HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-11, Page 1901
By IVIsty Boyle „,
On Wednesday morning a
real live deer appeared on
concession 12, west of the
village. It ran onto the lawn
of Mr. and Mrs, Tom
McDonald and looked all
around bewildered, then
-down the Brian Hedley's
lane and jumped over the
fence and across between the
Wally Breckles and Delbert
Hedley homes and out unto
County Road 1. It wasn't
Rudolph, but if it kept on
travelling at its speed, no
telling where it is now.
Miss Margaret Murray of
Montreal visited from Friday
until Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murray
and boys. She reports that
her long time friend, Miss
Fabiola Bartlett, 01 St. Jos-
eph's Nursing Home, is
enjoying her new dwelling
place. She will celebrate her
birthday on April 2. We send
along congratulations.
Mrs. Ina Eadie who has
been in hospital in London
and Wingham hoped to be
back to her own home in
Wingham, during the week
Attending the Farm Show
in London from here on
Tuesday were Jack Barr, Bill
Percy and Leonard Stanley
and on " Thursday Keith
Maulden and Terry Burt.
Bradley and Justin Murray
took part in the Lucknow Flea
Tournament on Saturday at
the Lucknow Arena.
Mr: and Mrs. Chester
Emerton of Lurgan visited
with Mr. and , Mrs. William
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. John Bushell of
New Hamburg on the swivel
of their baby daughter, Bit -
;tune Margaret, on Saturday,
Feburuary 28. A great grand-
daughter for Mrs. John Barr.
Mr, and Mrs. Vinton Lent.
of Port Huron, Michigan
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Murray and attended
the funeral of Mrs. 'Lent's
cousin, the late William Col-
lison. Also here for the fun-
eral were Mrs. Veronica Mc-
Carter, Wallaceburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Kraemer and
Melene, Rexdale; Mr. and
The Man
To See Is
185 ACRES, approximately 165 workable acres, sys-
tematically tiled, Ashfield Township.
100 ACRES, approximately 85 workable, 3 bedroom
dwelling and pole, narn 44 x 88, Ashfield Township.
113 ACRES, Kinloss• Township, approximately 85
workable, 3 bedroom home with new addition, beef
barn and 5000 bu. steel granary.
504 ACRES, approximately 400 choice cash crop
workable. Homes and buildings are well maintained,
barns are well set up for beef and hogs. Fall possession
is available.
720 ACRES with approximately 550 workable, excellent
brick home, barns with feed storage and capacity of 600
to 700 beef cattle.
150 ACRE FARM, 4 bedroom field stone home, .barn
having capacity of 90 beef cattle, and 45 sows; 125
workable acres in one field. FCC mortgage available to
a qualified ,buyer.
25 ACRES of Highway. property, renovated 6 room
home, all conveniences, drilled well, in the Wingham
150 ACRES, 135 workable, 3 bedroom bungalow home,
older barns, milk house and new implement shed. Farm
Credit Corporation mortgage at 8% % available to a
qualifying purchaser, Ripley area.
GODERICH 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, 3 piece
bath, heated by gas furnace, double garage, asking
$29,000. Owner will consider all offers. 1
LUCKNOW, 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, oil hear,
asking $23,500.
LUCKNOW, comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow, full
length sun porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally
nice lot. Reduced to 517,000.00.
COUNTRY HOME located on approximately 1 acre
with a small barn, Pine River area.
DUNGANNON, 3 bedroom home with 3 extra lots.
Owner, will consider your offer. Asking 529,500.
We have inquiries for farms, both large and
small acreages. If you are thinking of selling,
give us a call; we would be pleased to talk to
Warren & Terry Zinn
PHONE 5294350 R. # LUCENOW
1i •
Mts. John Murray and fam-
ily; Mrs, Barbara Schmid;
Mrs. Elaine Fisher; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Murray; Mr and
Mrs. Leo Murray; Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie , Murray and
Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Mur-
Mr. and Mrs. William
MacPherson ' were dinner
° guests Friday evening with
Mr. And Mrs. Jack Scott,
Mrs. Bill Burt. and Paul
visited during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw
and family at Stayner.
Mrs. Don McCosh of Rip-
ley and her daughter, Mary
Ann of Kukoly of Kitimat,
B.C., Mrs. John Barr, Miss
Winnifred Percy, Mrs. Den
Bushell and Mrs. Frank
Maulden visited on Friday
afternoon with Edna and
May Boyle.
Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs.
Charlie Murray have been
having ladies at their quilt-
ings at the Cox place, now
owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Murray. Several lov-
ely quilts bave been cont
pleted and we all had a good
time together.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley
Bushell of Wingham visited
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bushell. I
.We send get well wishes to
'Whs. Delbert Hedley who has
notbeen enjoying the best of
health lately.
Visitors clurhig the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Nicholson were Mr, and Mrs.
Calvin McConnell of Armovv,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart of
Millarton and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Lane, Janet, Joyce
and Judy. On Saturday even-
ing the Nicholsons visited at
Purple Grove with Mr. and
Mrs. John Rimmelzwaan and
family. \
Mrs. Marjorie Bennett,
Mrs. Shirley Whiteside and
Mr. and Mis. Howard
Whiteside Jr. of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mr.
imelasew Seistinult Wetlimandlnyt North
Arthur Haldenby.
The World Day of Prayer
service for this area was held
on Friday. March 6 in the
Presbyterian Church.
The theme was, The Earth
Is the Lord's, and the service
was prepared by native Am
edam Indian Women.
Mrs. Don Robertson was
the leader and gave the call
to prayer. Miss May. Boyle
was the reader for the scrip-
ture portions, All took part in..
the Litany.
Mrs.. Jack Barr took the
part of the "Voice' . Mrs,
Bert Nicholson gave two
readings in keeping with the
theme. Mrs. Tom McDonald
gave the address. The offer,
,ing was received by Mrs.
Don IvicEwan and Mrs. Don
Mrs. William MacPherson
presided at the organ for the
service. Mrs. Robertson ex-
pressed appreciation to ev-
eryone who attended and
took part in the service. Mrs.
Eric Thacker was appointed
leader for next year.
Recnt visitors . with Mr.
and, Mrs. William MacPher-
son of Holyrood wore Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Conley and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moffat, of
'Lucknow, and Mrs. Gordon.
MacPherson and • Ron; of
9' mill s
Men s nowsing
High single John VanDiep-
en 274. High triple Bob'
Greer 710.
Games over 225: John
VanDiepen 274, Clarence
Greer 259, Bob Greer 258,
230, George Stanley 248,
Wayne Cranston 239, Brian
Stewart 238, Greg Park 228,
Dave Sproule 227, Jim Bain
Team standings: Oldsmo-
biles 7, 96; Fords 2, 63; •
Mustangs 5, 94; Dodges 2,
74%, Pontiaci 5, 69%, Bu-
icks 0, 65.
The recent announcements by Premier Bill
Davis and the Progressive 'Conservative
government ,for development of a Bruce
Energy Centre at the Bruce Nuclear Power
Development is good for Huron -Bruce, it's
good for Ontario. ,
-it can provide jobs for the youth of our
-it can provide opportunities for seconcl-
"ary industry and small business to locate in
our area.
. -it can provide a ready market for cash
crop farmers in the riding and the
byproducts can provide mash for livestock
-it can make Ontario less dependent on
Albertan and foreign oil,
The Bruce Energy Centre is a step ahead
for Ontario and, all the better, it can
happen in Huron -Bruce.
While the new prosperity will be wel-
come, it must not come at the expense of
our farmers industries, small business or
-Chairman of the Bruce. COunty Ec-
onomic Development Committee
-12 years municipal experience
-25 years a farmer