HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-03-04, Page 120 Ludlow Sea - W ... Ellly, muck 4, 491117 a4. OC By Marlon McCharles Miss Florence MacLennan is holidaying in Hawaii, fol- lowing ol- lowin gher return home from hospital; where . ; she was : a patient following surgery, Mrs. Gordon Finlayson, spent a few days in Toronto, with , daughters Barbara, Jane and Carol . and " their families, also in . Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs: Rod Finlayson and girls, and Mr, and Mrs. , Bill Finlayson and family. Francis Hogan enjoyed: a trip to the Barbados, along with Bill Simpson. Recent Florida holidayers were Mr: and Mrs. George Moncrief, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Art• . Matthewman and in Texas were Mr: and .Mrs: N. Rivett. ' Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Austin, rec- ent newlyweds. They were married in Calgary, Alberta, where they will make their home. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Mc - Charles spent the past week- end in Oakville with Mrs. Allan McCharles and family. Mrs. Ewan MacLean has returned home from hospital in Kincardine. Several members of the Ripley and District Horticul- tural Society from this area received their begonia bulbs and have already planted them. The . officers were in- stalled for the 1981 season. by Mrs. Wm. MacKay, a char - ) ter. member .since March 1927: Miss Chris .Robertson is the new president, secret- ary is Mrs. Margaret Mac- Leod and the treasurer, Mrs. Oliver McCha'rles.' Mrs. Lorne Luther, Mrs: 'Warren Wylds and Mrs. Gordon Fin- layson are "n few of the directors. Begonia, lily and gladioli bulbs are the preml iums given all members for this year. Mr. ' Jim MacKenzie and nephew Jim,, sPent four days on a tour to : Waterloo, Illinois, U.S.A. Brian, ,young son, of Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacKenzie, returned home from 'hospital in London where he had been a patient for a few days. We are sorry to report that Charlie Wilkins is in hospital in Wingham. Adieu Lochalsh News 1981 Its time to say so long, Farewell good-bye, , After all these years of giving writing a try I did the best, I know each day News to share with folks Away. • I enjoyed it all, as 1 sat and wrote Because someone called and gave me a quote. It's Kay, you'll call from this day on Let's all help her get the job done. Let me say, as I've said be- fore Thanks for your help, and come' knock on our door. From Lochalsh to Kincardine to make our new home Our welcome mat out to all who roam. Now let, me wish God's Blessing to all For help iii writing Lochalsh news and especially those who came to call, In sickness an health There were friends galore In this we had Wealth And are thankful evermore. M. McCharles. MARCH 5-6-7 WE'LL PAY TOP PRICES FOR YOUR COINS, STAMPS, GOLD & SILVER SCRAP ITEMS, JEWELLERY, OLD WATCHES, OLD PAPER MONEY, MILITARY MEDALS, CHINA FIGURINES AND MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTA�LE'S. SO IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN SELLING ANY OF THE ABOVE NOW IS THE TIME. WE PAY IN` CASH. BELOW ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF THE PRICES WE PAY: SCRAPGcLD:;, We buy all scrap gold: broken or out of style rings, chains, bracelets, jewellery ofall• sorts, watches, dental gold, bullion, nuggets, etc., regardless of condition or quantity. Prices based on current bullion market bid prices. 4 0 1 Y Platinum We buy all platinum jewellery and industrial scrap items. .11 Canada. $5 1912.1913 . $5 1914 .. 510 1912.1914. $20'1.967,in set 31001976 14K. 5100 1976 22K, $1001977 $1001978 $100 1979. ... •. 52 Newfoundland LD COI Foreign 5200.00 $450.00 .5450.00 5325.00 5148.00 00 $295 295: $295.00 $150.00 United States 5150.00 575.00 5700::00 517.000 5150.00 5300.00: 5635.00 $1 ' .S2,7 53. S4 55:... 510 $20.' We buy all Sterling and Euro- pean,Continental Silver: tea services, flatware, old jew- ellery, industrial contacts,.' jewellers findings, Franklin and other private mint silver, etc., regardless of condition or. quantity.' Prices based on current bullion market bid prices. Antique Silver We pay Premium Prices for all Period Silver (Victorian, Georgian, Edwardian, etc.,) and Early Canadian. and A- merican. Silver (goblets, ser- ving platters, tea services, cutlery, etc.) Estate & Antique Jewellery We pay high prices for antique jewellery which in our opin- ion merits a value for resale greater than the gold or silver 'content. • _ NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL WHILE THE PRICE IS HIGH! CHIN -'A .FIGURINES 'We buy Royal Doulton, Hummel, Meissen, Coalport, Royal Copenhagen, Royal Worcester & others. Special interest in discontinued issues. Below are some examples of the prices we pay: Royal Doulton Dancers o1' the World" Swats Young Love HN2736. Pillow Fight HN2270 . Putipientarer 4042253 Daisy NN(S75 Mets Verifier* NN10115 Sunshine 0.' NNI3is Swiss 10 Francs., 20 Francs French 10 Francs 20 Francs Russian 5 Roubles. 10 Roubles German 5 Marks. 10 Marks 20 Marks. • British 5 Pounds 2 Pounds. • Sovereign , Sovereign 558:00 5116.00 558.00 5116.00 570.00. 5140:00 5.100.00 $130.00 to5n n0 5500.00 o- 5150.00 575.00 WE ALSO BUY OTHER GOLD COINS Pr,ces•available on request SILVER COINS' United States Silver Dollars 1935 3 50c 1964 & prior 25c 1964 & prior l tl� 196+1.6 prior ;roc 1965 - 1970 Canada Silver dollars 1967 & prior 5V 1967 & prior prior STAMPS We buy Canadian stamps. mint or used,, singles. corner blocks, sheets, or extensive collections/(if, in our opinion, • they are of. merit. The following examples are the prices " paid for Mint, Fine Centred, Lightly Hinged Stamps. COMPARABLE MARKET PRICES PAID FOR OTHER COLLECTORS STAMPS No, 17 we pay ' No 38 we pay No 47 we pay No 65 we pay No 176 we pay No 262 we pay. (Olympic Metal) Stamp Sculptures $1.500 • 550 575 5400 580 530 178. Gold Silver Combination. 5800 515 5250 $12.00 , '3.50 '1 ,50 �• :60 Foreign Stamps • We buy World Stamps in mint or used condition: Stamps for United. States., Great Britain &Colonies, and Western Europe United, of particular interest to us. WATcHES& CL '1.25 •a S We buy all;types.of gold, silver 8 plated pocket watches, some wrist :watches& others (need not be in working condi; tion). Prices depend onquality and con dition. -SPECIAL' INTEREST IN: • High grade watches (21J 5 up, • Railroad watches • Gold w tches • Compiiated Movements (reapealers, chronometres) • International' wrist watches (Palek, Philippe, Piaget, Cartier, Rolex, Interna- tional Schaffhausen. etc.). • Convertibles • • Enamels 25C 1966 a prior ,_ 1967 1966 *Silver Only, 100 1966 a prior 1967 1966 ,s.Ivei only, '9.00 $3.50• $1.50 $.75 .75 .60. .30 Olympic Coins `5 Coin =8,00 Series of 4 10 Coin -$16.00 set of 28 '50.00 '350.00 • 050 325 •75 200 . 125 250 500 COLLECTORS COINS We pay Premium Prices for Collectors Coins. Some exam-' pies listed below: 1948 Canadian Silver Dollar .. up 10 5500.00 1948 Canadian Mau -Dollar . 530.00 .5 up 1947 Canadian M.L Half -Dollar. ..• up to 520.00 •• 1921 Canadian Half -Dollar . up to 56.000.00 1885. 1887. 1889 Canadian Ouarters ... 515.00 & up 1872 1875 1913 B L Canadian Dimes 520 00 5 up 1925 Canadian Nickel 515 00 3 1926 Far 6 Canadian Nickels 53000 3 up 1921 Canadian 5 Silver 0(11051.000.00. 1622 Canadian 1 Copper • . 54.00 1923 Canadian 1 Copper .18.00 1925 Canadian 1 Copper. . 55.00 1873, 4 Newfoundland 5 Silver .. , , . . 590.00 8 up 1916 Newtoundiand 5 Sliver .... 550.00 & up 1870 Newfoundland 10 .... 540.00 & up i909S.voe USA 1C 560005 up 1794. 1803 U.S.A. Silver 0oilare .. ; . 5150.00 1836.1839 U.S.A. Silver Dollars . 5500.00 1840. 1873 U.S.A. Silver Dollars . 130.00 1910 Dutch 2'7 Guilder .. 550.00 We aro happy to do appraisals or place bids on estate col- lections. Prices on Collectors Coins depend on condition: Hummel Wayside Divation MIK 21 Huinnli 211111 150 ietwor Oirts iTMi141. Hummer 'Whir a50 (tuna Around The Nose (TMK 41, Mumma 311 '550 Arai W.sesissi,j rnmt 21. Ntnmieet.1530 7S chre,enaireienne It 41 rework* 916 34 isllew The WNW ITMK,4L Moneeai Sae 150 Peneer Veinier ITMIF4L thou ns1911 25 WSW** buy smell antiques 3 Collectabies (peck car fully to word b iakagel. Naissr C,otnl,ae '20o Royal Canadian Mint Products We buy all: '•►R00r•11KE SECS *CASE 000MIS •008561' 0011A5SETS •000I11 P15115 5613 FOREIGN COINS PAPER MONEY. High prices paid for the following Canadian notes: Bank of Canada 1935 and prior issues; Bank of Canada 1937. issues in new condition; all Dominion of Canada issues; all"Chartered Bank issues'(Royal Bank„etc.); all Provincial Government issues; all British and French colonial issues; Shinplasters. We also buy some U.S. and Foreign paper money. MILITARY MEDALS We buyall foreign coins, new and old. inCludtng silver ;coinS,.gold Coins, collectors coins, government issue sets, merchants tokens and others. Particular interest in crowns or silver dollar sized Coins. •DUTCN *GERMAN •511T411 •RU{SIAM' *ITALIA! *MEXICAN *PAMtSN and se,I other countries •We buy all Medals, Awards. JIIL - Decorations, Orders, Badges, and Memorabilia. Many Mill - :l tary Items `have high collect- •''• ors value. Belowis a partial - list of, the prices we pay for • •r' '10 various items. North West Canada Military Cross SO Air Force Cross Cdn. General servic Order of Mlhtary Me Cdn. Centennial M Air Crew Europe St Cdn. Long Service. . . South Alma. Gwen , Dist. Flying Cross. I Polar Medals .... W,W.(Numb. Badge P E 1 Highlanders. N . Tank. . North N.S High MG St. John Fusiliers, . heft De Joliette 83 5300 Dist. Service Order 5400 •100 British War Medal 1914.... ... 7 .•100 Military Crosti. . .. ...100 N.W. Candi Medal 125 :35 • Cdn. Volunteer Service... , . 7 ..30. South Africa King. ... 26 . 300 Air Force Medal 150 • 250 • Military General Service: s . , 12 Chrysler Farms. , 400 ..60 Chateau Gai. .... .. ..:400 35 • Fon Detroit.. ....... ... 400 35 Scots Fusliliers Pyr 20 10 Regi, De Levis 20Reel De Ouibelc 25 Postcards and Old Documf nts We pay high prices for old, used and unused. Cana- dian and Newfoundland postcards. Particular in, terest in views & scenes of pre -1920, Books, Prints and Old. Maps We buy antique books in good condition and first edition books, old official correspondence, bank documents, stock certlfi- cates & other old docu- ments. PLEASE'DO•NOT CLEAN 'YOUR COINS CONDITIONS OF SELLING 1. Seller must be 19 years of age or have a letter of consent "from parent 07 guardian 2. All items bought and paid for in cash• 3. Due to market fluctuations. the pnces'on•all Sliver and gold bullion ttemti, including wrap solver coins:,are subject to. change Without notice 4. Ail Collectors• coins and noted must be in at least minimum cOn- ditiOn, in our opih,or , in order for us to purchase them Prices will be based on condition E,ao.r. • THE COIN DEPOT will boat the , Jll ''' U � ` ' dl HiGNWAY 21.S9UTHe G0®ERICII THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY, MARCS 5.6.7 4:30 AM TO 5 PM 4