HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-04-01, Page 21�.1 'Lucknew Sarra*�W4 410 ser ... iii®0".a 1. Articles for sale 01111111i aim WIN* 10.0'llin ammo 5" - 7" * S3.S0ea. `:' Anchors . 58.00ea.; &ace Posts ,• $2.00 ea. Wanted to Buy' Hardwood Bush Phone 3955305 atter6 p.m. or 4746 on weekend FREE ACCESSORIES. Or- der a new Jayco or Holiday: trailer before. March 31 take. 'delivery May .1 and' receive 10% of .ourregular selling price in accessories free.: Example Jal►co . Hardtop Flight 'Eight $4497, free ac- cessories $449 Also used travel trailers, hardtops, truck campers and caps for all ;makes; parts.: accessories, repairs, rentals, gas barbe- cites. propane filling station., Bumstead .Trailer Sales. Hwy. 4, 'A mile North, Wingham. Phone (519) 357 2272; Evenings 357-3870. -1`0;13 FRESH MAPLE SYRUP,` 4 It. "'518.00; 2 It. 510,00. • Avail- able from Jacob Stutzman or Edward Gingenich, St. ' Hel- ens. -=10tf , NORTHERN" SPY 'apples - for sale:. Alex Andrew,: phone 528.3019.. 11,12,13x 9 PIECE solid walnut dining room suite. Phone 529-74'1T. 12,.1,3 ' 5 .SPEED BOY'S .RACING bike in"'excellentcondition, or will trade on a motocross' bike. Phone 529-7509. -13x PRESEASON SALE new and .. used travel trailers, hard- tops, truck campers and caps • for All makes: Motor Ile tees, parts " and accessories, re hairs and rental. Morry's railer Sales, Highway 4, between Hanover and Walk- erton. , Phone 364-3748. --5tf USED APPLIANCES New and Used Appliances at " The Lueknow Appliance Cen- tre, Phonic 5282946. 50tfar DISHES, . collectible, anti- ques and used furniture at This and That Store, Main. Street; ,Lueknow. Phone 528- 3723; Lenore Glenn.-41tfar. BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your. specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT' MARKET LUCKN RK . Shop 528.3009 Or If No Answer Call 528.2112 --40tfar TRY C. & C. FURNITURE, .new and use& Oral &'der- ich, 524.7231.. 40t( HOW DOES I''yOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? 1"." 6 "ill."00.1.-sir.arm.tri. 1. Articles for sale ALUMINUM BOAT 44' x 12'. Equipped to haul. 1700 gallon fuel plus freight deck. Scania diesel. Like new. Use for • freight or convert for pleasure, $28.000. Alvin (807) 727 2291. Write NLGM Box 315, Red Lake, Ontario, POV 2M0. WRITE foriFree Information, Discover the mysterious health giving properties of Spirulina Algae, Joe Prohas- zka Enterprizes. R. R. # . t Strathroy, Ontario N7G 3H3. -13nx -1979 RM 100 SUZUKI, good. condition. Phone 529-7215. -13x CAMPER. FOR.'/: • . '4 ton pickup truck. Phone 528-2321 or '528-3602: -13.14 • USED WESTINGHOUSE 24" electric stove, white in colour, ideal for cottage or extra stove. Phone 528.3934 anytime. -13,14x DISHES. ANTIQUES. and used furniture at. Jim Finni- gan's> place; across from the car: wash. Phone 5283602.. Open Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, nine to nine. - l3tf• 1976 HONDA,. 4004 Super Sport Motorcycle,excellent condition,low mileage, 6 ears, four into one exhaust certified. ; Phone 395-2852. -13 CLEARANCE SALE OF BY - CYCLE TIRES: 20x1 3/8; 24x 1 3/8 - $2.95 ea.; 28x11/ . - $3.35 ea.; 27x1'/., gum wal- led -$3.50 ea.;.front wheels 24x1 3/8, . 26x1'/.; 28x1% $7:95 ea. Similar savings on other .tires • and tubes. Greer T.V. & .Electric, Luck= now, phone 528-3112. -13tfar . 22" FRIGIDAIRE . RANGE, reconditioned, $75. Greer T.V. & Electric, phone 528- 3112. y-l3tfar 26'.". RECONDITIONED Ad- miral console colour T.V., $200. Greer T.V. & Electric, phone 528-3112.-13tfar 8 • OLDER MODEL FRIG and stove; cash register; wringer washing machine. Phone 528-6.145.--13x 1979. XR500 Honda Enduro, 6500 km., .excellent condi- tion, 51600. Phone 529-7842. -13. Mists . .W. W.. Om. aim" - Milli .:...itit. 2. Moble Homs - .m 011111'111111111110110 . -.iii. - sli - 4 YEAR OLD PYRAMID mobile home, 14 x 60', two bedrooms, to settle an, es- tate. Phone 357.1987. -13 1111010 W /all i..rlit. ..r MOW ail. m ONO 5. Care, trucks; for ,sale ...i _ ..i.Midi 1.....i 1977 FORD PICKUP, new condition, certified. Call 528, 234 after 9 p.m. -11,12,13 1974 FORD LOUISVILLE, stake truck, equipped with blower and hoist. New brak- es,. Apply Treleaven's Luck - now Feed Mill, 528.3000. -12,13 • 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1968 COUGAR 07, 302 auto, factory gauges, nice condition. Call John De Bruyn,• 528 3606 after 6 p.m. or 528-3430 'days. -13 l 1971 DODGE *A TON,•- racks and spare tire, sated; new. tires, $900.00 or . best .offer. Phone 395-2956. -13,14x 7. Real estate for sale SACRIFICE Mini Farm 25 Acres new side -split house 2 storey. 45 sow farrowing barn. 101 %a mortgage due 1983. Reduced to $80,000 private. Mount Forest (519) 323.1244. -13nx 8 Accom. to rent rcECENTLY RENOVATED three bedroom farm 'house, close to paved ; road. Phone Dave Eadie, 528-2071. Avail- able May 1,: -12tf • • • MAIN ' 'STREET apartment, heated, all :new; : self con- tained. Phone '528-2701.. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Lueknow. Apply to Box A, c/o Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400,. LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. References required, -13;14 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. ' one mile north of Lucknow, �%: acre lox, 3 bed- rooms, and • paved ' dr:,ve. Phone 528.2735. 10tf • HOUSE ON MAIN STREET; also furnished one bedroom apartment, 5125.00 per month. Phone 528-3423, Bar- ry McDonagh. -9tfar FURNISHED, HEATED, one bedroom apartment 'down- stairs, on Main Street, avail- able immediately,. ' Phone 528-3723.--4tfar FOUR BEDROOM country home between Lueknow and Ripley.l Barn available. Ref- erences required. Phone 529L 7048 or 395.3430 after 6. -7tf SMALL. FURNISHED apart- ment. Phone 528.3134 or 528.3516.-7tf TWO BEDROOM APART- MENT in Lucknow available mid April, one bedroom op - ailment in Teeswater, furn- ished or unfurnished. Phone Glennhaven Apartments af- ter 9 p.m. .528-3234 or 395-3255. r-11tfar HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley. For information call 39S-5305. - 47tfar FURNISHED bedsitting room heated, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone 528.3723.-41tfar SMALL APARTMENT furn- ished; utilities paid; 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath. Good park- ing. Phone 5282113. -1Otf Mi. M, .-.r1.-i. OOP, 01.110 12. Help wanted TOWNHIP OF KINLOSS Requires, a; responsible per- son to count the dogs in the Township, issue dog licenses and tags, and to collect the required fees, Applications on a per -dog basis are to be in the Clerk's office at Holy- rood olyrood by 12 p.m. noon on April 6, 1981.... • Township of Kinloss Holyrood, Ontario NOG 260 --12,13ar WORKING Press Supervisor wanted. The successful ap- plicant will be responsible for web press operations of • a progressive S.W. Ontario newspaper publishing com- pany. We offer complete company benefits. Salary comensurate 'with experi- ence. All replies confidential. Apply in writing to OWNA File IIB.C.;L. -I3nx FOR • MARKET GARDEN business. Part time for 1st of May and then full-time for summer. Must supply ..own lunch and transportation. Apply by letter only, stating experience, age and salary expected. Apply Kingsview 'Farms, R. R. # 7, Lueknow, Ontario. NOG 2I10.' 13,14.15 APPLICATIONS Applications, will be received by the undersigned until Monday, April 6th. 1981 at 6:00 p.m foiti a person to count the dogs in Ashfield Township. Applications will be in writ- ing and to state price per'dog expected. Applicant . will 'be expected to sell dog tags and' have the count completed by May 15th, 1981. No applica-, tiennecessarily accepted. Donald M. Simpson R. R. 3 Goderichi Ontario. - 12,13ar - 14. Empio • ment . Wanted - ors Nilo -.r.. ant ir..MOO alma IMO - YOUNG FARMER seeks part or full time work; anything considered. Accustomed to handling machinery. Has own transportation. Phone 395-2438. -13 1.5. Tenders • TENDERS. TOWNSHIP OF HURON The township will receive tenders for a bulldozer to level soil on eightmiles of drain, approximately 35 hours. Tendersto be in by April 6, 1981 at. 10 a.m. to Marlene Coiling, Box 2, Rip- ley, Ontario NOG 2R0. -13ar Advertisers • Get 'your message to the people who want your . product! Reach your tar- get Market with a, special seetton ad in the Farm Supplement. B yon sell a product or service to the farming cosnmufUy+ - tape advantage of tide upper,. tunity. 15. Tenders' 15 Tenders • r ��rammo �.,r/.1rum �rArriAO.rir .�. Forte For Sale By:T�nCci Estate of Melville Henry Tenderi will be accepted raisin April 8th, 1981, for the • farm property belonging to the. Estate of MelvinO Henry, inclusive of all buildings Situate in the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce and being Lot 36, Concession 2, Township of Huron,e.County of Bruce being 100 acres more or less,. having 95 ` acre. workable' . with 95 acres "already Pte,. partially tiled drained , , drilled wen, three bedroom 'triune house," ban► 40..feet x 80 feet suitable for. dairy . and pigs, silo 12 feet x 37 feet, . Implement shed 25;feet x 25 feet, steel clad implement shed 32 feet x 64 feet. Property situate at corner of highway no. 21 and Coneeuton '2, Township of Huron County of; Bruce. Property may be inspected by caning Lorne Henry 1.519.395.5080. • Tender should be accompanied by a deposit by ratified; cheque for 5% of the lender price with the balance due on closing. Cheque to be' made payable to Goodall & . Campbell In. Trust: Tenders should be mailed or delivered' to Messrs. Goodall & Campbell,. Barristers and Solicitors, P. 0. Box 730, 216 Josephine. Street, Wham, Ontario.' Acceptance In writing of any tender shall constitute and unconditional agreement of purchase aid 'isle and closing date : shall be. May .1st, 1981. The,Vendors,shell have the right. to accept or reject any tender. le thein absolute diseretion. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, March .18th, 1981. --12,13ar MESSRS. GOODALL & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, P. O• BOX .730, • 216 JOSEPHINE STREET, • WINGHAM, ONTARIO. NOG 2WO. Firi FOrSale ByTendir Lorne and EvelynHenry Tenders w111 be accepted until April 846, 1981, for the farm property, belonging to Lorne and. Evelyn Henry. inclusive of all buildings .situate in the Township of Huron, In the County of Bruce and iaeing Lot 34, Concession 4, Townihip of Hurpn, County of ,Bruce, losing 100 acres more. or less, having 95 acres workable with 95 acres Arcady ploughed, 17 acres systematically tiled and the balance tiled, drilled wen,1 % stoney brick constructed touched - room house, barn 54 feet Y 76 feet suitable %r pugs and • beef, Imp$ement shed32 feet x 64 feet. Proper- ty situate on hard top road. Property may be Inspected by calling Lorne Henry 14194398450. Tender should be eecosnpttntid by a deposit by certified cheque for S% of the tender price with the balance due on closhrg. Cheque to be made payable to Goodall & Campbell In .Trust. • .j� Tenders should be" mailed or ddelivereed to Messrs. Goodall & Csn Abell Barristers & Solicitor., P. 0. Box 730, . 216 Josephine Street, Wtugham,, Ontario. Acceptance In wrttleg of any tender shall constitute an unconditional agreement of purchase and sale and closing. date shail be My 1st, 1981. The vendors shall have the night to accept or rejait. any tender, in their absolute discretion. DATED at Winghara, Ontario, March 181i, 1981. MESSRS. GOODALL & CAMPBELL, BARRISTERS ANO SOLICITORS, P. O. BOX 730, 216 JOSEPHINE STREET, • WINGHAM, ONTARIO. NOG 2W0. 12,13ar For mote informationon our AO 8 Filitt Supplement cavi 528=2322 now; r really sell