HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-25, Page 16a
'Early• SSM'
. there WasthathrStrotyki.
up in the • a to
Weld and
N a ,
Weld and :Machiner
i�� tytotltuRoya18aik�cyp
i . HeWas �', * a$
April, Ito, he 'lam over
thetak•garden rteat+aor.to • •
see JA's berry :Plants,
Later° saw a nether robin
• in e t betel the o48, w tura 19'x. Jn this area,
ouMrS. Mae Oottbnat. . the Hui* • BrOce rding,
the end of Madam Strreet. there Were l3 ;polls o r voting
So ltt as per p. the Brst place& Three of
these wee
wave' robins .0p frim the in . two 1n..the
Souith. On. Monday of this. Union Legion Holland* in
Week Mar, , the smell and the. Huron T wrlship • all.
feel. of spr .is reallyin the •The dividing lt`ne in WOW
tar, • • . ' was dovitt the 15th or Huron
Last Sat >rrday wwras. March.. Street. At the table looking
21 and as such the .fit fuill after the voters on the t
day of sprring.HHowever out • side were .;Plorence.
side everything covered , 1' `rkpatrick, joy c n,
with an overnight tall of • Janet Nircori, and Adeline
snow about two inches' deep...Hat kett;, and at the table foe'
Lt: sure. looked and felt like the west . side were Earl,
winter, So, once • more out Tout, DOnalda Mclean,
cotwes the Mnruw shovel Out llrende:: Mehean, and
on the roads .the sanding y Prances,Godfrey, : Reported
truck was going back and as in charge.of,voting in the
forth on the with and 15th Huron township hall were •
road thui h'Ripley, Donal& Pollard • Elva (W.
At the: four- way. stop -or. It) Lowry, ar it Sutton, and
Ripley's main intersection Zvelyn Coliitog. each •
• there.was Terry jamiOett Otvitittilot there 'W ere the names
l ueknow With the Bruce:_ of the three candidates for
County Highways truck: '-1 'riding namely, murrey
Terry Was. using .o pOat Elston, Harry. Barron, and
pounder' to drive an iron roto fr y lVi uail; . • ° •
'into the paved boulevard aat do)1t Saturday returning of- '
thenorthwest corner �t therif%r merge M+utcheon, .
intersection to . hold up theeereleaaned .the official. count
stop sign, there. ° Betweettstde � the.. above linen ` as
Ripley and Holyrood . on the . follows•; 12,164; 114)40; and
5th ewe.** east. another9,79 in that order thus. giv
ship sign at a sideroad .le- ing Murray H)ston a•maiori
iter*tinn:had been -broker' ,� !of.V4t;rrather then -324 a -
person .or: persons aunnour d earlier. For all
unknown ,did tiamageIn :Charge it the polls.
between fr'ridaary evening and ; Tlrrrrrsday►. yenta' a long
Saturday Morning and likely day. Minister of tincture
before the covering snowfall. Lorne Henderson, Who op
On 'Monday morning the .. ed the : Ripley Huron. pall
Bruce County. • road, crews Pair lam September. had a
were back and -replaced .the mojority. of .7,100 votes last
'broken standard, Thursday in the . Larnbton
Last Wedneaday morning.. riding wherree he'haas-been the -
the newscasts carried the member sinee190..,
results of two votes by Hoarep�ltarrl Potted
of •education on keep.
big the strap ins chools. • .L lst'Thoraa., ur.0, Mrs.
The Grey . race separate Jenny McLean tor Ltipleyy
school aoard voted e to.s to entered Kincardine and
keep it. We lost that one, TheHistriot Hosprtaal for tests
LondCity lon•rc of Hducaa. ' .and treats U,t Ln herr .00th
tion votted8to6against keep• Y this is me firattimo for
ing it: We won that one, So it Mrs McLean. as a hospital
was quite timely suit this , patient.. Her granddaughter
column carried the item on ' . Wars. Nancy Tout o hat earn
the Bruce County Board of dine was down to Ripley on
Education recent. vote on Wednesday and took her to
this erne issue. Ln that vote 'her home in Kincardine and
Muriel Aiken►was the lone there to the hospital nekt daay.
member votingaagaalnatit. Ripley . folks wish Mrs.
Ah error. was madee in the McLeantrestored health,
spelling of her airtime. ,
Also there was a second er. . First plaice
nor in the last paragraph of . Congratulations go to the
this: item. it should have Ripley Junior Farmers on
read "Christian companion being awarded first .plaat a in
is the w to make teaching the Bruce County •Junior
an enjoyable exper% for Farmers Drama Festival. it
all concerned" rather than was held intPaisley.ori the
"Christian ctunpnrison" an weekend. The newscast on
itt came out in some papers. Sunday stated that they were
Beth votes aabove gave this. also awarded tit for top ac"
writer, Ab Wylds, ern- tor. On April 4, a week from
couraagerrreent in his idetv that thus Saturday, they go down
it will eventually 'be banned to Western University up on
in all Ontario schools. Alto it the hill at' the north end of
saw to know that London to present their play
as the nteScasts were cora. again in the Provincial coni►-
ing over the air, there were petition,
all those rural mal Carriers .
putting .these local • . t dance
newspapers in the mail , This Saturdayevening,
boxes along the concessions March 280. the Ripley
in this paarrt of Bruce county. Agricultural moiety are
• holding their annual spring.
Ontario electiion dance in the Ripley Huron
Last Thurs., Mar, 19, 1' ;1, Cor°rtnrnunity, Centre Com.
the folks of this area turned plea. There will be two
out to vote in the Ontario , separate ;draws for a: half
election. The one before this pork car:ts,
b'y ii.
Visitors here
ti to Ripleyvisi' on the
w d, were • d: and
Mr, and.Mrs. D. A. Maa ►
tock of St. Thomas visited.
with Prank and Margaret
Scott in Ripley over the
Mr and Mrs, Reg Godfrey
motored to 'Toronto on Sung
day withtheir daughter
Catherine and son-in-law
Terry Young of Stratford to
watch the Provincial .finals
of the Youth .Bowling Cow-
ell, Their : little grand-
: Kathleen and her
little Lean urate of Mike's
Bowling' Lanes of Stratford
had won their zonefinals in
Kitchener and went • on to
finish second in the prim
dial fiats. in Toronto with a
score of 2504 points,
Brown Swiss
Mirka ,: Osbof erun. 4..
east in uro1 nr ;tor1nship.
reports on the Brown, Swiss
Dairy Cattle Meetas
follows .
The Ontari