The Signal, 1933-3-23, Page 8• 41*1746,Vt1 4' t - $-'tt.r.d U, 1c.rce ss d, 1963 Sunworthy Wall -papers NOW ON DISPLAY AT Special Prices Cole:kook Store GODER1CH BRIDGE CLUB At the weekly bridge tourname_nt held Tuesday evening, the following were winners: North and South-Ist, br. and Bast and Weet--let, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. F. Saunders and Miss K. Suits and Mrs. F Sturdy, tied (2). Another genie will be held next Tesellay tremeing at the Park House. CAMPBELL'S DRUG WDNWE. CARLOW STORE NEWS likalemas - 10e b. Ceeking Onions - 10 Ike for 29c Tommie Seed la lob Farman -just reanember we handle tbe beet grass and clover seed. You'll be needias it seen. Presidio MeJliwain THE SIGNAL BRIEFS New Taxation Marti 20 and 21. The Victoria Is Im players will present their play. under the direction of Mrs. J. E. Mutch, in MacKay Hail. Easter cards and Easter Laura Be- (Continued from page 1) cord candies. Please leave your order Gibb commission enquiring 'lade IRO for 'Carter egg medley. Ows quarter harbor vitae:lea 0.:azda oast 680, in addition to a fee of 112,000 00 special boxes. CAMPBELL'S DRUG Sir Alexander Gild., famous Britisb GODERICH, ONT. LONDESBORO MORTGAGE BALI lb. egg, 15e; half pound egg, 25c, also t A meeting will be held in MacKay Hall on Thursday ew•ening, March 30th, at 8 p.m., to which all people interested in temperance are cordial- ly invited to hear the report of the re- cent conveution at Toronto. As there was not a sufficient num- ber of Ilield101% agthe Badminton Club on Saturday last, the "round robin" scheduled for that afternoon was not played. It is to be played next Sat- urday afternoon, if enough members turn out. The Pollyannas of Victoria street church are holding a box social on church schoolroom. An excellent "April Fool" program has been pre- pared. Adurission--Gentletnen, 26c; ladies, • lunch box. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 22. -Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Orawford of Flint, Mich., spent a few days last week witb tbe lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilecon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McPbee enter- tained a number of their friends on Tuesday evening. Miss Marine Webster spent the weekeelbat her home at St Helens. from Tomato for the week -end. "Where's Grandmar at the COunty Home 012 Monday evening for the en- tertainment of the inmates. Reeve Goldthorpe escorted the party te Clinton. The old people In the Home were greatly pleased with the play, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, the man- eger and matron, thanked -the Carlow people warmly for their kindly THE MONARCH WE ASSURANCE CO. -"ANNOUNCES THE ArOINTMENT NNW K. WA OF G0E:ERICH AS LOCAL MANAGER FOR 60DERICN 00 DISTRICT engineer. Incidentally the legisla- tion to be brought in on the Gibb re- port Ls expected to develop conaider- able discuarion le the House. The Government has introduced a new and complete Shipping Act with some 900 or more clauses, which it is hoped will he pat through before tbe mesaion closes. Gold held in Canada represents about forty per cent. against the total notes in circulation, the House was informed this week. The Govern- ment is holding $70,348,325 of gold and the beats 143,043,000, the latter against their note circulation of $116,- 868,W. The Government's holding of gold is $91.222 in excess of statu- tory requirements. A Sizable Debi statistician, told the banking and commerce committee enquiring into the debt sib:Laden the past week that he estimated the total public debt of Canada at KIIIRT98,053 for Federal Provincial and inunicipal govern - TM C.F.I. sairail shotellillot mods of 121,6019.966 iii -1932 with -a of $1,007,881, not covering petudon fund withdrawals or preferred divid- ends. The gross earning; of the C. P.R. in 1932 were $123.986,714, a drop of over 18 millions from the previous The Government this week pro- moted Rt. Hon. Justice Lyman P. Duff of the Supreme Court to be chief justice, succeeding the late Chief Justice F. A. Anglin, whIle Frank J. Hughes, K.C., Toronto, was named a patine judge of the court. Eric Armour, Toronto Crown attor- ney, was named a justice a the On- tario Sayeeme Court, succeeding G. M• Sgolgawlsio. nanseduhsit- man of the new tariff boar& It will be some considerable time yet before Parliament concludes its work for the session. Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil lave re- turned IS town after a visit 01 MN& al months in Toronto. The MaoGillieray Mimics Baal a Knox church under Mime Ann Mac- Donald held a tea and homemade bak- ing sale In the lecture room of the church on Saturday last. event the sale were very grailtyfni- NORMAN h. VeARK who has been recently appointed lo- cal manager for the Monarch Life As- surance Co. tor Goderich and district PORTER'S HELL PORTER'S HILL, March 22. -On Sunday there was no service at Grace church, owing to so many in this district being under quarantine for menden A11 ere improvise *ad we hope soon to see school opened and everyhing going full swing again. On Friday evening Mr. Oliver Ed- ward entertained a number of frieods and neighbors W a dance. A splendid time is reported. On Tuesday evening the young people front tbe Union rpeut a very sant evenimV. the Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cox, wbo have sold thede farm. we understand. are moving to the tencession, to the farm formerly occupied by Ch.& Bell. We •re very sorry to lose this esteemed couple from our line. Lt. is foolisb and insolent to ima- gine that the art which we ourselves preen's- is greater than any other; but it is wise to take care that in our I Wish to Announce That I have the Agency for AND De SOTO. Motor Cars and 'DODGE TRUCKS FOR GODERICH AND VICINITY SEE THE NEW Dodge Six Sedan -HERE on display, before you buy 75 HORSEPOWER MOTOR 112 IN. WHEELBASE AUTOMATIC CLUTCH FULLYEQUIPPED $ 94 FOR SEE IT DRIVE IT O• Then decide for yourself if anything can touch it in the low -price field 414414,11414.44. 41444424... 00 LONDESMORO, March 21. -Mr. Fred Yungblut ie quite seriously 111 at the home of his daughter, Mr& W. Rev. Mr. Johnston, formerly of Loodeshoro, who underwent • slight operation io Viintua hospital last week, was able to return to hls home in Orediton OD Saturday. His many , friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. E. J. Crawford has purchased is purebred Shorthorn ealf from Mr. Mr. J. S. Carter delivered three truckloads of potatoes in Stratford last week. Mr. Bernard Hall spent Friday and Saturday in Stratford. Miss Emma Mason, who has been quite ill at the home of her nephew, Mr. Bert Brunsdon, is momewhat im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. John Vineland have gone to visit their son, Rev. Will Fbagland, at Niagara Palle. Mr. Fine - land has not enjoyed good health for a number of months and we Dope thts vacation will be a real benefit as web as a pleasure to Itim.w The ple social put en hp the Wa men's Institute in Community Hall ee Goderich COURRIE'S CORNERS on St. Patrick. nista was a real suc- cess. 'Me supper was of the natal high order and the program, provided by local talent, proved once again that this community bas many talented young people. The proceeds amounted to almost $50, which will help to fur- ther the work of the W.I. in this On Sunday evening the T.P.S. met in the basement of the church. Mr. James McCrae presided. The meeting was opened with a hymn, followed by prayer by Mr. John Garrett. The topic "What Is Communism r water taken by Mrs. Bernard Hall. Mrs. John Scott rendered "He Lifted Me." Bev. Me. Gardiner gave a splendid talk on "Be Your Age." The meeting was dosed by the singing a a bysoo tied the Mispah benediction. COUBRIE'S CORNERS, March 20. -Mr. David LAM has been confined to bed the past week. We hope he win soon he around again. Mrs. Florence Reuben and two children are spending the week -end in Inepector Beacom visited 13.8. No. 10 today. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Miller enter- tained a number of their friends Wet Friday night. Some from here attended the dance held at Paramsjit on Patfides Miss Ruby IlleQuoid, who spent the last two weeks with her eider. Mrs. Jas. Little. retarned to Hamilton on Mr. and Mra. Harvey Webster and Mrs. Victor Errbigten and two child- ren, of Dunapinson. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Davklt Little one day last Miss Madeline Johnstone is nursing Master Harry Campbell, zonal Boa et Mr. and Mrs. Cyril _ Canolhoil 412 Lanes, who is 111 with . MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgap which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on ER.IDAY, gig; 1033 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the office of Messrs. Hays & Hays, God - Son. auctioneers, the following pro- perty, namely All and singular that certain pa cel or tract of land and premises sit- uate, lying and being in the Townsnip of least Wawanosh in the 0ounty of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the west half of lot number thirty-eight (BS) In the fourth concemion of the said Township 4 East Wawanosh. For further particulars apply to THOMAS OUNDRY & SON, (leder- Leh, Ontario, Auctioneers, or to MIDI:MRS. HAYS & HAYS, Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario. • FOR BALE OR RENT VOR 11A511. -A VIOLIN, GOOD AS n ew. Agely at the SIGNAL, OF - rim uERN BRICK HOUSE. on Britannia road. FRANK H. MARTIN. • roR SALE OR RENT.--8MALL house, good location_ At a bar - pato, easy terms. Apply to TEM. On March 17th • baby air ar • to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball. On March 21st a baby boy was born to 11r. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, at the home of Ibex mother, Mrs. H. Lyon. Oongratulation& DORN MARTIN. -At Alexandria hospital, Goderieb, on Friday, Mareh 17, to Dr. seri Mrs. W. W. Martin, a son. YOUNG. -On March 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jo& Young. 515 Edgwood Place, Ferndale, Mich., a daughter (Maxine Rath). McCORMICK.-At Muncie, Indiana. on Saturday, March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. MeConniek (nee Olive Allen), a son (Benjamin Al- len). DIED ELLWOOD.-In Goderich, on Friday. March 17th. Thomas Ellwood, In his 75th year. on Sueday, March 19th, Samuel B. Johnston, In his 53rd year. MEMORIAM RUNT.-ln loving memory of Harry a. Hunt, who passed away one year ago -March 28rd, 1932. No eyes can see us weep, But many a silent tear is shed - While others are asieep. -Lovingly remembered by his Wors (MRS. HARRY G. HUNT) and BON (WAINER). NOTICE TO ORIIDITORS. Notice la hereby given to all par. sons having any claims against tbe estate of Isabella Duff, late of tbe Town of Goderich, in the County 4 Elwyn, widow, who died on or alma Use GOA data et Mee:L. 12g3, =et sam, to the undersigned on or before the bit day of April, 1913, as on and after that date the executrix herein will proceed to make distribution ce the assets of the said estate, having egerd only to the claims of which she then has notice. Dated at Goderich this 15th day of HAYS & HAYS, Goderich, Ontario. &netters for the Executrix herein. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons having any claim against the es- tate of Mary Alberta Yates, late of the Town of Goderich in the Oounty NiVI 14 a Duren, who died on or about the lith day of March, 1983, to send gams to the undersigned on or before Mardi 1938, as on and after that date the executor herein will proceed to make distribution of the assets of the said estate, having re- gard only to the dalms of which he Dated at Goderido this ilith day 4 HAYS & HAYS, Goderich. Ontario. Solicitor', for the Executor herein. MOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT.- neleven-rooteed brick house, on Vic- toria street; all modeen conveniences; garage. Call SIGNAL orrica. MOUSE TO RENT. -IF YOU LSE nthinking of moving to a warmer, more central house with garage and garden, see 11. W. HOWELL. eARAGE ros RENT -AT REAR Mot MacVicar's shoe store on the Square. Cement floor; plenty of room. Apply MI88 L. WHITELY. South street. roit RENT. -BRICK APARTMENT, South street separate from other apartments; modern conveniences. Possession 1st of April. Apply to J. E. HARNWICILL. MOUSE TO MONT.-GOOD HOUSE, as 'Vat painted,- mit11-4ere acres ot land. Four -car garage; good stable and henhouse; small fruit trees. Apply to MRS. THOMAS SHIELDS. R. R. 5, Goderich, Out Phone 136 FARM FOR SALE.-PORTY ACRIIS more or less. Tbe property of the late M. W. C. Mittel, situated at tne end of South street on the southern boundary a the town; of good clay loam ; large house and barn, drive shed. workzhop, henhouse; artesian well (135 feet). the very best of water ; good fruit trees. Ideal location, dose to DUNGANNON, Mardi 22. -Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. l'opp and children. Bertha and Lorne, are visiting friends in Mr. Robt. Davidson returned Nene ,41.tudne from Toronto, 0.111 the Underwriters ia Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiggins of Brantford spent tbe week -end with friends here and at Myth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Car'se of Tor- onto epent the week -end the make of the lady's father, Mr. Rich. Reed. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Ivers on Thurs- day, March 30th, at 3 cr•clock. The roll call to be "Hints tor Houseclean- ing." The hosteeses are Mrs. Burton Roach, Mrs. FT1Dk Jones and Mrs. Last Saturday forenoon whlle Robt. Stothers was enraged on some car work in Lorne MeKensie's garage he gas. It happened that John Kilpat- rick, of the MA coda:lesion o_ Antrfleld, tbe owner a the car, was in at the time, end he gave ebe alarm, and had Robert removed to the fresh air, where he soon revived. Unfortun- ately the garage dners were closed while the repair cat was going on. OVERDUE The howsewife was superintending the dusting of her husband's library. "Carefid, Jane," she said to the maid.. "Mind bow you handle the hooks'. Some of till= go back to George I, you know." Jane, who WWI 111 theoact of dust- ing a novel, smIlei knowingly. 1 eve one or two of them ought to go back to the Iseding library as A POPULAR WINTER RESORT (St. Mary. Journal Argo) St. Mary,' Is becoming one of the moat popular health resorts In the Dominion aceordiog to figure' just made public. Toe -data are flocking here from all directione deny and accommodation 1 cramped at Inter- vals, so that one the fleet may recur, • length to lie upon, an et were. Flor- ida In the helm days might have been comperable to thecae*. Town now, but the chicle hotels of that sandy State certainly ,,,are not as songht atter as this le.-aitty. Every night the "Rummers' last," as the hostel in the town hall basement has been aptly called, la a rendesvone of a pl- aza' of notable,' frOM •Il cernere of the earth, and sleets and 1110112.ThentA are carried I m far iota the night The Insis Tw000n for ?Ma tar reaching prey Weepy of the tow* to not far to week. Firefly. the fathers have proveled • romfortatie billet, and **eh limwd supplied with at least two nenriehing -Sant .ileff kinipt *A Sisley 44, a free *hose at the theatre by the ebbe- ' tem a Manager It. Mitheriand. • transients 4 O• M dimes and 11111111e-Wbo mem pIteliag remelt this way speed the sent day heu liarTe islet ENGINZIOUNG POMMEL & asol Municipal s. Masonic Temple Bonding, 0616/601s Ont. Phone 230. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT cB.ANIL P. GIBBS, CHARTERED Accountant, 152 Ontario Omsk Stratford. Phoae 1580. Boa 1/001. AUCTIONEERING LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEZR Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale note' dismounted. MEDICAL IP EYE, RAE, NOSE, THROAT Late House 8argnon New York 0Pilo Melnik and Aural Hospital. aseistast at Moorefleki Eye Hospital and Galina Square Throst Hospital, London, littg. 53 Waterloo St. ft, Stratford. TM. phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderiela. from o'clock on the evening of third Monday of each mouth till the following Thew DRUGLESS puLterrnoma isHIRDPRAOTOR AND DRUGLESS - titulars apply on the preetieb' McNees - Equipped with eleetrolengega PERCY or WILL NArrEr.. baths. Electronic dectrk traatimmlie and chiropractic. Mende, organic mod aervous diseases. Lady in atteadenes. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 8 mum. excepting Mooday and Thursday and lig appointment. AUCTION SALES et no), dear mother, Chiplisitired to rest nine years ago -March MO. 1924. You don't know the sorrow to be left Unt▪ il God eenda a mesaage into your It's • hard when He (ens for one and another, The hardest of all when He calls for your mother. -Remembered by her DAUGHTER ETHEL and GRANDDAUGHTER ELEANOR SMITH. CARD OF THANKS MRS. BERT Joirgirros AND FAR- M ILY acknowledge with deep apprie elation the kind sympathy of neighbors and friends during the illness of the late Mr. Johnston and at the time of bereevement They west' also to thank those who sent floral tributes. ADMINIST'RATRIX SALE I NISTRA'151IX RALE OF netore property and fixtures, house- hold furniture, de., will be held at the store of the late .1. E. Heise*, at Au- burn. on TUESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1938 at 1.30 p.m. sharp. The following win be sold: oho -cease, 5 ft. x 2 ft.; one cutting table, 10 ft. x 3 ft. (this could be need as a counter or died's, table) : one eigkrt-day Regulator clock; one Stand- ard sewing machine; one mirror, 18 x 36 inchee; one coal tweeter with small oven; two small counters; one emelt show came; one pool table. with twelve MOD, hall. and reek ; one elec- tric radio; two wocelen bent with springs; one eupboard; one Iron tsed with springs; one eheat of drawers; one rug; one welsh stand; one drea- mer; one dining -room bible; Mx chairs; reciting chairs. fowl! tables, ete. Aleb at the Rabe time and plaee, there will be offered, =Meet to a re- feree* Md. part of lot 7, Elkin survey, In the township of tluilett, on whice and dwelling. 20 by 50 ft., with 19 -ft. ex tension. Thie property is centrally located In the village ef Auburn and was formerly rweenpled by the. late J. Heinle as s tailor shop. It Is snit - able for a core and dwetlIng or light me nn fa ctu r ng. The property led ebattels may be immodest on the pigialiei at any time. Thle property &jai ho wild tor *AM real property, 10 per reed. en day of male; Wanes to tie veld 18 thirty Clinton, Atietioneer PRANK DONNELLY, Gedlgilbs RIP MOW for Adoidaistratti& Under and by Tittle* a ea Powers /Paid° '11421 contained in a certaln mortgage, which will he produced at the time of the 'tale, there will be offered for sale by while auction, on FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1988 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the office of Messrs. Hays & Hays, Ham- ilton effete, Goderich, Ont., the fol- lowing property, namely: All and singular that certain par- cel or tract of land and premises sit- uate, lying and being in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of °libido, and being composed ot lots running numbers seventy-one (71) and seventy -tame (72) in the said Town of Goderich. For further particulate and condi- tion,' of sale apply to Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortga- gees, or to ich, Ontario, Auctioneers. South street and Britannia road. rLEARING AUCTION SALE OF We are instructed by Mr. Harry Muir to sell by public auction, at his residence, Cambria road, Goderich. on SATURDAY, APRIL lat coonnencing at 1.90 o'clock sharp, all the contents of the house, ineludins: 150.reeords; one quarter -cut 26 x 39 - inch oak parlor table; one quarter- ed leather oak upholstered chair; one quarter-ent leather reeking chair; three antique ',piing renshion ()hairs; one tappetry-covered conch; one wal- nut centre table; one Qneher heater; one Axminater rug. 9 x 12, blue; twenty-flve wall pietnrea; one walnut folding leaf table; seven iltehen chairs; one Maple Leaf Composite stove; two email tablet; two rocking chairs; one mantle eloek ; one qnar- ter-ent oak heavy sideboard and mir- ror; one walnut Ankh iron hed, spring and eneettrein; one cheffonter. with mirror, welnnt finish; two deemed': one eleetric table lamp; one portable mix oven; one Mena amen- d,' one PereWin rug; 8 12, roar one white enemel heavy bed, trilling and mattress; ono weinnt fln- fah wasterbind: one set Willow -ware round woolen rage, 39 x RR; on* lawn mower 16 inches; one eomplete Moe. trip iron; one meet ind veretehie IMP* elle slew ..rethohes lee istenverona mention. will proleivey •Il be diapered of, es Mr Mate is leaving Ooderich. TERMS <ash MUSIC of North Street United Church, an- nounces that be is prepared to amyl pupils in piano, organ, theory, awl vocal. Terms on application. Red - dente and studio, Newgate Street MIL H. N. LIVENS, PUPIL 01' THR Royal Conservatory, Leipsig Ger- Teacher of plum, organ, vocal, and Terms on application. BEDFORD HOTEL or KNOX CHURCH. DUDLEY R. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hamilton street, acentric! Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor. Telephone 512. p R. DARROW, BARRISTER, EMI Fluccesmor to J. Kniorau. Phone 97. Office -The Square, Godertch. CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. Barrirter, Solicitor, Etc. Phooe 282. NAYS & HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors Hamilton street, Godericb Telephone 88. ItNEST M. LEE, Barrister •nd Solicitor Sun Life Building. Aeeleide and Wks - torts streets', Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 6601. INSURANCE.. LOANS. 111113. WICILLOP MUTUAL ruts ARCS 00.-Farfa and bolaind town property insured. OMeers -Geo. McCarteey, Pres.. R. Pres , Goderich P.O.; Merton A. beig Sec. -Trees, Seaterth PD. Directors -A. Brestleset, RAIL Ns. O. tisaforth; James tibeddkes, Wale*: Wm. Knox, Loadaelasew; Robert PallniRs tan; James Watt, RIM; Pelkey-bsiesre ean make all gammas sad pt their girds rewiptell Rayed leak, Clhoesa; Clatvha 1