel Club The regular meeting of Vleterla Home and lichen' ChM was held In the kindergarten room of Motoren school ant Thursday evening last. The meeting opened with the singing of "0- Hawada,"- utter which a abort linguine)* seaakm was held. it was an- nounced that the refreshment commit- tee wax eponsoring a .trawberry fes- tival to be ,hold shore, ttttd an he vltntlon wile extended to all those present, and to all friends Interested In home and cebool-.work, to attend. The program was In charge of Mrs. Celsla__ Cutt _and.... committee. The musical numbers consisted of ■ trio, "Song. et Long Ago." by three pret- tily dreamed 11111e girl), Shirley Mare clek, 0..e Bowra and Ruth ttridgs; duet, "iReuben and Darted," by 1 Hope hutch and Jo, k Snell,; it solo by 3tr. 1". it. Player necontpanled by M1.1 Jean l'rlee, and n parasol drill by a number of glrle. The speaker of the evening was MIs. Stone, a member of the staff of Clinton School of s'emmerre_ Miss Stone smoke Interestingly of the five- year plan In Rnsda. 111' towed the history of the Communist movement from the thee of the war. pointing out the wonderful lmprorement made, In some way.. Mut els° emphasising the weigh palette In the program. Id� closing, the speaker urged (het every- one shonhl nae the franehlee Intelll• 1 gently. "The good things," meld Miss Stone, ''haace.enme to us se eerily that we do not appreciate them. 1t we wish to pee our eontery go .head we moat 11 he willing to do our part' In the wnrk, not he content to eft hack and criticise." On motion of Mr. 8tonehonse it hearty vote of thank• watt extended to kiss Atone for her trplend!d ■d dream, whIeh was greatly ,Slaneleferi. ocjal hell -beer was enjoyed, re- w,I=' Wit: Om, m1 N in (*barge, and the "'Mteefin5 wait Meaght to • cloy with the sing 105 et the Retinas) Anfbi Ills Rosi. .CHURCH NOTES ,1' .Ion Army aervlcea will be held "as follows on Sendai beat: 'Directory class, 10 a.m.; boingo e meeting, 11 a.m.; Sunday saboor 2 p.m.; fayewell service, 7 pm. Services at the Baptist church neat Sunday will he conducted by the pas- tor, Bev, W. T. Bunt. Sermon sub- Jetts: 11 a.m., "Thomas, the Doubt- er ;" 7 P.m., "A Noble Christ -honoring Testimony, or the, Model Life." Bible school at 10 a.m. Rev. 1t. (I. MacKay, M.A., of Prince Albert, bask., will preach at the mors - Ing service lu Knox church next Sun- iiaY- The eveutng serigee will he at- tended by the Massone. Lodge ansa Rev. Ile. J. H. Barnett, aeelstant pis greed citapede of the Melanie Ora0I Lodge of Canada, will preset. The June meeting of tt Evestng" Aeel Ilary of North street United" shunt *111 be held on Teatpat' nee at the home of Mrs. D..D.. )1.00n). North street. This N the last meet- ing of the summer, and Mrs. Mooilef asks for a full attendance, as Import- ant business 1. to be considered. At Neth street United church net Sunday tnordug a flower service sail be held and several Mitdres will be baptised. Rev. Geo. T. Watts will bare charge of thle service and also of the evening service, at which hie edbkct will be "The Open Doorway." The meeting of the Men's Club at 10 a.m. w111 be la charge of the merle committee. A meeting of the Artbur Circle will be held In the lecture room of Knox chpreh on Monday ev'enittg, June 'Jfl. A strawberry supper 1s to be served to tee members at 6.30 by Mrs. Rod. Jetsatm's group Atter the supper there will be the regular meeting and Miss Taylor L to be the guest speak- er of the evening. The member* are add to bring their miteboxes for tate special ea►mpaign to this meeting. The messier monthly meeting of the A of Victoria street United church was held at the home of Mrs. Seeley, Paln.erston street, on Thurs- day, June nth Mrs. AUin lad In prayer. The Scripture lassos was read by Mrs. G. Wilson. The sects tart' and treasurer gave splendid re- ports. A towel shower for the church was given by the members Twenty calla were reported. Iter. F. W. Cralk closed the meeting with grayer The hostess served a dainty lunch and a social half -bone was,-esjeyed by all. , MOTEL MJNS`T OPENING Hotel Manna name for the season on 11&1 hteday waif Prospects for the wanes are fairly good. Inqrnieri Cu., Count`r :Council • There Is a good strawberry erop this year and prices are the tomtit for , maty years. ay berries re .5111* were' coal elig Witflt 7Y'16it` 'ir 5e a box. THE RAND HELPS rhe Musical Society band paraded the Square on Saturday night to ad- tertlae the Lions Club concert on Montle p night. Thi..ervke wad air. .mutt'". res ren', fund. A FiNN MORD air. Charles Humber, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Humber of town, re- ewlved nine drat -class honors, some of which were classed A (over 95 per cent.). and three second-clas. honors 1n the recent examinations at McMas- ter University. Mr. Humber is doing pastoral work at Brownsville, Que- bec, for the summer. 1.t U1.17:1), rRDu.ites. Picnic at the Port ►�,� Pienrildon of a Public Park Week; Be Splendid Addition to ' q‘.( Present Attractions The comity council head 1tsr - � ip'gte- os Tuesday .t Port Albert, with a goal atioadance of memberq• ex -mere. herb and their friends. ,w• There la perbt pe no place- h title , 34 ., e.(r. y better Anted by nature "abuts than 1. :the Port," but sees it Do public part or other pall place 1fDere a nntnber of people on pleasure '• beet may assemble fer picnic pure , :.. posed, It la understood that, now - est tai Blue Water ITlgbwae L bee owing teeter known "the Port" may ' es Qypd bandits, be made b nerve ={i . "h a l iegdedetestttue$y in North u'ten ♦-� : 1, and even, " limits the, ;t l e, oo(tst7 *ire DC>t+� il! e rt� • •:14 eeeeesttdD in t7e aeaAW5S' snout*, iE 1It3 : V a veryettractivtf, . �j, a .plendl4 beach easy of icceebash tlee for beating, and wJ*: slylym�r11Mda '' ' r w • - peuditure of moan, It vould 1 re.ort teat wepsie.. alcr+tet0.way, Js.,«` visitors, It le roamed that 11* lar Reeve et rte towneld ' Matbesea, is 60305 Lis 3m.t, to "the Poet" Ito Ila rtgetfal place,' sit in tide he tau lbs tssrty pvdw1U if his colleagues in f!i• 0opafy Tuesday was • very hot day, sell most people wage In no pre• kola r 0*- saor 10 pet out and bnttJ is races sae other exertions, but enjoyed & day quietly fA be 1�hade. Thoga d► string .oseetLtog Wore eidting wept op the M1* and saw a `tB game be- tween clubs of Klytbrtdge and Loch- alsh and ooneldered *madras well rewarded, a. 11 was mid to be flee game. Mr. Thome Steady of Ge`srlen took his motorboat nip to Se Reel ISM tbo.e who wished a boat ride warty tteaeed to a aplendM trip ern the which was on i e tett bebavlor lei the duty and very *elm. Thom who went out were highly deligOMIs and one reeve's wife Bald dirt elle bed always been aftetd of a beat bat after the pigment *:penesee in Mr - Sandy's ease she thought she could enjoy „tap eD pia Old Country this IWaM who anther seat galling nee watehed the ball g:••• sajoyed Mme tonteste lu 10Y1ng bean -bars alae Alla sports a e burins W. C. T. U. OFFICERS At the meeting of the Goderich W.C.T.U, held on Thursday last It The !Moe of Mrs. J. H. Colborne. ofBrers io7.elhe CRwipg .74pr were- t:ltHed foliffIra: President, Miss Maisel Bat e;, cleeipresldent, Mrs. M. W. Howell ; 1 treasurer, Mrs. W. Hcrn ; recording secretary, hrs. Wm. Risers; correee- poncling..secretbry, lint. Geo. John- ston. ' y t ard treas. It was In this orchard field that lyes;."y2Bt'::te' brought out, and ell eiCkeed-`AW5 vld rallidened eFtiy *tali : spreading the doth en she erase` fad , patalnpt the *Cade ant cake and otter eatab4 s. It was u "community touch" that teemed to he appreciated. 'I9tcre were no ace ideate, nor any- thing to mar the perfect day, and all agreed that If Reeve hurdle Mathe• Kon would see that • public park was be had done his duty and to appre- ciate to the full the beauties and ad- vantages of Ashfield's lake port As already elated, the attendance wan goof for so warm a day, nearly all parts of the county being repre- sented. Among those who came the farthest from their homes were Ex - Warden Beavers of Exeter and En - Warden Inglis of Howlck. All told. there were about one hundred present • • riot- • tet • ege r A INSPECTORS PLEASED (Iod erlch had a ckit on Tuesday from In, J. J. Fraser, of Guelph, dia. Oriel m-Ikal officer of health, and Ms _ Allan, of the I'rovinelal sanitary 15 • - speeteee- om.•.e, Toronto. The visitors it . 1• 444 were on • 1Mtr wf lesmeetke• and while_. here knitted Into the civic water sup ply. the Newer system, and the tour- ist comp at Harbor Park. They found everything In gond order ant were greatly pleated with the are range/none made for aecummodatloa at the tourist ramp, for whlclu they left a eertldeate of approval. YOUNG PEOPLE'S PICNIC CHANGE IN 8. A. OMCERS Adjutaat Alice l'de.n of the Salva- tion Arnie, who hell -peen -here for tin- - pasl, year, has received order trans- ferring her to terrt:orlal headquatt- ers at Toronto, wltlle Lieutenant Mar- garet TTughea, abet of the local come ngand,., goes to eotlbngworel. They wilt bre succeeded herd by Captain and ]ire. Sim, who come from Food Wind - ser. The change le 4o take effect Ere 29tli, and a Nowell service will he held at the citadel bere an Run (ley esenIng next et 7 o'clock. TWENTI'-FIVE PEARS AGO The ljtinton New.-Iteeonl, width has a*. reprinting Items frown Its old file*, hese week had the foilnwhug from iia 1,1.11e of. June Pith, 1905: "Mr. Harry S.Ik.dl. reeve 5f God-- eri.iu township, enters upon Ida thlr- ty-11rat year today, Mil he would pass for twenty -fire In any 00mpany. ile la Nue yo nngueeloroking, If not the yonf5r.t men, ever to be sleeted te the reeeoemhlp of then towsehlp, Mut the shortage of years, If we may put It that way, le' not these days cmc aldered a hardship Reeve If•1ke44 la tactful and enereetle fed At 1111R of writing nnn arrled." As a matter of arithmetic, that wan twenty-nre years( ago; but, as the paragraph we have quoted sng- geeta Harry has nerve allowed the pouting of the years M trouble him and he is .till youthful In Appearance. The peragr.ph from the Clinton pe - per Intimate+ that at that time he wee unmarried: tint we happen to kik)* that he wail epeending a gold .twill o/ ble time that annener In the mmpany of a AN mon( tiowleeteb gAi, liete's'elerePoseser, lage 1 . 5ewe•� ill111 "4atireet ran seems another Inte,.SMting pan- 1 'rebel .h01rt the tame ye•)1g mus. Large Gathering from Huron Presby- tery at 3leoesetung Park Over 1511 young people from various parts of Iluron Presbytery Attended tile_ annual .picnic of the Young fiopte'€tloteetieeet-the pnitedenurc► held *t 3lc.esetung Perk on Saturday. The weetIter was Ideal and an Inter- esting afternoon was enjoyed. A glria' aofibitli gam* played beu twe'en the Outwit) ((erect churr•h team of Clinton end a picked foam from thole present resulted In a win for the former by the amt* of 21 to 8. Thar boy.' gime b*wreu sicked teams re- preeniting the north 'and 'bath Me. time of the 1'reahytrry resulted' le a win leer the north by 7 to 0. Firm tenni* partlelpeted in the tugs of -war, the whine/re being the teeing captained by Percy Sheetdown, of (tnlerfeh, and Howard Quaid, of Peet Albert. , Tn the poll by three teems Me Quaid'% teem was rietorios.. Mr. H. Storey, of Antoine mask. of Mire hearty croperatton Ow In that preparation of the picnic and Rer. 0- W. itutt, of (torr*. alar apnke brlety. in a hearty sing-.eng led by Rev. Mr. Brett, Fred Alexander, of Tetes- PO, played the aevvn.pwnimrnt Witt Ides ,rm.erklna. Thi* talented maab ho, who hs* given miry enn orfs la the States and olio Mr also bah heard at (531....n.t et lama flail. 'Oneonta aim piayvd sev0e1 .010 .50- ..(I.. with* wen well rerensst .t Meek t ' ! g"awct and- fee u _ .. -lass. aathertnt d jOg *teal Day pa esyleg eliMMONIs.11ll `s e; w 4 prayer by Bev. L W. OW. •