The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 26cominu; a, M Hilda DeBoer, :daughter of Mr.. Roely deflect ,of R. R. # 2, Teeswater, recently. graduated .from Centrally College of Agricultural Technology in ,a .the Food Service Management pro- • gram. Hilda has accepted a position as Food Service Supervisor at St. John's Convalescent 'Hospital, Toronto.A [Photo by Spillane] Gregory Hackett of :Ashfield Township graduated on ,May, 22, 1981 -from the Ridgetown. College of Agrlepltoral Technology with his diploma in - Agricultural Production and Manage • menu. Greg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hackett: Gerald Jefferson of West . Wawanosh • Township graduated on May 22, 4981 from the Ridgetown 'College of Agri- cultural Tec olegy with his roil* in • Agriculto Production .an `Man- agement« livid Hanna of Kinloss Township graduated on May 22, 1981. from the Ridgetown College of ` Agricultural • Technology -A ;with . his, diploma in • Agricultural Production and`"•Manage- ment. David Is; the .on of Mr. and Mrs. Erneat Hanna. Graduation Steve Howard, son , of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard of R. R. # 7, Lueknow, recently graduated from Centralia College of AOcultural Tech- nology in the Agricultural Business Management pro- gram. Steve plans to return . home to farm. • Births COLLYER - Tim and Dianne (Caslick) Collyer of Clinton are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, .Mer- edith ' Anne, on. Tuesday, May 12, 1981 in Wingham • and District Hospital, a baby sister for Jonathan. 1 Ili.ass+s osegOOssssssssssssisse STOKELY CUT 10 HZ. GREEN BEANS STOKELY CREAM STYLE 10 OZ. CORN. for 2 for FARRELL Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. Farrell (nee Logten- berg) of R. 3, Ripley, are. pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Christina Elaine, weighing 8 lbs., 8 oz.,. at the Kincardine . . and District General Hospital. on May 10, 1981. Proud grandparents ' are Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Farrell, Ripley and Mr. and ,Mrs. Derk Logten- berg, Dungannon. A great granddaughter for Mrs. Ada • Farrell, Ripley, Mrs. Fern de Boer, Lucknow and Mr..and Mrs. Gerritt Logtenberg, Goderich. CiATTEN : Chris and Cathy Chatten (net Lancing) are pleased toannounce the ° arrival of their son, 8 lbs. 1 oz., on Tuesday, May 19, _1981, in Toronto: IRVIN Murray and Eliza- beth are happy to announ e the safe arrival of their fi>t child, Heather Jean, weigh, ing 7 .lbs. 61 oz., at .St. Joseph's. Hospital, London, Ontario, on Friday, May 22, 1081. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs:. Leonard liftable; Lucknow, and Mr. 'and Mrs Russel Irvin, R. R 7,Lucknow, and great 'grand- mother, Mrs. Clara Raynard4.• Lucknow. STOKED HONEY POD 10 OZ. ............................. 2 for w y i.�LtCf .rrnw Vl.yv d.aRna ...,vn.N'.d 6' grn:n And that $ .50/m2•really adds qp. Save over 558.00 on a 3.06m• x 4.57rm room.' And when you buy enough Designer Solarian far a 4.57m x 6.40m room you get $102,00 in cask: , the moreyou buy, the more cash you receive directly • from Armstrong. Here's your chance to really save on all -In patterns and colors of Armstrong's famous (Designer Sotarian.• It's the only no•cwax floor with the rii. hness of Inlaid C'oleirY't . an exclusive process that gives Designer Solarian a unigu.el5, handcrafted look. And Armstrong's extra -durable Mirabond't surface resists scuffs and scratches so it shins without waxing far longer than vinyl no -wax floors. I lorry in now for the savings and details un this offer. Unlit 32m2 per customer. Full details • available at theme participating dealers: • < , "Qlaterialonly 1n' aliation ixtra • r Y1`jG�4W.aN.`?.+y 'tw ff «vf•+' •Y VAN CAMP WITH PORK 10 OZ. BEANS :. .a. . . 2 for REGULAR CUCUMBERS_.. _�.; FRESH 12 OZ. TRAY MUSHROOMS --$1. LETTUCE mstrong SCHNEIDER'S SIDE 500 G. BACONENc5 SCHNEIDER'S COOKED 175 G. BOLI GNA=>UNCHEOI T -MAC & CHEESE ALL BEEP BOLOGNA irsIf or MI 162 Josephine Street WinghOm • ph, 3. 712002 • OPEN SIX DAYS , WE DECKER 6)