HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-9, Page 44'14' 411,dgbareaday, llama $tb, 11113 THE SIGNAL — — GODERICH, ONT. Naaumluniumrnn PALL MALL CLOTHES Strictly Higi•Clastt' Hand -Tailored $9P.50 'lathes — Made -to -Measure" These suit" are made by the best tailori'in the tries tultt you are assured of the very finest workmanr[hip. The low price for much good clothes is accounted for' on account of the low overhead and small profits. WE RECOMMEND THESE CLOTHES W. C. Pridham &- Soca Men's and Boys' Wear — Phone 57 �mmmuimuauuwueauumuuuuiumuumnuuunuuunu Millinery Opening We cordially ihvite you to view our first showing of New Spring Millinery — on — Thursday, Friday, NitViky March 9-10-11 C EATURING exclusive patterns and hand -made hats for afternoon wear also sport and tailored models Reasonable - Prigs Miss MacVicar Kingston St. - Coderich KINGSBRIDGE KINOSBRIDOE, Mtir'e! 1!,-.rWlttb DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, March 7. -The re- gular meeting of the Y.P.a.. will be held on Friday evening at 8.30. It will take the form of a social ereatng In charge of Miss Verna Chamney and Mr. Willie Craig. The W.M.B. will meet on Thurs- day la the laseettnent.o the.,-ethnreh. The president, Mrs. Norman Thomp- son, home son, will be in charge. Mr and Mrs. C. Potter and family of Blyth visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Jefferson of Clinton visited at his home here on Saturday. Mr. MacKay and Willlo Craig spent .1be weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. /as. T. Craig. Mrs J. I. Johnston of Seaforth spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. George Wallace. Mr. Ross Murray 1s making hie annual rounds. The Women's Institute held Its re - Su • and to lead to a testamentary dtApo- the Nile Sunday school on Sunday, M lar meeting at the home of Mrs Jas. Craig on Wednesday of last Mind Influenced ..- . NILE r� .' by a Delusion (Confirmed from page 81 effects. shall understand the extent of the property of which he Is dis- posing, "hall he able to comprebwtd and appeeetete the Manna ro which M ought to give• eget, and with a view to the latter object that uo disorder of the mind Shall poison his affections, pervert his sense of right or prevent the exercise of his natural faculties -that no Insane delusion shall indu- enee his will in disporting of his pro- perty and bring *Mut a disposal of It which. If the mind had been sound, world not have been shade. Lt the human lnetlne•ts and affections or the moral sense IN.1oue perverted by men- tal disease, If Insane suspicion or aversion take the place of natural affection, If reason and Judgment are lost and the mind becomes a prey to Insane delusion.. calculated be inter- fere nter fere with and d►aturb Its functions • NILE, March 7. -The Young People's Society of Nile haYe eom- am- pleted arrangements for a supper eutertalnmeut to be held in the church on Friday evening, March 171h. Sup- per will be served from 6.30 p.m. to A p.m. The eutertalnment will coa- stat of local [strut assisted by talent from Oolerlch. Aduitsetun—•adut" 17c + 7e; children (under 12), 17c. The first' series of a dramatic mu- test under the auspices of the Hur- on Presbytery Y.Y.S. will be held in Nile United church In the near fut- ure between the Young People's So- cletles of Blyth and Nile. Mr. Wm. Snell of Londeeboro was a recent visitor with his brother, Mr. James Snell. MIss Mary Jogle elicited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harvey Ful- ler of Ooderlch township last week. Mr. Carl Clark of Goderich spent d - Tuesday at the home of mother. Mrs. James Tabb. 1 A promotion service will be held in President Roosevelt on the lead, week. wheat prices advancing, the Canadian dollar coming to its value, it looks as 1f a change were abrewing. Miss Elaine O'Connor exchanged 1A)ND lite In Kingsbridge for that in Ham- Ilton mantle - - - - Mr. Percy MeeOarthy of Detroit spent a few days this week with his brother -In-law and sister, Mr. and Mts. Loule Dalton. Mr. Joe Kelly of St. Augustine, who unfortunately rut his foot while wielding an axe In the employ of Mr. Norman O'Connor, 1s now nearly ready to resume operations in the woodlot again. Itching n t rouoies If anyone has the itch now, says a famous doctor, It's because he would rather have it than bother to end IL For, nothing could be more simple than the modern home treatment with Emerald 011, that acts instantly to give relief. Soothing, healing, antisep- tic, Emerald Oil 1s magic for an itching skin. Just follow directions, says your druggist. and you are sure to be helped.' Money back unless you are CAPITAL TIIEATRE P;� NOW PLAYR4G--CLARA sow, la her MEM* WI, "CALL HIM SAVAGE." MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - DOUG. FAIRBANKS -. High adventure, travelogue, romance, all combined rate and meet unusual entertalnment_speelal Into a first - "MR. „INSON CRUSOE "- THURSDAY, FRIDAY std SATURDAY - •7-.- A great cast spinning a yarn that will tickle you pink. Lata of vivacity and action !a - "DEVIL AND THE DEEP" COMING-FAN'NIE HURSTS-'BACK STREET.* MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT 3 P. Id. sition due only to their baneful In- flueuee. In such it tease It 1n obvious that LONDESBORO the eonditlon of the testamentary pow- er fails aINl that a will made under 1 such eirenmat:uteee should not stand... }78BORO. March 7.—Mr. ! In. such CARPI,. the delusion one* being Crawford has gone to Victoria; proved and its connection with un.. �.L1I )teltvg mantfert the wUl LEEBURN LI EBURN, March 7 -Mrs. J. E'reen:su Is visiting her parents, NT. sol Mra. Wm. Gardner, near Zion In Aahfleld this week. Mts. Wm. J. Chisholm was the guest of her parents in Goderlcb from Pride, until Sunday. Mtn Allle McGraw of Godetich sy with her friend Woes freeman. Master Keith Grey from dtrattord is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. E. Stewart, and is Usti attending No. 9 school. A splendid afternoon was spent at a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. J. 'Parrish on Thursday afternoon of last week. The ladles of the W.M.S. will gath- er together on Wednesday afternoon at the home of the Misses Shaw to quilt, so as to have their quilts fin- ished before the busy time com- mences. HOLMESV ILLE Medical treatment, returned bled* with him. We are pleased to male that Mrs. McMillan 1s greatly' l . proved In health. Mrs. Arthur Mott was taken ea Sut.day 'to the Goderlch hospital. where she was operated upon for ap- pendicitis. We are glad to say abs is Improving uleely. Tb. regular monthly meeting et the W. M. S. of the Prebyterlas ektirch stns het(' at the home of Mrs. Fred Ross tact Friday. Tao re - guar meeting was cumbined with the World's Day of Prayer, the pro- gram for which was compiled by Mrs. Chen of China. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Davidson., Mrs. McWhinney. Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs. W. H. Mahe Scripture readings were giv- en by Mtn Fitzgerald. Mrs. Ander- son and Mrs. W. H. Stotbers. The meeting was brought to a close by re - prating the Lord's Prayer In untsoa. The Trail Ranges held a success- ful entertainment in the basement of the United church. • varied and le- i tereating program was given, after I which lunch was served. Mrs Wilfred Nevins and tamp', of March 12th. Mn. D. McPhee and ,Mrs. I3, iIOLMK8VILLE. March K --lir. Lueknow, are visiting her parents, Pentlend went to Toronto last week- 1t. Woods of London was the guest of ; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore. for a visit with relatives t day last week. The 'Attlee' Aid are busily preps James l PORTER'S IIIt.L f k,g for a tit. Patrick's social to held In the ehureb basement 'litttetplta7 'Lonfim- re undergo medleal + 'rids d of l - - here. his brother-in-law, Mr. A. Jervis, one Bert Treleaven, of the 6th conces- hslos of Ashfield. bad a rather unusual r- experience when one day this weak be one of his cows gave birth to four oa calves. Unfortunately, however. the torte-ditrd, leaving the owner worse sae than it he had received one living calf. of I Mn' J� Gi v lsjurled-We are es. ,sorry to announce that Mra. ]as.Glr- vin was accidentally injured batt uf- Sunday evening. She fail while ne- er- vending the steps to the church audl- n- tortum ■rad fractured two bones le her left arm. Sive was tmmedlatelp taken to Alexandra hospital. gpder- ry. , leh, where an X-ray revealed the 15 fractures. which were set. and we are treatment. We wish him a speedy re- • should be art aatde. s ora n Po11TER•R Hitt.. --eta mean that b•e•anae the testator. or to e•nvery.and Mrs. Roy. Wilson, from near Ham - this case the testatrix, has deeluslons on Mra. Wm. Lyon. who has been quite one or more particular subjects she Ilton, are moving this week to tile 111 with "flu." Is recovering. should be held incapable of making n farm with Mrs. W tlaon, sr., (Nth con- , 1 Mr. and hire. Coekerllne are quite i will It Is only when that delus[oa cession.' Mr. Will Wilson' who has ill at the home of their sop, Will, on may have a direct bearing on any resided with his mother, 1s taking a the lith litre of Morris township. provision of the will. With the In podtlon on a brat. The 'Win Others' class of the United'', mind, and I hold . this to be $correct Be extend a welcome to Yr. and rhuteh Sunday sebool have Mesa in- I interpretation of the law, i now re- Mra. John McMillen and little dattgh- ctted to present their play, "(hely a Iter to the evidence of all the wit- tee Mary. who hare moved to the Stepchild." at Belgrare on March 22 o1, nesser who gave testimony nn that tura recently- vacated by Le*. McMll- rud at Constance on lurch .with. particular plot, that the testatrix, len. They have accepted the Invitation's. Ann Stephenson, had a delusion that On Friday evening, March 10th, at A number of the farmers in this die- . fs• ns. mem►wrs of her family had not Grace church. ]Ilse Doris Harris end been goo.I to her and had neglected tel Miss Gladya Gale are putting on • re - her, particularly after the death of vital which we hope to see well et- her husband. IS on the evidence II Q•ndoe, as both young ladles are tel• ran flu- that there was ■ delusion on i ented and a t.pleudld program is On Monday morning a hockey game that particular enbje•t and that that de- i looked for. lrll d atnRl h her cutting trlct are disposing of their potatoes_ Mrs. Bernard Hall is epPnding a few days at the home of her father. Mr. J. Parrott, Blyth. a bets the Harr au e• men was the ca0.se_ o t (lonsntulathonee to Yr. was played on the local rink, the severe al[ iu her will immediate member+ ti the birth Mr. Carl Oes. who has been ill a' couple_ of weeks. Is now making slow Improvement. MI -s Myrtle Tr'wartba, R.N, Clinton. is the guest of Mr. and M E. J. Trewartha. Quite a number hereabouts are s tering with Colds and Mr. Bill J vis. we are sorry to report. is co lined to his bed. Mrs. J. ',truce, of Iandoa, and Mrs. Georgina Weeds and daughter Ma lin. of Detroit. were recent gues Mr. and Mrs. Lo roe pleased to nay she to now at home and ■I 111r .". r v{ Jervis protrrssing favorably. Funeral et George Youngblut- Quite a number from We vicinity at- tended the funeral service of the late George Younghlut on Friday evening, j sBert Harris of a dasgh•'7t Ms residence in floderieh. Rev. F. being 6- 1n farm or the married men. her family and leaving herr an- t W. Cralk. pastor of Vittoria street This is the second game heween these tire estate to a perfect stranger -In- ter. church, was in charge of the nervloa•, teams. the drat game being won by taw who, aecordinR to the evidence. Farewell Fri. and 'teed as h1. text. "1 have fought I the single men. has no greet equitable claim to It . day evening the neighbors and friendp s Kood Aght, I hate finished my Wesraea's lestitute).—The Women's then the• will should he set aside and of Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMillen, to sours." He spoke of the fshthful- institute met in the community hall an intestacy declared. On the evi- i number of sone hundred or more, met neva and cheerfulness of the deceased, on. !torch 2nd at 2.40 p. m., with donee 1 have no difficulty In arriving at their home to say good-bye to them and In closing spoke feelingly of the 1 Mrs. Ernert Adams, the president, pre- at the eonclusfon that Mrs. Stephen- i before they left for their new home great wlndom aqd Ince of our Hesv- 1 siding Teta pm am a nslatod of an on could Andno fault with any at London. OUL. Les. having secured edy Father In leading us over life's Th ezevli nt paper on "The Llfe of Bt.; member of her family In their treat- his former position on a twat. • e course, Just one step at a time. On Saturday morning the remains were atrnmental duet by •Mrs. J. R. Carter, those witnesses who gave' evidence on Ing. •• Before lunch Mr. and Mrs. Me borne by motor to Hamilton, and laid d Patrick," by Mr". R. Townsend. an in-' merit of her The statement of ale evening was spent In games a nd dune - and Mrs. E. Adams. and a reading by • that int was that the members of Yrs. R. Sharldiek. The ladles have d..t " ley Nd Piftteuiarly the sbL clded to hold their anneal pie .0- John Thomas, with whom she re - chat nn March 17th. After the sup-�. were very good to her, and ted Margaret with i t particular matter at t signet ring an Mr. and of Ptraysr.--The Women's clay i time the will was drawn. for. in spite Millen and -Margaret were as to rent beside deceased's only son. -wE.1 prettsa�ard . kdartaratbin ToaMc - tbeh 1 while lira. Rnttert Rogers read • nicely -worded address*ev. J. McCormick of Hamilton, a , and iterate Young. on brhxlf of thane former Holmesvllle pastor, spoke the per a play, "Betty Kidnapped." will be there certainly was a delusion la bee present, presented lane solemn wotdst at the.gravealde. prr+1 ntect. Imlmi „n bM pa bed lire Robert (Tbe pallbearers were John Youngbint. Fuller presented Mrs. Mc -Millen wit► Ailelgh Randall, Richard Lanxon and a silver flower -basket awl Mr. McMll• Lorne Jervis. len with Masonic cuff -links. Mr. Me - Miller replied very fittingly, thanking nR of Prayer sons observed In Lend e*- of the fact that there was no fonnda- born faits- church on Friday, elarch . [Ion for that belief, she expressed 2nd. The auxiliaries of Borne and that opinion and drew it perticulatly DIJNGA NON e" Cernstanee were present and took ['art' to tile attention of the witness Vtols The It -tends for their kindly remem- LlJ11S1 In the service. Readings and short ]/..ettR.,mPry telling her that her hraneea and for the good neighborly t h Y F I own family head pot born too ing and Mrs. J. S. Carter. and a solo In the meet therefore. i he by Mn1. John Scott wyre muclb ap-2 declared." pr..mated. Ref reshmerltatent6tbkrild'ssefesrap °ts 4 at the close of the meeting. I Costs are to he paid out of the • Y. P. S. Meeting. On Sunday even- tare. , y�y j'5Tgtt�ell t is r -- w ` - xrYaiiY� 'a+e+i P top r. prayera were given by some of the members: A quartette y rw. `Ito her. Adams. Mrs. Geo. Moon. Mrs. Y. Man- the will should be set aside and good spirit which had always been shown to hir"elf and Mrs. McMillen since Hese they came to reside here. The gath- an cring broke up In the wee, ma' hours, all wishing the McMil►et prgit�erlty es- and tempiness whets**, 4 be ca:•t. WWWW 111XCORN .�a., �' �, -.-liel UAW �aC?e d n PUf1,�':1'i`lst;5: DU'NGANNON. Marsch 8.—The monthly meeting of the West Waw* nosh Fire insurance Co. was held 1a the secretary's office on Tuesday. .lir. and Mrs. 0. M. McKenzie, 'bnd Jeanne spent Sunday to tClinton. the guests of Mr. McKeen- sirs mother. 11 LEST YOU FORGET 1. A. Nines has established in business at the comer of East Street and the Square. Hand -Tailored Clothes $30.00 op - DRY -= DRY CLEANING - PRESSING aad all kinds of REPAIRING and RELINING ALSO. Burton's Speciat Made -lo -order CM! $22.50 up Maid Snell preesldinR "Tlow Shall We Win Our Friends for ST. HELENS. March 6.—!flax 1T(HtE:. Christ?" was taken by Mina Marion Margaret Thom, R.N., is home after Stewart, who gave some splendid mug- nursing Mr. Charles McLean, Jr., of , PORT ALBERT gentians. ltrs. (Rev.) Gardiner Rare Lane. who Is recovering to •k of pneumonia. o from an at- 1 veru Interesting and instructive se' - Mr. .IaP. McFarlane of Bluevale 1 th offering er1R was being taken Jameea n was tem guest of hla daughter. Mrs. Mc( res ren Pr Gorden McPherson, last week. Fere." The meeting rho w a Mks Mildred McQnIllin, of /Heat - repeating the z- ford Normal School, was a recent rlsttor at home with her father, Mr. • . drama nn the Bernardo homer. While d ed the solo Fare to Pedwith ll Ml h beoedldtlon I1; L4 Spring Draws Aside its Fashion Curtains at Cornfield's Revealing to femininekind the season's new modes in ,.a111 their colorful radiance We. aes�ees�; Charming in a :core of lovely modes 'e' NEW -VERSIONS iN COAT STYLES— new scarf necklines, new lapel arrangements, new belted effects. new sleeve treatment. Fashioned in the loveliest of Spring tweeds. Tight weight woollens and fine crepes in all popular Spring shades. Suits - W McQutllin ut . Mr. Wallace Miller attended the meeting of the Prohibition lemon In To -onto last week rax a delegate from the United church. Mr. Ted Ries is ander the doctor's Graham. Mn. C. Crawford. MIN care at present. 1Iaura Graham, Mra. H. 1ednor, Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Jamei 1S�erwood- and 1110. McRentie: Writ Thom. Erickson' little denghter, of Crewe, were re- 1 and Mise Elisa Mcallllan. it was a 1 cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ar Gaunt. Mr Rnaaell Webb was a wltekwlkl visitor with his `stint,` Mrs. - A. Hughey, Holyrood, The World Day or Prayer was ob- serve'' nn Friday afternoon, 'when twenty-one ladle+ gathered at the home of Mrs. W. E. Gordon. The progrtm, as prepared by Mrs. C. C. Chen. chairman of the national com- mittee of the Y.W.C.A., Shanghai, China, was followed. MIAs M. C. Rutherford presided. Prayers were offered hy Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Wil- kinson and Mrs. Ramage, end a solo by 'Mrs. Wilkinson was much appre- ciated. The Harris Mlwdon Band will meet he 11 PORT ALBERT, March R. -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnstone have re- turned home atter a pleasant visit with friends at Galt. The Ladies' Guild of Christ chureh he attended the Provincial • ` tion eorvention. Mra. McMillan and Pon Norrin, who had been in Toronto for 1 the past three months undergoing • are meeting this afternoon at the hone of Mn. Wm. Foster, Sheppard - ton. Among thecae who attended the World's Day of Prayer eery -lee at Nile on Friday were Mrs. Nelson tailored on swagger lines SUITS TAILORED TO PERFECT THE MODERN SILHOUETTE in fashionable grey and beige shades. DASHING NEW HAT\ MODES Flattering little models - Turbans and tilt brima:-*— Sailors with natty ina'; "•. ' and in such gay colors as red, blue, green and grey. New straws, twist weaves, fine pedaline straws Coriifieia- iiierptIng _.- at the manse on Saturday, t th, at 2.30 o'cliek. _ A good attendance Is regnestad. The Mareb meeting of the Women's Inatitnte was held at Mr. W. G. Me- Crostie'P on Thursday. in the ab- ortive .of b-ornce.of the president, Met. A. An- "Tempting Spring Dishes," was well responded to hy interesting recipes. A splendld paper on the subjeet, "Home the Anchor of Onr National Ute." WAR given by MIs. M. C. Ruttier- Igj i feed. Mrs. Wallace Miller rend an der'on preridced. The roll call, artlele on Dullness. Ar- nntgetprnte were made for the an. �;t� � nom! ,fat horse' to be held Friday JJ I eeonlhs. Idareh ' lath. Lnnrh wee p i served by the hostesses, Mrs Wil) yrtj Rutherford and Minn Ltla Humphrey The young people's meeting held In the United ehnrrh Runday evening i was in charge nt the ('hrlstien fel- * ret Mwehtp rommlttee. The at j wee How "hall We Win Om Friends for ('hrlstts' 'lhe Seriptnre Amami was `read by Kathleen Thom Edith Dur- as airs read a paper nn stewardship of �i she Gospel. 1f!.. Helen Miller gave splendid r an "Winning (hirers n pad, kt2g V, J was decided to hold lei and Men's Wear -- rlet's Day. Phone 418 West side of Square LIJ Use Me-McCho, the herbal agatem va,e look. to tone trp your system. Mink 1111.1.'R DittTG STORE. r,M sec•. eery Ane 'week*. A beautiful lunch was served. Other. were present from Dungannon and Carlow eongre- j Rations, making quite•■ large gather- I Ing. Mr. and Mrs. McCreight have re- turned home after visiting their little danihter In London boepltal. Young People's Meeting. -The. regu- lar meeting of the l'ort Albert Young People). Society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford on Frldev, March 8, with twenty-two present. The president. Miss Stella Johnston, presided. The meeting opened with the ainging of hymn 112. Irene Graham read the 103rd Psalm. The study book, 'Our Share In India," was taken by Laura Graham, after which Miss Stella Johnston led in prayer. Hymn 233 was sung and a shirt bn.Ine++ period followed. A very intere.ting topic entitled "The Wo- man Who Clothed the Poor" was giv- en by Leonard Crawford. The Jour- nal by Ernest Crawford proved very amusing. Hymn 362 was then sung. This part of the meeting closed with the Miepah henedietion. A tweed per - Ind under the direction of.Cora Dick - 5011 followed. Margaret CrewfnrA, Bob 1'ngle amd Leonard Crawford stip- piled a few masieel numbers. The hooter.* scryed a fasts htneh end the enloyrble evening WPM brought to a elate with the singing of "Grid Sere the Kink.' ._-- War —ON— ~t' Rats EXTERMO "RXTZ131O" will rid your property of rata and mice in a safe, clean, scientific man - DOT. —SOLD AT— C AM PBEL L'S T—CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 Ooderich, Ont. AM. THE WEATHER The Ines) temperature reading' of the pest week AMi Ulnae At the enr- reapoedinr week of Last year were as fo'tows: 1933 1932 Mat Min. MAI. Min. Thars., March 2..34 27 17 27 Fri . March 3 ... 37 Al 47 31 Rat, March 4 ..32 27 441 34 Rim., Man r-qI-, . ttf 21 46 7s MAO ," �!�,4 2a 40 2R ...`.. ass ,,.ea am, Wed., lisreb $ :.3'f hi 1 10h Lite Is wba$ M aiwal'It has tern. and always WIN tie.' fN bats to maks a foss. SPECIAL SAL of Used Electric and Hand -power Washing Machines, Wringers, etc. AFTER carrying on a special canvassing sale of Beatty Washers, we find that our apace is limited in our new Tote aIle WEST'aTREET; and commencing Friday, March, 10th, we will offer some•wonderful bargains. - /-'t. . These must be seen to be appreciated, as some are almost as good as iFe,tll►. - Special Terms May Be Arranged For A full line of New Electric Washers, Radios, also Electric Refrigerators. etc., may be purchased on easy terms. ' HarrQ. St dy etc Phone 841We t Nest t. D. M. O'Bri..'s - .1 E' re