The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 22Page 20-Lacknow ',Sentinel, Wedneiday, May 27, 1981 - 3I..,LLi.,. Tfl• IE RENT THROUGH TME ammo upp, limo Imo mos inn 67oi umme - 1. Articles for sale LOW,, LOW PRICES on new and used Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel trailers, • used motor homes, truck campers and caps for r all trucks, repairs, parts andaccessor- ies; hardtop rentals. Morrys Trailer . Sales, Highway • 4, between Hanover and Walk- erton, 364-3748. --15tf DISHES, ANTIQUES, and used furniture at Jim Finni- gan's place; across from the car wash. Phone 528-3602. open Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, nine to nine. ---13tf Cedar Posts Forti-Sale, 5" 7" $3.50 ea. Anchors"- 58.00 ea..� I Brace Posts - $2.00 ea '• Wanted to Buy Hardwood Bush Phone. 385-5305 after 6 p:cm. or 96-4746 on. weekend USED APPLIANCES New ani Used Appliances at The Luclmow Appliance Cen- tre, 'Phone 528-2946. 2.50tfar DISHES, collectible, anti- ques and used furniture at This and That Store, Main Street, Lucknow. Phone 528- 3723, Lenore Glenn.. --41 afar BEEF By the Quarters;and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday. Cut and wrappedlto your specifications Quick Freezink Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW 1. Articles for sale FENCERS SALES and ser- vice. Yours built:. to your specifications if you wish. Alvin.. Beuerman, R. # 1, Dublin, 345-2306. 19-41eow 30 FT. T.V. ANTENNAE for sale, rotor, booster, '$250.00. Phone 528-2926, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. -20,21,22 CHESTERFIELD, and two matching chairs. Suitable for cottage or recreation room. Wooden dining room table and four chairs, in good shape. Phone 524-6230: -21nx. 200 GALLON oil drum in good condition. Phone 528- 3937..-21 USED 22", 3 burner electric range, $39.95; used 22 cu. ft. freezerin good condition. Greer T.V. & Electric, 528- 3112. -21 ar URINE -ERASE sa res carp- ets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from . carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, :Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. N5Y 4X8. -21nx \ DRY IT! SAVE IT! Drying fresh . summer food in an Equi -Flow Dehydrator is the most nutritious and econom- - ical way of preserving. Write now for information on home drying. House By the School Ltd., Box 286, Vineland, Ont., LOR 2CO. Dealer in- quiries invited. -21nx •- Shop 528-3009° Or If No Answer Call 395-24701 -40tfar TRY C. & C. FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goder- ich, 524-723f. -40tf ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, seeding and sod- ding, lockstone and timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow, 529-7247,-17.24 TOP SOIL, Phone Lloyd Whytock evenings, 528-2006. -16tfar • EXOTIC WOODS imported and domestic hard woods - soft woods - veneers, wood- working tools and equip- ment. 2483 Industrial St., Burlington, Ont., L7P 1A6. (416) 335-8066. Closed Mon- days. -21nx 30 YEAR plumbing, heating, air conditioning business. Building may be leased. Office, showroom, workshop, warehouse. $25,000.00 plus inventory. Write Box DDP, Record News, Smiths Falls, Ont. -21nx _ 5. Cars, trucks for sole 1966 FORD '3 'T with 17' cattle rack, , selling as is. Phone 529-7488. -19tf '1977 GMC Y2 TON 305, V8 automatic, P.S. &P.B., good radial tires, radio, dear bum- per, . $3,000.00. Phone 396- 2310. -20,21 • 1976 FORD TORINO, excel, lent condition, 18,000 miles on motor. Will. certify. Phone 395-5230. -21,22 • Iwomoss wimp miosomp 14. Erplo Ment • wanted SUMMER JOB • WANTED for full time, farm work pre- ferred.. Call between 9 and 6, 528-2526.-21ar 15. Tenders -- 7. Real estate for sale - - FOR SALE IN LUCKNOW Three bedroom home situat- ed on '/. acre lot, fireplace,. good sized dining. and living room; 3 pc. bath, full length glassed in porch,. Newly con- structed sundeck, new oil furnace, newly insulated up- per area; 2 car garage with.. paved drive. Corner of, Have- lock and Elgin Streets. Phone 528-2620 anytime. -21,22,23 9. Accom. to rent A TWO BEDROOM and a 5 bedroom cottage at Kintail Beach. Fully furnished: Av- ailable by the ,eek or month, June till Se ember, 5150 and $175 per week. Contact Art Stanley, 528-2392: -21,22 HOUSE FOR RENT on 12th concession of Ashfield Town- ship. Phone 529-7249. -21- 24. TWO.. BEDROOM - apart- ment, electric " heat, 4 pc. bath, Main Street. Available now: Phone 528-3932. -21tf ONE BEDROOM, down-\ stairs, heated apartment; also, bedsitting room, furn- ished. Phone 528-3723. -18tf HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley. For information call 395-5305.-47tfar SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment. Phone 528.2174. or 528-3134. -17tf - TENDERS ; TOWNSHIP OF : WEST WAWANOSH. : - . • :SEALED TENDERS, plainlymarked will be • • received until 5:00 p.m. • TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1981 .: • • by either the road super- • intendant or clerk at the : • municipal office, R. R. 2; : : Lucknow for loading and : hauling approximately. : 35,000 cubic yards pit run : : gravel to Con. Road 4-5, ;. Lots 13 to 18, Township of ; West Wawanosh. ;. TENDERS must be 'sub- ; milted on Township ten- ; der forms available at the ; municipal office and' be :. accompanied by a cert'i- : fied cheque ,for $2,000.00. • 'Lowest or. any tender not :• • necessarily accepted. : • •ll George Humphrey, ; Road Supt:, ; Joan. Armstrong, ; • • Clerk. ; • R. R. 2, Luckpow. ; • 20,21ar • samio _ imp- _. sOn• 18. Services available mom immin IMMO mom aim. mum won Immo =me MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGBING. ROOFING AND SIDING SOFFIT AND FACIA Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Phone 528-3815 --2l tfar 40. Air 41r 411" air 4I INSULATE NOW CHIP pays up to $500.00 of the cost Free Estimates 18. Services available mem low imPoi siPEN iliwk imp mon sum mom =op POLLOCK MUSIC. CENTRE IN RIPLEY Sherlock -Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equip- ment. Reconditioned . pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. F9r piano tuning and repairs call 395-2982. -tfar Adamson Insulation Lucknow Phone, 528-2113 or 528-2526. Fully Insured & Bonded -27tfar AP A AP AP AP 41P o 4, .1•1•111 11111.1M1 IM11110 IM11111. 18. Services available IN. TEESWATER one and two bedroom apartments, utilities paid. Call 392-6829.` -20-23 1979 FORD STEP BUMPER, complete with brackets; My- ers water conditioner. Phone 528-3932. -21 HANDYMEN *Painting •Carpentry •Clean Ups ETC. I PHONE: 524-6892 482-7610 . MARK` DAUPHIN Roofing, Siding Renovations Additions 524-66.98 SANDBLASTING' AND AIR HAMMER WORK l Adamson and Buren Contracting Luclmow or Teeswater 528-2113. 392-6658 -21 ' PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom -Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 -2tfar EXCAVATING and trucking, sand gravel and top soil. Phone. Robert Symes, R. # 5, Lucknow, 528-3047. =15tf 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late John. Bert- ram Ritchie are required to send particulars:. of their claims; duly verified to Mr. John T. Goodall,' Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730, Wingham, Ontario. NOG ' 2WO, onor'\before thea 15th day of June, 1981, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall than have had notice. IN . THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN BERT - RAM RITCHIE, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of 'Huron, . and the. Province of Ontario, Deceas- ed. DATED at Wingham, Ont- ario, this 13th day of May, 1981. WILL BOARD HORSES; rea- sonable rates, nice riding area, close to town. Phone 528-5303. -20-23 RONWIN CONSTRUCTION New homes, cottages, addi- tions,interior and exterior renovations, . cedar decks, roofing. Phone 395-5450. -I8tf RADIATOR REPAIR AND RECORING SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 -19-26 Cebil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING -5tfar • CUSTOM BUTCHERING - Hogs, Cattle, and lambs, Mondays. Reasonable rates. Contact Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. -42tfar GREY ARABIAN STUD ser- vices. Phone 528-5702. ---22x 1976 RAMBLER travel trail- er, fully equipped. Dual axle, sleeps six, excellent condi- tion. Phone Waterloo 1=884- 6140 after 6 p.m. or "528- 2701.-20,21 DAY OLD CHICKS, ducks and goslings. Pho p 524)- 7373. - 29-7373.. _...19-22nx DRUM SET, $100.00. Phone 528-2526.-20ar WESTINGHOUSE STOVE in good condition, Phone 528- 3817. -21 28-3817.-21 Nem mos sem ass rum mem moo dims as mom 4. Articles wanted ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove and frig, heated, good parking, partially furnished. Phone 528-2113. -19tf CONLE'Y CONSTRUCTION Lucknow AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Baliagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395.5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar APARTMENT BUILDINGS wanted. Major corporate cli- ent will purchase apartment buildings , or townhouse groups over 25 suites. Unlim- ited cash available. Contact Whitehall Realty Limited, 100 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario. °M5H 153 (416) 863-0795 USED BATTERIES, car, truck or tractor. Will pick up. Phone 529-7517. -21,22,23x FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, all utilities in - eluded. Available June 1. Good parking. Phone 528- 2113 . 28-2113.. - l9tf Cement Work, Framing; Renovations For free estimates New Phone 395-5526 or 528-3324 JOHN T. GOODALL, Solicitor For the Estate of John Bertram Ritchie. -20,21,22ar 20. Public notices STAMP -POST CARD COLLECTORS Drop in and say hello....at QUEENS BUSH STAMPS, Bruce,County Rd. 1, South of Hwy. 9, in Kinlough, 395- 3545. -20-31 ROOF TARRING, driveway sealing, Phone James Sym - es, 528-3233.--11 tf 5 SPEED UNIVAL man's bike, 26" tires. , Two cute, house trained kittens, to give away to a good hectic. Phone 395.5006. -21,22 Shop:. classified 12, Help wanted LARGE WEEKLY Newspap- er requires advertising man- ager. Good Salary, car allow- ance, excellent company benefits. Please reply in writing to File S.P. Box 451, Oakville, Ontario. L6J 5A8. PART OR FULL TIME earn- ings available in Lucknow area. Preferably 18 years old or over. For interview call 395-3259. -21x COURTNEY'S Sewing Machine SALES fie SERVICE 395-5341 Point Clark R. R. 1, Ripley' NOTICE The 1980 Audited Finan- cial Report of The Huron County Board of Educa- tion is now available. Per- sons interested in receiv- ing a copy should contact: Mr. G. Lamb, Supervisor of Financial Services Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO ,Telephones 482-3496 -2.1ar MACIXN MANUFACTUR- ING LIMITED, phone 395- 3352.. CAR OILING 1'/4 mi north of Amberley, west off 21 highway. Open . Monday till Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Wednes- days. -51 ednes-days.--51 tfeow DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service\' tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. -79tfar BASEBALL, hockey, pro- grams, books, magazines, guides, photos, autographs, autographed sticks, balls, old souvenirs, pennants, etc. Ex- cellent prices paid. Write: 2449 Marlette Ave., Mon- treal, H4B 2E7. -21nx HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ?