HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-06-10, Page 16s,0,..,.,t o .fit to � a•,r r tJfN N ,n#x,m ,►, .. . 16.-x! ►w Sautlral , Wolikod ','woo to ".9g1, 1. Articles ter sale 17. Auctlop Sides 2. Mobile 0 .18. Services avallirble 3. Miklos for .rpt 19. ' Notice to creditors 4. Mich' wted . ` 20. 2Pithlie'settees 5. Cars, tai for sale -21. Personal ,d. Pats 22. %ort and found 7. lad estate, for side : 123..Ilnacellanions 8. Read. e.tite 'wanted • 1 24. Bir enlartonItlen 9. Accoaameidat est' tat, 25., To give away 10. Wanted to vent � 126. Births,, 11. Ream , and: board 27. Deaths 12. `Help wantad 28. Engagements. 13. Wa nteet [general] 29. Marri gen 14. Employment wanted 30. I ' Meniorlam.. 15. Tinder 31. Cards of thanks 16. Ma ages r 32. Co** events' ATTENTION FARMEYSr A. Far . rile B. Canton work C. IVatnted D. Livestock E. Farm services F. For, rent •. Dead*.Mondi 5 f1.111 Adr; can't he aceepted aper S p.in. Monday for that Week's: paper. •;Iq . WORD 'CLASSIFIED' IATES* 42.50 mho./21 words; Coming Events 52.75 min./21 words, 12e 'I word': t e:Matfter.. Iu Memoriam •x.30 min. pias; •30c .per rhymed IMO of verse. "Carr of Thanks:52.50 tots./25 words, Sc a word thereafter. • aro are .i.. d..e aro a rm ammo tam ors - 1. Articles for• sale ORDER ART AND CRAFT Supplies in : the comfortof home. Send for free cata- logue. atalogue'. ' Introductory offer. Crochet Causation Kit, mak- es 4. Send $4.98 to Langcraft Ltd., 47 .Main Street, Georgetown, Ont. L7G 3G2. CANOES:. blue, hole 16' O.C.A. Royalex white -water boat, .have red, green, black, yellow, new. Pick up for 5725 each. Call (613) 628- 2991. Don, Wally, : Peter. -23nx URINE -ERASE Saves Carp- ets! Gu trantees removal dog; cat, human urine 'tains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario NSY 4X8. -"fix 40x60 BARN FOR SALE, to be removed; A.C. 60 . pull type combine, in working condition, needs canvas. Phone 529.7288. -23,24x ENTERPRISE wood and coal stove. with water reservoir, in very good .shape,. Phone 529-7777. -23,24 STEEL FARM INDUSTRIAL buildings left over from winter. Farm Show, Toronto, 3 sizes selling for balance owing. First come first serv- ed. Dennis Allossery (519) 627-6956 or 1 - 800 - 268 - 4840.---23nx 30" MOFFAT RANGE, like new condition, A-1 waking condition. 5150.00 or best offer. Phone 528-3812 after 6 p.m. -23x . JAYCO -insulated truck top- per, full tailgate and walk in door. Phone 528-3812 after 6 p.m. --^23x • FOR SALE OR RENT - Jayco hard top travel trailer, good shape, new licence, fridge and cupboards, sleeps 6. Phone 528.3812. after 6 p.m. --23x 1. Articles for sale' • am, Mia am" isle ......'''vii'i r maw • PORTABLE Electrohome B &V T.V, in good condition. Phone 528-2445: -23 ONE PANELLED CAP for t/! ton. Phone 395-2940. -23 DO YOUWANT A QUALITY, attractively pric- ed Canadian built organ. with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of organs. Contact Don's Organ and 'Hi Fi, 724 Queen Street. Kincardine, 396-3546. Your Hammond Organ Sales and Service Dealer. Also, organ lessons available.--11eow FENCERS SALES and ser. vice. Yours built to your specifications if you wish. Alvin Beuerman, R. # .1, Dublin, 345.2306. -19.41eow TRY C. & C. FURNITURE, new and used. Dial . Goder- ich, 524-7231. -140tf • ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, seeding and sod- ding, lockstoneand timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow, 529-7247. -17-24 TOP SOIL. Phone , Lloyd Whytock evenings, 528-2006. -16tfar PIANO for sale, reasonably god condition. Phone 528- 2546. -22,23 CALCULATOR SALE . $15.95 to $24.95 Metric $22.95 Greer T.V. and Electric; 528- 3112. -22tfar HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR. HOME? • THEN TRY A • DEHUMIDIP'IER From Geer TS. & Electric Lucknow. Phone 528-3112. -22tfar HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? 1',' Article for sale, LOW, LOW PRICES on new and used Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel trailers, used motor homes, truck campers and caps for .all trucks, minks, , parts .,and accessor- ies hardtop rentals. Morrys Trailer Sales, Highway 4, between Hanover and Walk- erton, 364.3748. -15tf DISHES, ANTIQUES, and used furniture . at Jim .Finni- gan's place; across from the car ,wash. Phone 528.3602.. Open Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, nine to nine.-,-13tf Cedar Pose For Soh r., 7r: , .50:ea. Anchors - $8.00 ea. Brae* ;Posts.. 52.00 ea.: WOnliod. to B11y Hardwood Bush Phone 395-5305 after 6 p.m. or. 96-4746 on weekend USED APPLiANCEi New and Used Appliances at The-Lucknow Appliance Cen- tre, Phione 528.2946.-40tfar DISHES, collectible, anti- ques and used furniture at This and : That Store, Main Street, Lucknow. Phone 528- 3723, Lenore Glenn.-4ltfar BEEF By the Quarters and .Ha es CUSTOM KILLING ,On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specif cations Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S. - MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 395.2470 -40tfar PLANNING .a book or mama script? Even before writing make it a reality with money saving method. Small print- ings (500 plus) are welcome. Contact "Publisher" Horn- ing Mills, Out. LON 130 (519) 925-6035. -22nx - Mils- 4. Articles wanted ▪ ..m ..;M. ... - Mie• silted aim ....r .M. WANTED: Old brick build- ings for wrecking and sal- vage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Dernolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542- 4088; Ontario's largest sup- plier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled 76 wrecking con- tracts in 1980. We paid cash for a few buildings, we demolished some for no charge, and for others we charged a slight fee for our services. Yes, we travel. We have associates/Partners liv- ing and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest appraisals, referenc- es . available, We carry 51,000,000 insure and are. covered by Wor omen's Com- pensation. We eliminate eye- sores in an honest, fast, and efficient manner. -23-52erw .M.rWON VOW MMM, MOO' NM IMO NNW i_ -, 4. Articles wanted USED , SET OF SWINGS and/or slide. Call 395.5710. -23 , USED BATTERIES, from car, truck or tractor (gas or diesel). Will pick up. Phone 529-7517. --21,22,23x M. UMW IMO Mali MINI IWO 5. Cars, trucks for sale mop so. ammo slim aim um. rim Nom Amin imp 1.966. `FORD 3 T with 17' cattle rack, selling as is. Phone 529-7488. w--19ti 1981 SUZUKI TRAIL BIKE 175P.E.,700 kilometers, like hew, ;owner moved west. Phone 395.2745. --23,24 7. Real estate for ' sale' FOR SALE IN LUCKNOW Three bedroom 'home situat- ed on '/4 acre lot, fireplace,. good sized dining and living room; 3 pc. bath, full length glassed in porch. Newly con- structed sundeck, new oil furnace, newly insulated up- per area; 2 car garage with paved drive. Corner of Have- lock and Elgin Streets. Phone 528-2620 anytime. --21,22,23 EASTERN ONTARIO Prop- erty List.: From ' various companies. Mailed monthly. Subscription: 12 issues 512, 6 issues 57.00. To: The Price Property List, Department; ER6, Box 309, Long Sault, Ont. KOC 11'0..-23nx MIN wow nom Miro 9. Ascom. to rent TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Phone 528-2625 or 528-3536. -22tf SIX ROOM Bungalow home with attached garage in Kin - lough, situated on alarge lot. If interested call 881-0292. -23tf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM • apartments in Lucknow, fur- nished . or unfurnished; 2 bedroom apartment in Rip- ley. Phone. 529-7030. -23tfar NEARI RIPLEY, 5 bedroom farm house, ` 5 • appliances, fireplace, oil furnace, carp- eted. Available immediately, barn included. 5225.00 mon- thly plus utilities. Phone 395-2827. -22,23 HOUSE, % mile west of St. Helens. Phone 528=6193. -23,24ar APARTMENT FOR RENT close to downtown Lucknow, 1 bedroom, fridge and stove. Apply in writing to Box 0, c/o Lucknow Sentinel,, Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. -22,23nx HEATED APARTMENT av ailable in Lucknow. Phone 528.3045. 22,23x ,FARM HOUSE for, rent between Lucknow and Rip- ley. Asking 5175.00 per month. Phone 395-2438. --22,23,24 HOUSE FOR RENT, three bedroom, full basement, fire- place, on the Main Street of Ripley. Phone 395.5654., Av- ailable June 15. -22,23 aim wi.,r iii..Mir r e0Or .. 9.: Accent.* to tont HOUSE FOR" RENT on 12th concession of Ashfield Town- ship. Phone 529-7249. -21 24. HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley. For information call 395.5305. - 47tfar SMALL FURNISHED' apart- meat: Phone 528-2174. or 528-3134..-17tf IN TEESWATER one and two bedroom apartments, utilities paid. Call 392-6829. ONE .BEDROOM apartment, stove and frig, heated, good parking, partially .furnished. Phone 528.2113e -19tf FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, all utilities in- cluded. Available June 1. Good' parking. Phone 528- 2113..-.19tf Mum mow elm mom Imo -swim 10. Wanted to rent - alma - TWO OR THREE bedroom. waterfront cottage in Bruce Beach - Point Clark area, July 19 to August 1, for 3 adults. Call 395.5276. -23 'Immo Ems - 12. Help wanted EARN EXTRA INCOME PART TIME AT HOME 1 1 Promote a major depart - j 1 t ment store on a penman- 1 ent or parttime basis. We require a mature person i with telephone or sales ability. Training is provld- ed. Call D.M.S. [416] 441- 1673. ................... ..................i HELP WANTED Ripley -Huron Central School Part -Time Custodian 5 hours per week Duties to commence July 6, 1981. Applicants must be wil- ling to . do shift work if required and . be able to provide medical certifi- cate and proof of satis- factory chest ` x-ray or tuberculin .test. Apply on or before Fri- day, June 19, 1981 using application form which can . be obtained at the school or by writing or telephoning the employer below, The Bruce County Board of Education Box 190, Chesley, Ontario Attr,t Mel P. Widow Telt 363.2014 23ar, .!!!,....r;.nls .. nIW .mr...!!! .... M - 12.. Help 'Wanted The Huron County Board of Education ► REQUIRES OCCASIONAL TEACHERS. to do supply work in. the ► elementaryand seconder) schools during the 1981/ 82 school year. Appropriate applications may be obtained at any elementary or secondary school within Huron County or at the Board of Education office in Clin- ton, Ontario. Interested applicants. should forward the appro- priate application form to P. Gryseels, Personnel 'Relations Administrator, Huron :County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO prior to June 26, 1981. Individuals : presently . ser- ving as. Occasional Teach- ers or individuals . seeking tohave their names, at- tached to the Occasional • Teachers List are asked to indicate their interest. From the information in- dicated on the application form, lists will be prepar- ed and.. circulated to the appropriate principal. D. J. Cochrane Director. D. McDonald Chairman. -23ar HELP WANTED Port Elgin-Saugeen Central School Full-Tiine Custodian 40 hours per week Duties to commence im- mediately. Applicants must be wil- ling to do shift work 'if required and be able to provide medical certific- ate and proof of satis- factory chest . x-ray or tuberculin test. Apply on or before Fri- day, June 19, 1981 using application form which be obtained at the school or by writing to telephoning the employer below. The Bruce County Board of Education Box 190, Chesley, Ontario A ttn: Mel F. Wedow Tel: 363-2014 - -23ar