HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-4-13, Page 271111P -ner a THE SIGNAL s -mousier. Abel 12t.. *N • shealitotonid fereautasaine i$4$ OODIIIBIOH : CANADA M. .r N Clamaalaa Weal, Neaaap►Nrs Ilaseelselaa Published *my Thursday moealig. Oabser4ptlua price taw per year. ,111 advance. "HZ SIGNAL PRINTING 00., L'14 Telephone a" : uot•riaa, Ort 11. H. RCstrlersort, Xd iso tet • Thursday, April 1Sth, 1938 PREMIER HENRY'S POSITION Premier Henry last week made his (' topg-delayed statement In the Legis- laturein reply to Opposition quer •Y"uu+twos as to the ownership of Ontario * Power Service Corporation (Abitibi) -• • beads parchssed by the Hydro -elec- tric Power Commission of Ontario, or, rather, by the Ontario Government with the approval of the Commission. The Premier himself owned 125.000 eft tllesbonds, end Senator Meighen, a seemlier of the Power Commission, owned 115,000, and both of them are directors of companies which con- trolled large amounts of the same bonds. The Governments purchase saved the holders of the hoods from large losses; but Mr. Henry states that his personal Interest did not In- fluence his judgment In considering the purchase. This Is a matter that must be lett to his own conscience; hut. ss The Wrests Telegram (Con- servative) observe., British tradition "demands that men who hold posi- tions of trust and are handling the people's money must not place them- selves 10 a position where there can be the slightest suspicion that their public acts are influenced by self-in- terest." At any rate, The Telegram holds, "Mr. Henry has committed. in- advertently, no doubt, the unpardon- able political sin. He has been caught In an embarrassing position. He has been put on the defensive, and a political leader who has to spend most of his time on the public plat- form defending or explaining his ac- tions is In au impossible position." Comments In similar strain from ether Conservative journals appear to indicate that the party would like to have Mr. Henry's resignation -bat Mr. Henry is not In a resigning mood. He thinks be has done nothing wrong, and he doesn't see why he should commit hartaari. Influences are at work, however, for Mr. Henry's re- moval that have nothing to do with kis connection with the Abitibi pur- chase. The extreme "wets" In the party want him out, and the impree- don la being spread about that a new leader is needed to save the party in the approaching election. The :e rA, -..Ji... - '•,• •. N• `-moil .Merow growing mistrust of the people with regard to Hydro deals make defeat) • • • j (Milverton Sun) and import trade without taxation. almost certain -unless with a new A dog show in connection with the According to the latest census re- April 30 leader and au appeal to the wet ele- I 1983 fail fair In Goderich That turns it Is revealed that 48.3 per 11Yd4.�.iaogae. Cartier ailed freta cent_ Canadiana live In the rural t the-_attentton of j.1 votgrtcap deep 't mean that the tall tale- ia-go-JSL Mslq_y?aMe._Aa els drat lYlll� 6tatrsrtaS "morn tllt+S mftters long .raL to ;we •wd•- L.�,c41j 't"a intz evl.- "-Re 1.c 1ha i_• .., - t"'p`"y, •leHe -...A.' jv a 4 ` ,a te tee► are coming to the fair. cities .ncl is to fur i'etand b. taken in 1921 showed rural and �' reached Bale de Claalenr July 8; tried on, glace '(Y2, ■ Tennyson (hub. improvement if only appoint- ments to the service were made by a disinterested commission on the merit bads. The red)rmere got their Clvll Service Commis- sion and the merit system from the Union Government, but It has scarcely worked out as Its pro- ponents hoped It would. It has been found that the Commission has not been Infallible la its ap- pointments. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Miulder of Justice, recently die- risaTMd to theMonie the Vo(p . :mission has filled important posi- tions merely on the basis of a written ezamTutton and wlthont interviewing the applicants. There have also been unpleasant die- -)edosures In connection with the 'dilation of applicants tor po- and last year a tarifa- inquiry resulted In the ('ommlaaloo being re - these things have it on the present to a demand for the jurl.dlo n of the en - me presem tired. A throwu dl system, lead the removal tion of the Co tire outside service. Those who favor former system of patronage ea ,east claim that the nen who re- commended to tbt._G''!._ t for appointment were known their iocalities, and that If sppointment proved to be a ha one the party and. the Govern- ment had to assume the respon- unless be changed MI ways he would be compelled ` eat his porridge with out sugar. • • • • Hon. George P. Graham is so per- enlally young 11 spirit that it t hard to think ,ef hies as seventy-four years of age. -.London Free Pres. Yet be has been L public life so long that It would riot surprise one to learn that he was ever eighty. • • • Id 'the opining d -Stu inwatd itoc ley, Fast•Issr wlll;ome to all the Rreat e9uairi6i?�" iairo -MI _ 1Si< her blast ..hires), Germany has its brown shirts -if Sir Oswald is to be believed, cchould;tt Canada be picking out some nice odor for Its Fascist uniform? • The Mail and Empire seems to think that people should. not complain tbs new Fulani tat et two cents a pound on sugar, bemuse 16 1190 sugar coat In thin Province two l! Inge a pound. But surely The all and Empire doesn't wish to Insinuate that the present Government llt�ut ting the country had to the eoadl- (ions of the century before last. • • • ' Isu:etor Meighen is In a new role d bility. This had some effect on in explaining and defending his eon- 3he• 3,iFa_of sae ranumme llel .for __}-ttectvqgi loth the Abtttbt urcilzse. 1t • ee. Under the prevent aywtem would bpm - when. tntereating-if It were pm - when weak appointments are made no one in particular can be sible--to have Senator Meighen's held accountable. opinion 11p05 the position of Hydro The change Indicated 117 the Tele- commissioner ll/elghen ; the Senator's gram correspondent is going on with- biting tongue Codd be depended upon out a word of protest from some to score heavily ups& the Commission - papers that were tialient defenders, sf er. At asy sate; tbs, Senator abesId the Civil Service Uommlaaloa when tell the Comaeiasioner M resign -not,, the King Goversaent vas la office primarily, because of the Abitibi af- and when trii-einoo9Tit 10 seine ■ fait, but because one man should not point against that Government for hold the dual position, and because some alleged departure from the aplr- Hydro should not be linked 10 close - it or letter of the Civil Service Act. ly with politics that a party leader The Act as it exists Is, we believe, should be a member of the Hydro capable of Improvement; but the ne- Commission. Mr. Meighen has bees cessary changes should be made In a vulnerable position ever since openly and In due form. In preference the day when, while still a Hydro to the practice of killing the Act commissioner, he accepted the post of Inch by Inch. Government leader In the Senate at Ottawa. • EDITORIAL NOTES GODERICH, ONT. THE 09 1N. CA Compiled .3 Takes at The Gazette F.J.jI. 15 1542. -The ear 4e Schorr.' ailed from Kocher with three .hips and lea rami on June Nth nOef Jaepues Cartier at St John's, NTUL Rot,err, va Cartier h likewise the twirl was "dl and re Praia' torr 1 bull To is 'say back tram Quebec. gab -.-Mil , Where�j rostered and' where he e his winter quarters. In be explored a tittle, but .ted with the country," reed, with Ms colonists, to in the fall of 1543. (See ful- rente below.) --The first Ieooinotive to be In Canada was completed in nto, but the ptgject did not prove a succesIL__ _ 1003. -The party of Barr colonists 'red at Winnipeg en route 0 Seat - wan. A great deal of suffering ed. a.- the promoters of the had not made proper prepare - u41 they soon left the new ar- rivals t, look out tor themselves. Had 1t bot been for Rev. G. E. Lloyd, who later was Bishop of 8aekatche- wan, they would have been In a ser- ious plight. April 17 i�it� ene� iiudeon -failed" trdrd London in an attempt to discover a northern passage to the south seas, but he was murdered' 1n the sea which bears his name and only a few a his party survived a winter of terrible misery and returned to Englaud In 1811. 1$40. -'The monument on Queens - tin Heights to General Sir Isaac Brock was destroyed by an explosion. On the following day a reward of of 1541. but wrote to the King that he f250 was offered for the capture of might do some other as'rvk'e ""width' the mac who did it, whites resulted "would be pleasing unto him, 1t he so 'desired:" The 18panleh Amtassa- dor to France urged his King. Charles of Spain, to attack Roberval at once, but the trouble was to find him. Is October he was off St. Malo, but did not dare to land, as the French King was angered on account of the rob- beries Roberval (who had been joined by Bidottx. a notorioni pirate) had committed• on Frenchmen and foreigners. in April he 'sailed from La Rochelle with "three tall ships, 'loft persons. as well ss women and "divers gentlemen of quality." He was held back by contrary winds and did not reach Newfoundland till 8th June. when a few days later (`artier arrived on his return to France. One might infer from the narrator's cryp. Ural remark. "Cartier stole privtly.Ural'away and landed at Brittany." thajj_ Cartier was not particularly over- joyed to see his erstwhile eornpanloa at this late date. In 1543 Rabersal was bavit tat France, where he ' met an untimely April 19 end about the year 1561. F. J. N. 1627.-Oardlnal Richelieu signed the charter et the Hundred Asso- _ ALL Q J tiro nmest elates, which wail ratified by the ----- Council of tltate a year later. It stipulated that the Associates .were Caliag sad Paper Answers Question to be "proprietors of Canada; to goo- in the Negative "ern in peace and war; to enjoy the (Collingwotsl Enterprise-BulletinI "whole trade for fifteen years fez- Are all towns gone to bridge! -43- ea.d,.setw) whale fishery) aprd,,,,Thls _questio was j y,p,,e, '•'f4r"rt7de'sr''m-prrge�onty anti -tv :•.•. y ane+...red. M , S, .-et:-' "be permitted to carry on an export hoitently answered. From the matt to our own deek we can find proof that in different. in many, of the entailer town. other things occupy the time and attention of the people. They are winging "Sweet Adeline" again ID the U.B. • • Reuther probe. for *aster: A gge_liy, ter spring finery, or carr ear Aril 'drawers. • • • Mr. Bennett holds that everybody should pay taxes -and he's jolly well seeing that everybody does. • • • Notice bow big and fat the robins are this spring? Poor little things, they don't kpow anything about the depression. • • • Judging from advance reports from Ottawa, the redistribution of sats pantie jigsaw puzzle. NOT ALL NAZiS (London Advertiser) All Germane in Germany ire not Nazis. and outside of Germany nearly all people of Teutonic descent deplore what le happening In the Fatherland. $Stier did not even poll a majority ter the recent election. His suicidal policy cannot he Imposed for a long period on 80,000,000 people. -viz" ARE IMPORTANT (Cheeley Enterprise) The Hon. 111. H. Stevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce. In the course of bis budget sweet) referred to the im- portant place in the public lite of the weekly newspapers. He is right. No paid editors to write as their bonuses teal them. The country editor 1s in close touch with public opinion and VOWee. the cot„I,Mtz's real sentim rat` , TREND IS CITYWARD sill together for the new world, Cor tier outattlug six ships at St Jlabo; Roberta' outfitting four at Rouen and Honfieur. Instead o[ starting from a common rendezvous, they were ap- pareatly each to all when ready to the etsu►mer of 1541. ()artier ailed as arranged, but Robeeval delayed ailing till next spring, for reasons explained later. It wan Intended that Cartier should be in command of the expedition until Canada was reached, when Roberval as leader with Jean Franck dm la laocnne as lieutenant -general would assume cum mond on land. In his fleet of six 4bSalk S2arUUat lust "SL_maater 9ilet1. "400 sailors and 20 carpeoters;" he al- so had "ten casks of gold, seven of "silver, and seven quintal. of pearls "and rubies." With Roberval were "300 fighting men with arquebuse., -crossbows, and small shields. In ad- "dttlon there were 20 horses, 20 "cores, 4 bulls, 100 steep, 100 goats "and 10 pigs," as well as 20 plough- men with farm l,mpten enta. in the meanwhile, Charles of Spain, bearing that France was granting licenses for discovery in these new lands over which heelalmed sove- reignty, protested to Francis -of Frame, and ■iso made preparation to attack the French. He sent out two caravels to spy on Cartier:- both, however. returned without any result. Cartier in the meantime had reached Canada, proceeded up the 8t. Law- rcocv, so named by him on the 10th of August (the feast of St. Law- rence), 1=5, and laid up his fleet at Cap Rnulpe.- -0C-Iii. wteter exper=s lences but little is known, but In the spring he set out on his return to France and in June he met Roberval atthe harbor which Is now known n. St. John's. Newfoundland. But what of Roberval In the Inter- val? it appears tbat he experienced some difficulty In getting provisions and supplies, whkh detayed him. He std not follow ("artier 1n the rummer In the capture of one Benjamin Lott, a "renegade Canadian." who was duly punished. The monument was restored In 1850. April 18 179& -Louis 'Roy turned out the first late of the l'pper -Canada Cas- ette, at Newark (now Nlagera), on the first printing press In Upper Canada. The printing press was afterwards removed to York -(Toron- to) when it became the seat of gov- ernment. 1!410. --Perth, Upper Canada, was founded as military settiemeit. At that time there was a warted devel- opment In that district. and the town of Perth la still one of the moat pro's- perous terms of its sIIe 1n Canada. Many of the descendants et the first settlers are atilt on the 'old home - *leads. 1917. -The death took place of Judge Philip Holt of Huron county. He had been judge sine 1902. EASTER __The Festival of Lilies EVERYONE weloomes it u a harbinger of Spring. We oar meet your vanta.in any direction and can deliver year order to any part of the world. We have a fine stock to choose from both in Plants and Cut Flowers. Have *et rsssived a shirred - ' st Imlay livargreses and flowering 3hraM trim depot New 1. the tines to fb sip year home grsusd with the shams. Pham. 105 Geo. Stewart Bruce Street Gedereh, Out. " Plant . `Mill CAMBRIA ROAD FOR d SX, Cetientand Hardwall Plaster - vN RZaIIVZD A OAR OP AYPEOO WI HABiDLI WWII WHIZ AND ALSO MAHE SORNXIII TO ORD88 ' - _ _ _ ALL RANDS OFWILDINGMATERIAL " ALWAYS ON NAND -Phone 388 Geo. Wedbrookillionter. F. C Kalbffleisch, Prop. be enough to tide the party over the forthcoming election. It 1a almost a foregone concluelon that before the voters go to the polls there will be a sew leader, and it le ■ good bet also that "beer and wine" will figure in the party pronouncements. � t• Newest 'Shoe 7 Fashions OUR NEW STRAP -SLIPPERS, OXFORD TIES AND PUMPS thin mason bold the lead is quality and beauty of design. We have the tidiest, nattiest, most wearable line of footwear to be found. EVERYONE CAN BE PLEASED m footwear here. Fine, elegance, and perfection of fit are strong pointe in our fever. All the new loathers and latest styles is .verythiag. ,�ei�. 11/180v l y..�� THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN North side of Square GODERICH There the Prthee Edward county -- �• THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS- SION Under the present Administration at Ottawa the Civil Service Commission is gradually being shorn of power. Authority. for thla statement is the Ottawa correspondent of The Toron- to Telegram (Conservative), who write. lo hla paper: The Civil Service Commission of Canada 1a beginning to have the appearance of a plunked bird. Little by little It Is losing Its au- thority overs Appointment* to the *OR service. A year ago some of the lower grade postmasterehipa were taken away from its juris- diction. Appointments to the new Tariff Board staff and some broaches of the National Revenue Department are made without re- ference to the mil Service Com- mission, and It Is proposed that appointment of teehnieians to the Radio (3ommlaslon'a staff shall also he removed from it. The latest step has been the removal from Its authority of appoint- ments to the penitentiary stags. The diepdsttlon appears to be to gradually divorce the ()ommisslon from the right to nntke senior ap- pointments to the elvll service, while It is permitted to continue to decide whether clerks and stenographers are qualified to serve King still country. Previous to 191e, appointments to the Weide civil servie at Ot- tawa came under a eommisatoner, but all ont.lde appointment's were made by what wail known n. the patronage 'system. Local patron- age tominittees submitted names of peraons for appointment. and the Government did' the appoint- ingin that year, largely through the short. of Hoo. N. W. Rowell, a new Act was panned by Parliament, placing the entire eivfl servile tinder a commission of three -sea. -^ The nett aygtel under which .- eke _ vitt�n n at. ail elmlin ked ..moi.; `�,FA . poe'Vpio%•10' ti '1 r t{f ' yi'art pitons was frequently d'- nunced, especially by reformers. whn claimed th.r. woad M a rant • • • urban populations .boat equally and on August 15 left for Prance. which intermingles with the social divided with 49.5 per cent. In the The quadricentenary of this event.side literature, including poetry, Ma- lt Is reported that a threateningIs to be celebrated in 1984. tory, *ciente. the drama, music and If the present ( letter was sent from Kincardine eco country. 188E -The suggestion by Fir John other kindred subject*, evidently with the depression Prime Minister Bennett. It is under- results in getting some of the people A. Macdonald that the Legislative the approval and assistance of the hack to the land it will no: have (oancil a[ Quebec be abolished was leading citizens, the memMrwhtp of stood Mr. Bennett was warned that been wholly a misfortune. not acted upon and today the Quebec the past winter nomtering upward* of Upper Howe is the sole survivor a one hundred. 1n (►rilllo, a Canadian the legislative councils of the Howie- Club has been in continuous open - fon tion for more than a score of years. April 21 the business men there taking time off once a week to hear an "other fel- UNCIVILIZED 1821. --The Rank of i'pper Canada tow." In the same town a ladies' wtln Incorporated at York (Toronto)- Canadian Club occupies the atten- It commenced bassinet's In 1838, but In flop of the many women who, though the result of the collapse ori active in many other organisations, land boom, It suspended payment , . let an opportunity pas d -1906.-An attempt to destroy the nesting and hearing visitors= Welland Canal was made by some ()Mlle. In Barrie the women carry 0• New York Fenian sympathizers, but • highly anere sful Canadian Club acid by very clever work on the pert of each .essloo hear speakers with a toes. Col. Percy Sherwood three of thea age. The men find their pleasure as were captured and sentenced (0yam K1wania and i.ions' Clutst, both of on for life. _ - which enjoy a good membership. And 1980. -The greater Welland card so the story might go on and tell of was opened to navigation. the Musical Club which fiontrlshed in Apr11 Owen Sound for many years. the Mao- ---An ancient ape. once on a time, , Disliked exceedingly to climb, And so he picked him out a tree - And said. "Now this belongs to me, I have a bunch that monks are mutts, And I can make theta gather nets And bring the hulk of thew, to me. By claiming title to this tree." 'He took a green leaf and a reed And wrote himself a title deed Proclaiming. pompously and slow: "All monkeys by these presorts know." Next morning, when Hie monkeys came To gather ants. he mode his el■Im : "All monkeys oilmen( on this tree Moat bring their gathered nut. to me. Crocking the ams on equal share.: The meat. are mine, the sheik are theirs." "Ry what right?" they cried. maned, Thinking the ape wan surely craned. "By thin," he an.wered, "If you'll read You'll find it is a title deed, Made in precise and formal 'shape Anti sworn before a fellow ape Exactly on the legal plan Used by that wondrous creature, man, In London, Tokio, New York, Glengarry, Kalamazoo and Cork. i'nless my deed is recognised, It provea you quite uncivilized." "But," said one monkey, "you'll agree It was not you who made thin tree." "Nor," said the ape, .Plena and bland, "Does any owner make his land, Yet It ■nd sill of its hereditaments Are his, and figure in the rents." The puzzled monkeys sat shout They o*mid not make the gie.tlon Ont. Plainly by precedent awl law, The ape's p rnecdmre 'showed no flaw And yet. no matter what he mild, The atomaeh Will denied the head. l'p spoke One .prtghtly monkey them "Monkeye are monkcpa. men are men; The ape should try hlti lewd esters On ran, whn may reelect his papers. We don't know deeds; we do know nett, And apite rat 'ends' and '11. and 'era' We know who gntbere. and immesh' 'mu, By monkey practice elan eats 'em. Fici tell the ape and all his finnkeys No mon tricks eon be Plared on ilihrilrefer Thus. *pee .1111 climb to me their food, 1C1iiM1L C;^ ° jr{IsB+.' ir•bltti{i e: yialill$�its `ev ..1.: ' w dlit•�!.i�f11) M3. 1. - And monkeys, all lo 111 -advised, " $tRl at their nubs nnMvlilerd. - F,dmnnd Vance Omsk, In The Square Deal. aalay Club in Chatham, and the Lit- was1757-"fa Compagnie sips Forges" erary and Scientific flub which has authorised by an order -In -conn for over thirty Tears been con - ell to work the iron mines at. St tinned in the rural village of Clarks Maurkc, near 'Three Rivers. TM. bag And these are bit a few. Tlab was the beginsing of iron mining In recital might go on and on, but nnfiict- Oanada. tent ban bees presented and mist to 11427. -'lite town of Galt In Upper fully answer the giwetlon, "Are all the Canada was (banded by WiltLm towns gone to bridge?" They have Dktson. who named It in honor of not Jere Galt. of the Canada Company. • • • CARTi6R-ROBERV'AL VOY- AGE Tim meeting between CArtler and Roberval alluded to In "Canada's Past" ler date of April 18, 1542, towhee an lntereattng chapter in the history of elm early attem to at mlom- Iratlon and erploretlon of Naw France. and new light it thrown on this period by documents discovered eomparattvely recently in Spain and • collated by 11. P. Biggar. D. 1411., chief arehlviet for Canada to Europe. When Columbus returned M Spill! in March. 1498. Pope Alexander VI leered a Mill conferring on Spain the land. of the newly -discovered world. England and France, not recognising the anthorlty of the Pope to temporal affair., sent oma explorers to the new land. And apparently Rp■In made no prnteet at first ('artier wan horn at At. -Malo 14 1461, iot egpsrently tittle is known of Mm 1111 Ie wits forty-three yea of age, when In 1584 he wan In charge Of an expedition in this attics are Pot rrocernal with hie prevII Mored -b.,.. ., f i+.'.. I.` !4f 11. ex peditloe. 11 *AIM _-11116'4F Rohe rval was a*ancisted with him 111 teals, and the infentics wan flat they GENIUS Fond Mother (to daughter) : "What did the editor tell yon when you sub- mitted your poem to him?" Daughter: 'tile wild he eohldn't print it heeanne he wan out of poetry type." -Pet hfinder. A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this eoapoa and sail h with 11 for ■ .h weeks' trial sulaedrtiea to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by ?WI Cdaaaerau games Persuasires Socarr neaten, aa.aaaeh...tta, 0. s. A. Is a yr will ma ted d.lb stool owes ad do ~Id trona I o w wawa .TIS $ wig Tioasorrio IMO 7~ dm* di a 4aMrt . Tad bs , ate arid a teeteen. ane nun oris. GR nae. �wrrrl en,sn's lotorirls. sports. mode. add seadtr t ab. Too 4 tas aid5 sad tM Ohm r.naaa TIN CALL IT 19% =CUM TAX- - • - In aecordance with the recent budget ruling, we are sorry to he forced to add 10% iUacke tax to Toilet Articks---lnelnding Tooth Pastes, Meath Washes, Shaving Creams and Soap, Toilet Soap, Nall Polishes, Bath Salts, etc. Reott'. 9..uldea Rasall 490 urge 190 Yeti Destroyers larves ..91.11 Meth 6ett 150, 410 Dichloride 7Je Saliba iiquid 350 Moth Bstln do. ler Isvrnder Camphor Haled 13e 011. Cedar. bet20. Gum Camphor, Meek 10e. tSr KLEENEX ilsdd's Maw y P1W Reit 1190 150 Reams Toilet Sap 4 Bakes 11e 35e CUTEX MANICURE ITEMS 29c For Corns Free:ewe, 36r for 2*0 FERN -A -MINT A Natural iexatly. Mall for C.nn.ttpa- tton. Dat 20e Gall 35e. Mead's ilestti Mal- tese. Ne. 1 er 2.11,5e Pond's Cream Sae fee tee Russia Oil 1I1 -ea. bottle. NM DiI) AT THE DRUOSTORi�� e W Ie r n Pv e MeritArgitezi if asa'iA"". _ ": 4• '9P at _ i� ea.#__ . • 1 diXtg4e'721 sL-"lR JIiM"