HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-25, Page 18•
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Page 1.0-1-1melmow Seathielt Weduesdeq, March 2.50 1981
e e s
Early last Sunday morn-
ingthere was that first robin
up in the big maple tree
behind the Ron Nicholson
Welding and Machinery
Shop next to the Royal Rank
• He was singing like it was
April. Then he looked over
the hack garden text door, to"
see Jack's berry plants.
Later we saw another robin
in the, apple trees behind the one was in 1977. In this area,
• house of Mrs. Mae Cotton at the Huron Bruce riding,
• the end of Malcolm Street. there were 137 polls or voting.
• So it was perhaps the first - places: Three of these .were
wave of robins up from the in Ripley, two in the Ripley
South. . On Monday of this Huron Legion Hall and one in
week, Mar. 23, the smell and the , Huron Township Hall.
feel of spring is really in the The dividing line in Ripley
air: was down the 15th or Huron
Last Saturday was March Street. At the table looking
21 and as such the first full after the voters on the east
day of spring. However out- side were Florence
side everything was covered Kirkpatrick, Joy.. McLean,
with an` overnight fall of Janet Nixon, and Adeline
snow about two inches deep. Hackett; and at the table for
It sure looked and felt like the west side were Earl
winter. So once more out Tout, Donalda McLean,
comes the snow shovel. Out Brenda. McLean, ° and
on the roads the „sanding Frances Godfrey. Reported
truck was going back and as in charge of voting in the
forth on the 8th and 15th Huron township hall were
roads through Ripley. Donalda Pollard, Elva (W.
At the four way stop or e,R.) Lowry, Cecil Sutton, and
Ripley's main intersection% velyn Colling. On each
• there was Terry Jamieson of. ` ot there were the names
Lucknow with the Bruce_of the three candidates for
County Highways truck:—This riding namely Murray
Terry was using a post Elston, Gary Harron, and
pounder to drive an iron rocbriffony McQuail.
intothe paved boulevard atokOn Saturday returning of -
the northwest corner of therificer George McCutcheon
intersection to hold- up, theeareldised the official count
stop sign there. Betvveenst doe . the above men as
Ripley and Holyrood on the follows: 12,164; 11,940; and
8th concession east another -979 in that order thus giv-
stop sign at a sideroad in- ' ing Murray Elston a majori-
tersection had been broken S fyi;-• of 224 rather than .= as
• A perion . or .persons - announced earlier. For all
unknown did this damage those in charge of the polls
' between Friday even ng and last Thiwaday:.4tas, a long
Saturday morning and likely day. MinisterotAgriCulture
before the covering snowfall. Lorne Henderson, who open -
On Monday morning the ed the Ripley Huron Fall
Bruce County road ' crew Fair last September had a
were back and', replaced the majority of 7,100 votes last
broken standard. Thursday in the Lambton
Last Wednesday morning riding where be 11,1iheen the
the newscasts carried the member since 1963.
• . . 1`,
Ab *Wylds
• results of two votes by
boards of education on keep-
• ing the strap in schools.,
The Grey Bruce Separate
School Board voted 8 to 5 to
keep it. We lost that one. The
• London City Boartrof Educa-
tion voted 8 to 6 against keep-
ing it. We won that one. So it
was quite timely that this
• column carried the item on
the Bruce .County Board of
Education recent vote on
this same issue. In that vote
Muriel Aiken was the lone
member voting against it.
• An error was, made in the
spelling of her surname.
Also there was a second er- Ffrst place
ror in the last paragraph of Congratulations go to the
this item. It should have Ripley Junior Farmers on
read "Christian compassion being awarded first place in
is the way to make teaching the Bruce County Junior
an enjoyable experience for Farmers Drama Festival. It
all concerned" rather than was held in Paisley on the
"Christian comparison" as weekend. The newscast on
ft came out in some papers Sunday stated that they were
Both votes above gave this also awarded first for top ac -
writer, Ab Wylds, en- tor. On April 4, a week from
couragement in his viewthat this Saturday, they go down
it will eventually be banned to Western University up on
iii all Ontario schools Also it. the hill at the north end of
was satisfying to know that London to present their play
as the newscasts were coin- again in the Vrovineial com-
ing over the air, there were petition.
all those rural mail carriers
putting these local Springdance
newspapers in the mail This Saturday evening,
boxes along the concessions March , 28, the Ripley
in this part of Bruce county. Agricultural Society are
holding their annual spring
dance in the Ripley Huron
Community Centre Com
plea. There will be two
separate draws for a half
pork carcass.
• Hospital patient
Last Thurs., MAT. 19, Mrs.
Jenny McLean"fof Ripley
entered Kincardine and
District Hospital for tests
and treatment. In her 89th
year this is the first time for
Mrs.. 1VicLean as a hospital
patient. Her granddaughter
Mrs. Nancy Tout of ICincar-
dine was down to. Ripley on
Wednesday and took her to
her horne in Kincardine and
then to the hospital next day.
Ripley •folks Wish Mrs.
McLean restored health.
• Ontario election
Last Thus., Mar. 19, 1981,
the folks of this area turned
out to vote in the Ontario
election, The one before this
Visitors here
Up to Ripley visiting on the
weekend were Harold and
Tena Wyld of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ivlaeln7
tosh of St. Thomas visited
With Frank and Margaret
Scott in Ripley over the
Bowling finals
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Godfrey
Motored to Toronto on Sun-
day with their daughter
Catherine and son-in-law
Terry Young of Stratford to
watch the Provincial finals
of the Youth Bowling Coun-
cil. Their little grand-
daughter Kathleen and her
littleteammates of Mike's
Bowling Lanes of Stratford
had won their zone finals in
Kitchener and went on to
finish second in the provin-
cial finals in Toronto with a
score of 2504 points.
&own Swisi
G. Muriel E. Osborne of con. 4
east in Huron township
reports on the Brown Swiss
Dairy Cattle meeting as
• The Ontario Brown Swiss
Association hosted the 54th
annual meeting of the Cana-
dian Brown Swiss Associa-
tion on- March 11, 1981 at the
Victorian Inn, Stratford. Mr.
Myron Fledderjohann •\ of
New Knoxville, Ohio, was
special speaker, following
the noon luncheon. Mr. John
Wise, M.P., former Minister
of Agriculture for Canada
was the speaker at the even -
nutter of follis in this area.
watched Kitchener televi-
sion W5 where Jim Reed of
the Toronto television told of
Ids hip to Mexico City and
his success in his search for
that missing girt Jim not on-
ly found the girl but brought
4 her back to her folks. Jun is
It native of Dungannon. His
° mother Mrs Frances Reed
(the former Frances Mon-
tgomery) resides in Huron -
villa in Ripley and his sister
Mrs Jewel (Del) . Stanley
• lives at the east end of
Ripley just around the cor-
ner from William Street Our
thanks goes to Mrs. Joy
• McLean for Winging this
• news item to our attention.
Jack and Evelyn Johnson
visited on Sunday with Jack
and. Marion Lawrie in the
• Niverton area.
Mrs. Frances Elliott of.
Ripley held a quilting bee at
her apartment last week.
Dinner guests with Mrs..
Gladys Mason •on \ the
• weekend were Mr, and Mrs.
• George Colwell of Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colwell
of Kinloss, and Mr. and Mrs
Don McCosh of Ripley.
Walter Black of the 4th
• concession west in Huron
township is a patient in Kin-
cardine and District
Turn to page 23*
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