The Signal, 1933-3-9, Page 83 --Thursday, March 9th, 1983 Ste Patrick's Day oda NOW ON DISPLAY 4 - AT -.,r. Cole's Book Store C. GARLEY TOOT CORRfUCT.ONtaT AND YAkie Or FEATHER WEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS to Individual Impeeastsa (Process patented) 110 Melanie St., Lemke, OeL Write for information or phone Fair. 3409 T'HE SIGNAL gODERICH, ONT. Coalition Proposals at Ottawa satlnlMd >)brs Dago 1) toggle. was the' y question. It L persistently reported that the Cana- dian Pacific Railway feels amalgam- ation of the two railways under pri- vate ownership, preferably C. 1'. R. management, can alone "solve the prob- lem and save the Dominion from what they believe is certain-baneruptc7. Sir Arthur 1s said to be not unfriendly to K W. Beata and the C. P. R. That is what came to thL wads.. about • national Government, but, ac- tually. n_tually. the position remains unchanged from that outlined In an earlier letter some weeks ago. Incidentally, your cor- respondent talked privately with two prominent Liberals whose names have been suggested as certain in any national Government formed, and they both indicated quite definitely that they did not think any national Gov- ernment could be a eucce,s here now, and, turner, that they Could net see their way elear to accept any port- folio 4f such a Government were formed Following one of Mr. Ben - Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Goloshes This year the brands of Rubber Footwear we have in stock enjoy the built-up confidence of the consuming public based on quality and service that Tian never failed. The KAUFMAN, LIFE -BUOY and GOODRICH brands are built for service. The styles are smart and the fitting qualities the best.. Prices are right for erg quality RUBBER FOOTWEAR. Buy now while you have the test assortment from which to select your requirements. , GEO. MACV1 CAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH -MEMBER MUTUAL SHOE STORES GROUP - 1933 TAXES Town of Goderich Pay your 1933 Taus now in $10.00 instalments of more. A discount at the rate of 51/2% per annum allowed Bank interest is only 3% This discount is in addition, to usual June discounts 1933 DOG LICENSES NOW DUE • H. ROBERTSON, S In? the movement of 2,0042.196 tons of Canadian coal to different markets in the Dominion. A Government bill to enfranchise nett'a pet expressions --'That's that. with respect. to that'" Railway Bin under Fire. Discussion on the railway bill calling for three trueteee to manage the Cana- dian National Railway and for en az- Ittgdl.l trlpliattl to bring 'bout compul- sory co-operation between the c. N. R. and the Canadian Pacific Railway 1. likely to proceed 1n the `elllouse of Commons this coming week. The Liber- (tome of Mr. and Mr. William Fuller. wondered who would win In a brawl GODERICH TONSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Karen and Mn. Elgin Poets, of Stan- ley township, were +lattop in the eom- enmity oo Sunday. Mrs. William Reid. of Stanley town_ SALE NCE FOR SA LK I K OS Sl' -worry- If PII1fOS-PSOO>rl Wednesday, imAUCTIO,Meed22.-Clearing win. "km Man" Moors is Blab sale of farm stock, implements, hay VOR SALE. -A VIOLIN, 0001) Spsrtiog Club Event and grain. property of Howard J. new. Appal at the SIGNAL FICE. "Scotty" MacDougali of Goderich u credited by Buffalo sports with pro - ship, la visiting at the home of her aiding most of the fireworks 1n a bridaer end dater-its-ldw, Mr. Rutter[ wrWtlttti show held recently in that rte 1 Mrs. t,arhise Devins and ,- 'eery 1. told in the apurt- Mrs. Willis, sr., lir. Vern. Wily of a Buffalo paper: and Silas Eunice fount, id Colbagge Lai co4e s. township, were Sunda) meats at the For generations, ring fans have Cox, 6th concession, Goderich township, commencing at 1.80 o'clock. T. UUNDRY • SON, Auctioneers. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. G1BBS, OHARTEREL Accountant,, 102 Ontario scram Stratford. Phone 1580. Mar 1811uo ala are likely to criticise !t in detail, Miss Mary Bogie, of Nile, was a between a wrestler and a tighter, bar- -• though giving general gl i neral approval to the Nest last week at the home of Mr. rel -house or Mexicau rules yreva11Ing. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Harvey Ful Au Inkling as to Just which way that principle of the bill as finally drafted Jt r. and Jere. Ed. liorbey and Pa- kind of a match would go was gained I THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MBS. by the Senate. The Opposition doesn't trlcia, rat Godtrlch• were guests at tin- like he 1 like the wan ebb bill empowers home of Mr. and Sir. Robert MCAIIIs- the first tires trurtee, named ter on Friday last. Miss Ethel Mcliw•ain visited at het by the Government, presumably three home last week, but hu returned to good Conservatives, acting with the town again. chairman of the Dominlotu Board of The Dramatic Society of Unibn ler. Railway Commissioners, Justice C P church met et rwood the on hose n oraef Mr. and even - Th d Jin. Fullerton, a Conservative appointee, ng stud(l. Mmadeafor for the and the president of the Exchequer Court. Justice A. K. MacLean, a form- er Unionist Government Liberal, to draw up- a panel of eight names, pre- sumably etght good Conservatives, from which succeaslve Governments must fill vacancies on the trustee board-. They fear it threatens a Coq- servative family compact for indefinite years to come; they would prefer to hare the Government of the day left free to make appointments to the trustee board. The Liberals are said to fear also that the Government is handing over too many and too muck of its past and preeeet powers with too much power to be vested on the one hand in the chairman of the trustee board and on the other in the chairman of the Railway Board, who, ex-clo, is chairman of all arbitral tribunals set up to deal with disputes as they arise between the two roads. There are others who think that the trustee board should have flee mem- bers instead of three; so that the de- bate on the bill la certain to be quite • lengthy and spirited discussion. Investigating the Spread The agriculture committer is making some headway with its enquiry Into the spread of milk prices. The sym- pathy of the committee seems quite strongly with the farmer in that he is not getting his fair share et what presentation of two plays to the tear future. This newly -formed Society plane to pawl a series of plays, the proceeds to be used for church pur- poses. The two plays, "Smoldering Fires" and "Neighbors," highly en- dorsed by the Ontario Agricultural College, arc filled with humor and pathos. and will be worth seeing. Watch for.furthef dills The March meeting of the W. M. S. will be held on Wednesday afternoon of this week, at the home of Mrs. JamesYoung. Mrs Mary Phillips will have charge of the devotional period. Service was well attended at Clnlon church on Sunday, when the pastor, Rev. F. W. ('rate, occupied the pulpit, and delivered an Interesting address on the subject "Tire Mission o1 tbe Church," from the text "Now when they saw the holdnea of Peter and John, and perceived that they unlearned and ignorant men, they mar- velled; and they took knowledge of them. that they had been withJes ( Acts 4:13). Next Sunday. rvices will 1e as usual; Sunday •'boot at 2.00 p.m.. preaching service at 8.00 p.m. (There will be special musk by the quartette 1e ire Invited to the a The young people Bell Por- ter's of Mr. and Mrs Teed Hill, for a social evening on Wed- nesday of this weds Miss Marguerite Falconer, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday at Inc home of bar parents, Mr. and MR George Fal- coner. A three -act play. "Brown -eyed Bet- ty," will be preempted in Union church on Wednesday, )(arch 22nd, at 815 o'clock, by the young people of Car- low United church. under Inc auspices the eoarRlmer Ultimately NO4E-Mi 6Y --the, thrleweitemeg a tors will be employed to look over the books of distributing companies to see why they claim so much In compari- son with what the producer gets. Canadian radio stations, after their current licenses expire on April 1st nett, are to be required to serve tbe interests of Canada, Hon. Alfred Dur- anlau, Minister of Marine, told the House this week when conefderinges- tlmates having to do with radio. One suggestion In that the Canadian sta- tions be permitted to advertise only Canadian products, The Government has collected 1098000 in radio 11 - cense' for receiving mete during the eseeti ret tbe+¢towut !seal vas,. J : r t j::>,lertilr- The hanrint tFe:'a"L The Aotl'overnr'1 'tl ilt tlt period two selections and T h 1' fie that the Government for the periodl ung two solos in his usual fine style 192R-32 has !Tent $1,1374,084 in assist- Owing to Rev. F. W. liraI 's being eing unable to he present, wan not held. Some business was dlscusmed. A hymn was Inc MlaAda the meeting closed wi pah benediction. in one of the preliminary bouts on the Buffalo sporting club's wrestling pro- gram in Broadway auditorium fri- day .algbt._ Scotty MacDougall, a broth of a bruiser from up Goderich, Ont., way, was roughing things too much in his bout with Karol Nowtaa, to salt Raters° Jimmy Goodrich. Jemmy, u you know, once woe world's light- weight boxing champion, but Mac- Dougall evidently hadn't beard of that, for when asked to stop throt- tling Karol the Scot responded by showing Shamus an open and shat este of lose ma.este. (Goodrich angrily rapped a smart right book to the MacDougall's chest. but the beg, tgo A wrestler only grunted and resp ted his cheerful task of choking l.a youngest of the Zbytaskos. He bad trapped Nowtna's NOTICE TO CREDITORS head between Inc top and middle ropes, giving as good imitation of an amateur hangman. This was too much for the referee, who pulled Mac off her hapless Inc. sighted. took careful aim and let fly with the famous right hand that has softened the chins of some of the nation's best lightweights. It was the same right that had pounded Mushy lallahan, then Junior welter- weight champloo, to a pulp here three lean ago. Aa Inc blow whistled though the air, fans began to feel Just a bit sor- ry for MacDougall. They expected to see him drop like a log. The punch connected squarely with Scotty's chin, but he didn't4rop. Neither did he give any 1 tion of having felt Inc smash. #$b This was more than passing strange, for, while Goodrich has been out of active fighting for more than a year, a good right-hand hitter, like a baseball slugger, is supposed to car- ry her punch to Inc grave. But Scot- ty was as chipper and misty as ever and desired to continue his nefarious Nowise. _ tr.4Cn..... AMIE Prank 7.-- Offermann's deputies bounced more or less nimbly into Inc ring and proceeded b single out the combatants. It was the first big sight for the boys la blue-alnce the memorable Shlkat-Pinetskl riot a month ago. And this is wby many of Inc spec- tators, Including your observer, will be inclined to put the family jewels on the wrestler In the event of a free- for-all. MacDougall was disqualified In 14 minutes and 55 seconds. Later he said: "Did that punch hurt I an take those until the . tom' home. Bring on Dempsey." Good as was the Dick Shlkat-8am- my Stein main event, won by the former In 32 minutes and 45 seconds, the major tople.4i aiumutaloA alt- the mat eddiel e' v..6s. -a;- Clic lam. was MacDougall's ability to shake off Goodrich's "Snaday" punch. ROBERT DUFF take this mean* of expreesing their sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses extended to them by their friends In their recent bereavement They also wish to thauk chow who lent can for the funeral. WANTED AS OF - HOUSE FOR SALE. -NEW MOD. 6RN BRICK SOUSE, on Britamis road. FRANK H. MARTIN. ROWBOAT WANTED -16 -FT. MUST be in good condition. State price. BO[ 17, SIGNAL R SALE OR unriT.-R1[AI "r I house, good location. At a bar- gain, easy terms. Apply to THOS, YOUNG, South street. WANTED BY THE HOUR OR DAY, tepairing or making house linens, curtains, children's clothes, or will 40 same at home. MRS. J. C. SIlSIWAR'R Trafalgar street. {DOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT.- 1illSeven-roomed brick house, on Vie- torte iatorte street; all modern conveniences; garage. 0111 SIGNAL OPTICS. HOUSE TO RUNT. -IF YOU ABE thinking of moving to a warms, more central house with garage said garden, see M. W. HOWELL. '0R RENT. - SEVEN -ROOMED apartment In brick building; mod- ern convenience.; garage 1f wanted. Apply J. 13ARNWELL, Keays street. VOR $LL1S-PI1UC TURF BATTERY l■ RADIO; new tubes, transformers. and batteries. A bargain. HAMIL- TON (LUTTON, B.B. No- 3, Godsr- Ich, Phone 1414 Carlow. 411111WWIEWWWsastr. Music between sets. Admission, adults 20e, children 10c. Mr. and Mrs. EdiNt Ross and Mary, of Holmesville, were Sunday visitors ■t the home of Mr. and lin. Victor Ross. The Young People's Society bald their regular meeting la the chard on Friday evening, with eightees members present. The president. Mise Nora tlow-erb7, had charge of the meeting In Inc absence of 1t leader. Jil.. Lena meeting opened with the stagingof the hymn "Blest JO the Tiethat of Binds, repeating followed by the repg the Lord's Prayer in union. Tbe read 8c•iptnre leasoa, Psalm 82, was on. "Tee responsively- The topic f Christ" was read by Everett millINMIIIIIMINIMENIMMIMP Indians, whether they wish It or not, AT MOORE'S GARAGE WE ARE BACK AGAIN AT OUR OLD STAND WITH -THIS LARGEST CHOICE OF USED CARS IN TOWN ANI) HAVE THF) FOLLOWING OARS IN STOCK. 11 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 29 Oakland Deluxe Coach 31 Feed Spirt Roadster 29 Ford Cinch 39 Dodge Gap 29 Chevrolet Coach 39 Pontiac Sedan 2S Chevrolet Light Delivery jeEssex Conch 27 Whippet Sedan All of these Cars are primo at very low prlees for quick sale, and may be had on easy terms. rsnteed for We are able to offer you a 1I.PLATE BATTERY, Rus one year, for the very low price or --SEE US BEFORE YOU DEAL - $4.85 STEDELBAUER'S We Refrain from Prophecy ,- Because we don't want to be likethe fejlow that said prosperity was just around the COMM. It is a fact these reduced prices are for this week only. - _ - 2 cakes for 47c 99e 29c Cuticura Soap Ie.•itod Yeast Colgate's Shaviag Crean Sweat Writs 01 Nit". froth 2 ass. fee 2Se U.abigaat's Faro Powder {9e Jergen's Had Lades 8Oc Hoesbevwd Candy 19•Ib. Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 Tubes and Tooth Brash 91.00 valve for 49c Zam Buk Ointment sIChuemen 44c 2 pkgs. feta 45e Iller/aelt Shad Sitters. • bleed. prate*, i.r we, yeses $1.10 WO LiverLiverPale fie ".a.✓s ,r, i4 list spas yaks, Howard'* FaiNsb 1Ss •sinuer Mai" t wr ML-.,althYf tYll ane, ••• talk Dom -*t If a/ ariSTORE- iwier, Campbell, Wigle DRUGGiST'S t`tr.I `. has stirred °p quite a bit of des mesion in recent Jaya. The bill 1s not yet through the Howse. The Government followed the lead of the British Government In putting an embargo on munitions from the Domin- ion to the Far Fetid. The only munitions being made -in.- .Canada now ■re at the Government arsenal et Quebec, so that the Govern- Iment'e action is more important for On moral effect than that either Japan or China will get fewer ammunitions. Mere Patrenage A hill has been introduced by the Government to take away from the Civil Service Commisainn all appoint - usenet to the pen 1ten tin ry staffs throughout the country. The Govern- ment regards such appointments as aemf-military, like the R. C. M. P., and report's followlnj the reeeut peniten- tiary Tanta were that some of the guards appointed by the C. S. CAM - mission were not what they should have been. The ery of Inereasing pa- tronnge will he raised and the hill will have a tattle. though as a Gov- ernment met'sure ultimately it will be put through. As indle.ted last week, official an- i nouneement he. been made of the ap- pointment of Henry Mnrgenfhan. jr., as chairman of the United States Farm Board. with the object that wheat and cotton stabllisation opera - tinny he Liquidated as rapidly am poe- alhle. Mr. Morgenthau dotted Otte's' reeently, if In presumed, to sewtnd oat the Government here on an interne. tional whew[ eonfetence in an effort to reduce, the acreage for wheat this coming year and prsslbly also to talk re- etpt'nelty. Deapetchee from England lately have a ideneed Rome eoreern that Mr. Bennett 1s going to vieet Waahingten et Eamter on reciprocity before the British delegation get. there to arttlh tha dent. gnetlmn. Time THE FATAL VOYAGE OF THE NINE BEAUTY QUEENS Silas Angela Joyce, the famous „Miss England" who made • tour of America with the other national prise leautlee of Europe, reveals the sec- ret trsErlles end comedies of that memorable and miserable trip, In an article. next Sunday, in The American Weekly, distributed with" fin Detroit Sunday Times. NOT10E TO CREDITORS. Notice 1s hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Mary E. Mores, late of the Town of Goderich, widow, who died on or ahou' the 16th day of February, 1933, to send same, duly proven, to the uncle -signed on or before Inc 11th day of March. 1983, as on and atter that date the Executor of the said estate will proceed to make distrlbatloo thereof, having regard only to Inc claims of which be has notice. Dated at (}Adel -kb this 20th day of February, A.D. 1933. HAYS • HAYS, Ooderleb, Outerlo, &Melton for Inc Executor herein. CLINTON OUT OF TT The Clinton Colts could not stand up under the pare set by the Walkerton boys In their hockey play'nfrs last week. Walkerton took the game on home Ice on Wednesday 3-1. and won again at Clinton on Friday (1-4. thus taking the round with Inc total score of 9 to 5. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Gode.ich Women's Institute was held In Mae'Kay Hall on March 2nd, and was attended by a large number of memo( et. The fiat vice-president, Mrs. Jas. Bisset presided. Th.• report of the 'February meet- ing, also , the correepondetuce, was read by the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Abell. '19e resolutions eomptled try Mrs. R. T. Phillips and Mn. C. Young were i read by Mn. Phillips and approved by the members. These resolutions are l to 1* sent to the district annual meet- ing. A division of Inc members Into fif- teen rronpr was made, each group 10 raise money for the cemetery fund. An m•ellent paper on home and school work was given h7 •n. Pal- mer. giving full details of the organ- leatlo't of the first Home and School Club. This was founded by Mrs. A. C. Cnnrtice of Toronto In 1910. Mn. Pa,mer [wade an appeal for more co- npers•ion of parents in this work. "Current Events" were prepared' by Mrs. A. 0, McLean and read by Mrs. Abell. A very tutemutlag and amusing c.n+ feet was held in the form of a open- ing match, the words being spelled Mcketurd*. Tilden were chosen with Mrs. Geo. Matbleson and Mrs. G. Tonne as captalna, the sortie being given by Mn. S. McPhail. The prise was won by Mrs. G. Toting. The feature event of the April meet["g will be a "kitchen bend." with Mrs Palmer se leader. rhe meeting e1naet with the •Indnl of 1st- #let oues1 Anthem and rer ssh meat, served h mix ho'le's'' aD , . Ara; savakrn. - aeee, War RiWaa iw - Tlr eatirtrilaw-level of i.lvm Heves 'rood at 817.T .hove we lava, 'Awn. - Rs (he lowest reading 'lame records have been kept was 877.44 In Febru- ary. 19211. 41140. I Pawtfew fuer *Mr to Skews -At Eentljean. NORTH STREET W. M. S. The W. M. S. of North street United church held the regular . monthly, meeting on. Monday afternoon in the 'Mmol room of the church. The prea1- dent. Mrs. I. Hetherington, was in the chair and Mise Rae Andrew preedded I at the piano. The visiting committee reported that seven hospital calls had been made and three calls on shut - The treasnrcr reported 4167.50 n ewlved in February. Mrs. T. John -1 stem reported that three quilts had! been furnished by the Society, as well an two for the welfare work of the town. The eeeretary read a letter Prom Mrs. Wallace Moss that had been sent to the boys and Idris of the Sunday school Mrs. Malcolm McKay prealded dor ing the devotional hour. The Scrip- 1 ture read was Psalm 19. Mrs. R. J. Howard rind several interesting items 1 of enrre t news. Including a letter I from Dr. .1. M. Robb, Siinliter of health, to Mrs. H. M. Kipp, secretary for medical misaloua of the W. M. 8. of the United church. thanking the women of the Missionary Society for "Whi the deotlmstlne Is Sed"Me, exp' taloa speedo one progress." - Mary labmr )eddy. PUBLIC NOTICE HURON LODGE, NO. 02, 1.0.0.T. The members of Huron Lodge. No. 82, I.0.0.F.. are requested to attend the meeting on Monday night, March 13, Shen Loyd Hudson. of Rensall. D.D.G M.. will pay his °Eclat visit EzoQna1ra euchre and a smoker will be held after the meeting. Visiting Oddfellows cordially invited PERCY BARKER, N.G. J. W. NEWCOMBE, R -S. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IN TIME MArrea OF THE BANK- RUPTCY OT JOHN ROBid1RT THOMPSON, DEBTOR. Notice la hereby given that John Robert Thompson, of the Township of West Wawanoeh, 1n the Province of Ontario. made an authorised assign - !bent on the 27th day of February. 411.40tianittt ffis„ hast meeting of creditors will be held on Inc Tenth day of March, 1933. at 2 p.m. 1n the afternoon, at the once of Mr. J. W. Bushveld, Wingham, Ontario. To vote thereat proofs of claims aotrMe must be Met with prior thereto. Those having oialme against the estate must file the same with the Custodian of the Trnstee when are pointed before distribution is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the partlea entitled thereto, without regard to such elalma. Dated at Stratford this 2nd day of Marc'', 1988. JOHN STEVENSON, Custodian. Box 43, Stratford, Ontario. the swwtatanee given, ewpclalty In the northern part of the Province. in the care of the sick and the comfort of the needy. Mrs. A. M.theaon read the devotion- al leaflet, "The Woman of No impor- tance," and Mrs. W. J. Andrew gave a floe ayuopals of the first chapter of the study book. "His Dominion of Canada,' dealing with the country, the people and the early French mlaslons. Mei. G. T. Watts eloped the meeting with prayer. __ IN MEMORIAM 13000. -in loving memory of Ed- ward Goal. who passed away on March Atli, 192X. Broken is the faintly circle, Oar dear one has passed away: Passed from earth and earthly dark - hoes into bright and perfect day. Hut we all mast ewes to languid" O'er the grave of him we love ; Strive to be prepared to meet him " 15 Ito Sitter world --WIP' E ANP) DAUGEOISEIL j6Y^-fey E2116iNKRRINIS POMMEL • CAREY. -(7(N o;1ur1NG end Muatrlpal Engtneeting. ihats- age. ieed 'surveying. Kauai. 'Temple 801141ng, Goderteb. Gat Pisss sIa -- AUCTION SAL USE TO RUNT.-OOQD ROUSI8, just painted, with two acres of Ind. Four -ear garage; good stable and henhouse; small fruit trees. Apply to MRS. THOMAS SHIELDS. R. R. 5, Goderlcb, (int. Phone 189 Carlow. AUCTION SALE. An auction sale of stock will be held at concession 10, A.heeid, one- half mile west of Belfast, on Thom day, March 16, at 1 o'clock. HARRY HACEWIT. Proprietor. WELLINGTON HEND9IRSON, Auctioneer. ,`ARM FOR SALE --FORTY ACRES more or lea. Th. property of the late O. W. C. Nattal, situated at the end of South street on the southern boundary of the town; of good elay loam ; large house and learn, drive shed, workshop, henhouse ; artesian well 1135 feet) , the very best of water : good fruit trees. Ideal location, dose is aeboola and churches. For further par- ticulars apply on the oremlaea or t. PERCY or WILL NAFTBI. AUCTION acme THOMAS GUNDBY, OODERICH- LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL A UCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere aad way effort made to give satl.faetlaa Fanners' sale not.. discounted, CLEARING AUVfiON SALE OF FARM STOCK AND iMPLE- MFNTS. At lot 19, concession 10, Goderleh fownehfp, dne mile west and three mites north of Clinton, on FRIDAY, MAR411I 17th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the fol- lowing: Horses --Grey , mare, 5 year* old, weighing 1300 lbs.; black mare, 4 years old, weighing 1300 lir.; roan gelding, 11 years old, welshing 1200 the, - ,_.. - Cattle --14 cows. some ml1k1(1s, and some due to freshen soon. Ail young Holetelns except one Hereford. Due to freshen n April. Four two-year old Holateln heifers Just bred; 8 yearling heifers; 4 young honer calves; purebred Holstein sire, 8 years old. These cattle are all in good condition. Pigs, -Brood sow ; 9 pigs just Weaned; ■iso a number of eheiee Young sows for breeding purpose.. grew, 2 years old. Impieawewb.-Ma.a7-Harts riding plow /(new Premier) ; Massy -Har - rim 2 furrow walking plow; Ma'swey- Harris mower. (-11 rot; Moseley - Barrie Tenser and bean harvester; Massey -Harris wagon good as new ; Chatham fanning min and tagger; Rnrmsn power supper.. MMrellarwnrm,-Rat of welsh no - buckle harness, 2 years old, good as new ; set of hreeehing hempen; a few good' evel 1. rs ; 120 ft. of hay rope; set et slings; 150 bus. Rsaner ae.1111110 (c"oleo quality) ; 176 has. Mt --SRS • elm ,,,.W.2ta..-..eM''*1' -Ere frbb► 111111 ostia II oonla 444141. Mede woo 1 Tht. is a Nearing wale, as Mr. R ter h.. sold his farm. - TER MS. --Cash. Id. J. 101T1.ER. DEO 8. ESII.TOTT Proprietor Allide eht, MEDICAL F%.d. s. roams. ----- .. __.__.- EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- tbalslc and Aural Hospital, .'aslant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and (Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, ami, 68 Waterloo SL 8.. Stratford. Tai.. phone 2ti7. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, from T o'clock ou the evening of third Mandan of each month till the following TYea• day at 1 p.m. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER /CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS. -' .HERAPiST Goderici, Phage 1141, Equipped with electro-magnstis baths. Electraalc electric treatasab and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and servo°, diseases, Lady in .attendance. ligetposilt y and Office hours and..7 to d by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office--C,orm.r eS -"" 71 +'x, South street and Britannia road. ere it -- 't. MUMIC RAYMOND FLEMING PLAYER, A.T.C.M., Orgauat and Choirmaster of North Street United Church, an- nounces that he 1s prepared to aeeept pupils in piano, organ, theory, and vocal. Terms on. application. 11411- rat itnd studio, Newpts Street `MB. H. N. LIVENS, PUPIL OT THE Royal Conservatory, LMpsg, Ger- many. Teacher of piano, organ, vocal, and harmony. Terms on appllatlon. BEDFORD HOTEL or KNOB CHURCH. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMHB, Barrister, Etc- Office -Hamilton street, Ooderleb Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN. Barrister and Solicitor. Oster -Hamilton street. Goderich. Telephone 512. R. R. DARROW, BARRiSTER, ETC. Successor to .1. Killoran. Phone 97. Office --The Square, Goderich. CRANK DONNELLY, R. A. Barrla er, Solicitor. Etc. ase -Hamilton Street, GoderleL P bsae 282. HAYS • HAYS, ll Barristers and Solbiton 8 C. Hay. 8.0., and R. C. Hays, B.A. Hamilton street, Oodeirlcb Telephone 88. r,RNWST M. LER, Barrister and Solloltor S as Life Building. Adelaide sad Via torts street., Toronto 2. • Telephone Elgin 680E McKiLLOP MUTUAL FiRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Fars and belated torp property insured. Officers -Geo. McCartney, Pres., R. R. 8. Sceforth ; James Connolly. Vies- , Pres., Golerteb P.O.: Merton A. Rain S ee.-Treas., Ileef.rth P.O. Dlnetors-A. Brnsdfnot, R . No. t S.afortb ; James INeoldloe, pall's ; Was. East. Losdo.bere t leh.et 1Mriaelt! Gan. LMwhar r=$fb too ; Mao tferlt t - 711E , Psrley-bsYsrs ass mike all paymildi and gat their earls tune tel .t She 3. • 8. Held' .er SSE ) eat 4. 1. H. •s Slltir+d. V?" -.16.1a wAwwiallparlawritalle,