HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-04-01, Page 22AUCTION SALE Of Modern Farm Machinery for LORNE AND EVELYN HENRY .Lot 34,. Con. 4, Huron Township 2 cornerii north of Amberley on Hwy. 21 then /s. mile esat or 8 miles south of:Kin then /s mile east SATURDAY,. APRIL dine i 12 NOON White 245 tractor has radio. In cab and Only 890 hours. [as new];, Davld Brown 895 tractor with loader, chains and 2200 hours; White 7360.combine with cab, pick up andstraw cho I peer [excellent condition]; KonptkUde 10 ft. cultivator; White 40 plate disc wheel; Ford 142 semi mount 4.18 plow; Glencoe 16 ft.: cultivator with harrow; 12 ft, land packer; John Deere 15, run power lift stood. drill; 2 wheel weed Sprayer; Vicon 3 pt.H. fertilizer and grails seed p.t.o. Spreader; Now Idea 165 bu. manure spreader [good]; 5 section diamond harrows is new); Massey Ferguson 36, 10 ft, swather; New Holland '265 baler; bale stooker; stook loader;'. New Holland side rake on rubber;:2 skeleton bale elevators; New .idea 51 ft., p.t.o. grain augur on wheels; J. M. gravity bin on 10 ton International wagon; Helm, gravity bin on Martin wagon; Turnco gravity bin on .Martin wagon; George White wagon with 18 tt. rack; Danhouser post hole digger; Heim snow blower;' 2 cylinders; blacksmith forge; 'blacksmith drill press; canient mixer; tools.. Some household :Items and numerous, small articles:.. THIS ABOVE AVERAGE OFFERING OF MACHINERY WAS ALWAYS STORED INDOORS FOR INFORMATION PHONE 395-5080 TERMS CASH Owners or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or losses, day of sale AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL =13.14 17• Auction ,Safes. Sst rd* , April II i 1140 a.m. •CLEA►RING AUCTION SALE for VAN EYL FARM SUPPLY Cord Hwy. 9, 1/4 'Mite west of Clifford SeWng by number Gordon Brindley, Auctioneer --12,13,14 AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery Some household.Effects and Antiques for TONY.SCHLOSSER 2V: miles south. of Ripley • Vi mile east on con., 4 SATURDAY, APRIL 11 10:.30 a.m. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 V.vailace Ballagh. Teeswater, : 3924170 --13ar AUCTION SALE REMINDER FOR OLIVER McCHARLES THURSDAY, APRIL 2 10:30,a,m. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley ' 395-5353 • Wallace.Haliagh Teesw iter,.392.6170 -13ar • AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Modern Farm Machinery and Some Household Effects for WAYNE.JEROME 1 mile. south of Lucknow '%s mile east THURSDAY, APRIL 16 10:30 a.m. 7060 A.C. diesel tractor with cab, air conditioning, 24.5x32 duals; 200 A.C. diesel tractorwith new motor and tires; 255 M.F. tractor with GB800 load- er; F2 Gleaner diesel com- bine with A430 corn head; 13 . ft. grain head and pickup, tires, 23.1x26.. Watch forpartial listing next week. t FOR FURTHER PARTIC- ULARS PHONE 529-7605 AND ASK FOR.WAYNE AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 • Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, 392-6170 •--13ar AUCTION SALE •of Inventory Reduction & Consignment Sale of New And Used Machinery at TEESWATER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Main Street, Teeswater THURSDAY, APRIL 9 12 Noon Includes large line of tillage equipment and tractors, spreaders, hay- ing and harvest equip- ment and mise. Ag Parts 10% Off DAY. OF SALE • For Cash & Carry • TERMS CASH Trucking Available LUNCH AVAILABLE Owners Or Consignors and Auctioneers not responsible for accidents In any"wlay connected with the sale. AUCTIONEERS Waage Ballagb Grant 1MeDotudd ' Jhn McCartney Brian Rlntont SEE P1'LL LISTING IN . FARM SCPPLEMENT APRIL 8 —13ar 17. Auction Soles 17...Auc# on • Salsa . "N. lame ON* Amin .-.� nw�i 1-.- r � -.rye r.,u i-1* alw.+Arr+ro 1.. p! . r� The gingham suites Arena 680 Josephine St. North End of Wink* Offers : You GREAT SAVINGS on New and Used h/Witely . Drop, ha to gee the., fine peleetlon of new furniture at • Incredible low prices. Such as oolid "wood table and chair sets, buffet and hutches, brass beds, bunk beds,' complete dining,. bedroom and living room: suites, occasional chalrs, rockers,• brass and copper, pleces. We Salto feature- a good • line of used furniture and appliances. Topprices paid for good used merchandise or' .consign to . our weekly auction. We buy partial household or' Complete estates! Cap 357..1730. Tools, Clothing, Footwear We handle a good. assortment of tools such as .socket osets, screw driver ' sets, pipe wrenches, sledge hammers, vise grips, 50' tapes, toolboxes, all selling at wholesale prices. Also to . be cleared out are` a ` large quantity of ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS 16', ' 20'. 24' and 30' lengths, at prices starting as low as $39.00. A great selection of blue jeans in sizes 28 to 38. Also cOrds in various <slzes, 'men's . work clothes, boots, etc. ' . ' The Gun .& Sport Shop Looking for a new gun!! We stock a fine selection of new and used guns, ammunition lay famous °manufac• ' tures such as Winchester, Remington; Browning and 'others We take trade ins or pay cash for used guns. With.,the.dsliing season coming up drop in and see our large selection of reels, poles, fishing lures, hooks, line, ` etc. ' Fresh Produce and Baked Goods EverySaturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Featuring a large Variety' of apples, oranges, bananasU lettuce: and cabbage, celery, potatoes and other delicious produce in :season. Also crusty home baked bread, .assortment of rolls, buns, donuts, bulk cookies and pastries, and much more. Its All Happening At The WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 We accept cash, cheques,Visa, Master Charge • LOTS OF FREPARKING Oar ' A le=De Shop Classifieds. F.ARMERS• Reserve This Date MONDAY, APRIL 6,19$1 10 A.AA., SHARP Including a" large selection of tractorS, ploughs, discs, cultivators, land rakers, seed drills, wood sprayers. fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, bale feeders, balers, stockers, haybines, smothers, mowers, rakes; sl wagons, harvesters, forage boxes, blowers, combines, �grindermlzeri, rotary mowers, stone pickers, snow blowers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, snowmobiles, plus lawn and garden equipment. Soiling By Number Lunch Booth on Grounds Terms. Cash•or cheque day of sale *TRUCKING AVAILABLE ANYWHERE* Owner or Auttioneor not respo sib o for ac- cidents on property 'day of stale. //�.1ppr{/�.�rr��ii p�! AUtTIONEERs Jl McCARTNEY Wotordown. , Ontario DON'T MISS IT - SEE YOU THERE! Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. No..6, Wtorton, Onto rlo• • PHONE: 01 9) 534-2980 or `519) 53441638 17. Auction' -Solea r-..1 MI 111rrr - gag, Lucknow Sentinel, Wedhiesday, April 1, 1981 --Page' 21 17. Auction Sales v -or rum roil. 4111611 ®*„mom Mem mope.ommo AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery for GLEN BOLTS 2 miles west of Kinlough on concession 12 TUESDAY, APRIL 7 at 1:00 p.m. 1212 David Brown. (Caul tractor with 5100 Easy On Loader; 510 int. 18 run seed drill 'With, grass seeder; fertilizer auger; J. -D. swather with hay condltic nsr, 5 furrow Case plow with. 18" bottoms and trip beam;, 2' - 13' Kongskllde 3 pt.h. cultivators; 5130 Int. manure spreader;160 gal, Qep. White 3 pt.h. wad'sprayer; 16': hay rack with ©rove wagon; McKie harvestir with 20'. self unloading forage box, wagon and pipes; 85 self propelled J. D. combine with new 'motor, 12' cutter head with roils and pickup head; Hicap grain cleaner; • grain bins; 370 Toxo -wick dryer with 350 bushel capacity, 30 hp. motor and 220 amp. . service; underground unloader hopper with 8" Incline. auger; 30 ton overhead loading hopper; 85' elevator leg with down pipes. Articles consigned by JAMIE. FORSTER Lot 10, concession 7, Huron Township 40 plate A. •C. wheel disc; 510 M. F. baler; 511 M. F. side delivery rake; 16' hay rack with wagon; A. C. harvester with corn and hay hood; Now Id. picker with super shaller. Other articles too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEERS Groat McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 . ` Wallace Bsiilagh, Teeswater, 392.6170 —13ar 18. Services avallabie 18. Services available Air AP AP AP AP 4r, AP AP CUSTOM DRAPERY BY LINDA . For Your Horne Or Business Call 395.5629 or 395-2765 —10-13 AP Ar AP AP AP dir AP AP 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 ROOF. TARRING, drivev.ay sealing. Phone James Sym - es, 528=.3233. --11 tf Need help with you 'return? Income Tax Service Child TeX r dit Fres With Husbands Return Phone S28494 1 amo.-.Aa-.r se -ate• 0- .i PROMOTION 'BUTTONS, 2 3/8" pin back, professional graphics. 50 - 535, 100 - 559, 200 598, plus 7% tax. No extra .charges. Cash or C.O.D. (51.9) 881-2219 But- tons, Formosa, Ontario NOG MO. —13nx RADIATOR REPAIR AND RECORING SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528.3714 —8-16 CUSTOM BUTCHERING. - Hogs, Cattle, and laanbs, Mondays. Reasonable rates. Contact Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395.2979 evenings. 42tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballargh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392 -6170 --Odor -- -- ----..err 18.:Servitnla av&Iable PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shopCustom Srepairtabling work SPIKE. BAKKER R. R. k 5, LU?CKNOW 528-2026 -2tfar Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING ° ®5tfar • • POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock - Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos waited.' For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. —tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. and Appliances - Admiral Sales and Service; tower and an- tenna installation, refrigera- tion service, 395-3466, Rip- ley. —9tfar Classic Sign and Design 396-4319 19. Moffat to :creditors • NOTICE: TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of HARVEY ALEXANDER MOLE late of Walter Street, Luck- now, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about January 14th,. 1981, must be filed with the undersigned person- al representative on or before April 8th,1981; thereafer the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dat- ed March 23rd, 1981. Donald Harvey Mole, Executor, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, • Box610, Lucknow. Ontario. `12;13,14ar NOG 2H0 AMIE MI!- a.a I Bas .s. M •a. Mini 20. Public notices SUPPORT the Cancer Soci- ety. Buy a bunch of 10 . daffodils for 51.00 on April 2. THE Teeswater ExToggery will reopen on Thursday, April 2, from 10 to 12, 2 to 5. They will also be open Friday and' Saturdays 2 to 5, Cus- tomers bringing articles in on consignment should have them priced securely and listed. Good, dean, seasonal clothing only please. —12,13 ARE YOU TIRED of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorc- ed? Meet that special per- son. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound N4K, 5P1. Please state age. --13,14x ref