HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-25, Page 26Lucknow evened the series with Harriston at one game apiece with an 8 -‘4 win in Lucknow Friday • night. The Lancer. offence was led by Dennis Burrow with three goals and Ron Wilson with two goals. Carl Stanley, Randy Alton and Ian Mont- gomery all had one '• each, Lucknow had leads of 3 to 1 after the first period and 5 .to 3 after the second. f iarriston made the game closeby scoring the first goal in • the third period and the Lancers looked like they would buckle under the pries- sure. But. the Lancers came back . with three goals in under three minutes to salt away the win. The next game in the ser- ies is Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. in Harriston and then Friday night at 8:00. p.m. in Lucknow, Come on out and cheer the Lancers on. Winner of the 50-50 draw was Agnes Murray. roceteria • 5284420 et Miss Elizabeth. A. Wall c Toronto; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wall of Lucknow has;• joined the Ontario . Nurses' Association as Administra tive Assistant to the Director of • Human Resources and Director of Association Ser- vices. The appointment was•. effective March 9,. 1981. ,; For ' the preceding 11 • years, Miss Wall was a member of the Secretariat of the Board of Governors of. Ryerson Polytechnical 'Insti- tute. She was honoured at a Farewell Party on :March. 5th at which time the Chairman of the Board, Mr, H. F: C. Graham *presented a • floral tribute. and Ryerson's Pres-' ident, Dr. B. Segai. present d a giant card and a gift of a coalport figurine .fromcol- leagues and friends. Prior to joining Ryerson Polytechnical''Institute, Miss Wall had been employed by International Film Distrib- utors, Atlas tours Limited, P. Lawson Travel, McLaren Advertising, and a legal firm in" London, England, Miss Wallis a graduate of Wells Academy. London. s 'tarry promotes Bruce to, Lieutenant-Colonel Major Shirley Margaret Robinson, daughter of Emily Robinson of Strathroy, a vet- eran of nearly x.27years service with the air division of the Canadian Armed For ces, has been ''promoted . to Lieutenant` -Colonel, the de- fence department has an- nounced. Robinson will be transfer- red to the National Defence' .:w Medical•Centre in Ottawa as director of nusing. in July. The promotion. is effective July 13. A native of Kinloss Town- ship, she received her regist- ered nursing degree at the Owen ' Sound ' General and Marine. Hospital'. Shortly aft- er graduation, she tookbasic training at the RCAF offic- ers' training school in Lon- doh. During her military career, MacDONALD .- Jacob is happy to announce the arriv- al of his' little sister.., weigh- ing 7 lbs -'6 oz:, at Wingham and District Hospital on March 20, 1981. Her parents, are Stephen and Eleanor MacDonald of Lucknow. Proud grandparents.. are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald of Wingham and Mrs. Beth Johnstone of Lucknow. GOEBEL - . Ken and Carol (Pollard), Milverton, are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Rebecca Krista, weighing 8 • lbs. 4 oz., on .March 19, :1981, at Stratford General Hospit- al..A little sister for Corey. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Donalda Pollard, R. • R. 4 Ripley and Mr. and Mrs: Rolph Goebel, Milveriton. Viitsfrorn �Nova Scotia Mrs. Ray .Elliott of Bed- ford, Nova Scotia visited in Lucknow '.last weekend with Mrs. Bryce \Elliott, Jamie and Graeme. Noreen is spending this ' week at the Xerox complex in Leesburg, Virginia: • Richard Treleaven of Woodstock. was elected MPP for the Conservative Party in the provincial election last week. He OS a native of Lucknow, the son of the late Dr. R. L. Treleaven who practiced dentistry in Luck- now. AlI . she has been stationed at Grostenquin, France. She is Aylmer, Goose Bay, Labra- at national defence medical dor; St. Hubert; Quebec, and headquarters in Ottawa 'sit withda� 1 ter's PURITAN 24 OZ. CHILICON CARN E• W.:�•�..:...•.• _. SCHNEIDER'S 'BREAD.ED 2 LB.. BOX SCHNEIDER'S FULLY COOKED PICNIC By Betty Ritchie Harvey and Betty, Ritchie returned home. Tuesday from Red Deer, Alberta where they visited their daughter,. Donna and Gary Thompson and new. daughter, Amy Cor- ryn. They also visited one day with Art and.Diane Dick- son and family of Sundrie. Sunday visitors with Allan and Violet Ritchie were Bren- da and Jerry Huizinga, Paul- ine, Martha and; Wesley(. -of Auburn. . Dal'e0. Irvin of , Kitchener and Susan Irvin. of Wallace burg, spent the weekend with their .:parents, Russell and Lillian Irvin and Alex. Lori Hackett . and Shirley Scott are attending Teen Conference at Five Oaks this week at Paris. ' D. A. and Evelyn Hackett :;,:tock them down on Sunday„ Doug Raynard is home from hospital and get well wishes go . to Howard Blake who is in Victoria Hospital, London. Lucknow & District Kinmen 2nd Annual on SA TURDAY, MARCH z11, ......:.LB.;' ROYALE2 ROLL PKG., FRENCH'S PREPARED 16 OZ. •.•.e•.•..S•Sa.s.••. • SUNKIST 113 1 E........... DOk at tin ,Lucknow community Centre 9:30 - 1:00 LOOO,1N CASA DRAWS 1-;300.00 • . r + yzoo." . 1' ..$.1011!.(*. 8.-- $500". • • . *. l* 1 4( *At * 4( If 101- 41"11."*:* -A10. AL 4( * -\*.** -1"tf+ * Free Lunch and Refreshments *• 1 per Couple [Only 250 Tickets To Be Sold] Tickets Available From Any Kinsmen Member Or At MeD nagh's Insurance Agency, Button's Meat Market, Johnstone Furniture, Or At the Door While They Last LETI'UCE.. 2FOR .• McCORMICK CREME ASSORTMENT 700 G. $1 C.00KIES ........:........ McCORMICK BIG VALUE 600 G, 11:: IVIcCORMICK DUTCH STYLE CHOCLATE OR SUGAR, ' cOOKIES OPEN SIX DAYS x1.59 $ 002FOR . WE DELIVER' HURON -PERTH, COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Kindrgaren Registration St. Joseph's. School Mr. David Zyluk, Principal . RR.#3. Goderich, Kingsbridge, Ontario 529.7848 Thursday, 2nd Apiril,1981 r 1 porn. 5 p.m. Kindergarten . children need to be 5 years of age on or before 31st.December, 1981. Please bring proof of age [Birth Certlflcate or Baptismal erh ..........