HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-04-01, Page 15Swathe* ' 'W+ ai r ,, I!.., .. By Marie Mrs. Harty Montgomery. (June Rutledge) of Goderich Township and her .sister,' Mrs. Al Crandlemire of Red Deer, Alberta, called on • former friends and neigh-' bouts on Monday. The Roy .:. Rutledge . family ° lived here prior to 1949. Mr, and ; Mrs. Bill Blake, Becky, Kara Julie a and Cambridge;: spent a couple of days this past ' week with Mrs. Olive Blake, Mr.. Bob McWhinney was home from Deep. Elver this weekend with Sandy and the. children, Robbie and Kara. Matthew and Andrew Ott of Kitchener spent a few days, with their ,, grandpar- ents. Irvine and Colleen Eedy. Mr*. CharlesKerr, Steven and Aaron of Oshaawa spent three days with Cliff and Peg Purdon last week: On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Bob Morgan and Norma of Kerwood visit- ed at the .Purdon. home. - Mr, and Mrs. Jim Strong, Paul and. Ken have returned from a beautiful, warm, sunny one week stay in Florida, Mrs• Claire (McWhinney) Chambers of Goderich is a patient. in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, following 'it two \car accident. on Friday evening near Clinton, when the car she was meeting ' child of Mr, and Mrs,, Case (Petrie) Black of 39 Highland Ro:ad, Kitchener, who sur- Ave urvive her .as 'well as her husband, Bill and three sons. Case and Mary , Black were both: bent and raised in this area and Case operated :a feed` . mill until selling to George Hodges in 1932. Sympathy is extended to all the family at 'this time. A group.of.Dungannon Old Girls enjoyed a visit together and- a delicious spring .lun- cheon at the home of Mrs. Laurette McClure Hefford. It was hoped that Mrs. Lauret- te Treleaven world be pet- , ent so they could celebrate a belated ; 90th birthday 'with. her, however everyone,. pres- ent signed ries-ent`signed a card to send to her. .Guests were Wilma Treleaven Woodford Edith. Treleaven Younkie, Louise Anderson, Hilda Finnigan, Flora Durnin and friend, Nora Creyke and Margaret Pentland Pritchard, Irene McKelvey, :Alma. Harder and Ethel Case Hay were unable to :attend. Many friends of cracked, and her jawbone is broken. Claire's passenger and occupants of the other car were only shaken up. Tracey and Trevor Chambers stayed with their hunt and uncle, .Sandy. and Bob Mc- Whinney for the. weekend. years ago were mentioned • and remembered. Mrs. Lynn Wall,. Tracey veered,' directly into her ve- and Terri spent last:week. in hicle when the -driver. dosed Queensville. with Mr, and off. Her -left leg is broken in Mrs. Tom Emerson. Tont two places, her right,; ankle is-. Wall spent, °his holidays in Several relatives from this Toronto and Ajax With relit - area attended the' funeral on tives. They all returned home Saturday, in •Waterloo. of Saturday: Mrs. Freda Gildner (Black) Dungannon United `Church, who died Thursday . in her Mr.. George Cowan: spoke Sist year.,, She was.the only.. on, "Returning our Father's Spend holiday weel with Kinloss family By Joyce McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elliott, Lea and Lyn ,visited 'Mr.. and Mrs. Robt. Johanson' on Sun- day. Janice and the girls have spent the holiday week with their relatives here. Mrs, Eleanor Campbell, • Jill and Kent.and Miss Mar - .Ilene Walsh travelled to Myrtle Beach for the holiday. The planning meeting for the crewel club was 'field Teaesdaay at the; Centre. Plans were discussed for the Ach- ievement Day April 15 : in Teeswater.. . The 4-H , Homemaking Club Achievement Day will be held April 25 at Kinloss Community Centre for the girls of South • Bruce: Biuewater Town 1 and Country Club help;:, their elec- tions recently. New officers are president, Allan MOW Kean:, Kincardine and Sher- do Angus as secretary. Mrs, . Bill Hayes, Robbie and Sherry enjoyed the holi- days with her parents • in Kitchener, Little Dianne Giteurt spent the week .with her grandpr- ents, M. and Mrs. Ellison Hodgins. ' Some of the Hayes fancily menrbe. s visited their moth= er, Mrs. Charlotte Hayes at University Hospital in Lon- don, Where, she. is a patient. Best wishes for a. speedy recovery also go. to Mrs. Alvery . Hayes who recently underwent . surgery 'in Kin- cardine Hospital.. Visitors at McEwans rec- ently were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Barr and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Mcewan: St. t.ieIens shoot part By Kathryn Todd Winners at the biweekly Shoot Party were Lillian Irwin, high lady; June Rob- inson, second high lady; Lloyd Moffat, high man; and John Rourlston, second high man; lucky cup went to John Andrew and Allan Cranston won the lucky draw, Miners Woods had the most shoots, Mel ' Lyons assisted his sister and husband to move from Windsor td their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Croskil•1 now reside in Listowy el, Adrienne and Stefan Maako ovskis returned to Toronto after visiting a week with their cousins, Christina and Amanda Todd. 4 14 44 01gt4I� � zttkIt�ii't4 tr4144'I' 'liliiii.11 • Love", partof a series he is giving now, using the Cate- chism during the. pre -Easter Weeks to help the tmmunik cants understand what joinw.• ing-the church means an d to refresh the rnentory' of older members. • • The choir sang an ,anthem led .`by organist, 'Mrs, Jean Elliott. The children's story was on -lighting our candle is the world for Jesus and was accompanied: by the 'hymn,'. Jesus Bids Us Shine. • Confirmation class will be in. Dungannon church ; base- ntent on Wednesday even- ing. There' are now 26 in the class. The family dance sponsor- td by Nile Inner Circle takes hie 'kin .4. by. M'Me I'. .place on Friday, April 3 in Brookside School. It is : hoped thatfamilies from both churn ' ches will tante out and :support .this event. • ° An Easter supper is being held on Friday, Aril 10 at Dungannon United Church, • prepared and served by • the Willing Workers. • Proceeds are to be used to redecorate, the church. basement; ° O April 10, the 'Dungain- noneFellowship lChurch is holding a crafts display and. sale at Brookside Public School, The proceeds are ,for World Relief and Develop- trent. There will also be a discussion on recycling of paper, :glass,' cans, etc. There will be a slide and • live film presentation of Dungannon's 125th birthday patty at Dungannon United Church on March 30► 31 and April. 2. On April'1 the showing is a repeat,of the Yesteryear presentation that .: was so much enjoyed by everyone who saw it last August,. TheDungannon Youth ° Groupgathered at the church oin Saturday and raked up the winter's debris and made the church grounds look much better. They have announced their willingness -to. prepare' flower beds end plant, seeds or plants supplied by other grops or. individuals. They are tobe commended for their activity. Mr.1 and Mrs. Don Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forrester and Bob Thompson went to Montreal . 2547 with a bus tour from. Hickson Feed CanPaaaly.. Mr and "Mrs Don Reid Brian, Sandra and Larry and Mr.. and Mrs. Robert .Rei had Sunday with Mrs. Josephine MacTavish of l ucknew had supper with. Mr and Mrs. Scott; • Mrs. Catherine. Scott spent the weekend inKincardine with Mr& Margaret Bafln :.r. man. Visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stapley Reid was grandson Ryan Doupe, Misses . peon Doupe and., Josie Helm ,also spent. a few ` • days with. ' Mr, and Mrs. • Stanley. Sunday visitors Jamie and Marilyn For. with tit Stanleys were Mr. rester. of Rainy River visited Tuesday with Don and San- dra Forrester and°famlly,. Mrs. Betty Helm, Kelly and Jar* of Tiverton spent Wednesday with Mr,: and Mrs. Morley Scott, On:Sun- day Mrs. Francis Watke and: Angela of Carrick Township and Mrs. Don.Dourpe, Taemr. . my and Nachos" and Mr . and:: Mrs. Art Hel>rari lend Kelly. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Don Robert-. son visited Sunday with Mrs. Russell Collins of Welt** Mr, and Mrs. Bev Cliffe visited ' Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrell. : WE ARE NOW OM CLEANING GRAIN .Nco.BAG ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS LTD. 'miaow • ALSO AVA1IABLEt Certified or Canada No. 1 Seed Barley, Oats, Mixed Grain, Rapeseed and HAI Canada ,No. I Buckwheat PHONE DAY ' `. NIGHT 5283203 395.5167 529•/268 We Are Moving EFFECTIVE APIlL 3RD WE WILL BE MOVING OUR STORE TO QUINN PLAZA KINCARbINE, ONT. U ` See the Wed., April 8 paper for detalis. of our GRAND OPENING LANGSIDE SUPPLY QUINN PLAZA 3964432 Mrs. Mara. Thompson visited Wednesday with Mrs. Agnes Hodgins O Kinlough. Mr, and • Mr& Howard spent three days with Mr. Thompson this week. Tum' supper um of -Mrs. KatherineCollinslwere Mr, and Mrs. BII1 Lochhead of Stoney Creek, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Lochhead and Shama 'of Kittcaine and Mar.. an:d- Mrs-: Mc illiv�ray, Kelly and Kris- ty of :Ripley. Mrs, Marj Thompason. and Mrs.. Mae Dore visited Thursday. with Mrs. Collins. The final crewel meeting was .held' Monday at the Community Centre. Sum - nary day 18 Apr. 15' . in.. . Teeswater.. • Heather .. Boyle was selected as a representative , for the: Ontario, .Junior . . Farmers , on 'the United Kingdom tour *the Pi ovin- cial Junior:.Fariners Con- ference held this weekend**, Toronto. • Rob Ferrell was u delegate to the Provinci. Junior Farmers Conference Visiting this week with Mr. and :Mrs.. Jim Farrell were Kenny and. Melissa Logtenberg of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrell visited Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Doug Howatt and Jason of Belgraave. Johnston Bros. inothwell• Llrnit t .Phone Phone , Wnrdsvllle 693-4383 Komi ka 471-3059 Dung nnon 5294947 4 . Washed Materiels Crushed Stone Gement Gravel Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors. If yourff&R Block- prepaarod tax return Is questioned, -we step in to represent you to the district taxation office, all year round, at no extra costa We know all the tax laws, and we double-check your return before you sign it, We'll 'take your place, because nothing can take the place of good solid servibe. Thls year be sure. THE INCOME TAX.. SPEC i i s 19. Vi orh S `,1 . DLii I N. • Open Daily 0.8 p.m. Sat: 9.4 pin S24.56s8. OPEN' TONIGHT-. Nil APPOINTMENT NECESSARY t1 it a G Vt hi CI . fie th ye gr tea tha an gci tilt .Gait