The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-11, Page 8NI Pap $ azislow. SssMae"% WIdrwedwa►, north 12, L' D es's* O Several ladies from the' sir attended the World Day of -Prayer at. the'Lucknow United Church' on " Friday. Betty -Lou Dolton, Clarke • Paton -and MaryClan sang, P +ce is"Flowing like a River. Lou accompanied on and neighbours of Donald* Fattish ; will be sony to learn that he • was ; tmns- ferred 'to Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday , of last week after being a patient in ;.the'Winghun° and District Hospital for three . Weeks; We hope your stay, there won't be too long, I+ Donnie. Miss' Blanche Bilodeau of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mrs. Yvette Heffernan who .returned home on Thursday after spending some time with her . son,;. Jerry, of Stratford, and Al- bert and Marjorie and family of Essex,.,: ' The Kingsbridge Area Seniors held their first card partyof the season .on Wed- nesday evening at 8.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Winners of the door prize was John Howard. High lady ` was Claarice Dalton end With m n was Joe Austin. Low lady was Annie VanDiepenbeek and low man was John How - all. The next card purr will be held next Wednesday evening. • Congratulations to Des and Linda ,Courtney ' of rod- etich ' on' the 'birth of their third child, a son, Desmond' Andrew, born on March 2. Proud grandmother is Mrs. Marcella Courtney. Gary and Chris Courtney and baby, Michael of Blyth were dinner guests on Sun- day with his parents, Joe and Teresa Courtney, Floyd and Carl. Dan . and Eileen Wilson and family and • Betty Lou Dalton and family spent last weekend at the Wheels Inn in Chatham. Betty Louts daughter, Shannon, partici- pated in the free-throw tour • - nament at Ursuline College, and . placed third. Jim and Yvonne Sinnett and family spent the week- end in Toronto with Yvonne's sister, Maureen and- Delmar, Maize and family.. Their daughter, Sheila . Nelson and grandson,' Daniel, flew from Toronto Airport back to their home in Calgary on Sunday., tudy India Mrs. Fraser •"MacKinnon was hostess for the `March meeting of South .Kinloss Mrs. ' Evan Keith presided, and opened the meeting with the poem, Joy in Living. The Bible Study by Mrs. John. Forster was bn the theme . of . Faith. She -stated we must have an acting faith, trusting in Christ, The roll call was answered with, a Bible verse on pure. A. reading was given by Mrs. Dave MacKinnon, No Excuse Sunday.. .. , . Mrs. John . Mowbray took the study . on India. The family in India is a source of Security. Everyone belongs_ to a group. There are many changes in . living among the people of India. A reading entitled, March, from the the Glad Tidings was read by Mrs. Herb Buckton. The offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Dave MacKinnon, and Mrs; Evan Keith conducted a contest on trees of the Bible. Courtesies were by Mrs. John Mowbray and.the dos- ing , prayer os-ing-.prayer was offered by Mrs: Harold Howald. The hostess and directtoors�, Mrs. John Mowbray, Mrs. John Forster, . Mrs. Dave MacKinnon, served lunch. Trinitygirl wins St, Jsetpit'a C.W.C. The March meeting of St. Joseph's CWL was held on Monday evening in the Pari is ►.J%n with Clams Dalton presiding. After the Opening Prayers, 'the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Delores Van Osch and adopted as correct. Several correspondences were read by BettyFrayne, A letter was received by the London Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women's Leauge, announcing 'that three resolutions have been accepted to be presented at the . annual .convention in May. They are 1. Absentee Ownership, submitted by Kingsbridge C. WL.; 2 Cris- is Centres, submitted by London Central Committee; 3. Rest How, submitted by London Diocesan Council. A letter acknowledging 'eur do- nation to Save a Family Plan was read and It letter from the 'family , to which ' the, donation went was read.; The annual Diocesan Con- vent on to be held 'in Chat- ham ° was briefly discussed. Hopefully a car load .of ladies will attend one of the dayst Rita Howard gave a brief summary on the Seminar Funding Resources Available to communities which herself. and Clarice Dalton recently attended. Betty Frayne, Cultural Life Convener, gave a report on UCKNOW lst INSTA OF TAXES DUE 5,1981 Payable at the Bank of Montilla, or Royal Bank of Canada, Locknow. A. E HERBERT, CLERK TREASUREit: speakins contest Congratulations to Staph Elir'ett en and Anne 'Andrew. and Elizabeth Wilkins, grade Carolyn on the blah of their • 11 stude tt at F. E. Madill S. 'new baby boy on Sunday at 'S.. Wingham was winner of Kincardine If ospital. the Huron Oddfellows 'speak- • , Peg . and Stan McGratten, off Ker at Citi ton on March. 6th. ' of yge n, and • Mrs. topic was ."Ridiculing". Emits? Mtsecar of Brampton, • She will be sent as. a visited recently foie two days delegate to the annual Unit' with Cliff and Isabel Kitpat- ed Nations�ge .for rick. - Youth.' The p from Ont. '. The High School students • arl 22 �o will leave Stratford July are busy studying for their going to a: number of exams that win start on • Places along the way with YThursday, March 12. four days at . the United. Nations in New York, They Frank and bene Alton and will be away two weeks. Jamie visited for the week- Congratulations Elizabeth, end in Toronto with her pang and Dista Cameron, brother, John and Muriel Awe and. Sera -Anne visited Wim, Murray, Irene, War • rllt Sunday with his . sister, ten and, They �. ed a playaDienes. Qthe tiuretY,that d. • I.yeda • and Glen weather, the "irr family took i in. Lindsay at Kitchener. They Frank and Jamle also attend- an attended the baptiser, for ed • the hockey game at the Lindsay; • Maple Leaf Gardens in Sate Markin- and Warren Sinn ttrday night visited on Sunday for dinner • Louis and Joy Jurjens and with" Clayton and Lois' Alton, • David have moved from theeir . Lynn. R ow, highway 86 Anne a wish thalan Scott, eft, to the home vacated by of Rev. Arthur and Bey Gary Austin. . • ,will,._j toio nbe better and I We are glad that Gail able 10 come home from, Cranston was able to return • )tai. W"iidgham and; District 1lOos" 1 home from"Wingharn and. ti pDistrict Hospital on Monday. of The Luknow if.. I1ockey Team WOULD LIKE TO TSC T FOLLOWING r F01111E111 SUPPORT OF ANNUAL a `LEA HAY TOURNAMENT ° . Diane's Pop Shop , , Fairview Dairy Wlgfte' Tire Service Burk of 'Montreil Ashton's Royal- Balk Lick sww. Ham. Bakery • Lacknow G &E. Farm Egvlpr sa Grant ' Fels Bill's l • ltd Feels. Fluky Decorators Forste is Septic Talks Lnclmow Appliance Porter's Septic TO* Centre • C 'A M Transpsrt• McDonagh Intura ce &aspen Lumber `14046eY Lsree'e Ladies' Wear Mayfair Restaurant Groor's TSV.. & Electric Lottery •Shsppe Sid's' Jewrallery *Amide & 'Ille0ealh bog .Cabin Rpt ,, Montgomery Moteri Lorne . ,LnekRow Small . , . _ - BSI's Grocstsrl"a •Hacked'. Farsu Equip. , betimes Meat .Market 1 eleaven's "Feed .MW D & BI Dt ►unt- Les Patter' Shoes Inclesow Sentinel Ilkeston* Furniture Fsirvlew Fonds Machan Hem Hdwe. hr's Plowerrs & Iteawle Farrm • Eqr a. Jim Hoyle Dismibutor Becket Farm Egmp. Super` Scoop Wooed General Store Sepoy Stationery • Sepoy Ceramics & Minting Lucknow Sunoco . Can. Legion Branch ,SGeorge BroPhY #309,• Lucknow Bob Nichol h - Serer Bata JMit's "Place • (Art Heim Welding ` tilit Taylor, Incknow IScala 1� Co-op HOn Bill 1 GamineCarr school activities. the recent public speaking winners and sacrament of recondlliation to be held on March 22nd. Kingsbridge ArGea. Seniors are accepting Memberships and are holding card parties in the Parish Hall each Wednesday evening, Clarke Dalton reported on Pro -Life. The amous People Players are crooning to God etch Saturday evening, June 6.: The possibility of building a ramp to make it easier for a young member of the Parish who is outfitted to it wheel- chair to get into the church was discussed. A nomination committee was formed. Charwman will be 'Fran ' iesling ' and her assistants' will be Betty "Van Osch anti Thelma 'Van Osch, The election of officers tikes place at the April meeting.. A charter was presented. to President Clarice Dalton by the newly fwd ' Beavers Group which the'League sponsors. Father Dentinger yin his mesiage announced that the annual St. Patrick's Party will be held Sunday evening, March '1S. 'He is now re -or- putting the AdviSory' Board and the CWL is to submit the name of one representative to the Board. - Fran. Riesling, adjourned the meeting and closing. prayers. were said. Jolinstoi (Bothwell Limited). Phone e rdsvilk 493=43113 Kaneko' 471.30S9 Dnagannoa 529.7947 Washed 11 Arora--Crualt ed Stone Cement Gravel gushed Gravel—Road Contractors • LUCKNOW commrtirsE ROOM FORMER SILVERWOOD'S BUILDING ` ON MAIN STS DROP BY FOR FREE COFFEE IF YOU NEED ARIDE ON ELECTION DAY OR HELP TO VOTE • .mX'ma y011 RIAIOIJIER? If tar time puts you in. the squeeze, remem- ber, last year the trained specialists at H&R Bkock took the pressure off for Over th of a mina n ' ne- Bcc urate income tax: turnsdiaatns anbya prepsrtng cost of about $20. That's a good return' for the money. And a rot less pressure. This yeafbe surra. 'ilia INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS womosimismasaiwomommo Ask about special terra., Gamma' Io VICTORIA St M 524.1141,51i Nouast DAILY 44 PM SAT. 14 PM