The Signal, 1933-4-13, Page 5to
• Thee*iay. April 18th. 19811-6
yeApril II. --Airs.
a er of Dungannon is spending a
sew days with her daughter, Mrs. Al-
bert C{mpbeIL
Mr. Tae Thompson and family
have Moved to the 9th concession of
East Wawanob, Mr. Thompson hav-
ing engaged to work for Mr. Wm.
MIN Mary Wits is spending a
eons* of weak vlOOOPS friends In.
Toronto and her sister, Mrs. Brown,
of Hamilton.
Interesting lantern slides on Africa
were shown at the young people's
ateettsg last Wednesday night by
Rev. Dr. Mortimore.
Spedal Easter services will be held
on Easter Sunday at the Westfield
United church. •
Mrs. Albert Campbell spent a few
days last week In Goderich with her
daughter, MIN Marjorie, who has
been confined to the hospital for sev-
eral weeks. Ws are glad to report
she 1s now making rapid progress.
LONDESBORO, April 12. -Quite a
n umber from here attended tbe sale
•f Mr. John Dingwall, north of Blyth.
ea Tuesday. Despite the rain there
was a good attendance and good
prices were realised. T. Gundry &
Son were the auctioneers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Shebbreett are
- visiting et the bomf of their daugh-
ter. Mrs. Norman Radford, Blyth.
Mr. J. R. Crawford disposed of his
team of horses last week and on Sat-
urday purchased another horse.
Radio listeners were delighted on
Tuesday when the Maple Leaf hock-
ey team woe the third game In the
Stanley (hey -aeries,-- We should lilio{
to see the Maple Leafs win the two
remaining games and bring the cup
to Canada.
The play "Only a Stepchild." which
was to be repeated un Friday night,
was poetponed owing to the bad
weather and roads.
Death of Mrs. Ceekertlse.-The
community was shocked on Tuesday
morning to hear of the death of Mrs.
R. .1. Cockerline. Although she had
been 121 for some time she seemed to
be improving and her Iodden passing
was a shock to her friends. Her fun-
eral w111 take place on Thursday from
the residence of her son Will, at
Blyth. at 2 p.m. Sympathy 1s ex-
tended to the bereaved husband and
Yaw Pegb's Meeting—The Y.P.
S. met In the basement of the church,
James McCrae presiding. A special
collecdoss was taken for the work of
the Y.P.B. of this Presbytery. A vo-
cal duet was given by Mr. J. Pottle
and Mr. M. Holtzhaur, also a violin
duet by Messrs. Grant Snell and
Fraser Thompson. Mrs. Jervis gave
tbe topic. "Growing a Nation." Rev.
Mr. Gardiner gave a talk on 'The
Cross." The meeting closed with the
singing of "Now the Day Is Over," and
all repeating the Mlzpah benediction.
!Wake Lydia E. Plnkham'a
Ona .vtbese be swore was lea ter
w ar.e in the creeks. roma el
household duties? Tee here as One te
b. silt ... you . tired ... *MN
w6.a yet
t�w.thled ars s.Nu s not Neu. There comeat• W
,wv.ett simply wars cwt-
. Lydia r. Ptnkbset's V.e.eaba. dem.
....-.- pend .UI help you. In Irak encs wW
es out or *eery IN wanes who revert,
te w say that they ere besotted by thea
o sedIctoe.
Buy ttle tree . sled watch the droll.ur
Mr. J. W. Trussler
will do your Kodak finishing
in the moist improved style.
Bring your Kodak finishing
to him and have it done by a
Twelve-keer seed* -
Cer. Hammitt°. St. anal tis shears
When the Meat Polka work for you the
ash man need net stop long .t your
house. Ire will know test you have
these happy youngsters inside by the
few aah boles he finds outside. The
Beat Polka are a frugal lot. Ther are
that you have got *very ounce of heat
before the Ree ash 1s given a permit to
pas the grab'. You will tea* snub
Wow to spare idles .Islet
41 MUSTARD Co res NY
Many Fine Animals
at Clinton Show
Annual Spring Event Held Suc-
cessfully Last Week—Lige
of Prise Winners
(IUCTOLk....4.the egrd"k
show held here today under the
auspices of the Huron Central Agri-
cultural Society proved succeedul,
despite rain and the bad condition of
the roads, which prevented some ex-
htbltors and many spectators from
ettetnling. The slumber of entries was
almost as large as In former years,
with a parade of all the horse entries
through the main street, headed by
the Clinton Boys' Baud, while the
Judging took place on the po.tomce
spare. The live .tock Judging con-
test, open to Huron county boys be-
tween the ages of fifteen and twenty,
excited keen competition. Alfred Pat-
terson, Lucknow ; Elgin Nott, Clinton;
Frank Wright, Klppen, and John Pat-
terson, Lueknow, proved the best of
the twenty conte.tants.
Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Provincial
zoologist, gave demonstrations of the
effects of Internal and external para-
sites on live stock. Judges In the
varLoita_-Classes . Were; 'Heavy boreea�
J. M. flan/house, Weston; light
hones, Dr. W. J. R. Fowler. Guelph;
beef cattle, W. A. Douglas, Caledonia.
8rhe Winners
Prize -winners were:
Heavy horses: Clydesdale stallion,
three years mad over, (last and second,
Robert Murdoch, BrueeAeld ; heavy
er;ught. broom three _years and
over, James Scot toe ; William
Urquhart. Mltehdl; T. J. McMichael,
lleaforth; Alex.. Wright. Ernoedeld..,
Filly or gelding three years and over,
first end second, James Scott, Cro-
marty ; William Urquhart, Mitchell.
Filly or gelding,two years and ander
three, Robert Webster, Clinton Stuart
MWHwen, Clinton. Filly or gelding, one
year and under two, William Urqu-
hart, Mitchell: Robert Wright, Sea.
forth. Horse, colt or Ally, under one
Wit Amster Droadfoot. Seaforth•
Stuart McEwen. Clinton. Team in har-
n•ae, James Scott, Cromarty; William
Urquhart, Mitchell. Sweepstakes, Wil -
Ilam Urquhart.
Agrteultural horses -Brood mare,
three years and oyer, Stuart
McEwen, CHnton ; tiY111lam 8.
Broafffoot, Ktppen ; William Pepper.
Seaforth; Alex. Wrietit, Brucefield.
Filly or gelding, three years and over.
R. J. Scott, Cromarty: Fred Roney,
Mitchell; E. J. Glen. Clinton; Charles
Stewart, Londesboro. Filly or geld-
ing.. two years and under three.
Alex. Wright, Brucefield; William Mc-
Ewen, Clinton: Robert Dotg, Seaforth.
Filly or gelding, one year and under
two, first and second, D. Tethering -
ham & Son. Bruceield : third and
fourth, Eldon O'Brien, Clinton. Home,
colt or filly under one year, D. Tether --
Ingham k Son, Brucefield : Stuart Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; D. Fotheringbam,
Brncefietd. Team In harness, R. J.
Scott. Cromarty; Fred Roney, Kit-
chell; Charles Stewart, Londeaboro.
Sweepstakes, A. Wright Brucedeld.
Stallion, standard -bred trottee-Wil-
Ilam Berry, Brueedeld.
Carriage horses In harnese-First
and .scrod, A. B. Weber, Kitchener;
Reuben Grigg, Clinton.
Roadater in harness -1 and 2, A. B.
Weber. Kltcbeoer; Robert McMichael,
$e forth. ,
A. i;. Weber, Kitchener.
Lady drivers ---Mrs. A. B. Weber,
Sweepstakes -A. B. Weber, Kitch-
CREWE Premier
CREWE, April 12. -Mr. and Mrs.
Ben. Comfort and .on Ennis, of St.
Oathertnes, spent a few days at the
home 01 her mother, Mrs. J.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. was hold at the home of Mrs.
Shackleton on Thursday afternoon,
with au attendance of thlrteea Mims
Susan Kilpatrick had charge of the
meeting. Reading were gives by
Mrs. Shackleton, nils. einerwooa and
Miss Mattock. Mrs Watt gave a
chapter In the study book and also
rendered a solo. The meeting closed
with the singing of a hymn. Lunch
was served and a social half-hour
A number of people from tits com-
munity attended the funeral of the
late Mr. Samuel Sherwood near Lanes
on Sunday.
Rev. D. McMillan of Dungapuon
has been calling In the neighborhood
this week.
MIN Frances Crosier, who spent
last week at home with a tad cola
has returned to Lucknow H gin
01 Dederick to Present a New Ppty,
"A Wild Flower of the Hills"
If you attended the play "Just a
Stepchild," you will want to see the
interesting play, "A Wild Flower of
the Hills," to be presented by the
Victoria &lagers, under the direction
of Mrs. J. E. Kutch, in McKay Hail,
Thursday, April 20th, and Friday,
April 21st, at 8 p.m.
A full evening program for the
family at the right price. Tickets--
Adulta 36c, children 20c.
. (Continued fr
In farther discus
page 1)
of the rail-
way b411 In committalon Friday, A.
A. Heaps, Labor, Win '• proposed
that a board of three ba t up to ad-
jadieate on cosapenaatlo tge,,
employers put ten ur
through pooling of ser by the
two railways under the s of the
b111. John U. MacNlcol, conserva-
tive, Toronto Northwest, P esiding as
chairman of the committee, rows Mr.
Heaps' motion out of order sit* it to_
volved, he said, expenditure os
mosey, whereas such proposal
originate only with the Gayer
Mr. Heaps appealed Mr. Mac
ruling, but the ruling was upb
49 to 21 rotes, largely on tetra ,t
party line.. Discussion of this bt
in committee stage is far from cos'
'itis Sweepstakes B
The Senate during the week anal-
ly parsed the sweepstakes bill intro-
duced by Senator A. D, MacRae of
Vancouver, the vote bele/ al to 94.
Among those opposing the bill, which
would permit only one sweep In each
Province annually and that for hospi-
tal parpoees only, were Senator
Meighen, Senator Raoul Dandurand.
Liberal leadeer- M/.-- Bees - George P.
Graham, Senator Oalrine Wilson, sole
woman Senator, and many other Lib-
eral Senators. The bin has been in-
troduced in the Commons, but was
talked out In the brief hour for pri-
vate bills Friday evening. It is gen-
u t.
orally conceded that bill W
small chance et psiel.g-'-the QM
Federal Government advances W
the Provinces since 1931 to March p'
last have been considerable, us fol-
iow d : Saska tehewan, eighteen mil-
lions; Mauituba, eight millions; Al -
belie, six millions, and British Ool-
uurbia, over thrceand a half million
Saskatchewan's share does nut in-
clude drought relief. which was a
special sneer a� _ mouton
n wild{lion, O� Bary and Edmonton
each received i2150tioo iu kraus.
Interest Fate Has Risen
The Dominion pays an average of
4.97 per cent. on its funded debt.
which In 1932 stood at 42.379,231".T24,
R. H. Coats, Dominion statistician,
informed the special committee study-
ing Interest and debt problems this
pelt week. In 1915, when the
funded debt was :280,869,087, the av-
erage Interest rate was 3.43 per cent..
since which time it has steadily risen.
Parliament adjourns Thursday
night for a short er receu until
Ph. follows ay afternoon. The
Canada Shipping Bill.
an other legislation, may be dropped
for this wssion, In order to get
through; otherwise the sesstea would
run on indefinitely. possibly until
nearly June 1.
Premier to VWt Weahisglea
It 1. considered certain heat that
Premier Bennett will go to Washing-
ton privately when Prime Minister
Ramsay MacDoileld 111 -there, while'
Premier Bennett announced today he
will go to Washington et President
Roosevelt's invitation to dlaeu.e with
him world economic affairs. How-
ever, no definite date has been set for
either visit as yet.
.Toiletries. for aster Wit,.
Helena Rubenstein, Dubarry,
Barba Gould, Seventeen
Face Powders, Creams, Rouges, Eyebrow Pencils.
-Lipaiticleb, Mascara, etc:
EASTER CANDIES — Laura Secord and Neilson's
In tbe multitude of committers there A man doesn't need moth of a voice
is safety. t0 sing his own praises.
in keeping with present-day trends. -Prices
Model Hats
are greatly reduced, yet without sacrificing
anything of quality of materials, workmanship or design.
Kingston St.
Gsiasboreagk ad Lobos Patter. Hat
Scarves iailtia seee erwefiiry
Miss M. R. MacVicar
General Purpose Horses
Filly or gelding, three years and
over -E. How11l, St. George; 2 and 3,
William Decker, Zurich.
Team in harness--Wllllam Decker,
Zurich; E. Howell, St. George; 1141ton
Truman, Zaftch.
Special prize for best three heavy
draught agricultural or general pur-
pose horses owned In one township -
l. WSUam_Urgnhart. Fullerton town-
ship; 2,; James Scott, Hibbert town-
ship; 8, William McEwen, Stuart Me -
Ewan and E. J. Glen, Stanty town-
Spsidal Prises
Special prise donated by Robert
Murdoch, Brucedeid, limited to entries
fooled dartrg 1900, 1981, and 1932, and
sired by Fared* Again -Ales_ Wright,
Breeetfeld ; William McEwen, Clinton;
D. Fotheringham, Bruceeeld ; 4 and 6,.
Stuart McEwen, Gunton.
Special prise for two animals, draft
or agricultural, two years and under -
Stuart McKean, Clinton; D. Fother-
ieghaw, Braphdeld.
Shorthorns -Bull. two years or
over• Oewtrfcher Bros., Crediton. Ball
under two year', Robert 11. Peck,
Zurich; Oeetriche r Bros., Crediton;
Rny Pepper, Seaforth.
Helfer, two years -Roy Pepper, Sea -
forth; O enricher Bros., Crediton;
heifer, one year, 1 and 2, Oeatrlcber
Moe., Crediton; 8, Robert M. Peck,
!Herefords ---Bell, two years or over
-Howard Wright, Cromarty ; John
McGregor, Hemel; O'Neill Bros., Den -
}lull, nnder two yeerts---O'Neill Brne.,
Denfield; Howard Wright, Cromarty:
John McGregor, Heno'll.
Helfer, two years -O'Neill Bros.,
Helfer, ores year -O'Neill Bees., 1
and 2; Howard Wright, (Namely.
Aweepetakes bull-• .Ottllorn. Aber-
deen Amens or Hereford -Robert ig.
Peck. Zurich.
Market cattle- Mentor baby beef --
Roy Pepper, Seaforth; O'Neill Brea.
1) afield.
Jnnier baby beef O'Neill gree„
Denfield ; Howard Wright, Cromarty;
John McGregor, Ibe aaall ; Roy Fuer.
At this week's IZnament, held
Tuesd'Sung . Park Hesse
3M winnows f
t'hiF, Yt+. errs''gift IZ.r«t:wrr'
(88) ; 2nd. Mn. 1!. O. Ssaees sale
e. Z.a FI otra ). (,I
Beater nasi t
Free Electric Flat Rate Water Heaters
for Every Hydro Home in Ontario
To THE crnzErts of ONTARIO
The PO>irPet . f +.a,Qrs �.ot► "� ,:.. sS
water cart fit no charge t8 t" hi chiisumet." This`
s that an
meanelectric eater comp'lioeiintl accessories—
heating element, thermostat and tank insulation and the necessary wiring—will be installed in any Hydro home in
Ontario where facilities exist absolutely free of all installatioe tact to the enaf or:er All the consumer has to do is to
pay for the current he uses at a new low flat rate. This plan provides for the free installation of "Flat Rate
Water Heaters" only where such electric hot water heaters are not already installed. This offer will be made'
for a limited period of time --the expiry date to be announced later.
will be made and the consumer will pay a nominal monthly charge which may give him emu the ownership
of the heater at the end of a five-year period
Why this offer is made to you .
The Hydto Commission :abatis this offer to the people of Ontario fog two reasons:
To increase consumption of electrical power.
To set to work as many Ontario citizens as possible.
UNUSED POWER. Owing to the present long -continued
depression, resulting in the slackening of industry through-
out the province and the material falling off in the con-
sumption of power by industrial consumers,'the Commission
possesves power capacity which if not used will be lost.
n order to absorb this power the Commission is prepared
to install electric water heaters in all Hydro homes fro opals,
believing that mutual benefits will be conferred on (a) the
miser through free e9uipment and a water heating service
superior in availability, convenience and comfort to any
-., ocher method of water heating ; (b) the Commission
through revenue obtained by the sale of power.
Task will take time -
Despite the fact that this plan has been given many months of study and preparation by the engineering staff
of the Commission it will take time for the factories of the Province to produce all the equipment called for.
Raw materials must be bought—special tools devised—dies cut—machinery installed and even new industries
established, before we can be assured of a steady supply of heaters built to our standards and specifications.
We have already secured the utmost co-operation from electrical; mechanical and allied trades in the Province.
Costs of equipment have been worked to a new low level providing at the same time fair wages to those who
have found employment and a fair return to all those engaged in production.
The Hydro Commission has set itself a task of•considerable magnitude. There are hundreds of thousands of
Hydro homes. Industry and employment are given impetus under the plan. The free installation of electric
water heaters eventually pays for itself in power consumed. The plan will cost you nothing. It will give you
lasting benefits, the first cost of which hu not obligated you for one cent. Every home—every resident—the
whole Province will be benefited, stimulated and emitted.
From time to time the Commission will advertise details of progress. We confidently anticipate your interest
and co-operation in a plan by which all will ptofft. Watch for the next announcement by this Commission. '
Your own Hydro officials will gladly furnish further information.
EMPLOYMENT. The plan of the Commission to install far
electric water heaters in all Ontario Hydro homes will directly
stimulate employment, in addition to benefits to be derived
from economy, convenience and increased comfort in the
home. Orders have already been placed with factories
located in various parts of the Province which have creased
employment for skilled and unskilled labour and resulted in
the purchase of raw materials and the disbursement of
wages. There is scarcely a home in Ontario which will not
be affected beneficially by this plan of free installation of
dearic water heaters.
HON': J. R. COOKE, M.L.A., Chairaaa.
• C. ALFRED MAGUiRE, Csasiuieser.
RT. HON. ARTHUR MEiGHEN, P.C., KC., C+ansius.ser.
sit W. W. POPE, SenWiry. -
_ -i
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