HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL
x?ACxxiCxxxxX'!C?txxxx to
Effusive Toiletries in
Creams, Face Powders, Loti3ss, Astringents,
Rouges, Mascara, etc. .e. rt x
Campbell's Drug Store x
Goderich - Phone 90 x
and prayer, several hymns were
sung. Considerable business arose
about the arrangement of a pancake
CARLOW, Manch R -fie 'Ladles social to be held in the basement of
Aid of the Presbyterian church held the (-Lurch on Thursday, March 9th.
their monthly meeting at the home of Yr. Jas. Lansing of Claire, Mich..
'> ! the president, Mrs. Jarvis McBride, who hes been visiting relatives here
on Tuesday afternoon. with a good for the past month and who has been
attendance. cook em board the steamer Cetus for
l'nder the auspices of the Ladle* some twenty years, will assist-tn'the
Aid of Smith's Hill Presbyterian' cooking. Readings were given by Bele
congregation, a play, "Where's Grand- dames Howatt, Webster, E. Battb-
, ins?" will be presented in the town- by and Manning. a duet by Mrs. Gies
ship hall on Friday, March 24th, at Italthtry and Mrs. F. Raithby. Miss
6.15 o'clock. More particulars next Howson was accompanist. A Scrip
week. Lute ttllk- oa Mark's gospel was riven
Yr. had Mrs. Auddleic of fioderic, -b! Mia* k lkta and a abort talk air
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cantwell
last weep.
- Miss Milne Webster spent the
week -end at her home near fat. Hel
Mrs. H. A. 'Pafford of Dunlop
spent ■ few days with ber sister
Mrs. J. McBride.
"Our Heavenly Father" by Miss
Mna1L Mrs. Sherman closed the
meeting with prayer. A social half-
hour was spent over a tasty lunch
provided by the hostess.
with the green °
COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Drownlxh ger! of the rock'. Even I Rlcic'es everywhere are to be seen, Beverley, of Hamilton. are sp•nditrg
trial; rxrfr are white. for a rewwon to and the light horse-drswn earflages this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
be Baer. Mr. Yorke spent the week-
bit7c11 boat end here.
Miss Eva Sturgeon Is , visiting
fricuds in Crediton.
\\'atuen's IMy 44f Pray-
A Letter from Bermuda
Thurday. Mirth 110. 11111111-13
PARAMOUNT or (a worldwide movement) was oh-.
esrved at Friday afternoon, Yarcb At the weekly duplicate bridge tour -
,Ranh 7.---A. 8t. 3rd, in Trinity (Anglican) church. ?modem men:, held at the Park Hrwae oe
Patel masquerade ,M will be held T e srrvl.•e was In charge of Mrs. R. 1Pterd,er ryrning, the foltuwing weer
gameasqsint hall on Friday even- a F. Gairdner, An interesting pawiaa•rr
tilt, Ifiltrehmmo 17th. "glees will ber 'Prayer' was read by Mrs. W. North and South -lit, Chas ilea-
Rghls. Prayers were made by Mea. ktns and 1'. It. Pattereoa (24%) :
given for fancy and comic dressed M: Ferguson, Mrs. W. S4otchmer,
lad and gentleman. _nd. J. Robertson and �: F. Carty
Profeamor .1. C. Robertson and Mrs.
bare and nude fairly smooth, the sur- y Mea. M Fraser, Mrs. 11. M. (tale (r) : 3rd. yrs. F 13anaders and Ker.
face 1s wbitewaaked and the water • Mrs..Jam"' Mac --stn. Amberty. During the offertory Mrs. 11. K. C. F'. Cha,...36).
pmau ra
Roberttoa of Toronto ■re recessing drawn off -tato idol.. Fortunately
spent a few dale Inst week with 4er J rPtWurr rang "Just for Today. RR■r and Rest ,�tarma. JOI-
tl :. .......
sone of the Canadian winter_ weather the rainfall In Bermuda Is copious
parents, Mr. and Sin. Jar �rDrter' In ber usual pledging manner. There. nes• and Miss 0. Gltaa (Imo; add.
by spending a rev, 'mews to Derralteds. find icy ave:'; s!�t !!!otrvt through i._. Me. and Mr*.l;r{wt YreDlxrmld t! �, -. _T- .- J. Taylor sad Kea 1. D.Rant-
rest attendant*. J
lands of the West Indies. The i r[ilFttilKitfY 7tiPtY'tm r ter• Fmtsit)Y -A itY men
and Mr. Robertson sends the [sibs the lead. Tbrrr U nu dry season end eyrnlu last Monday. Everyone ra• rs. Ba i.itlRiDr:riftmier•
rainy ewaa.rn a in the tropical is- g tore regarding
some of our old Pi * and Mrs. Baker (31,6)•
Ing Inter, posted at fiamUton Bee- juyed • pleasant evening.
dent*. lrttrbarphrr Johnston, she There will he another duplicate
muds, March 4W: people of Iirrmuda, by the way, de Mrs. Martin spent the week-eed was tarn In Fermanagh ,•aunty. Ire
with friends in Kincardine. tournament vest Tuesday evening.
As the steamer, after about forty cidedly object W the common idea A number of ladies attended a land, settled In Hayfield In 1'(2!1 at _
hours' sail from New York. draws near that Bermuda li part of the West In- the age of sea -Meru. A few years
yuiitWg rt Mrr Jas T webs Llmoids fur p Idle specters and
Isrrwuda In the b 7 one day last 'eel singers. At CAMP/1101;1i DRUG
w- shore no where appar- dlrtaat as from Nova Scotia The men o[ the community are sTUItE.
rl morning, oar dies, from which It is nearly as far " ' , ' later he 'married Catherine Irwin,
sees a b lytni
fatly more than 200 or 300 feet above Another result of this local rock
! a farm of the IaauMe line. Stanley
ora level, bat very hill; and tree[°lar' form.stlon we saw In the buriaal very boxy para lisiog for the churns township, being pioneer residents and
There are scoevs of tatattds matin[ uD 4.oute't which takes place on Friday
ground about the pariah church not 'Searing the laud F.ircen children
the Bermudan, but the terser ones are fat away.
also of Fermanagh. and they lived on
The graves are excess- night . _ were born to them. of whom three
tions sunk In the rock. and covered
with concrete, like a long
so close together as to form practicalll
one long -drawnout island, perhaps
twenty mile'" lung, and nowhere tore
than a mile and a ball across On the ! rite A eery few upright gra e
are deceased. The following - mem-.
BAYFIELD best ..1 the family are still reatdeats
rout rlo
ping up gently to a central 1 of Bayfield : Mrs. R. Fields (ANI, '
viae of oto v' - ItAVFIPLD, Manch 7.-Lentee`Robert Johnston (Vit. Mrs. W. Att-
map the oatltne slakeata !stones were to be seen; apparently servlee la being bead to Trinity wood (S4t, William Johnston 1811.-1
Northern Ontario lakes, longs
narrow, the difficulty of fixing them to the church each Tuesday evening at 8 Mrs. f`harles Parker (T51. Other'
erab&e [ most les., 1art1. with ton!•-
ersbie bays• tutees, sed projee:tional rock so near the surface Is too_-_fq'4let t--derites Lentend is eouduM_ ppgtttbrrg of'the family still . 12xItpR
rest. by the rector. Rev. F. H. Paull.
■re Thomas Johnston. of North Ila• T
Nearly everywhere the interior L � [TDP rad' are dstl made by lay- Mr. E. A. Neeiln of Sea forth Is kola 177) : Mrs. Thomas Parker, 1
hfgber than the coast so that tee stasis I 7
running east and ,rest along the island I ing bare the rock and smoothing off vbitirg at the home ut Yrs. J. 14. Rmskan hewan (73) : WH11nRtse
are fairly level, while those crossing the surface. 1 have not yet seen est- McLeod,
Johnsr.rt. Nekoma. N. ilakot• (861. i
continual eerier of ups and downs. De- I dence of any other trealeent of the Mrs. A. Newton-Itr■dy returned The ag.� of .n total WC years. l
enunnal series of ups and downs. De- I roadways on the Island. f autosrs- homy on Saturday. having spent Iasi
tats was once de e*tked. as a coeo / 1.blles,were__all)pwcd iu Bermuda theae�weck in Hamilton.
•ales." That ■ppties . rock surfaers would- be badly cut into. `31.0 -TT: Ittettlt''tRatir-tttggtrtst of - _Par-to*es •at•_rel+nta.-+u0lnutl'e Oi'
all Ills ■ran i L a matter of fact, there are no co-
equally to Bermuda. f
(one of the first things to strike the i temohllee to be seen except the hos-
eye as one approaches nearer is the t pltal ambulance and, In the chief city
whiteness of the buildings contrasted I of Hamilton, a few trucks belonging
f the vegetation or to the Municipal board of works.
11 •est Lerne is yi,ittng her pparents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Higgins, this week.
Mss Lucy- It. Woods left on Friday
to visit friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Erie Yorke and daughter
• be explained later, and one might I wbteh are the accepted substitute or t
COi.RORNF- TOWNSHIP, 'larch really believe that there had been t I taxlrah Deicing or to ■
A. -Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stoll visited fail of snow during the night, which the island roads is made exceptional
with friends at Parkhill on Sunday. had melted on the g*afe but rti11 re- ly pleasant. not only by the pictures-
AI'Bl'RN, 'larch 8. -Mrs. W. C.
-- Yrs Huron Trafford of Dunlop Is
mulcted on the roof,. As ■ matter of que and varied scenery, but also b1l The auunal
Robinson returned home on Saturday fact, lterttrada *Ker gess snow. for the complete absence of billboards'
s: � vIsItInR her sinter, Mrs. ]aryls Me- ' ani other roadside advertleemrofl"-
�.. atter a pleasant visit to her mother, even In its winter months the t
Then Yrs. R. McCool, at Clinton. Bride. this week. mumetrr seldom oinks as, Ins as St► and the sheen.* also of the filling_
Mrs M. Atha left for Flint, Mich, Ml's Leola Snyder of London spent degrees Judging from our own ex- stations and h..t-dog stands which so
Sunday with her father. Mr. Levi rlenoe, there is always •wind blow disfigure our Ontario highways. Num -
en Saturday to visit her slater, Mrs.f*
OoaU. Snyder, ■t the homy of her slater, ing: and ae Bermuda is out in mid- emu. as they are•, the carriages, all
+vT Baptist ladies' AM.. --The anon Yrs. Fletcher Fisher. ocean, sail mllea from anywhere, Mrd with [heir negro drivers who are
meeting of the Ladles Aid of Salsa I►orine Relwter spent the so narrow that no pert Ir more lily also their owners, are by no
""Q` sreelc end at teed home at 81. Helena t a mile from the sea the stria ns inexpensive to hire. The ex -
Baptist church was held ■t lie
W!'t Mrs. Robert Ycliwatn is visitingt! straight off the ocean and as pore u planation given, which seems reason -
home of Mrs. aAendanAsquith on lbw
sister. Mrs. Jail. Carter of Ate
fad, with ■n attenaaace of sixteen !t oar were oe • ctaasel la old -Allan- able enough. in that as all the oats
members and two visitors. The burn. fhb week- I plc. The aitaguIar thing it that even and tray required. as well as the ear- i
Mr. Melvin Tyndall L sporting a at thele strongest these winds ■rr rlage themselves and their harness1
pmteeldent. Mrs. C. Howson was l$ mew Chevrolet car.
lie chair. Atter a Scripture reading Min Helen Clark and Mrs. W. Wal-' never avid and nipping, or raw and must le, Imported from abroad and
harsh::1 briught in by steamer, the expense
ter were in Toronto last week at -Scornful things ■re often Bald of of maintaining ■ horse and carriage
tending the Ontario prohibition con .the traveler from abroad who, after Is eneh as quite to outweigh the nor_
CARLOW STORE NEWS erntfon. a three erects' visit to some country, mat reenite of apparently unlimited
Mr. E. V. Lawson was In Toronto Is reedy to write a toil eying an ,competition.
last Werk. authoritative pronouncement on its i
The young People are etesenting "Wei"' qualities, and problems. ` _
Renptttler church on Friday ni
their play, "Brown -eyed Betty," to Haring been here but one week ass
gbt. , Jet -
et 1 am not yet qualified to write
The ladles Aid of the Presbyter - ;Bach a book, and shall content rumenMRS. ROBERT DUFF
Ian church met at the boor ofW1tb telling of some of the obvDOR (' The funeral terviep for the illi!
Mrs. Robert Duff. who passed awn,
at Toronto on Wednesday, March 1[G
visiting at hi* home ere. 11 was held at Vietoria street United
Mrs. Gen. Million and daughter I and ',roper, of the material affordedichurch' on Friday afternoon, and was
Wand. which does not include •ttetteled he marc relatives and
Whit- Rees OW -
Prairie Rene !leer
Hone, that's sweet
Vinegar that's sour
le Bars Oval ('aetik f'ieep..15*
Franklin McIlwain
Mrs. Jarvis McBride on Tne*dal that anyone who has elms too
afternoon. when they gnilted • quilt -,thin[
Mr. Eric Gardner of London Is tices at once.
v h The houses are built, as Is natural
Vinnie visited with friends in cum. I by. the
brick or tiber. The whole Islami friends of the deceased. Rev. F. W.
ii__ Mildred Million has returned coasiata o[ a mkind of limestone known Craik and iter. J. E. Ford had charge
G b D E R I C H I as aeollan. which. where exposed as t of the service and in their addressee
e (, r. a after visiting her per•' aid high tribute t44 the dereassd. In-
eeta, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Million. Yore root, is grey, but which when torment w-ae in Maitlardl enwtery,
freshly excavated ghee blocks of a the pallbearer!' ieing It. Britton. G. L.
creamy color. These blocks when Doner and C. Viefean. eons -In-law of
list quarried are very soft, but ha r- taw deceased. nod Goorge Bates. C.
den after exposure. They are In fact Johnebut and W McLean. Many
t=�,�.s�tr.setkitial Presentation. A large so eat and pllahle that unP secs beautiful floral trihutrs were •adried
ctbltw(+Agatwr YiC^�1(_+" bi.� AbiSand 'i of the -«lee•r
I berinR forty. gattfelligh K rrtengigitto- and one esu�� •• ,. _
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jewell on Fri- a targe hole in a block with a spoon . hen, was torn In Goderirh and mactd
day evening. March 3 In honor of Yr. or even with one's finger -nail. So 1 to Toronto In 19:11. She leaves four
stud Mrs. Reg. Ben (nee Mies Cepha when a house Is to be built, the ma- , danghtere. Mrs. 1'. Dunlop. Mrs. 11.
Maskell). who were recently wedded. terial Is found on the spot. by digging' Britton and Mre. G. L. Doner, 01
The young couple were presented Out ■ cellar or by cutting away the ! Teetnnand
twMrs.a(Robert n. of ]ohe-
with a walnut end table, a mag■slue hillside against which the house eo and rI. Toronto. Tson arend ter irnddJohtn,
stand and a hand -painted jardinere often Mande, thus at one and the,ren
with large.fern. Mies HeadeMe<'abe same time getting more level ground
read the address, and the presenta- for the site and obtaining the material
tion was made by Mrs. Harry Jen- with which to build. The same rock
tins end Mrs. Ralph Jewell. The ad- is ground up to make mortar and
dress was as follows: plaster and whitewash for the build- St. Patrck's D1l`carls and (aura
Dear Cepha and Reg. -We, the Ing, •end In more recent years, when iw.onl )Tundies •t e'AMI'RR:Lf.'S
mend -wen of the Saltford Hospital I combined wlt)1 Portland cement. to peso',: AOItE.
Auxiliary and neighbors,have math -1 make concrete blocks where adds- Lite Arthur Circle 1•;ayers ptrpme
ered here this evening to wish you a tionrl strength it needed. The Par patting on a play, "Tillie of Blooms
long, happy married life. 'Miens are made of the same blocks bury," on April 27th and 2>zth.
Cepha, you having open[ the moat of state aa the main walls. a0 that The Victoria Players will present
at -your time In our neighborhood, we the bnlldln gs, at comparatively small
their annual play, under the direction
We are strong advocates of ordering 1 have always found you a true and cost, are very solid and 'oedemata. of Mn. J. E. Match, In ] e (lir direction
coal early. Common-sense fella ' loving friend amongst ns. We are I As (title wood Si possible is used, as on April 20 and 21.
you that the,mote evenly our worksorry that you have left our mtdet, a1- I ft most mostly be imported; for in- ! The W.('.T.U. will hold Its regular
can be spread over the whole year, ! though of so far that you cannot stance laths for the •pilings and monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
J. II. Colborne on Thursday evening,
March 16th. at 7.30 pm.
A euchre and dance under tge au-
spices of the Goderich Agricultural
Society. for the benefit of the So-
ciety's funds, will be held at Odd -
fellows Hall on Friday night, March
Please reserve Tuesday evening,
March 21, for a comedy -drams to be
presented by Clinton player" in Mac' -
Kay Hall under the morph -es of the
C.G.LT. of North 'greet United
the comity council met at Clint.'" on
Frlda,, last. In addition to the
t r:uisa,-tion of routine business. the
committer were given a moving pie -1
ture demonstration by salesmen for .
a new kind of fire escape. showing
how hr the use of this method n
bui:diug 44411:d tae tptpitieat ,lnlckly and
Pnsi,y. 11w comtulttee 4eekted t.•
su'ernit full particulars r•Rarlili thl•
equipment to the Juno meeting of
the cauuty council.
Early Spring Millinery
Including all the Dew styles r1
the anew.
The "Jacqueline' pattern Hat
for the matron and the "Peter
Pau" for the junior miss are
.•xcttlsive with us.
Reidy:king and remodelling
carefully and reasonably done.
Gotha* "G.'a Strip" Hese
111 011 the test shades.
The New "Gothamettes"
cnaruttt••I rnn-pn".f.
\1',• .alit,• )our p,utn,n:,gr--
C. A. & S. McKinnon
l'hone 133 Square
aaoouce �
Oar Caaiee vise lab h always ea
seas s g teed .,,at et tae see -
SIM we knew poen be Interested
A weir% newsy ea year teed
a� wItth the by ase women everyday
rear u Owe reek bottom prim
the better service we can give, and retnte at any time, and you will al- I*framing etc., for doors and windows.
the more economically we can ways be welcome. What is our loss Practically every kind of building is
operate. Ordering well in ad" i will be others gain. thus constructed. houses, busineas
vaned, is to everybody's advent-
dvent We now fat your acceptance of blocks, sheds, *table* and outbuildings
age• these smog tokens of our love. May alike, the stocker; house* of the well -
Bot we realise that everyone is apt theme simple and ueetol gifts be the to-do. and the cottages of the negroes.
to get caught short of coal. now means of keeping fresh and green the There are no unsightly shacks or
and again, and it is part of our memo of your many friends. Our tumbledown cabin": here and there I
service to meet these emergencies. wermee
t wishes go with you and Reg have Peen a small wooden abed, with
Minn you need coal to a harry, to your new home. (Signed on be- corrugated tin roofing, or even a shed
halt 41 the Selttrrd Hospital An- all made of corrugated tin, but theme
:Mary and neighbors). are rare.
Mr. and Mrs. Hell both fittingly Strangeat of all, the roots are
ret4lecLiffter which all joined In made of this same eon lime church.
PlnRinat For They Are .10117 Good atone, sawn Inti., Blab" about an Euchre, 500 and dance, on Thurs.
I s
COAL , Pellowe." The evening was spent in
r.db WU*l(. contest,. and progressive crok-
COMPAl1Y leg
e, followed by a delleiqus lunch.
Robins' Economy Sale Continues
Men's Tweed Pants Economy Special 95c
Men's Red -bask Overalls
Men's Muleskin Leather Mitts Economy Sale IOc
{>•., - .awe r. ..a,e;...... � ..:w.-.
Chateau Cheese 241 19°
- -t
lbs. 25. s'!'e'l '41 e'f 1 oat 2 5e
revise GROWN
ONE lb.
loch end a half thick. which are laid day, March 23rd, in Oddfellow'a Hall
on like shingles, only that the over- ander aes/kee a< Oo4erich Rebekah
tapping edges are mach thicker. The LodgeTees Farre -orchestra. Ad-
jodna are tilled with the limestone mleelon Me. Preemie in aid of leen
planter and thug a perfectly water -'-
tight roof Is made. Near the lower The 1111 fair board sect on Trope_
edgeof these eloping roof", with their day afternocooQn and completed the re -
prominent ridges of overlapping slabs, vision of Ref.ral elegies of the prise
one meed In most cages a still more )lel. It wan rlertded to hold another
prominent ridge, perhaps three o, ea?d party and damp in the nesse to
inches high, running with 1 titre for the benefit of the funds of
Alight slant from one gide of the roof ""-
to the other and terminating In a wa The (loderleh Township Hospital
p'pe. 1 itayP not noticM any Auxiliary will hold Ita regular month -
ly meeting of the home of Mrs.
eaves' roughs.
The re are no wPNg on the inland.,
Ge.rge Johnston. Stanley* street., on
nor any streams or fiesh water lakes. I Thurslay afternoon, March at
2 3 Wylie*. All member; are
Even .f s well were monk in the rock.
!quested to ie present.
and water obtained. It wonld are found; At the meeties est flu local board
to to salty, as the raft Island rock M of h.: Ith on Monday afternoon, s re-
eo porous that the sea water would sport from the isndon taborctnrtee of
peel) in S.. the Inhabitants have to the Provincial ih•partment of Health
depend on rain water. enlleeted from ,ton a "ample of lee eubtwltted ?rem
the roofs and etnred In tanks, and Goole•rich showed It to he class A
this evpleins the white roofs every- : (Nrst-claan). The maniple ems taken
where: for. to en+nrre the purity 'If! from the area in the lake, near the
the water as much as possible. the "oath pier, from which lee for etor
mors are earetnily whitewashed at 1 age was taken this winter.
fr.ji •nt Intervals. There are no - _. ---
rnanofaelorles on the Island. no fnr-
nave% telehing act smoke and soot,
and the water thus collected L eleaa.,..iadee (Ie-r-•w's emmwer reahl••Ace nn
. sed mitsm eitaea4.les4tSiNdoora aro.st. rsaw,nts.ts+i.lere rewteewt Whim. ..
there the stptAr is tneregae l by na- ppppptt twowe whether anything 1114 hewn
ing the slope of a hill. 'Ibe roe!, MOM. Entrance evidently was 1111111de
everywhere war the 'rags, fs laid 4ff way of the cense.
t was rarreted nn ihttM1! that ' .
.r. te,i.<_ a.
pork Liver or Brisket Boll 147, lb. 50
Round or Sirloin Steak Z lbs. 25e
lb. 10'
STEAKS, tb. 13.
M preened a Lecky Drew
e tlslM ddIn thN ro,ntnafRV vn- mis"'meat
tere are leaaaBPd
CTuvimr.ewhrekh iwg will rntKk holden e( naatsrmhdtlerswwe oilerwe Ole eJse e1 badness each night, le a
large basket et groceries -FREE.
Watch stir windows each day for list of daily Montag nausea AnnRP.NN
Baia, Wella Street
Elgin Ave
Quebec Street
It K No. i
it. 11 No. 2
It K. No 7
Friday '
Friday •
Mrs. Roam Tlehborne
Capt. .1. R Inkster
Charles Mnlr
W. i., Wllklnaou
Vtetof Rosa
R. W. Witoon -