HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-04, Page 19• ; • I 1*. 'PIS° 118-141e./411.w, SseteI, W. 1981• I -h. accepted mt. the the 241: ;my of , lliatch 19$1610.Irthi#11.1".14.11belbegglarrt din**10,61 ayee the •and githolve 1 arml the TmemoWip et West. 1Wa coney et Rorie mad bib*: • 1- East p.rt 3, Ciseceedee,st _ ibIp, bob* ktegelber w:: httl ; -• sties' tiled' wh7a-i. sad 40 acres ,eeestwili 2-Wf Lei Solpmeellbs' 12, Butt" Dtvidea: Twbk et Aiwa, *Angle) sues 11 .1, with er "d. 40 awes wYstwilicanY sacm tiled; and vddi a drilled Coaceoeien12, West Wawa:math 100 acres II al, with 90 ,Wefts house, ban: meltable for sew 'drilled well. , Tenders will be accepted for all of "the aforeiald propeides or for any one of therm. Teriders should bel accompanied by 'a deposit by certified ',Cheque' el 5% of the tender price, oder the bels due on closing. Cheques to be made payable to, George J. Brophy', In Tnat. Tenders tilioald° be walled, or delliered to George J. Brophy, Her 610, Online, Street, Lucknow'Ontario. . Accept:wee In vidtkg of aiy tender 'hall imnistkute an Agreement of Porcharoo and Sale and the dosing .ibite: shall be May 310: 1981, with pansiiition May . 1, 1981, for spring ofiedhig. ' The Vendors shall reserve the right to accept or reject any tender in their absolute discretion. DATED at Luelmow, Ontario, this .2nd day of March. • 1981. ,• GEORGE J. BROPHY, — Banister and Solicitor Box 610 Lacknow, Ontario Solicitor for Wayne and PbyIU. Jerome • ' • , Itir•IIJINI SAW AlltENA _ The Wingham Sales Arena [689 Josephine Street North End of WIngham] Now 01:pop!' ily. Mon. to Sat. 9 a.m. til 6 p.m. Fri. night until 9 p.m. NEW inimiun. 2,3 and 4 pc. chesterfield sakes; solid wood table and chair sets for the dining room or Idtdmin; ceinpletti bedroom • suites. This week's SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL for die living room is a 4 pc." chesterfield suite with matching coffee .01 01 tables. Specia•l priced dile week only. GUN AND SPORT SHOP Large &play of new and • used fire wins; asoniunition; Babbitt gear. We also bike trade ins on now wins. THE LARGE UQUIDATION ROOM - Features 'excellent Video* on kola, carpet and lino; idtchen eabbit4i; cothing, men'a jean*, work socks, beets, shirts and Pacts; some dedies. NOTE: this is the bad chance to purchase snow suite or dd sidts for. men, ladies or children es they will, be offered at clear out takes. USED FURNITURE , Always a good supply/ of , T.V.s, and used frunalture for your home. We accept Cash, Cheques, Viso or Master Charge • • • Lots of Free Parking • REMEMBER • We pay top prices for wiod andques used farnittire or appliances, or eatudgn to our weeld; Auction. Call —9ar WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 +-AIM . + bak...e6„...vorhowliottou'isi +.4++ .i 114,1 ••rrA,.. TI) SOO 111 •105 ACRES, approximately 165 workable acres, systematically tiled, Ashfield Township. , , • , ' : .• , 100 ACRES, approximately 85 workable, 3 bedroom dwelling and pole barn 44 x 88, Ashfield Township. 113 ACRES, Kinloss Township, approximately 85 workable, 3 bedroom home with new addition, beef barn and 5000 'busteel granary. 504 ACRES, approxunately 400 choice cash crop woitable. Homes and buildings are well maintained, barns are well set up for beef and hogs. Fall possession is available. 720 ACRES with approximately 550 workable, excellent brick home, barns with fee storage and capacity of 600 to 700 beef cattle. 150 ACRE FARM, 4 bedroom field stone home, barn having capabity of 90 beef cattle, and 45 sows; 125 workable acres in one field. FCC mortgage available to a qualified buyer. • 25 ACRES of Highway property, renovated 6 room home, all conveniences, drilled well, in the Wingham area• . 150 ACRES, 135 workable, 3 bedroom bungalow home, older barns, milk house and new implement shed. Farm credit Corporation mortgage at 81/2 % available to a qualifying purchaser, Ripleyarea• • HOMES LUCKNOW 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, oil heat, asking 523,500. • LUCKNOW - comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow, full length sun porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally nice lot. Reduced to s17,000.00. COUNTRY HOME located on approximately 1 acre with a small barn, Pine River area. _DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom home with 3 extra lots. Owner will consider your offer. Asking $29,500.• We have inquiries for farms, both large and small acreages. If you are thinking of selling, give us a call, we would be pleased to talk to • Warren & Terry Zinn •PHONE 529-7350 R. R. # 2, LIJCIENOW • •MOHAN • Fresh Produce and Baked Goods td the Wingliam Sales Arena Saturday March 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Large variety of apples, potato:ea [by the bag or basket], twinges, baiiiines; lettuce, cabbage eed more Items of deIIcIoua.produce in lesson. • Fresh baked goods such as fresh breads, assortment of rolls, *lading Kaiser 011., European rolls, Indian tolls. donuts; and Pastilea; and large variety of bulk coolie". So coin on to die • 1 WINGHAM SALES ARENA THIS SATURDAY . ' and every Saturday and stock up On • • FRESH PRODUCE AND BAKED GOODS • —9ar NOTICE OF . .. °OA ADVANCE POLLS , FOR THE ELECTiONNIXT PENDING TO ma Anima To REPRESENT THE ELECTORS 022:810 IN tit LEOISLATIVE ASSEMILV 0 P ONTARIO FOR THE ELEcTaRAL DISTRICT OF ' , et lit .. a Aut HURON corsuum ADvANcE . ?Hum/Ay, MRCN 12, 1981 POLLING* DAYS SATURDAY, MARCH 14,1981 • • MONDAY, MARCH 10,1901 , 11" A.M, to a P.NL MANDAN') TORE . The following Advance ' toi rovide maximum PORT ELGIN Corner of • . • 61. KINCARDINE . . . Po WINGHAM -ArrnOriee, 1111 • 111 ro, BRUSSELS motors 'Garage, .., Poll Locations have been chosen •"- ' accessibility for the Electors. , - Fire Hall, • Emma Goderich Streets and , . „ , ..Town Hell, Main Street Edward Street ' . • -omits of the Former Bridge West Side Maki' Strait : AALLOTS CAST AT' THE ADVANCE POLLS THE RETURNING oho At THE CLOSE OF WILL BE COUNTED AT THE ABOVE LOtATIONS OR AT THE POLLS ON THE GENERAL POLLING DAY, WE . Mardi 4, 1041 itiruetw;o torn** COMA AMMO PILIPI40411 - Coin. E. MoCutchook Church Si., tituttelt 887.003 : AllalOINS & LIQUIDATIONS Mc IONAGH LUCKNOVV 528-2031 1½ STOREY brick house one block from main street 3 bedrooms,, 2 sunrooms and completely finished • recreation room. Re -insulated and wired recently. Aluminum windows, all natural woodwork. Attached garage with access through 'basement and outside. 10'%% mortgage. • LUCKNOW HOME, large lot, 80 x 265, 4 years old. family room with fireplace, 1P/2% mortgage. Asking, 552,000. 1 BRICK BUNGALOW in Lucknow, new oil furnace, huge living room, 2 baths, paved drive, $55,000. CLOSE TO SCHOOL, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, finished family room, reduced to 549,000. COUNTRY LOT, 4 bedroom brick home, 2 baths, double garage; 14% - mortgage: Asking only $45,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME in Holyrood, completely rem- vated, 2 baths, attached garage. NEW HOUSE 41/2 acres, large family room with fireplace, 2 baths, creek crossing property, 1 mile from Lucknow. 100 ACRES, well drained flat, workable, tioloss. RIPLEY AREA, 4 acres, 2 bedroom home and small • barn, drilled well. Asking only 527,000. • FARMS 250 ACRE DAIRY FARM, 70 tie ups, pipeline, 2 stable cleaners, 3 large silos with unloaders, self feeding system, 4 bedroom home, inground swimming pool. Priced for quick sale. 200 ACRE HOG FARM, 170 workable, 30 acres bush. beautiful 4 bedroom brick home. Farrowing barn 24 x 68 and converted barn 85 x 55 and 32 x 64; implement shed. Must sell for health reasons. 150 ACRE BEEF FARM, well drained, 4 acres of.buSh, large barn, 4 bedroom house, close to the 200 acre farm 4ove. 300 ACRE BEEF FARM 4 bOdrooln home, trench silo, cement barn yard, asking only 5200,000. We are in need of farm litithigs FRASER MacKINNOlq liARRY McDONAGH Res. 395-2880 528-3821 •