HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-05-06, Page 139
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Jan Caesar has returned
following 12 days spent -in -
Florida as part of her course,
Travel and Tourism, at
Louheed College, Kitchener.
. There were • 30 girls, in.. two
vans, who also spent.the 12.
days touring the; points of
interest in Fiorida,
A very successful recep-
tion was held on Saturday
evening at Dungannon hall
for Mr, and Mrs. Jeff Austin,
newlyweds. ,
Howard Culbert is. a pat -
lent in W ingham Hospital
following a heart attack.
Betty (Culbert) and Brad
Lewis of Kitchener, spent the
weekend at the parental
Sympathy is .extendedto..
girl tows.,
British Isles
Recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Don Robertson in -
eluded: Margaret Robert
son; Mrs. Russell Collinsand
Mrs. J. McNab all of
Lucknow; Mr, and Mrrs. Ken
Robertson of Arrnow; Mrs,
BertBreckenridge, Mrs.
Goldie Huston,and Miss.Kel-
ly McGillivray all of : Ripley
and Mr.. and Mrs: Harold
France of Winghan .
Congratulations. and: hapi
py'holiday to Heather' Boyle
*who leaves May 8 for an
eight-week tour . of the
British -Isles. Heather was
awarded the travel .scholar-
ship through „ the Junior
Deanna Scott, Mary Ellen
Rimmelzwaari and Wilma .
Sutton met lastweek to
make arrangements for Pur-
ple Grove's booth at the
Ripley Craft Festival this"
summer. •
Courtney and Susan Nlac-
Donald of London visited on
the weekend with Jack and
Janet Farrell.
Jinn and Fran Farrell
visited. on Sunday withi Mr.
and Mrs. Dark Legtenberg in
Dungannon. .,
Frankie . Dore of London
visited on the weekend with
his parents Don and Mae
Katherine Collins hosted a
Tupperware party with a
number of neighbour ladies
attending one afternoon last
Mr, and Mrs. Don Roberti
son recently attended the
funeral of Mrs Cameron
Hingleman in London.
'Spring seeding operations
are going full tilt in the Pur-
ple Grove area.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
May Armstrong in Wince
and Mr. and Mrs. George
Colwell in Lucknow.
Several from here attend-
ed Norval Stewart's auction
sale on Saturday. •
The Bible study group
met on Tuesday at the.home
of June Elliott, •
Fran Farrel and Annetta
Robinson, leaders.. of the 441
club attended Achievement
night in Ripley on Wednes-
day. -
Howard and Mari Thomp-
son of Ripley spent .a few
days out at the farm with
Bert Thompson.
the families of the late Mrs.
Elizabeth (Black) Petrie, who
passed away on. Friday, May
lst at Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Goderich,
in her 83rd year.
Besides her husband, Wil-
liam Petrie of Goderich, she.
survived by one daughter,
Marina,' Mrs, John Park of
Dungannon and . two sons,
Allan of Goderlch and Ken-
neth of Kincardine, as well
as three sisters and three
brothers, six grandchildren
and one great grandson.
Funeral service was held
from the McCallum Funeral
Home, Goderich on Sunday,
May 3rd. Interment Dungan-
non Cemetery.
At the . Christian. Fellow-
ship Church on Sunday, the
Rockwell Mennonite School
Choir presented 'a 'special
Bertha Olson' and Marie
Park spent Wednesday of.
last week in Walkerton,
where they participated in a
Legion bowling tournament.
The'. other four ladies that
comprised a team were Joan
Robinson; Ida .owald, Eva
Preernan and Tina Gardner,
all of ,Lucknow.
Dungannon United thur►eh
Mr. George Cowan
preached on the topic, As we
Sow so Shall we Reap, on
Sunday, May "3. He :possed
questions to consider:: Are
we, as parents and teachers
or leaders, helping our Child
men to develop in the accept-
ance of a spiritual ,dimension
of life;. an awareness of
others and the need to
respect people . and property,
truth and loyalty, differences
in customs and beliefs; the.
ability to recognize and learn
acceptable lifestyles, values
and morals and to ,grow, in
the ability to apply this
knowledge to their own lives
and to. their actions with . all
nd .
people; an. awareness and
understanding of , social ills
and to better understand the
moral implications of indiv-
idual decision and action
with respect to a solution, for
such problems; the desire to
live: the golden rule of love to
all ;mankind;
The theme of the child-
ren's, time was, Favourite
Brookside &re draat !
By Nancy Camk mel
and Sheila Car pbsll
On, Monday, April : 27 all
the students participated in a
Scavenger Hunt it noon. The
junior wing and.. the senior
wing were each divided into
groups 6
rou .s and'. given a list of
objects to find. The groups
which found most of the.
objectson their list were the
winners. Thisg game 'conclud-
ed. Activity Week at ' Brook-
All classes involved in the
Sppring . Concert are busy
practicing ' for that event
which is on Thursday, May 7.