The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-27, Page 16i'. e w 4(4 t e. • 1,,.`s* ,,,aiwk i4r411 .W Q 'A{�� hA: 4'4�taAf':► 1,?; Rei 16- --Lm lausw. %WW1, WetbssedaY, M*y 27, 19.1 yDelores YonOrth . slightly different one than Winters Evenin ''. sun b• You've heard it said, "they played to . a full house". .Last Sunday even- ing, vening, a group of local, humor ous folks "played to a full barn" at "Art's place", just north of Kintail by a few fields. The "Kintail . Comedy Players" as .they call them- selves, held a variety show to raise money for the newly formed Kingsbridge Com- munity School Tennis Club, so all proceeds go for .this purpose. The Sinnett family of De- troit provided music, lights and sound equipment for the, event. They . displayed their many talents as they played throughout theevening prov- iding music for the . various acts. The show was capably emceed by that "Macho Man" himself, Tom Sinnett, assisted by Sheila Nelson. Sheila also directed the show (Why not, Robert Redford does . both?). `Yvonne Sinnett, .one of the "Bush. Street : Swingers", started off the evening with her.. rendition, of "Bottle of Wine", which the crowd reacted towith a thunderous applause. The next act was for the ladies who might have missed their soap . opera. A • • • • • • • • most : would think, but can- . didly done; by the versatile. Shawn Dalton who had really outgrown his tub and rubber ducky, but 'was. aim- ing to please. . Mr. Tom then, ,introduced the next act with' no offense to Doll►. Parton, Betty Lou Dalton sang a Merle Haggert number. At this time in the program, they chose to pro- mote one of the local busin- esses with "Pasture Girl",. Bonnie . Sinnett displaying the "Ashfield Service Centre , Sign". Eileen Wilson was the bothersome old lady and. Tony (portrayed by Tom Sin - nett) having to show his patience and as usual satis= fled his customer. Tony tells us business has been boom- ing ever since and Eileen and Tom proved to be new and. upcoming commercial stars. Jim Sinnett gave a medley of . his favouritesongs, clos- ing with the crowd pleasing, "Mamie". Teto Sinnett and Cathy VanDiepen, the "Bush Street Pickers", sang "Grav- 'el Run", which they wrote and composed themselves, so Nashville could be seeing a lot of these two. Linda: Bowler., as a bar room• maiden, showed her. acting ability doing the ac- tions to the song, "A Cold jscuss insurance 8y meeting The monthly meeting was hel0 on May 11 at Brookside Public School. The meeting opened with the singing of the Junior Farmer song and the reading of last months' minutes. The formal, held. on April 25 it} Lucknow, was . a com- plete success. ,There was a good turnout. The regular meeting place is Brookside Public School and the club decided to build a show case, just inside the entrance, to display plaques and trophies. . Ralph Morrison was choso. en king and Carol Ritchie will be queen. Ralph Morrison gave a report on his trip to Wales. , He found it to :be fun and interesting. Preparations. are beingmade. for .those corning over in the fall from Wales. The Junior Farmer Assoc- iation of Ontario has made a history book about the Junior Farmers since their initiation. to the present. These books , may be obtained from the club. The guest speaker for the meeting was Rod McDon- agh, from .McDonagh Insur- ance Agency, ' Lucknow. His main topic was aufo and farm insurance. • A question and answer period followed. • Purple Grove institute hosts district annual Fi rple Grove Wornen's Institute was hostess for the, Bruce.South District Annual in St. Andrew's United Church, Ripley. 'on Tues., May 19. About, 130 ladies attended. John Paul and Joel Greenwood of Teeswater had a holiday on Monday with Teresa and Tania\Farrell: . Heather Boyle reported home from the far north of Scotland. Mr. . and Mrs. Carl Hemingway of Brussels visited on Sunday with k . Gladys Arnold and Don and Ann eMcCosh. Carl Reynolds of Kit- chener and Evan and Margaret Keith. of South Kinloss visited last week with Donald 'and Sandra lam+ orster and family. Howard and May Thompson, Victor and Wanda Gawley and Don and Anne Mc(osh attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. McTeer (Grace Walsh) in Paisley en Sunday. • The farmers nave been busy on the land as all last week was hot and dry. Mrs. Don Robertson was hostess for the Kinlough Presbyte man WMS meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Happy birthday ;greetings to. Earl Elliott and Robbie Sutton. They were treated to a lamb barbecue on.Sunday. In attendance were John and Joyce Farrell and family, Earl and June Elliott and Ian, Nancy Greenwood and family, Francis and Irene Boyle and Kerry, Mrs. Alberta Farrell of Walkerton, Don and Anne *Cosh and Cecil and Wilma Sutton a nd family, Yvonne Sinnett. We've since dubbed Linda. the "Kintail Stunt Lady". Shawn Dalton then recited "Creation of Sam McGree", and for the :entirity, fooled the crowd as to how .allof a sudden his hands and arms were rather malformed; until he exposed , them to the crowd, as Sheila Nelson came'. out from behind his cloak. . Sheila then introduced "Betty Birdalton" (an un- known) :.as a 'prima donna .doing Swan Lake to the classic piano playing of Patty Sinnett, and as theballerina clodded' across the stage in various leapsand bounds, she beckoned for her dancing partner, a well known Mike Dalton, and as they careened, and swayed, ,. the Ballerina finally leaped from the stage into the waiting .arms of the "Roquette?' who were Pre- paring to come on for the closing.kickline. These beau- ties were made up of "The Blond Fuse" - Art Simpson,, "Too Bit of Fresh" - Mike Dalton, "Rosy Cheeks" Bill Simpson, "Super Shawn n Dal ton" and ."Macho Man" - Toth Shiflett. The. group •was' led on the stage by Poster Girl. Bonnie Sinnett. We've heard since' that the National Ballet is sending agents to. review the "Ittquettes". A new career could be in store , for them, we'll miss you, boys. The. Tennis. Club appreci- ates all, the good sports who took partin the show and the audience who, supported them. The Community School Tennis Playground was offic- ially opened on Saturday afternoon, May 23rd, when it was Blessed by Father Ed Dentinger. Mr. Vince. Young;. representing the Huron- Perth Roman :Catholic School Board spoke on behalf of the re M board. -Betty Lou Dalton, chairman of the Tennis Club, spoke on behalf of the Tennis Club Committee as did Dave Zyluk, Principal , of the school, Clarence Doherty, Who . Was. responsible for pouring the court floor , and 'putting the posts I. was also on hand; and his time provided for this work is certainly appreciated"Dy ev- , eryone. A tournament followed the opening. Those taking part were Diane Van Osch, :Jean. Vogt, Sheila Gunby, Dave Zyluk, . Tom Sinnett and Jim Van Osch. Tom Sinnettwon the *first .place trophy with Jim Van .Osch the runner-up. At this time.•the Tennis Club draw was made. Two glass ' tennis racquets were . won by Bud Culiiton of Kincardine and Derk Logtenberg of Ash- field, . The Tennis Club 'commit- tee consists of chairman, Betty.. Lou ,Dalton, . co=chair- man, Eileen Wilson; other Members,' Sheila, Gunby, Clarice and Bridget Dalton, Paul Frayne and Anita Hog- an. Welcome borne. from; the hospital goes' to Don Fairish, . Who . was hospitalized for three months ` in Wingham and London hospitals. Also' get .well. wishes: go to his Wife, Dorothy, *finis now a • patient in the W Ingham and District Hospital. . Terry and Ann Dalton and Colleen spent Sundayn St.. .Clements with Brian and Patty. White and family and, attended:their.nephew'.s first • Holy Communion, Little Pat rick spent Sunday with An.; tone ,and . Delores Van Osch and 'family. Members ' of the Kings- : • bridge Brownies and. their leader, •Karla Hogan, apent Saturday, May 23rd attend- ing a Brownie Revel (or fun day) at Camp :Klakane, .God- erich. . i se Roundup® to control small atches of milkweed and Canada stle before they become big .pIbleins. Once milkweed and Canada thistle enter your beans or grain crops, they can develop into a serious problem in almost no time at all. But you can control' these tough weeds -- right in the crop - with aspot treatment of Roundup® herbicide by Monsanto. Just spray Roundup in the infested areas when the weeds have reached the proper stage of growth.* Roundup knocks out the weeds right down to the roots - so they won't grow back. And with Roundup, there's no carryover to next'. ear's y crop. So when milkweed and Canada thistle invade your crops, reach for Roundup Nothin works like Roundup. . and control them before they spread into a serious problem. *More than one treatment may be necessary because all milkweed plants do not reach the proper stage of growth at the same time. Also, crop in the treated area will be destroyed. Monsanto Monsanto Canada Ire. 55 Murray Pa tic (toad Winnipeg, Manitoba k3 J2W2 ALWAYS POLLOW THE LABEL (IRECTIONSS FOR ROUNb(Jp* Roundup" is•a reggstered ttadetnark of Monsanto Company, MonsantoCA C m adnaany 1981. ed user. RCN481