HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-02-25, Page 12• Pow 12-1mehnow Sea njoy snowmol edseadros Maim 25, 1951 • By blade Pailk • "' Doris and Lloyd Hodges, Penny and Terry Hodges and Irene and Keith Blake were in the Leval* area of North- ern Ontario for the weekend to enjoy some snewmobiling. Joe and Irene West of Stratford visited with Irene's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Derk Logtenberg and family on the weekend. Mr. Harry Strong of Essex visited with his father, Jim, wife, Sherry and sons, Paul and Ken on Sunday. — Mr. and Mrs. George Cow- an were in Ottawa ,recently for a few days. Mrs. Marie Park and Mrs. Gertie park enjoyed \ a pleas- ant visit one evening last week with Mrs. Jack Curran of Lucknow. Mr. Curran is presently a patient in Wing - ham and District Hospital., The ladies of Dungannon Institute are busy quilting again this winter. Most of the` work they do is on a -custom basis but recently they com- pleted a quilt for the Insti- tute, that tickets will be sold on. They have been meeting at the home of Bessie McNee each day. The quittersare Beth Rutledge, Alma Black, Willett McWhinney,- Win- nifred Girvin, Peg Purdon, Elsie Irvin and Bessie Mc- Nee. - The Young Peoples Group of Christian Fellowship Church, numbering 18 and their leaders, Doug Zehr and Alice and Howard Martin, attended a weekend retreat • at Silver Lake Camp. Ttley were secompanied by a youth group from Listowel and in all 42 persons lived out the theme, Growing Closer to God. ." Allister McKenzie of Van- couver pissed away on Janu- ary 27th-. His parents were the late Mr and Mrs. Angus McKenzie (Barbara Blake) who was raised on the 6th • concession of Ashfield on the farm now owned by Derk Logtenbe.rg. Mr. and Mrs. Mian Bos- sence of Stratford visited over the weekend with 'Mar- tha's parents, Jrvine and olleen Eedy. Lynda McNee, Carol Niv- ins, Diane Park, Judy Kerr and Mary Ann Brindley mot- ored to Toronto on February ,••• 111CICHOW .:UNITErk 'CHURCH . suNDAY;FEBRIJART 291 Sunday &keel • 11:00 a.m. , Morning Worship , Pastor Don Dairen Installation. of ,Ofneeris at 17 for the 81`st convention of Agricultural Societies. Meet- ings were arranged to dis- cuss fair improvements, in- surance, grants etc There were 1,600 delegates who at- tended the conference held at the Royal York Hotel. Ken Girvin was the lucky winner of the Lucknow Kins- men "NightOut on the Town" draw. The prize was four tickets to the • Toronto Maple Leaf game on March 7' including a night at the Carl- ton Inn and S100.00 spending . money. The first meeting of the. West Wawanosh Recreation Committee was held on Feb- ruary 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cranston. Dave Errington was elect- • ed president while Cheryl AUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw • BA. M. DIV. SUNDAY, FEBRuARY 29 • 1 I a.m. Combined Services • Church and Sunday • School. • Nursery Provided • 'Everyone Welcome • • • LOAN -BACK INCOME ,AVERAGING ANNUITIES vvg LOAN 95% OF SINGLE PREMIUM " COMPARE YOUR COSTS QUALIFYING TOTAL CASH INCOME \\ OUTLAY '$ 25 000 • $1,948.79 $ 50;000 $3,897,58 $100,000 $7,795.15. . •• FOR QUOTATIONS CALL. • 357-2022 '. STANDARD TRUST 23t Josephine SE Wingharn, Ontario . AGENT ENQUIRIES INVITED .11,.,4,„. • Girvin will be the secretary. The major item discussed • was the needfor a practise ban diamond, Anyone „with an acre of land todoflate for this' worthwhile project or any suggestions, please let either the president or sec- retary know. Plans for iaising money were discussed with a spring dance and a summer barbe- quie being two projects nam- ed. • Dungiumon United Church • Mr., George Cowan spoke • on, The Holy Spirit and You, during Sunday service. The children's hymn was, Vve • Got the Joy, and the child- ren's story, was a modern parable about Adam's dog. The choir sang the anthem, ClAeamnasnedle Ma De1ar0ntlirdBri. ndley, daughter of Ross and Dar- lene (Yule) Brindley, was received telvrirondghh into tthes e tmraimen lyof God• t of Baptism at Nile United Church. The Session is pleas- ed to receive Ross and Dar- lene into membership of the United Church of Canada within Nile United Church. The minister and congrega- tion join in a warm.weicome to the Brindleys. Nile inner Circle is holding a card party • on Friday, February 27. • • The value . of person's • advice is the way he or she • applies • it to himself or herself. J�hislin. (Bothwell Limited) Phone Phone Wardsville 693-4383 Komoka 471-3059 Dungannon 529-7947 Washed MaterlalsCrushed Stone Cement Gravel , Crushed Gravel, --Road Contractors . • . ' 0 Box 127 Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2. 11 k , ANNOUNCEMENT \ WARD IL UPTIGROVE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS are pleased to announce the appointment • of •• • ROBERT H. LOREE, B.MATH., C.A. to the position of supervisor in • their Listowel office di ..e z Cathy Chishohn of Luck/low won third place in intermediate lattice freestyle at an Invitational figure skating competition held in 'Windsor in January. She also picked up the first. place trophy In the open freestyle category at the Goderich Figure .Skathrg Club's trophy day held last month. Cathy skates with the Lucknow Figure Skating Club and the Goderich Figure Skating Chilli. She is the daughter of Wilkie and Grant Chisholm, Lucknow. [Sentinel Stat Photo] °Purple Grove... dhow page community •wishes • them well. Roy and Maureen Collins , Jennifer, Angela and David visited with Don and Marilyn Reid and Larry on Friday evening• . Bob and Elaine Irwin, Chris and Greg Of Lucknow visited tvith Don and Marilyn Reid and •Larryfon Saturday evening. Bllly Patterson spent Saturday afternoon with Larry Reid. Michael and • Deon Doupe of Milverton spent the weekend with Morley and Deanna Stott. Congratulations are. ex- tended to Peter and Charlein Mansfield on the birth of their baby girl, Catherine, born Feb. 18th. • NOTICE • THE 102 eur ANNUAL MEETING . 00 MB• • WEST WAVIANOSH MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE cOMPANY . hlotke Is hereby gloom the Annual MnifIng of. the Coripony will too hold at the agekoltural Hall nooggo. 606, on fridny. fehruoity 27th 10.1 et 2:90 P.M. 1) To MON. and dlineito Of the ateenchil statement, and auditors itoport • • 2) to AppOlas AinialtOtt • 3) To oat two Nod*" 4) to horologe any Whit inssInoSs that noisy proporly room before thii Mooting 'The 1.111000 InentfOrs Ito Austin Mntffn Ad* . Pamir. ha 00 wheiriliwo for telaithittiori foto iIiiyir torsi. A poiky hohior wishing to took olictiow • Otrootor most fit" his whop oominotion with", - with the 'Socrotoity of OW Corporation frif Waif Min (3) days In the, Almost Moottoar any SpOtiot Giworof Ntootliti *coital for iho pair pdlio of olictiog 111tOefOni. Tint 0111,01iny lijralonitst Oro thrielloiolo for 10, ipsiction of On, Itoodbffito thotorpiwolloo. Sy *Ma Of the Board of DIretters \SfEopinns 54 Whitney Siscrotory-atonogor 1 11 \ Tel. 291-3040 /I If your Sentinel Label reads Feb. 654321 Your• subscription is due Canadian $13.50 Senior Cit4ens $1 LSO 4.