The Signal, 1933-3-23, Page 2...s. •.... sreiika► ,w. ♦ 1, toad alsesaammas IMO • OOD141110H : CANADA llfemser a Osseadies > lfease wws aseasiestes Febtatskad "Miry Thursday morales. Itallseetptlea plea 13.09 per year, la advance. ERZ SIGNAL PIUNIIMIS IA'D, Telephone 116 , GiMIi. Out. 11. H. Ro.tatt•aott, editor and Massager Thursday, March ZBrd, 1931 REGIIaTRIBGTION RUISOR8 The latest news from Ottawa with regard to the coming redistribution 1s that several municipalities of South Huron are to be incorporated with the present North Huron to make a larger North Huron riding; the re- maining portion of the present South Enron to be Joined with South Perth la a new riding. ha Che same time rumor has 11 that the neighboring county of MOM wall a smaller population than Huron, 1s to be undisturbed. The unit of repreeentaUon for rural ridings, it tz said, Is to be 25,000. The present North Huron has a popula- tion of 22,882; South Hurop has 22,518- hese figures are not much abort of the requirement, and the 4: present division of Huron Is so gmiu- entty fair and eatidactory that it should not be disturbed except with very good reason, s r At any etas, the people of Huron tM�ald relent the proposed rearrange - MIS while tbe county of Bruce, with • Mealier papuiation, is allowed to Mamie intact with two represents - NOT A GOOD ROADS £YOOIATION Ylncardlis will not lend support to the Blue Water Highway Assodatlos this year, rye council decided. We be- lieve eSteve tele 1s a wise step. The Blue Water route is anything but a klghway and pavement between Kla- eardlne and Goderich would be of far more value to this town.--Rlacardlne i Finding that she was left shote to Review -Reporter. ED1TOEIAL NOTI$ The best thing that can tie said about the Federal budget Is that 1t to no worse than waa expected. • • • According to the calendar, Tues- day, March 21st. was the greet day of epring ; but the weatherman evidently pays no attention to the caleadu. • • • Mussolini demands that Italian women fatten up, anti in Germany Hitler to going to compel everybody to go to church. R. B. Bennett as a dictator has still a few steps to go. • • • Says The St. Catharines Standard, -The people of this country will not tolerate hapocrites who purport to render service in Parliament and at the same time gouge the public in private." • • • Mr. Bennett prgposea a plebiscite as the railway gsestloe. But did not that other great Canadian, G. Howard If erguson, declare that plebiscites Mire un -British, cowardly expedients of which no statesman would make use -or something to that effect? • • • Aildressing the Toronto Board of Trade, Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce, said he thought the depression bad been greatly exaggerated. It would be interesting to ledrn the honorable gentleman's ideas as to what a real depression should be. • • • The United States Is Met beginning to discover that they have hurt them- selves more than Canada by their nitr.-hlgh tariff polities. -London Free Press. Just transpose the words "Canada" and 'Yoe United States" and the para- graph will be just as much to the point. • • • Great Britain placed an embargo upon the export of munitions of war to Japan and China, hoping that other nations would follow salt. While not presuming to comment exercise her spirit of benevolent self- apon the decision of the Kincardine ssorifice, she has reversed her decl- lown council wiitb _reference to 4.w e port of the Blue Water Higawaf- . • sudation, The Signal cannot renal has ■ word or two on the reason given by The Review -Reporter for its decision. It has been explained ever and over again that the Blue Water Highway Association has no - .o thing to do with the highway In Itself lb location. Its upkeep, Its improve- ment -these are matters quite outside et its provisos. although tbe Associa- tion is always ready to give Its moral support to any movement foe the lm- provemest of the reed. e What, then, la the function of tbe .rites' Aasodatios? It Is to advertise the advantages and attractlotu, partieu- ktPrIeli and simltt .,v1et twf 4M 'Air af. Bine Water Highway. its booklet Owned annually tells of the many at- tractive places In the district, 1s - eluding Kincardine. Wille most of Saba' visitors may come by automoblle Siang the route of the Blue Water Highway, that is only a secondary matter -they may come by bicycle, sty steam railway, or by airplane if they will; the thing 1s to get them to some, and to stay as long as they can des and lifted the embargo. It east -oat-veer toeady- bitios et Rio import .1 arum would work to the disadvantage of China, depriving her of the means of reslat- Ing the aggreselon of Japan, which is well provided with war material. • • • Canadians sometimes poke fun at the slow and devious ways of the ad- minlstration of justice In the United States; bat tbe prompt trial and exe- cuttos of the assassin Zanier* shows that the United States courts have Bose facilities for sped It was ea February 15th. at Miami, Florida, that Zangara shot Mayor Cermak of Chicago In an attempt to kill Presi- dent-elect Roosevelt. Cermak died t I, Val Imams Weise menthe la electgr'eritrorrIPItilillag prison on March 200. • • • be persuaded to stay, rather than to wills by on a paved speedway. Goderkh, like Kincardine. would Eike to see a start tnada.anthe pav- ing of the higbway ; but under exist- ing circumstances this le au im- provement for which we may have to wait for some years. In the mean- time It will hardly do for the people of Eaeardili and Ottikerick and the other teem Is the dbttrfet to act around and do nothing until a mo- ment Is constructed along the lake read. DONT BE A QUITrL&, GEORGE I The member for North Huron 1s a member of the committee of Perlla- Ment wbich V investigating the "spread" of milk prices -the dispar- ity between the peke paid by the con- sumers and the amount recelved by the producers. Mr. Spottoa, ataord- Ing to a report from Ottawa, pro- fesses to be displeased with the lack of professes the committee le making In It. Investigation, and threatens to Leave the committee and "go out and make anowbabla'• if something mere Is n ot done. Membership to this committer. tires Mir. Spotton an opportunity to do something worth while for the dairy farmers of the country. He is aerial- ty responsible with every other mem- ber of tbe committee for the programother felltner,' remarked a man on the sr lark of progress ft 1s making. Hie street. threat to quit and "go out and make "Oh, not much," replied the farm- esewbaas" leaves the Imprewlon that gnietty, "that's all he's got behind Ilse I. not above making a play to the tee milrrc... Uer fie la not Id to trate THE COMING WEEK IN CANAuA'S PAST Compiled from Plies of The Montreal tiafatte by F. J. N. •Jhelum es memory Mrs•e•ussed" ltrt1.-'Pitts day marks the end of the struggle far 'supremacy in the fur trade of Canada by the aIualga- watton of the Hudass's Bal Company and the North-West Company. la 1779 the Madrona Bay Company was faced with competition from the North -Wert Company ; there was bit- ter rivalry. even kUlings by the em- ployees u4. the two companies. 1823.-T7ltaoMrurg In Upper Cku- eda was founded and named after a miller wbo located there. In the course of time one "1" got left out and In 1902 a special act of the Ontario Legtalature was Massed making the (Metal spelling with two 'l's." 1860. -The Queen's Own Rifles were organised at Toronto. They have a splendid record; Fenian raids of 18611 and 1870; Red River under Wolseley, 1870; Northwest rebel- lion, 1885; South African War, 1900, and the World War, 1914. Mand 4.7 1778. -Captain James Cook arrived ,ha Nootka and tool the attR_.rto cltalieuge the Spanish claie�e_t ms the North Pacific Coast. 18411. -Fredericton, the capital of New Brnnewitk, was Incorporated as ,a city. Its original name was 81. Ana's Point. 1883. -Madame Album, after win- ning world fame In Europe, ems giv- en an omclal welcome back to Mon- treal. • 1974. -'The death took place of 81r Byron E. Walker, president of the Canadian Bauk of Commerce. *trek 28 1752. -The Nova Scotia Gazette, the Hast newspaper in British Amer- ica, was Issued at Halifax. A mem- orl.l tablet marks the place of publi- cation. 1832.-A bill for the tncorporatioa of Brockville ad a town was passed by the Upper Canada Legeslatnre. March 99 RICH. ONT. V ;ee 'fie Like By A. W. B. Orator contests have beta Maser- sleeping ,Arouse speeches at times, or that he had good cause tor physical exhausttoa that night. 1f not, It would be must likely that he would question Mermen as to whether be bad trees bright and anteroom( enongn, or had he beta tom teagthy. or had his style been at fault. People go to sleep and those who do not are not roused very readily, wben care is not taken on all these points. To remain cold and academic and abstract, lacking a wise and schooled imagine - [Ion, Is to lose grip on the •udlence and they alp, aye. Into the laud of nod and into tbe 14ngdom of the un- interested. If we are dell, why should people take pains to listen to us? We must try to be Interesting. Macaulay says that Spenser has one fault in trying to carry his readers through "Feerte Queen." with all Its splendor of mimed successes, and that fault he tediousness. It is only a little and weary company that plods on to the very end. Some withers might study that comment ; 1t Illy- explain why there are no Laces lit up and no breathless catching of what 1s being said at the close of the address. Brevity Is a point not to be over- looked. it is an easy fault to be far too long -and try to pack in too much. Luther admired the speaker who • ;