HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-04-08, Page 21y . 2O. Public notices Any ladies ' interested in playing baseball for the Lucknow Noisy Ladies please phone before April 19, Barb Helm, 529-7628, Pat Boak, 357-1220, or . Arlene Turner 528-3914. Must. be 18 Years of age by the 15thof July. —14,15: NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Ken Voisin with be spraying cattle for wlirble ' fly after April 10, 1981 in ' Kinloss Township. Phone 392-6243. —14ar in= =ma limp Moo "NW mom mom 17. Auction . Sales .1110111 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Fri- day, April 10th, . 10. a.rn. (Sales conducted second Fri- day each month).Approxim- ately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information ' call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. ,Harnulecki & Sons. —14nx Saturday, April 11 11:00°a.m. CLEARING AUCTION SALE for VAN EYL FARM SUPPLY Clifford .. Hwy. 9, '/. mile west of Clifford . Selling by numberl—. Gordon Brindley, Auctioneer —12,13,14 'AUCTION SALE Of furniture 8r effects' of Mrs. M. MacKersie, 45 Alfred St., Wingham & Estate of Perci- val Willie, Wingham, to be held at WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE next to L.C.B.O. Water St. Winghanl, Ontario, on SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 11 a.m. Apt. size chestfreezer, like new; medium chest freezer, as new; 5'//2 corner what- not; console R.C.A. coloured T.V.; console B. & W. T.V.; Kroehler platform rocker; gold colour .recliner; modern china cabinet; small kitchen table w. 2 chairs; 2 pc. Sklar chesterfield, .. very` good; chesterbed, as new; 2 bed- room suites; large gold col- our rug, aprox. 12 x 18'; Westinghouse dryer; wring.-. er washer; 2 basement re- frigerators; vacuum cleaner; 4 kitchen chairs and table; several odd chairs; buffet; 3. cabinets; 2 beds - one.single; dresser; 3 small' tables; elec- tric heater; enamel bread mixing pan; 2 step -on cans: new clock radio; 2 chambers; wash basin; 2 antique coal oil lamps mantel clock; several pieces depression glass; anti- que glass .cheese dish; 3 pieces carnival glass; large quantity glassware - many pieces of interest; several , pictures; large quantity kit- chen utensils; boxes sealers; cutlery chest and contents; wash board: fan; humidifier; card table and chairs; several table lamps; bedding - sheets, quilts, spreads; tow- els; sledge hammer; adz; bellows; .lantern; many other II interesting items. PRE- VIEW: Fri. Apr. 10, 2.5 and 7 - 9 and Sat. prior to sale. LUNCH WAGON Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER Tel. 3574011 —14ar pip. ma. aumie imirnI sow oune Pr.!. wee. 17. Auction Sales ...1, ma. ..s'um ems, _.mum oleo 17.' Auction Se. . Giant 3 Dai bun and Sporting Goods liquidation Sale 150,000 worth of nanie brand merchandise will be liquidated at the :Winghain Sales, Arena, 680 Josephine St., (North end of Wingham) : Wnghgn (ht, on below. mentioned dates &'times Thursday April 9 - 9 .inm. to 9 pink Frrdoy -April 10 - 9 oam. to 9 perm. Saturday . Apr�111 9 o.m. to 6 p.m: . Thus giant sale will conslst of a very One assortment of guns, approximately 300 in all,in various calibres, by leading manufacturers. :Ammunition for rifles, shot - goner,' bullet moulds, . geese and dock decoys, canoe paddles, quantity of bow and arrows, fishing rods and reels by leading manufacturers; hooks, lines, alnkers, tennis rackets, lawn darts, gym shorts, basketballs;` snorkels, N batik packs, camping axes, . skate boards, curling. brooms, game calls, rifle scopes, tackle boxes, minnow buckets, and many more items of interest including lures, etc. P.S. Due to size of this sale we will list the majoritems only: Remington 12 ga. 870 trap gun; Savage 12 ga. pump shot gun; Saw. over and under 12 ga. and 222;. Rein. 700; Ad1' , 222; Parker Hale 30-06; Winchester model 70 308 cel.; Win. model ' 70-A . - 243 col.; Mossberg 12 ga. pump shot gun; Win. 12 ga. 2400; Thompson centre. fire 50 cal. muzzle loader; Remo nylon 66.22 semi auto.; Rem. 760 = 308 cal. pump; Parker, Hale 300 Win. magnum; Ruger 77 - 25 -06 cal.; Ruger #3 45/70 cal.; Ruger #1 30 - 06 Cal.;; Mossberg 22 semi auto; Mossberg 22 bolt action; SKB XL 30012 ga. semi auto; Cooey 16 ga. single shot; Cooey 20 ga. 'single shot; Rem. 788 - 243 cal; Rema 700 classic 270; Rem. 100 12 ga. 3" magnum w/ribbed vent; Rem. 870 3" Magnum rib vent; Ruger 10/22 semi auto 22 cal.; Win. 94 30 - 30 cal.;; Alpine 270 bolt action; ChurchhW 270 bolt action; Ithaca 37.12 ga. pump; Rem. 700 BDL 243; Savage 110=C - 270 bolt action; Say. 99-C model 308 cal.; Savage 99-C, 243 cal.; Mossberg 410 pump; Browning 12 ga. pump vent rib; Tikka 243 bolt action; Browning 12 ga, over and under vent rib; Brota 12 ga. double barrel; Win. 130012 ga. pump; Parker Hale 308 1100 bolt action; 'Mossberg 395 K 26" bolt 12 ga.; Cherokee commerative44.40 cal:; Win. model 70 222 cal:; Parker Hale 270 Super Safari; Savage 170 30-30 pomp; Ruger model 77.270 bolt "action; Rem. 700 ADL 30.06 sal.; Browning lever action 308; Ruger 77 243 bolt action; Miwa 20 ga., over and under; Rem. 870 20 ga. pump; Browning 12 ga. double barrel; Win. 12 ga. over and under; Cooey senna auto rifle; Mossberg 410 bolt shotgun; Rem. 812 12 ga. shot gun; and numerous other shot guns and rifles in . various gauges and calibres. Also agood selection of fishing rods, reels, by leading mfg's. such as Mitchell, Johnston,; Daiwa, Zebco, Berkley„ Eagle Claw, Olympia, South Bend etc: All kinds of fishing lures, nets, leaders, bow and ' arrows, target bows, cross bows, . diving equipment, gyne clothing and hip waders Etc! Etc! Etc! P.S. This is a very One offering of sporting goods and guns. Planto attend this great sale. TERMS CASH, KNOWN CHEQUES, VISA, MASTER CHARGE LOTS OF FREE PARKING WINGHAM SALES ARENA 3574730 iR HO* L Aort b ..... �L mss: MAKE IT A RULE... USE WANT ADS Phone 528.2822 Ammo WA.•111,4*114111.0 t7. Auction Sales Lucknow :Senthxel, Wednesday, *OIL 8, 198.1- --Page 21 ' 17.; Auction $tiles' . 21.. P0000001. • 11/11R1101111 mai art or= Onial:rim Mom SATURDAY, APRIL .18th • 10:00 AM SHARP More conkignments welcome Auctioneer Gordon l#, Brindley, AUCTION SALE Of Modern Faar�mn Machinery for LORNE AND EVELYN HENRY Lot 34, Con. 4, Huron Towship 2 corners north of'Amberley on Hwy. 21 then ' mile' east or 8 miles south of Kincardine then �/2 mile east SATURDAY, APRIL 11, at 12 NOON White 2-85 tractor has radio In cab and only 890 hours • [as new); .David Brown 995 tractor with loader, -chains and 2200 hours; White 7300 combine with cab, pick up and straw chopper [excellent conditionk Kongskilde 10 ft. cultivator; White 40 plate disc wheel Ford 142 semi... mount: 4-16 plow;: Glencoi 16 ft. cultivator with harrow; 12 ft. and packer John Deere 15' runpower lift seed drill;. 2 wheel weed sprayer; Vicon;3 pt.H.,`fertilizer and grass seed p.t.o. spreader; New idea 165 bu,. manure sprinkler [good); 5 section diamond harrows- 'las new] Massey Ferguson 36,10 ft. swather; .New Holland 268 baler; bele 'stobker; stook loader; New Holland side rake on rubber; 2 skeleton bale elevators;. New idea -51 11 ft.; p.t.o. grain auger on wheels; J. M. gravity bin on 10 ton International •wagon; Helm gravity bin. on Martin wagon; Turnco gravity bin on Martin wagon; George White wagon with 16 ft. rack; Denhouser post hole. digger; Helm snow blower; 2 cylinders; • blacksmith forge; blacksmith drill press; cement mixer; tools. Some household items and numerous small articles. THiS ABOVE AVERAGE OFFERING OF MACHINERY WAS ALWAYS STORED INDOORS ^I aA II' FOR INFORMATION PHONE 395-5080 TERMS - CASH Owners or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or losses, day of sale AUCTIONEER: 'BRIAN RINT.OUL —13.14 FRESH PRODUC AND BAKED FOODS This Saturday from 9 a.m.. to 4 p.m. at the Wi�gham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street, North End. Of Wingham Drop in and stock on deimous &esfi Irak and vegetables • potatoes, large selection of apples, oranges, lettuce, cabbage, celery, etc.; fresh home baked bread,. buns, assorted rolls, bulk cookies and more. LOTS OP FREE PARKING SEE YOU ON SATURDAY IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM', 1 in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends' of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881.3113, Goderich 524- 6001: Ask for an Al -Anon number. 45tfnx. HAVING . A DRINKING - PROBLEM' AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support, Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or 432-7197. 40tfar 24.Business Oppor. INTERESTED :IN BECOM- ING A SWIMMING POOL DEALER? There is definitely a need for people like you -in the area. For further :'infor-,. mation please apply in writ- ing . to P.0, Box 8000, Kin- cardine, Ontario. --14.17 APPLICATORS - can you. handle a spray gun, walk on. a roof? Do you own a small van or truck? Independent` contractors who wish to achieve a very high income are required for exclusive territories in a1i areas of Ontario. Inquire: Roof Spray- er, Systems Inc., 51291 Tom - ken Rd., Mississauga, ' Ont-. • ario L4W 1P1 (416) 625: 9574.-14nx - =mi. dimmii Tim moo an. 28. Engagements MIND SLOETJES McDONALD , Mr.' and Mrs, , Lorne ' Me - Donald, R. R. k 3, Lucknow, wish to announce the forth- coming - marriage of their daughter, Tammy, to Henry SloetJes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Sloetjes, • R. R. 7, Lucknow, on Saturday, May 2, 1981 at North Ashfield Presbyterian Church at 4 p.m. Reception in Lucknow. ' HAYS - HACKETT Mr. ' and Mrs. David ‘A. Hackett, R. R. # 3, Lucknow, wish to announce the forth- ' corning marriage oftheir daughter, Joan Elizabeth to William Terrance , (Terry)', Hays, son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hays, R. R. # 1, Wroxeter. The wedding will take place in Trinity United Church, Ashfield, on Satur- day, May 9th, at 3.30 p.m. Open reception in. Lucknow. 30. In memoriam CAMPBELL Robert Colin Campbell - Bob, who left us in the springtime of life, to live forever upon the acres of memory. Campbell Family ---14x • MANN In loving memory of Stewart Russell Mann, who passed away suddenly 6 years ago, April 13, 1975. ' It only takes a little space ill To write how much we miss you, • But it will take the rest of our lives To forget the day we lost you. Always remembered* and sadly missed by Mom and - Dad, Stephen and Lynne, Donald and Henriette, Linda sand Terry, Jackie and Ger- ald. —14x. Continued on page 22.