HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-25, Page 23• 111111110.11.. MINN 41.11p 011W1v NUM UMW awn Pim ieria 21. Personal 0.••• ogle "PPP "ma oFINP-ima ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING ALONE? Are youunattach- ed, separated, single or div- orced? •Meet that special per- son. Apply Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1, ['few • state age. --11,12x • PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential, support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066 collect or '432-7197, •-40tfar 28. Engagements HOELSCHER = AUSTIN Mrs. Glenda Hoelscher of Goderich and Eldon and Mary Austin of. Dungannon are pleased to announce that Saturday, April 25, 1981 is the day chosen by Katherine Faye, and Jeffrey Josephas the first day of their married lives together. The wedding is to take place at Knox Presbyterian Chapel, Goder- ich at 4 o'clock. min esii OMB del. AWNS Mae "MO IMO MN, 30. In memoriam 411111MI OM" =NM OMB tMMIN OniM MeNall In loving memory of a dear sister, Mabel, who passed away one year ago, March 24, 1980:. Beautiful memories, are wov- en in, gold. This is the 'picture we tehder- ly hold. Deep in our hearts, her mem- ories kept, To love \and to cherish and to never forget. Always remembered by father and sisters. GRAHAM In loving memory of a dear husband. Arthur 1-1. Graham*, who passed away March 28, 1980. His smiling way and pleasant face . Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope • to meet him. Some day, we know not when. To clasp his hand in the better land Never to part again. Ever remembered by wife Grace and sister-in-law, Dor- othy Thompson. —12 THOMPSON, In loving memory of our dear sister, Christine, who pas- sed away March 25, 1978. Rest in peace. — 'The Thompson Family 12x COLLINSON In loving memory of a dear mother, and grandmother. Thelma Collinson, who pas- sed away March 29, 1978. There' is not a day dear Mother, That we do not think of you. In such a very "special" way, The way you were to us, "Special". Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by son George and Donna and grandchild- ren. —12x •••••!...motootottm.....1. Tell to all fr Tell it well WANT ADS really sell 00111111 MOM wan moo pow Nom - pow um= own 15. Tenders , urn, Asi. mom.. Plowdomp ams. isi•fa ow. wow sena Now owir num 15. Tenders Fann For Sali By Tender Estate of MeIviIIe Henry Tenders will be accepted until Apell 81, 1981, for the farm property belonging' to the Estate of Melville Henry, inclusive of alibuildbgs situate in the Township of. Huron, hi the amity of Bruce and behtg Lot 36, Concession 2, :Township of Huron, County of Bruce behtg 100 Scree more or less, hating 95 acres workable with 95 acres already ploughed, partially died drained, drilled well, three bedroom frame hpuse, barn 40 feet x 80 feet suitable for daliy and pigs; silo 12 feet x 37 feet, Implement shed 25 feet x 25 feet, steel clad implement shed 32 feet x 64 feet. Property situate at corner of highway no. 21 and Concession 2, Township of Huron County of Bruce. . Property may be inspected by calling Lorne Henry 1-519395-5080. •• Tender shOuld.., be accompsuded by it, deposit by certililed.clieque for 5% of the tender price with. the balance due on closing‘ Cheque 'to be made payable to Goodall & Campbell In:: Tru • st. Tenders should be mulled or delivered to Messrs. GOodalk & CantiPbell• norristers Enid SOliCitors, P. O. .BOx 730, 216 Josephine Street, Wingham,Ontario. Acceptance in writing of any tender shall constitite•and unconditional agreement of pi:whose and sale and • closing date shall be May 1st, 1981. • The Vendors shall have the right to accept or reject any -tender In their absolute discretion. DATED at 'Wingham, Ontario, Mak* 18th, 1981. MESSRS. GOODALL & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, P. 0. BOX 730, 216 JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. NOG. 2W0. -12,13ar •- Farm For Sale Ily Tender Lorne and Evelyn Henry • Tenders Will be accepted until April 8th, 1981, for the farm property belonging to Lorne and Evelyn -Henry. • inclusive of all 'bindings 'situate in the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce and being . • Lot 34, Concession 4, Township of Hurn, County of Bruce, being 100 acres more or less, having 95 acres workable with 95•acres already ploughed, 17 •r, acres systematically tiled and the balance tiled, 1 drilled well, 1 1/2 storey brick constructed four bed- room house, barn 54 feet x 76 feet suitable for pigs and beef, Implement shed 32 feet x 64 feet. Proper- ' ty situate on hard top road. Property may be inspected by calling Lorne Henry 1-519-395-5080. • Tender should be accompanied by a deposit by certified cheque for 5% of the tender price with the balance due on closing, Cheque to be made 'payable to Goodall & Campbell In Trust. Tenders should be mailed or delivered to Messrs. Goodall & Campbell,:Barristers & Solicitors, P. 0. Box .730, 216 Josephine Street, Wingham,. Ontario. Acceptance in writing of any tender shall constitute an unconditional agreement of purchase and sale and closing date shall be May 1st, 1981. The vendors shall have the right to accept or reject any tender, in their absolute discretion. s - 'DATED at Wingham, Ontario, March 18th, 1981. • MESSRS. GOODALL & CAMPBELL, • BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, P. 0. BOX 730, 216 JOSEPHINE STREET, • %INGHAM, ONTARIO. NOG 2VigO. • —12,13ar ADVERTISERS! Farm Supplement • Wednesday, April 8th Advertising Deadline April 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Phone 5282822 today! f•W em.P IFPg e•TIWIP• 15. Tenders sumo a•wn maim aim•n• om mi. mm...1.1= Slim Lucknow Sentinel, Wainesday, Msneh 25, 1981—Fur 21 fora sump pm mews wino ma mom mum mow mum 15. Tendert MOM SIMI SIM IMMO tliniteD OMIN MINIM Ono IMO TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHD? OF WEST *AWANOSH Sealed tenders, plandy marked, will be received by either of the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1981 for the .crushing° and holding of approximately 25,000 cu. yds. of 5/8" granular material on Township roads, and approximately 500 cu. yds. In stockPlie; Approximately 14,000 cu. yds. will be required on reads by June 15th, the remainder when road construction 15 complete [late September]. Tenders must be Submitted on Township tender forms, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for 52,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders subject to' approval by Ministry of Transportation and Communications. • Joan Armstrong, Clerk. • George Humphrey, Road Superintendent. R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW. • —11,12ar 31 Cards of thanks HUIVIPHREY Our sincere thanks to Doc- tors Corrin, McKim and Jolly • and the nurses on 2nd floor for their kind care while we were in hospital. Jim and Jamie Humphrey AUSTIN • We would like to thank all of the friends and .neighbours who attended our wedding reception at the. Lucknow Community Centre on Satur-, • day, February 21 and for the • many gifts and donations. A special thank you to Dad and Joe for' making such a won- derful evening possible and also to the ladies who put so • much time and effort into • preparing the lunch. We hope that everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did. Ralph and Cathie Austin —12 • SKILLEN • Sincere thanks to neigh- bours, friends and relatives for your kind expressions of sympathy during our ber- eavement. We greatly ap- • preciated the many cards. visits and kindnesses shown • to our father during his stay • both ,at Pine Lodge Rest • Home. Luck/lbw and while at Huronview in Clinton. The excellent care h received while staying at these homes ' will always e remembered. We especially wish to thank. Norris Messenger and Doug- las Ward and family for their great help while we were away. Your thoughtfulness has been deeply appreciated. The Skillen Family —12 HUMPHREY I would like to thank every- one who remembered me. while a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Corrin, Jolly and McKim and Watts and the nurses on the 2nd floor. Janet Humphrey —12x. MENARY My sincere thanks to all who kindly remembered us in so many ways during my stay in • VVinghani Hospital and since returning home. Your thoughtfulness has been • deeply appreciated. Rena Menary- -12x ANT AD • reallv sel 1 31. Cards of thanks HENDERSON During my recent stay in Wingham Hospital I would like to thank the Lucknow Doctors and the nurses on second floor. Also for cards, flowers and visits from many friends. Your thoughtfulness_ has been deeply appreciatedw Mayme Henderson32 —12. . • • THOMPSON . We would like to extend! one sincere thanks and deep.ca4.a predation to all our relativesh friends and neighbours.; who - sent food, flowers antriaals,a who gave to the Diabetic - Association and Kincardiuct • Hospital Building FundifiPSI, to Rev. Bushel for his k words at the time of the passing e; • our Dad and grandfatbpr.. Your thought- fulness at this time was greatly appreciated: John and Wanda Evans Donalda McLean and Family Jim andnicresa Thompson and Famil), —12 32. Corning events SHOOT & EUCHRE PARTY A Shoot and Euchre party will , be held at Brookside School on Wednesday, March 25 at §:00 with a silver collection. Sponsored by West Huron Junior Farmers. Everyone welcome. —10,11 ANNUAL MEETING Children's Aid Society, County of Bruce, dinner and annual meeting, Friday. March 27,1981, at 6.30 p.m. at Chesley Community Cen- tre, Chesley. Entertainment provided. All welcome to attend. —12 • LEGION MEETING Alf members of Lucknow Legion are requested to at- tend the regular meeting Tuesday, March 31 at 8 p.m. —12ar ATTENTION FIGURE SKATING MOTHERS - AND EXECUTIVE The Lucknow Figure Skating Club's annual meeting will be Wednesday, April 8, in the basement of the Lucknow Town Hall at 8:00. All moth ers and • fathers welcome. —12 FARM SUPPLEMENT Reach youY, target 'with a special section ad in the Farm Supplement, Wednes-. day, April 8. Copy deadline. April 2. Phone 528-2822, .P.F.PPRIgo Amin_ 32. Coming events • SPRING DANCE Dungannon Agrieultural Soc- iety Spring Dance, Dungan- non Hall, March 28. Music by Huron Rambler. Tickets $8 per couple. Phone 529- 7967 • or 529-7956. Lunch provided. ---12ar CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE • Monday, May 4th, 1981 • if 1:30 p.m. 400 head Phone 528-9912 or 395-5230 —12-17ar SHOOT PARTY In St. Helens Hall, Thursday, March 26. • Lunch served. Everyone welcome. —12x •'BUS TRIP Lucknow Horticultural Soci- ety bus, Thursday. April 9 at 8 a.m. to Breslau,' Kitchener. Contact 528-3614 or 521)- 3015. Bus fare $5.00. —12 RUMMAGE SALE Support your Auxiliary to the WingSam and District Hos- pital. Rummage sale will be held in the Wingham Arm- ouries Friday, April 10 from JO a.m. to 4 p.m. —12 EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent. Education Classes, being held in the Health Unit 'Office, Wing - ham Hospital, commencing Wednesday, April 1, 1981 frotn 7:30 - 930 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is inter- ested please register by calling 1-800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. —11.12,13ar OPEN HOUSE Friends are invited to drop in to: the Mayfair Restaurant's Heritage Room on Sunday afternoon. March 29, be- tween 2 and 4, to honour Samuel W. Gibson (Goder- ich), formerly of Lucknow. �n his 80th birthday. Best wish- es only, please. —12x FAMILY DANCE Brookside School, Friday, April 3. Music by Country Starlite. Tickets .$8.00 per family. Lunch provided. Sponsored by Nile Inner Circle\. —12.13 OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs. Rick God- frey (nee Teresa Wood)„ April 3rd, Brindley's Shed, pungannon. Everyone wel- come. Music by Country Companions. !---12,13 Attention Formers deem aims - aaele•onime alsks - ass seam mak A.*For sale • =Imo. =met lime ems erne mum FARMATIC MILL and 10 ton feed tank. Phone 395-5157. —12,13x 1976. DAFFIN FEED mobile, excellent condition. Supple- ment carrier mounted on 1976 Chevy truck. Will certi- fy. Call (416) 957-3926. Ask for Gerret. —12nx • 300 BALES first cut hay. Phone 529-7449. —12 STRAW for sale,. 50c a bale. Phone 529-7634. —12,13,14 2000 BALES of hay. Gordon Robb, 395-5314. —12x