HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-4-13, Page 8Mir a:> s N:cel THE SIGNAL ' — Easter 4.,�` Cards and Cards for all occasions --AT- - Core's Book Store 1 TOWN T► iT O GODERICH NbTICE All owners and ooaapisrs of premises ars hereby noti- fied that all gae'bags, •Lo., must be removed from their premiss' by Nay 1st, 1933. F. O. WEIL Aseidant 9asMary Inspector. The new regulation requiring a stamp on local cheques of less than $6 will not come Into effect until May be. • • nit ti •;, t .; y£ Men's Leatherette Raincoats In black or brown. An ideal Coat for the rainy days. Sizes 36 to 46. Special price for quick clearance. While >"t they $3.75 Men's Fine Quality Topcoats at greatly reduced prices. In all the new styles and pat- tern& Priced for quick clearance. aZ $7.75 Sizes 34 to 44. M. Robins Ness e.. 119 Pares 1184 Oederleat LUCKNOW LUCKNOW, April 12. -Mach in- terest has been evinced in a pony seen on the streets iters for the last few days wbicb L driven by Mr. Hill or by his daughter, Mrs. Cameron Ile- Donald. oDonald. The pony is known 1n the skew ring as "Argy' and can do a number of tricks and at present is to the p l+S 1 Mr. Hill. Mr. and Less. iToarid greeter tw April 3rd celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. They wars waited upon at their home in the evening by a surprise party and sented with an address and a s11 - flower basket. Mrs. Robert Graham, an old real - of Lacknow, passed away on 30th at the age of eighty - re. She had been a reed - village since 1806, wben with her husband, who to 1922. Survivlag Mrs. R. T. Ston - Mrs. 1t. H. Bur - of Toronto; ✓ Angeles; go, Mrs. I,: Da - 11, at sight dent o abe came predeceased are nine cIIl er, Mrs. F. 1'. 41 rell and Herbert, Mrs. E. W. Pears, o Mrs. J. L. Fails of W, L Alnlay, of Niagara id, of Philadelphia, and home. The W.C.T.U. will meet at the of Mrs. J. H. Oolborne, let. Petri street, on Thursday evening, Apr 20, 1t 7.30 p m. HOMING PIGEON CLUB A meeting of the Homing Pigeon Sob was held on Monday night, when adicers were appointed for the com- ing year and two flying schedules were drawn up, one for old and one for labs birds. The appointed oMcers are: Presi- dent, W. Baker; vice-president, J. Bowman; secretary -treasurer, P. Johnston; basket committee, G. Smith, 1. Johnston, H. Schram, W. Pltblado ; timer, R. Tlchborne. The schedule fpr old birds 1s as follows: May 6 -Sarnia, 80 miles. " 13 -Windsor, 128 miles " 20 -Britton, Mich, 176 miles. " 27 -Montpelier, Ohio, 226 miles. June S -Penn, Indiana, 326 miles. " 17 -Danville. minors, 426 miles. July 1 -Decatur, Illinois, 526 miles. The echednle for young birds: Aug. 3-Parkbill, 40 miles. 12 -Sarnia, 80 miles. " 19 -Windsor, 128 miles. " 26 --Britton, Mich., 176 miles. Sept. 2 -Montpelier, Ohio, 226 miles This club, which joined the union last year, now has fourteen members, eleven of whom will probably enter birds In these contests. Change yourself and fortune will change with you. Easter Millinery To complete your Easter cos- tume, choose one of the new Channel Crown Bailors or a close -fitting Turban or Beret k.Neeluea and Raaeel 1 fully and reaewaably does Godra Gold Stripe Hose in all the Spring shades We Invite glilinl0"nit';; t.l:41. C On Phone 165 SQUARE MEADOW GLADE FARM Baby Chick Special Oa all orders of 500 or over (may be several orders combined) the price on Leghorn Chicks will be 8c for tis batch of April 15th up to the end of lay for all orders is by April 15th. Generous count given. Present low egg prices will discourage many from buy- ing chicks, thus making egg prices higher for next October, November and December. Meadow Glade Chicks are big a0d heakhy- They ere bred acme from se of Ontariq'a best strain. Order now and provide for profitable returns from tarty fall and winter eggs. SMALLER ORDERS -Leghorn, 9 per 100; Bred -t• - lay Barred Rocks, $10 per 100; Three -weeks -old Cock- erels $3.50 per 100. W. HUME CLUTTON Phone 1413 Carlow R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont. Rouse & Bell KINGSTON STREET HAVING taken over the Johnston Garage on Kingston street, we are prepared to give prompt and careful service to motorists. I Expert Repairs on all Makes of Cars - WORK GUARANTEED lee, Shell Gas and 011 Tae New Seated 011 and Sealed Gas R PPWA WILL B P$$QjA Lea of Meel+-414 wae Tiispbeea p • REG. BELT,. S.a Easter Musk Direpl. ONT. `01rUltat NOT= I •a • NORTH STRAIT UNITED OHIIROR SUNDAY, APRIL. 10th, 1� Iaeerlrtg Organ Preluoa•• urrectfon Ibsen"Anthem--'•They SHB Taken Away My Lord" Organ Off,'rtory-"Truhlingelled" ("Spring Song") So10-"1 Am the Fl♦surreetlon" MrsRayutond Physa Organ Pos.tlude--' ugue In D minor" EveningOrgan Prelude-'Ryne Celeste" m Organ Ofrertor ,antIlene" Passion Weck ln'S�'ng, Including: - "Ood do Lo Id the World" Soloist -Miss &hie 140 "Ride Oat aide Oat" / I - Before Pate' ` Olivet to Calvary 1 ''rd. "All in lite April Evening" s;N v * Robertson • >Slha� lisapr is eoopeeta0 to risk 8t Oeeege'a church ea Weibseadsy, June With, to administer the ria et cnadeeeattoa, The Seventh anneal meeting of the Heron Presbyterial Women's Mlieloa- ary tioc)ety of the United ()buret of Canada will be bald in Thames Road United chorea on Tuesday, April T.►_«; 211th. Sauer I At tate Weds Clsb meeting at North Khralf street United church next Sunday morting, Dr. A. T. Emmers9n will give the address. His subject will be "The Walk to Ihnnoaus" lt3l Luke 24 :114-32). The services In Vt.torta street United &arch next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Ora*. Sermon subDeets : U a,>t, "The First Easter Sermon ;" 7 p.a., Easter Memories." Sunday school at i p.a. There will be 'Petal Easter ser- vices at the Baptist church next Sun- day, when Rev. W. T. Bunt will take as his subjects: 11 atm., "The Stene Rolled Away ;" 7 p.a., 'The Resur- reetioa ate the Life" Bible school at 10 a.a. - The Layman's Association of the Deanery of Huron will bold a ban- quet 1n the parr hall of St. Paul's Anglican church, Wingbam, oo Mon- day. April 24th. Rev. Oanon Gould, general secretary of the M,s,0.0.,, win gvprincipal Ony oreisWe 8 o'clock the sacred caritas "Olivet to Calvary" (J. H. Maunder) will be rendered by the choir of St George's Church. The soloists will be Miss Ann Wurtete. L4.-0oL A. T. Sturdy and Messrs. T. Riley and Forbes Mil- ler. The W.M.S. et North street United ebureb will hold the Easter thankoff- ering service on Wednesday. April 19th. at 8 o'clock 1n the lecture room of the church. lentern slides 111ne- tratfng various forma of mission work will be shown. The meeting is open to the pabilc. A joint meeting of the Arthur Circle and W.Y.S. will be held In the lecture room of Knox church on Monday, April 17, at 7.30 p.m. It is the annual tbaakoffering meeting and Dr. Wardlaw Taylor will be the speaker. There will also be special magic by a ladies' quartette. Special services will be held to the Salvation irmy citadel in keeping with the Easter season. Good Friday morning, at 11 o'clock, "Messages from Calvary." Monday. 11 a.m., holiness meeting ; 2 p.m., Sunday school and Sand Tray lemon; 7 p.m, Easter song service entitled, "From Cross to Throne." 'Services at North street United church over the Easter season will be as follows: Good Friday morning, 10.30 a.m., preparatory service at which Rev. D. McMillan, of Dungan- non, will preach ; Sunday, Bev. Gee T. Watts will preach -11 a.m., sermon subject, We Have Seen the Lord r 7 p.m., sermon eubjeet, "He Is Risen." The sacrament of tbe Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the morning ser- vice and new members will be re- sewed. Sunday school at 8 p.m. The evening servlee at the Baptist re--ere--•=,.•.L.•=erg.,.leE: utas !s name 7•FiRA4{,fylttwla4ar . silo. s04}1enea iL gaY.e16' vJ =tae 4 tiniswei36 air. E. Cornish. MIs. Cbeenut's topic was "Memory," and she stressed the thought that 'bee's youth is the best time to store one's memory with good things." Mr. Cornish deplored the .eeisssien-pu4enit-At-woridly planar: lit Pays to Seen Jesus," was snag by Miss Julia Beavers and Mr. Pettit Voris r lien -Dimas Thompson Maunder Yalvary^ _ ,-•. :i' Solo -"11: ReanrrecUon" MIs. "Since by Mao Cams Death" Organ Posti,Ae-"A Song of Joy" KNOX PRI$B OHIIl; * St'NDAY, APRIL kith. 19118 i Handal Stebbins i gliervies '--t Prelude-"Epring Song" Zahn II 215 --"Blessed Morning Whose Met Dewntag-------- - - _- j Kai Carol -'"rue Magdalene" Warne Hymn "Christ the Lord L Blaen Today". Organ -"Song Without Words" Tseeba.kowsky Anthem` -"As pt Began to Dawn' And Sermon -"Glory from the Dee" Env. D. J. Ian Ladies' Qua( Selected ) Mrs. W. P. Saunders, Yrs. (wee.) Lana. Idlsa• 'L Rale&Devell, 41 Mrs H. C. Denier Hymn MB --"Blest Fie a Ed' verlastlag Go r . , Organ PusUude-"A Dubois Rossing Organ Prelmde--"Celebraeali Andante" Hymn 215 -"Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, Hall rajah" Anthea -"Light Eternal" Hymn' 464 -"Jesus, My Lord. Ire God. My Ar Organ,Offertory-"In Springtime' Soprano Solo- ( Selected ) Mrs. Loreentele Sermon -"Tenderness Triumphant" - Rev. D. J. Lane Anthem -"Father, Keep Us In Thy Carr - Sullivan Hymn 538 -"Onward, Christian Soldiers" Organ Postiode-"Fugue" ST. 01010111 aliII1OE • SUNDAY, APRIL 16tk, 1958 Hollis Kinder Marring - - Organ Prelude -"Easter Joy" Hymns -171, 536, 394 Kyrie Eidson } Gloria Tibi Credo Offertory Anthems -"O Saviour of the World" "Hallelujah! Christ Is Rises" Soloist -Miss Olive Tlchborne TeDeuminF Oommunlos-"Tbou Shalt Prepare a Table before Me" The Obeli: Boys Sarum Corda Vi 3 -1 «. Sanctus BenediRos qui Venit l Agnus Del Oioria to Escalate Amen Organ Peetlade-"Hosanna" • Dubois X S. Houser G. B. Davies Sir John Gold Caleb Shaper Jackson G. B. Davies • Pad Wachs Mauer ornTlefeef: • Psalms-Cathedral Psalter 187, 160 MagnlScat-Hymn Book 75 Nunc Diinittis-Hymn Book 106 Credo -Monotone Offertory Anthems -"0 Saviour of the World" tMiatee le Radon" TeDeem toF Amen- Vesper - Organ Poatlnde-"lean Shall Reign" Pamir Battlabill, Humphreys Lord Morniagton James Turle Sir John Goss Caleb amps& Janson 0. B. Davies Johp Gower Geo. Whiting GODERICH TOWNSHIP OODER1CH TOWNSHIP, April 11. -Miss Marguerite Falconer of God- erfch spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fal- coner. Miss Alice Sowerby of Toronto ,pent the week -end visiting at the hogte of her father, Mr. Wm. Sower - by, and with friends at Stretford. We ere sous t+a.11epaft that Miss Emma Powell is very 111. Her many friends wish her ■ speedy recovery. Thr two play* "Neighbors" and "Smoldering Fired" will be presented by the l'nlon Dramatic Society on Wedneadky evening, April 19th. These plays are endorsed by the Ontario Agricultural Society and are well worth seeing. There will be musical selections between the plays. Riverates Lodge Ruebre.-The third and final euchre and dance, un- der the auspices of Rlverston Lodge, LA.L. 145, was held on Wednesday evening o1 teat week, with a good et- tendance. Prises for progressive euchre were won by Miss Rae An- drew, of Goderlch, and Norval Po- cock. Consolation prises were pre- sented to Mf'e. Tho.. Bell and Dick Porter, jr. Refreshments were served in the baserment and everyone en- joyed the dancing to music supplied by Miss Rae Andrew and Mr. Alex. McNevin of Goderfch. Over ten dol- lars was cleared in the evening, thus clearing the debt Incurred In renovat- ing the hall a year ago. union (lie el Netes.-The regular meeting of the Y.P.B. was held In the church on Friday evening, with twen- ty members present and Mr. Herb. Johnston to charge. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn "Jost As 1 Am." The Scriptnre les - con. Psalm 24, was reed reepen.ivey. Rev. F. W. Craft( offered prayer. The 1 topic, "Growing a Nation," wan read by Everett Mcllwain. Mr. (tack then led In a Ruble and hymn emitted which was much enjoyed. The Arne. "Breathe on Me, Breath of God," was sung and the meeting closed with the boned let ion....belt Sunday as appropriate Easter mse$$S wap be given In Union ebnrrh ely the parser, �spsew monde by the choir. Prese . �' .te,A. mitt 41•� ht 1 pee. 'everybody ehaleornt.... April westing of the W.M.01 wilt he held at the house of Mn Rnt,.rt Me• Ilwal., sr., es Wednesday enemies et this week...Eev. r. W Crack se - copied the pulpit of Union church on Sunday and delivered an impressive address on the subject, "The Loneli- ness of Sin," from the text, "He then hating received the sop went imme- diately out, and It was night" (John 13:30). A solo, "I Know My Saviour Cans," was sung by Mr. Craik and was much appreciated.' At the close of the service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. BRIEFS The Ahmeek Chapter, I.0.D.E., will not hold les April meeting. Remember the Maple Leaf Chapter rummage sale, May 5th and 6th. The Goderfcb Township Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Tack Johnston, Britan- nia road, on Thursday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m. "A Wild Flower of the Hills," comedy -drama, will be presented by the Victoria Players nnder the direc- tion of Mrs. J. R. Kutch, In MacKay Hall, on April 20 and 21. The Rebekah Lodge will have a so- cial evening ,after the regular meeting of the lodge next Tuesday evening, April 18th, for members only. Visiting itebelc*hs w111 be welcome. Homemede baking sale, Saturday, April 22nd, under the auspice. of the Young 1 sdlea' Sodality of Bt. Peter's church, Goderich, to be held In the old Newton store, on the Square. Open 11 a.m, TWO BASKBTBAiL GAM Ie search of farther fields to con- quer, the 0.C.1. girls' heakethall team played on Friday list again.t a teem composed mainly of ex-etncients. The school teem had deeklcdly the better of the play, and took an early lead ia. the game, which we. gradual- ly Inertias d until the anal whistle, the score then being 300. The teams: School -Forwardly Marjorie deer, Madeline Naftel, Roth Cerium, Jean Thompson; guards, Rath Mnrney, Effie Jewell, Margaret Emott, Marls La Roegae. Visitors- For'waMa, ilnrothe Roe. Mr, Covens Jewell, Delight Mute; guards, Meth Work. Margaret San - Met' j,'-zanr 1'h COUSIN OF P08TMASTRR OAUt- A press despatch from Victoria, B.C., announced the death there on Monday of John Galt, formerly presi- dent of the Unice Bank et Canada and for many years a leader in the busbies@ and financial lite of Western Canada. Deceased was • cousin of Mr. John Ga11, postmaster of Goder- tch, both being grandsons of John Galt of Canada Company tame. He was born at Montreal, the son of Sir Alexander T. Galt, G,C.M.0., one of the founders of Confederation and • Finance Minister of Canada. For most of his life he was a resident of Winnipeg, where he was connected with various commercial and finan- cial concerns. LEEBURN LEEBURN, April 11. -Mr. Earl Emmons, from near Alla Craig, spent the week -end again in our burg. There must be some attraction here for him. Mr. Benson Horton and his sister Phyllis .pent a few days last week with their uncle and aunt In Ashfield. They returned kerne on Saturday evening. Mr. Benson and Franklin went hack again on Monday for a few days. Mr. Marr Shaw w*. helping itis uncle, Mr. John Patton, at Loyal, cut wood on Monday,' Mr. A. Clutton had a wood bee on Tuesday. Mr. Fred Horton has been helping to split wood at Mr. Marr Shaw's for a few days and also with the drawing out of some hay to Mr. Jas. McManus'. The play, "Brown -eyed Betty," given by Carlow young people at the church here on Marsh 31st, ander the assptces of the Y.P.B., wee well per- formed. The weather was not very favorable and roads not good, so the attendance was not a large as we should have Irked, but those who were present enjoyed the evening, (Forel Netas-•There wee • good enngregatloe at Leehorn chord' last Sunday. The pastor took for ids text the words "Father, forgive them," from the aeconnt of the (7ruetaxims. 1t wan a splendid dleroures..,.Tbe aaerement of the Lora'. 8Uppsr w81 hp administered at the close et the 5-_�- � -•emir A aacood gars'e w.a peered nn T on- E*'Itthe l aw-up hilt the wheel NMI apt. pnr1ed srnpevie► and d• Mateo the fossil" team 411-10. Mar gar* Massa tsea this reisrs► et bola Waft. m-, C.,e. at 11 a.m. AB raembers els( ad- day Mimed firs i$t yet oa account of Mr. Praises in- heakb....Tbe nAlelal bear mooting of the circuit w111 be held at tale enure* os Wednesday et this week. i ry+r^..W'' t e ,-t NE'y•� , r D*B,--,4t MIN adS1 ra boepttal. OodarlcR se 'Amodio, April 11. to Mr, sad Mrs Milian Larder, a sou HAYS. -At tate Privets Pathema Pavilion, Tenon, Tuesday, Apell 110h, to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hays, jr., of Godertch, a son. DAWkSON.--At Burnside, Toronto General Hospital, us Wednesday, April lith, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Her - v«: a.awaea knee L.aella fletn in Uoderich), a daughter (Anne Leona). LAI IkEIIOEiAN JEWELL-ln sweet and loving mem- ory of our only child, Reginald Bur- ton Jewell, who was taken Ill abd died so suddenly three years ago, April 18th, 1930, aged aix and a -half Joint This loving child, so young and fair, Called bene by early doom. Just came to see bow sweet a Sower In Paradise could bloom. It's hard to break the tender chord When love has bound tee heart, 'T1s hard, so hard, to speak the word, Must we forever part.' Dearest Sonny, we have laid thee In thy peaceful grave's embrace, But toy memory we will cherish Till in heaven we meet again. -So sadly mimed by DADDY and MAMMA. WANTED WANTED. -BY RELIABAL6 WO- " MAN with diploma from Practi- cal Nurees' Training School, also a good housekeeper, position witb old -1 erly invalid. Address BOX 16, THE SIGNAL O1710E. CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OPFOR- w TUNITY of expressing, to our neighbors and friends, our sincere ap- preciation of their many kindnesses extended during the Inness of Mn. Price and in oar clue of bereavement. ST. GEORGE PRICE and FAMILI. LoiT OR FOUND LOST. -ON NORTH STREET, A able neckpiece. Finder please leave at SIGNAL OiTIOE. 10ST.-A WHITE COLLIE DOG with blurt martinis. Answers eo name of Sport. Tag number Col- borne 100. Finder please coawunt- ate with EDWARD HARDY, R.R. 5. 'phone Carlow 2806, POMP, remit NOTICE Or A14PLJ0ATi011 GUARDIANSHIP. 1* the Surrogate Court et the Ostta- ty of Huron. la the matter of the goevdiaareile of Mary Helen Kerr, Infant daughter of John Leslie Karr, deceased. Notice is hereby gives that after Swett daft from the date thereof. .1. ^ # Mrs. Helen Kerr, of the village et' Bremseb 1n the county of Hares, w1-' �* i• dew, will sake application to the Surrogate Court of the County ei Huron to be appointed guardlaa et the person and estate of Mary Hetes Kerr, aha infant daughter at Jobe Leslls Kerr, late of the said village of Brussels publisher, wbo died he testate, April 'slat, 1982, without lav- ing appointed a guardian for the led haunt, the said Mn. Helen Kerr being the grandmother of th4 said la- tent. MRS. HELEN KERS by her Solici- tors, HAYS A RAY8. Dated at Ooderich this 6th day et April, A.D. 1915. PIANTIMU4O, RTC. r G, STUD°'° WORW. (cilia I REPAInd, FITC, -L as prepared to do any work 1a thea lines at a moderate price. MID LYNOH, West street, opposite Pest' oats. AUCTIONING THOMAS GUMMY, GODRRICH, LIVE STOCK AND GENIiaAL AUCTIONLER TtIrt ee No. 119 Sales attemd to aaywbere and *very effort made to give estlstacties. Farmers' sale anis dlaenoaoM- ENOINRRRR rOEHEL t CAREY.-CONSULTING Wand Municipal Engineering, Drain- age. rab age, Land Surveying. Masonic Temple Building. °adorns. that. Phone 290. CHART IDIRD AOOOIJrrTANT `RANK P. OIBBS, CHARTERED a Aocoentaat. 102 Ootarto street. Stratford. Phone 1680. Res 1.aed, IRDICCA& M. F. J. IL TOR8TRR, 11 EYE, EAR, NOON, TWROAT Late House Samoan New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assigned FOR SALE OR RiNT at Mooeefald Eye Hospital and oeidse Square Threat Hospital, to oda. itE DOUSE TO RENT. -IF YOU ARE thinking of moving to a warmer, more central house with garage and garden, see M. W. HOWELL. t RALE. -FRAME HOUSE, a ■table and two lots (excenest gar - dem loll), in town of Godericb. Solt - able for elderly couple or retired farmer. Chap for quick ale. Ap- ply BOX 29, STONAL 075108. '0R RENT. -A HOUMR FROM' "Fitlhdsir w Mr4i 'moi! rgjcJ ,apple trees. Two acne^ once. Apply to MEd. SHIELDS. R.R. No. Q Goderlch ; phone 139 Carlow. V,ARM TOR BALE --FORTY ACRES more or len The propertyof the C13,,414.401rait $..., boundary of the town; of good day loans ; large ham and bare. drive sed. workshop, banbose; artesian well (136 feet), the very best .t water ; good fruit truce. Ideal loation, doss to schools and churches For further par- ticulars articulars apply on the premiss or to PEICK or WILL MANTEL AUCTION BALE CLPARING AUCTION RAU Iori tarmac stock and lmplementa of the late George E. Cooper, lot 2, Lake Road concession. Asegeid iewashlp, on - - - MONDAY, APRIL nth at 1 o'clock sharp: Eighteen head of cattle; two horns, hop, hens, implements, hay and grata. Positive)y no . reserve. Terms cash. MRS. GEORGE E. CUOPER, Proprietress GEOR014 H. Ei.DI01T. Auctioneer. ("LEARING AUCTION SALM Or 4ROU'BE FURNISHINGS. Mr. Allen Maxwell will sell by pub- lic italic auction at his home, Nolan street, Ooderleh, on SATURDAY, APRIL 22ed commencing at 1.30 sharp, all the contents of the hove, including: Good white refrigerator; two tr1- cycles and other tore; high chair; several crocks; oak office ehair; one kitchen table, 48 x 34 Inches; Iron- ing board; Edison vlctrola with 100 records; electric piano trope, 200 re- cords; covered hall seat;. two oak rockers; cream dredging table; an- tique round -top black table; one mir- ror. 24 x 40 inehea; Whits bassinette or► wheels; babe bathtub; fernery; verandah boxes; oak bookcase; writ- ing desk; pure omit table, 24 Inches; three reed chairs and table; fumed oak telephone cabin.t; green reed armchair; two green verandah rock- ers; one chair; Axminster rug, 9 x 12 feet; four small mats 12 x ga laches; dinner wagon, mahogany ; oak hall tree; oak hall mirror; six hell run- ners; two square -top walnut tables, 27 and 16 tubes; beautiful brass tender, brass toms sad shovel for grate; one pair brown valour cur- tains; one square walnut table, sine 3S; rents'. and blue breakfast set of one armchair and three retain • and table; ane large flat top oak writing desk ; kitchen work -table with fon, drawers; ng suits of diffee.nt .,._... "tet_fir-�ts- slxtnba nine Pet; etre Mirror, t. llse► lar i aaphdw,e. *Inas lamp; obex en: lr ; etotbsatoves pia, stool, and many other snide* TIMEIMI-Oaeb. OV$My & 90W. Aaetleasera sd Waterloo St. B, atratfsed. Tel. phone 297. At Hotel Bedford. Godericb, from T o'clock co the evenlag of third Mamday of each swath till the following Tamar day at1p.s DRUOLEIS PRACTSf7ON81 CHIROCHIROPRACTOR AND DRUMMER PRACTOR Oodericb, Phone Oil Equipped with detxro-magnetle Whs. Eleetreelia..Meetric .trsatmeata . ...� eitiroprsettn Q ', .-,.tai :";�o.w gittL"grlint2filtetairtaadi--- 4 - to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday end Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. and 7 to 6 p.m Or eosdatfoe may be bad by appolntaeet- A. N. ATKINSON Residence and ogice-Corner eArC-ta a IRJ810 RAYMOND FLEMING PLAYER. A.T.C.M., Organist and Claiming. pf North Street United Church, am .ounces that he is prepared to serape pupils in piano, organ, theory, sad neat Terms on appilc•tios. Eeal- deuce and studio, Newgate Street. IR. H. N. LIVENS, PUPIL OF 1411 as Royal Conservatory, Leipalg, Oes many. Teacher of piano, organ, item'. amid Tama on appllsstioa $HDTOR»•--�- HOTIIL or KNOX CHURCH. • I. 'I Iii LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Rte. Office -Hamilton street, Godwlal Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. DOUGLAS tier sad Solicitor. Office -Hamilton street, Ooderich. Telephone 511 F. 0. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Suceeaaor to J. =Wan. Phos. 97. Offices The Square. Ooderich. FRANK DONNI(ILY, B. A. Berriter, Solicitor, Err. Ocoee-Haalltos Street, Goderteh. Phone 2112. HAYS ! HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors R. C. Hays, LC, sad R. C. Says, AA. Hamilton street, Oodetich Telephone 8S. ERNEST M. LEE, Barrtstar and Soliettor Sun Lte Budding. 441 1.36, and T11 torte streets, Toronto 2. T.lepboe. Mgin 6601. i411U1RANtN LOANS. ETC. licKILLOP MUTUAL rime IN$UR. ▪ ANON 00. -Farm and honed town pro4erty i nerd. Officers -(leo. McCartney, Prim, L R k Besforth ; James Ooanoll7, Via► Pres., Oed.rlet P.O.; Martin A. RMS,. Sm.-Treas.. Stator* P.O. D(r store --A. Bwdssat. UAL NO =. Baaforth ; James $holdk., Walter 1 Wa. Luz, Loatesiere ; Item itiei Rarioek ; O:s. L. aba+rdt. Brodkag mr 7.O.:.2one Palsaae. Broe•testd. Aelraf _W J.1114 Iia. leo IA; Viicylmilidsr; ass S .: amp pt rite farm ...1J tt et Ow swat ��i� snk, Mama; 00.ets OgM► J �AMmrt10111 h 1614 4 414,1y" e 1 411 -�