HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-06, Page 16• Boy scou Apr. 25 there was quite a gathering of folks from this area at the Huron Township dump site on the sixth con- cession west in Huron Township. The occasion was a tree planting by the members of the Beavers, Cubs,- Scouts, and Venturers along with their parents and group\leaders, Each boy was to bring along a parent as his, as:,eiant or director. So with 45 members hi the above groups there would be perhaps 45 parents. This would make a planting screw of 90 or more and they made short work of getting the 1500 white pine trees in the ground. They started at nine in the` morning and were finished in one hour. Sim Huber underwent a gall bladder operation in mid-January. Then he and his wife Corinne left in mid- February to recuperate and to vacation in Arizona and California. But upon arrival in Riverside in California.. Sim wound up In Park View Community Hospital there. He underwent another operation, this time for . a kidney They had a five week visit with his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rubien Schnarr. Sim and Corinne arrived back at their " home in Lurgan, down the hill at the. west end of the fourth con- cession in Huron Township on Sat., Apr. 25, a week ago last Saturday. Here Sim will recuperate from this last operation at home. The folks this area:wish•hhn well. It was fortunate for both Cor- inne orinne and Sim that Mr. and Mrs. Schnarr`live within two blocks of the hospital in Riverside, California, Cancer. Canvass Our thanks goes to Mrs. Lloyd Worthington of Ripley who brought around last Saturday • noon, a summary report of the Cancer canvass held during April in Huron Township and Ripley areas. Mr. and ' Mrs. Lloyd Wor- thington were in charge of • the records. Ladiesof both Women's Institutes - the buclenow Sentinel, Wednesday,, May 6, 1981—Page 15 ;gees in Huron Thisweek in Ripley by Ab IWylds Purple Grove W.I. and the Ripley W.I. - went around in their areas "collecting dona- tions. The totals were for Purple Grove .W,I, $255.25 and for Ripley ' W.I. $803.50 for a grand total of $1,058.75 which is $120 more than last year. The Institutes express their thanks to the many canvassers and to the many donors for this response. On the Ontario Livestock report for last week as com- piled in the yards in Toronto and given last Friday in the Wingham news, Ripley drover Allan Coiling was mentioned for shipping top- priced steers for both Elmer Smeltzer and J. S. Robb of the Pine River area. College students home Among the local' college students, two were : noticed'`' - home last week,finished for the year. Doug Peterbaugh, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterbaugh of Ripley, had .. finished his first year at Con- estoga .Community College at Waterloo. Miss.:. Dianne MacKay, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald MacKay.of the Tenth Concession in. Huron Township was hone from .. the Althouse College of Education where she had completed her teacher train- ing course. Next fall Doug Peterbaugh plans to return to Conestoga. College to corn- plete ,the course in photography. , 91stbirthday Gertrude M. Kidney will be pleased to receive her friends at a tea held at Princess Court in • Klima - dine dine on Monday, May llth from 2-4 p.m. to celebrate her 91stbirthday, Visited here Ray Stubbing and Dr. Sylvia Stubbing. of Ottawa stopped off for a visit with the Moores on Gladstone Street in Ripley, on their way home from Arizona and: the WestCoast.; Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Benson of London attended the U.C. luncheon at the St. Andrew's United Church and visited. many of their former Ripley friends. In hospital More ' Ripley folk became hospital , patients over .this past weekend. On Saturday Donnie Fludder entered University . Hospital in Lon- don. On Sunday Mrs. Annie MacKinnon was taken .to Kincardine and District Hospital for care, Then her husband Hamilton went to University Hospital in Lon- don. Both Donnie and Ham are reported to . have spinal problems. On Monday of this week family members went down to London to visit Don- nie. They were his wife Carol, his mother .Mary Fludder, sister. Cathy, and sister Pat (Mrs. Ron Cor- nish). Reflewing friendships Here from his residence in Belmont is Charlie Baker visiting with John; C. and Mary MacDonald and renewing acquaintances with his many friends hi the. area. Charlie worked on several farms in this area back in the thirties and early forties before going to Bel- mont to work for Don and Eta to Wilkie on their dairy farm there. Charlie now lives retired in his apartment in Belmont and makes a yearly spring trip `back to Ripley where folks are glad to see him. Teeter Totters, On Tuesday of last week village foreman Donnie Peterbaugh brought two nice wooden planks and installed them on the teeter•:totter in Gore Park. These replaced the, ones broken in the past couple of weeks by jumping up and down on them and banging the - ends of the planks into the ground. The cost of replacement would be about sixty dollars so please, could these be handled so as to last the. summer? Brent Hodge finished rakingthe grassin the . park and Don Peterbaugh hauled the piles :of debris away in.his truck. Visiting with Evelyn and Jack Johnson last Sunday afternoon were Marion and Jack Lawrie of the 'Tiverton. area and ' Carol Fludder, Tammy and Jason. Brownies tour village After school last Wednes- day afternoon the Brownies made a walking tour of Ripley calling at homes and handing out packages of. flower seeds as their good deeds to the folks. These seeds • the . girls bought upstreet out of their own Brownie funds. Taking part in the project were sixteen Brownies and their leaders, Mrs. June Paquette and 'I Mrs. Gail, Grass both of Ripley. The folks would like to thank the Brownies: and their leaders for this kind act. A surprise 75th birthday party for Gladys Huston was held in Knox Church Sunday School rooms on Saturday afternoon: She . was more than thrilled • with the celebration and received many gifts and cards. It was so nice to have the party kept a big surprise which is often such a hard thing to manage. It's .time to send Mom our FTD: Delight her with the exclusive FTD hand -decorated ceramic bowl filled with beautiful fresh flowers. For ` Morn, it's the best ..hug of all. Quinn's Flow�rs&Gifts Lucknow helpinq you Phone 528-2033 say it right.. Making changes to a watercourse? The wafers of rivers;streams and creeks belong to everyone. Improper use of the watercourses which carry these waters may result in the following? - irrigation and drainage problems for neighbours - destruction of aquatic and wildlife habitat reduced recreational opportunities - erosion and flooding problems Whenever permanently flowing watercourses are to be altered in any wcy including damming, diverting, and channelization, Federal and Provincial laws require that the approval of the Ministry of Naturcil Resources be obtained. As a first step in planning any work on a watercourse, contact us. Our staff will be glad to discuss possible design and layout alter- . natives which wi,ll minimize future problems for you, your neigh- bour and public in general. District Massager, Ministry of Ministry of Natural R.sourc®s, Nlarural R. 'R. 0 5 Winghanm,Ontario Itssourrss • NOG 2W0 . Ontario' L e