HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-9, Page 1rg
If your subscripUon expires March
1st, you can save fifty Mete b1 re-
newing any time this Oda et ;Pill
The regular slabscriptice rate iti
Council Divides
on,Poolroaa Fee
The meeting 01 the town council on
-- Friday evening last was a brief one,
but it was flot without incident.
Mayor Lee at an early stage in the
e.„, proceedings mid he wished it to go on
' record that persoaally he was not in
favor of the reduction of insurance
oa the town's factory property as de-
• aided upon by the finance committee.
° would be criticised severely.
Later on, in consideration of the re-
port of the special committee. there
was a dare -up between Councillor
Humber and Reeve Craigie and for a
tow minutes the atmosphere of the
council chamber was at summer beat.
All the members were present ex-
cept Councillor' Seabrook and Sproul.
Tex Collector Robertson reported
W105.04 received on the 1933 advance
payment pion, hog $4,082.58 collected
• on arrears Kr. Robertson presented
the assesament roll and on motion it
was returned to him to continue col -
WOE TiMe ,Oensiders Reduction
' 111 1111/N11/01011 IS Too
.4 Drastic
- M C. Witmer, sexton of Maitland
.."--17-7-7E1Illetery, reported five intermeute-
--1'- tlieineeth of February.
The Shell Gas Company asked per-
mission for the erection of two signs
—one at G. Johnston's ou Kingston
street and one at H. J. Fisher's on
Hamilton street. Referred to public
works committee.
A request that the council send one
to be held on March 10th with refer-
ence to the formation of a musical so-
ciety was referred to the modal com-
A ,lonaiunication from the Glencoe
Board of Trade requeeted eodorm-
Uon of • resolution asking that the
Province take over a system a road•
from Wallacetown, on Lake Erie,
through Dutton, Glencoe and Arkona
to Or: ud Rend and thence by way of
the Blue Water Highway to South -
epeeist! committee,
• resolution from the council a the
town a Lindsay, asking that tbe
. tare Hydro -electric Power (Nomads -
aeon make available for heating
purpo-d, at cost or below, the versed
power acquired by the Commission on
contract and remaining unsold to con-
sumerr, was mot to the special cow-
town &dueler ite manufacturing fa-
cilities in "Industrial Opportunities in
Canada," was sent to the finance com-
Csamilde Reverts
The finance committee made the fol-
lowing recommendations: Tbat no
action be taken with reference to the
purchase of a duplidther machine;
that the tax collector be butructed to
enforce collection of all arrears and to
take court action where necessary;
that no action be taken on the request
of J. A. Chisholm for • reduction of
rental of the skating rink; that ac-
counts from the welfare board
•mounting to $1,220.85 be paid.
The committee recommended reduc-
Moe of fire insurance on properties
belonging to the town as follows:
National plant on Brock street: From
$7,e00 on buildings •nd $4,701) on
contente—total $12,30Q—to $4,660
on buildings and 11,500 on contents
—total 01,150.
National plant on Maitland road:
From. 110,000 on buildinge and $5,-
000 on contents—total $15,000—to
113,0(e) on building/a and $2.500 on
content a—total 17,500.
A rtcra ft factory on Maitland road:
115,000 on buildInge and
18,000 on contente—total $20,000—
ti 17.600 on buildings and 12,500 on
contente—total 110,000.
'The industrial committee recom-
'asentied that the National building on
Newgate street hitherto occupied by
Mr. Mellwain be rented to Geo. Math-
leson it $8 per month from Marct lat.
The special committee recominended
• redriction In poolroom license fee to
$25 for the first table and $12 for each
additional table, The present fee la
$40 for the flrat table and $15 for each
sdditional table.
These report, were all adopted.
Doubts Wisdom of Reduetion
In tonnection with the report of the
Inane,. committee Councillor Brown,
chairman of the committee, eurphs-
shied :he recommendetion with refer-
ence te the collection of taxes, and be-
spoke for the colleetor the whole-
hearbd support of every member of
the cowbell In any liter, he "Mould
take. Me thought the committee had
gone too far In the reduction of Insur-
ance. If there should t* no ere, It
would turn out all right : If there were
• fire, the council would be beld to se -
moat for the logs.
The Mayor had previously ex-
pressed Ms dinsent from the aetion of
Mrs. C. F. Chapman, of Toronto, is
visiting her relatives le town.
rs. A. Berson of Toronto visited her
parents, Mr. ind Mrs. C. Tippit, this
Mrs H. K. Revell has returned
home after Ira extended visit In Tor -
Mies Janet Mullin is visiting et
Detroit the guest of her sister, Ilrs.
Mrs. Charles °Irvin spent the week-
end at Guelpb visiting her sister,
Mrs. Evans, who is
Mr. Ed. Beek returned
after spending td winter
son at Command*. Out
Mrs. Dors Samueison, of Toronto, is
deeding a fee weeks with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. TiogiCiiirlown.
Mrs. It. J. Moorhead and Mrs. Jas.
Lavelle, of Pattnerston, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Tippit, Newgate street, aim
Mrs. K. M. Stowe, East street, has
been visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Friteley, Detroit, for tbe
past two weeks. .
Mr. Wm. K. Tlateida. PrinelPei
yllle, spent the week -end at his moth-
er's home, Toronto street.
Ilr and Ilre. Fred J. Mattel hive
gone to their country reddence, on
the Blue Water Highway, Goderich
towaship, for the summer.
Mrs. H. Robinson, Waterloo street.
retarned to her home after spend -
mine months with her datighter,
Mra. Hilliard, at Waterloo.
Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor Is 'attend-
ing, the meeting of the Presbyterian
Assembly commission at Toronto on
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Miss Alberta Yates. West street,
was taken seriously on Monday
night and since Tuesday morning bas
been uneodelous. She has been un-
well for some time, though able to be
Mr. Andrew Porter, collector of
eustoesa, has been seriously ill the
pant week and defined to the house.
He is reported as taaprevet-tbe last -
few days and hem es be at Mir of-
fice next week. - --
Was Edna ItIdts-- of flealorth
dent several days with friends in
town the pant week. 8he has been
for some time at Williamsburg, Ont.,
and returning to that place to re-
sume her practice as a nurse.
Friends .of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Page-,
lentos, Elgin avenue, wtil
Opened to learn that Mr. Pennington
had retard& from tbs.- London hos-
pital where he was receiving treat-
ment. Keseeth. an eleven-yearall
son, recently operated on for appen-
dicitis at Alexandra hospitai, also
has returned home and N progressing s
last week
with hie
When the report of the epeeist com
be4A, hail no" HOS to a Her the She
without notice of motion and the
An a Iteres eon Maned between
Osiaeiller Humber and Reeve Crate@
Judge Costello has issued Judg-
ment on an appeal against the con -
rich by Magistrate Reid for an
offence under sexton 90 (2) of the
Liquor Control Act. The conviction,
which was made October 14, 1142, and
ca-ried a fine of 1100 and eosts, Is
quashed. Mr. F. Donnelly WWI Walk
gel for the appellant.
About seventy-five tioderich people
went to Stratford Tuesday *evening
to see the hockey game between the
Stratford Midgets aed tbe Newmark-
et juniors. Stratford took the big
end of • 8-1 score. The return 'eine,
for the 0.H.A. junior title, will be
played at Todd* on Saturday after -
Several changes are taking piece
around the Square. Harry 0. Stur-
dy has moved his business from the
corner of Colborne street and the
Square to the north aide of West
street and. the place erhich he vacated
will be occupied from April Lit as
the Hydro offices and store. C. E.
Allison, butcher, is moving from
Hamilton street to the stand on the
Square recently vaeateL. by IL H.
31a Ma.
A delightful evening was enjoyed
in the Legion room at the Brinell Ex-
change hotel on Friday evening last.
friends. Euchre was played early In
the evening. Mrs. Wm.-Bett and Kra
Jas. Smith won the ladies' prizes and
Mr. F. Turner and Billie Carter were
winners of the men's prizes. Miss
M. Raines won the lucky chair prize.
With Lt. -Col. A. F. Sturdy as chair-
man, a short program was enjoyed,
consisting of two pretty dances. the
manor's hornpipe and an Irish jig in
costume. by little Eileen Bogie; a vo-
cal aolo by Mhos Olive Tichborne; sel-
ections by Ray Lawrence, rano. Roy
Breckenridge. saxophone, and Harry
Schram, violin; a clarinet solo by
Bandsman Andrei Spilt)) and cornet
solos by Bandsmen BMie Carter,
Reit Huchinsflack Mucking and Rob-
ert Henry. After a delightful lunch
dancing was enjoyed for some houra.
The modern music was supplied by
Ray Lawrettee, Harry Schram and
Roy snd Ernest Breckenridge, and
the music for the ola-time dancing
was by Harry Witmer, John Farrish
and Harry Schram.
There 11 one less fire hazard in town
now. as the raninhackle building that
licKay's house
blew down several days ago and the
Mr.. Margaret Sterne, said to be
a native 'of Goderich, was instantly
killed in an autoseetele-accident at
Compton, California, on Sunday, Feb-
rury 19th. She was sixty-eight years
of age. and had lived at San Pedro,
California, the last five years with
her son-in4aw and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs. William Eurpie. The Signal
has been unable to learn anything as
to the identity of Mrs. Sterne. Her
maiden name was not given In the ac-
cOunts of the accident.
and there was • warm exchange of
"compliments." Councillor Humber
declared tharilbe-Iterie was "direet-
ly interested" In the matter under dia-
cardesh tio Reeve retorted. that
he hsci not voted ou tbe matter in
Councillor Gould was not sure that
the recommendation had been 'car-
ried In committee, but the other
councillors (except Coun Humber)
Rammed him that it had been.
Councillor Humber pointed out that
that were two weathers absent, and
maid he was sure that both of them
would oppose the reduction.
This led to another heated exchange.
the Reeve and Conn. Humber each ac-
eusing the other of "buttonholing"
members of the council.
Cooncillor Humber moved to aroend
the report by leaving the !teem* fee
aa It wee; but there was no seconder.
He then demanded the yeats and nays
and tbe vote on the adoption of the re-
port was as foliftwa:
Yea—Woraell. Brown, Moser, the
Mayor -4.
Nay—Humber, Gould -2.
The Reeve did not vote.
The auditors' report for 1932 Was
AiihMitted and was referred to the fin-
ance committee.
Councillor Worsen brought np a
compleint that the arepers were not
need except on the Square. He thought
it wonld be moneY well spent to have
the outlying streets elesred off and
let the people get up town.
trn motion of Councillor Humber,
who said that the tax crollector's office
was a ills/greets to the toift, it Irks de-
eided to have a movie of desks re-
moved from the National factory Aire
to Inv/rove the fungi/hinge of the col-
lector'. quarters. -
The Water sad LIM 'seamy
Councillor Humber brought up the
nutter of the vacancy in the water
and light emaadaidoe. Be did not
on to appoint a 'mycelia to the late
Voivermlasloner Taylor; but he did sot
*Neve in Nevem It a "two-mep
to its, people
The riot* sgerthat la Akita tdr-
polotrd, tint ho promised to look up
the IAW in the matter
TM. eonnell teen adjourned.
of The Signal in Gocierich and immediate
district read your advertisement, Mr.
Merchant, or does their trade go to that
city Mall Order boniest "
Relief Fun&
Almost Fithausted
Amounts Paid for Relief Shaw
Steady Increase /linos
work et the irneital slyest st__ North
street United &Arch on Sunday after-
noon last included 84 parcels of
-clothing, 300 parcels of groceries,
milk tickets to the value of 18.50,
grocery orders for $4.50, and $8
worth of bread tickets.
At Ito, meebing ofa Monday night
the welfare board passed W vote of
thanks to the artists who had contri-
buted the programs at the three re-
lief recitals, the Lions Club, and the
ministers and boards of the churches
in wtich the recitals were given.
At Monday niglit's meeting Mr. L
L. Knox, treasurer of the welfare
board, reported a diem* in the bank
of $32.85. Amounts paid tor relief
have totalled 12,412.00, as follows:
November, 1125.78; December, *OM -
88; January, $776.53; February,
$903.44. The bills for February were
made up as follows: Food, $404.07;
05.37; water and light, $12; medi-
cine, 30c; total, $903.4-; Three more
fandHes have been added te the list
of those receiving relief.
Noe A. Taylor. alio is thellerlfe of
fbe distribution of clothing, reported
that 1.0/0 articles had been given
out; of this number, 700 had been
contributed at the three Suhday re -
With the funds on hand practically
qxhau•ted. and over $1,100 of bills to
be paid, the eommittee le greatly in
need of funds. There well be beery
calis tor relief for several weeks yet,
and Individuals will opine generously
to the help of the etimmittee, and as
promptly as poosible. It is • time
for sacrifice
Reeve J. W. Craigie and Mrs.
Craigie left on Saturday on a visit to
the former's sister, Mrs. E. P. Chews'.
ing. at Washington, D.C. Before he
left Mr. Cralgie denied thet there
was any significance in his visit to
the United States capital.,at this par-
wita' end what more natural than
that the should turn to one of our
lumber has been taken away. The
spaee is to be cleared and used as a
turning station for automobiles.
If the water remains at Re pres-
ent level until rummer, Goderich will
be in positemion of • much larger
stretet of beach 'ban was above water
last year. The water has dropped
more than a foot, with the result that
the sandy beach has been extended al-
most one hundred feet. If this low-
ering of the water continues, bathers
will soon have to walk as far as the
end of the pier to get water deep
enough to swim In.
It le much too early In the seatiOn
as yet for any swimming in the har-
bor. Thin Is the empfifitle opinion of
perfume wbo gleaned the Information
leafs weisal erepecienno. While walk-
ing on the lee in the harbor laid week-
end. two local young men were sud-
denly precipitated Into the icy water
as the lee gave way. They managed
to serainble out and hurried home to
warmth and comfort and are now lit-
tle the worse for their experience.
On Tueaday, while crosaing the har-
bor on the Ice, Captain Peter Mac-
Donald, St. Patriek's irtreet, took his
annual winter dip. Stepping into an
airhole in the fee he went down out
of might. He was 'wasted out of his
difficulty by Joe MacPbail, who then
and there chrietened him the Apostle
Peter of the Goderkh harbor. Colin
Murray wee a witness to the cere-
mony. Peter, We are glad to say. is
no worse for his experience in the ley
School Roard'a Requi'ition for 1933
Is $20.300
The regular meeting of the public
school board was hekl at Victoria
school on Monday evening. Trustee
R. 0. Johnston, who was elected at
New Year's, took hie seat at the
board. and all the other members
were present except Trustee Miller.
The principal of Vletorla school re•
ported for the month of January as
follows: Pupils on roll, 870; average
attendance, 4.96, or 90 per cent.:
Penny Rank depnalts, $116.51. For
February: On roll. 865; average at-
tendance, 826, or o0 per cent. ;. Penny
,Sank deposits, $040.20.
The principal of (lentent sehool
reported for January: Ptsp4la on roll,
281; average attendance, 214. or _ 94
per cent.; Penny Rank depoelte.:(1R.
Fey February: On roll, 282; aver-
age attendants.. 206, or tel per peat.:
Penny Rank dapnslte, $68.78.
"'19)e saseter • of pmvlding better
ventilation it Central school, and ale*
st of draining the tie
[toilffdn. Mater Wain 'the-
the property ereamlttee.
A motion was passed placing the
board's rvinleitinn farm the tows
4,nun4I for 1228 •t $20,600. This 11
•pproTimattty 11,000 Iesa than Fast
year's renlaltton
Mrs Record Allin. Albert street,
was bndly bnrned about the face and
head on Tuesday last. She was ex-
amining an oll-burner that had sup-
posedly gone out and am she stooped
over it the burner backfired in some
itni*Killi-lett manner and sprayed her
with burning oil. Tbe burns were
treated immediately and. though very
painful at the time, are healing as
well as can be expected Mrs AIHn
has been confined to bed since the un-
fortunate accident.
The Net of three sacred recitals
under the atm/ices of the Lions Club
and the civic welfare board was giv-
street flitted church by Mr. Charles
Meakine, vocallat, and Mr. Raymond
I. Meyer, organiet of the church, and
was attended and enjoyed by a large
number of townspeople. A great pile
of goods was left in the veeMbule as
a contribution to the work of the re-
lief committee
At the close of tit-, recital Mr. H.
T. Edwarde, preeldent of the Lions
Club, on behalf of that organization
and of the civic relief board. tendered
an expression of thanks to Messrs.
Meakins and Player ter the prograni
rendered: to the board of North
street ehurch for the use of the audi-
t/Hum, and to those who had merle
contributione to the relief work He
nutted that as'the result of Mr. Mes-
hing' three reritals groceries and
elething to tip value of more titan
$700 had been contributed and that
these geode had been of very material
ansistAnee In supplying the deeds of
the unemployed.
Rea. W. T. Bunt, pastor of the Bap-
tist cLurch, will take as his sermou
subjects next Sabbath, "The Chris-
tian's Great lineiness" int- "The
Withered Hand Healed." Bible *chow
The serviees in Victoria wtreet
United chureli next Sunday will be
condueted by the pastor, Rev. F. W.
Craik. Sermon subjecti: 11 a.m.,
"The Wholesome Words;" 7 p.m.,
"Misplaced Anxiety." Sunday school
at 3 p.m. Young People's Society,
Monday at 7.43 p.m.
Ofileers o f the Young Ladles' Sodali-
ty of St. Peter's church have been
electM as follows: President, Mina Mae
Griffin; vice-president, Miss Martina
Hussey; secretary-treastirer, Miss
Mary Hussey; -eormeittorw, -Misses
Eileen O'Brien, Helen Page and Mary
Tobin. The young ladies are planning
for a baking sale to be held on Easter
Saturday, April 15th.
The MacGillivray Miselon Band of
Knox Presbyterian church met on
Saturday last In the lecture room.
Miss Ida Whites group bed charge
of the program and devotional exer-
cises. Lantern elides on "Happy
Days In India" were shown and en-
joyed. Grant Johnston gave a short
recitation and Audrey Fisher and
Claire Martin sang solos.
At a meeting of the Huron Preeby-
tery, Preebyterian Church in Canada,
held at filtrtOn February 2Sth,
Rev W. A. Young of Heiman was
elected moderator for the ensuing
term. Reporta of the various cbu
organIzatione were recetved.tind were.
most encouraging. The call of the
united charge of Beigrare, Myth-, Au-
burn and !Smith's Hill to Rev. W. T.
Mills of Corbetton was approved, and
the Induction will take plare at Bel -
grave on Friday, March 31st. at 2.30
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of Victoria street United
churrii was held in the schoolroom
on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Harry
Sanderson had charge of the devo-
tional peilod. After the singing of
a hymn the 23rd Paalm was repeated
in unison and prayer was offered by
Mrs. Mew. Mrs, Sanderson read the
interesting leaflet on 'The Woman of
No Importance" and the Watch Tow -
to the tine spirit which prevailed at
the service In connection with the
World's Day of Prayer held recently
in Sferth street United chusch. The
.tneeting was clotted with prayer.
Sir Arthur Currie 's Hint Palls On Stony Ground—Financial Con-
ditions in the United States Observed with Interest but with No
Alarm for Canadian Stability—Opposition Objects tO SO=
Features of the Railway Bill—Penitentiary Appointments to Be
under Patronage
(By J. A. Hume, Special Correspon-
dent of The Signal)
Ottawa, March 6. ---Governmental
and financial authorities here incline
reap more benefit than disadvantage
fiom the United States financial diffi-
culties and consequent bank holiday.
It is considered by some that tille pre-
sent premium on U. 8. funds is likely
to be materially modified, if not com-
pletely eliminated. There is no appre-
hension whatever of the American con-
dition extending to Canada, where the
banking ayeteru is eutirely different
and where, Recording to Hon. E. N.
Ithodem, Minister of Finanee, Canadian
banks find themselves in an extreme-
ly liquid position regardleg their as -
our scattered forces must be combined
to lead us out of the morass of doubt
and even despair," Sir Arthur obeer-
ved. "It is extremely doubtful in nip
Opinion if our deaired Objeetive cam
reached by a politically divided coun-
try. We need a national Government,
representative of all the forces and all
the thought of the country." The
Liberal Opposition, in caucus Oh Thurs-
day on the railway situation. following
their regular weekly caucus on Wed-
nesday, considered Sir Arthur's propo.
nal and later let it be known outside
that they are opposed to any "national"
Government. What the eountry needs
most, in the opinion of the Liberals,
is a change of government with a dras-
tic `change in the fiscal and other poll -
followed by the Bennett Govern.
the 'situation
Wrest. If Oaaada te bold to be tomb -
daffy aribeWdandard because
the Dominion for some months past
bag prohibited the export of gold stave
under lieense, then the United States,
Almilarly, mat be off the gold stan-
dard, so long as it absolutely prohibits
such export. Advocates of monetary
reform derive a certain satisfaction
from Gte developments. Owing to
tweeu the United Statee and Canada,
any permanent departure from the
gcld standard scrod the line would
I* followed by similar action here. I
Canadian Banks Are Solid
There will be no bank (allures In
Canada owing to the dislocetlen
financial conditions in the Republic.
Grivernment offkials here feel absolute-
ly confident of that, though upon in-
ternational business the developments
will have irceetein effect eCi:Ing to the
*topping -of exchange.
Two main causes, It Is said, have
Houie last night. 111E -11a -
Arthur expressed the opinion that a..
national Government is desirable, Set
because be has no confidence in the
present Government, but because be
knows there is a problem in this coun-
try which it is thought by some people
could be solved by both parties 0110-
111/0E0 ,
ford, quoted one of Mr. Bennett's 1930
election campaien speechee when, in
criticizing the King administration,
he lied declared. "The Cmiserva-
Byes would have welcomed co-
operation." "And he iti just about to
ask for It again," Mr. Valiance added.
a Sir Artbnr speaking for the
OovernmentrAlsked-C: W. Bell, Con-
servettee,...:11mpilton. "Ile was the
forerunner," rejoined William Duff.
Liberal, Aatiganish_onyebero. N. 8.
"fillf:Alelf.:1„bl- John the Baptist,"
There the metter dropped. The prob-
lem Mr. Bennett had in mind, of
The World I)ay of Prayer was ob-
served nn Frklay lest by the women of
all the I'rote'tant denominations of
(loderich, almost one hundred mem-
bers of different mindonsry 'edetic'
gathering In the school room of North
street United church In the afternoon.
Mrs. I. Hetherington. president o1
North 'erect W.M.R., presided. and
Mrs. R. Henderson was at the plane,
The program followed had been pre-
pared by Mrs. C. C. (then, of Shanghai,
China. and was the program nerd that
day by ('hrlatien women In all coun-
tries througbout the world. Those
who took part In the service of prayer
were Lieut. e'nden, hire. J. H. Bar-
nett, Meg. 1). J. lane, Mr*. W. T.
Runt, end Mrs Byron Wilson A solo,
"Tbe Cry.estgebn Leper," was
Mrs Henderson, a eompanied by Mt
%. Pia/Of,
♦ rMOPeer*Arr o► weeiereveraele.
rderi to the treaanree of the Inter -
heard eommlttee
At the eine. •f the meetlag Mr.
Jas. Malik was appointed key woman
for the town, and Miss RMiertwnn ktit
woman for the eounty for next year.
ing on Tuesday of th e week award
James Medd, Mullett township farm-
er. $426.00 In his $1,100 damage suit
against the townships of Mullett and
Melt:Mop. Plaintiff claimed that part
of his crop wat ruined in 1927 and
1928 by flooding caused by inadequa-
cy of the drain cut through his pro-
perty. Costs were assessed against
the drainage scheme. The action
Was commeneed in County Court, but
was later referred to the referee. II.
Meir, Seaforth, acted ter Mullett
ford, for McKillop townsh*, and R.
C. Hays, jr., of town for Mr. Medd.
ernment there has failed to take the
necesmary steps to maintain adequate,
I gold coverage for their currency, de-
apite all the gold in the country.
1which too many private agenclee have
'been hoarding for months past; and,
necondly, that a striking defect of the
American banking system has been
that they have not set up (leering
Imams Major reforms mut. certainly
(vine in the American banking system.
Debate on the Government's propo-
sal to continue its "blank clos-k" polley
for unemployment and farm relief pro -
_G. 0_1. LITERARY SOCIETY eeeded during the past week, so that
- finally the Government felt compelled
Miss Eileen O'Brien Presides over
Presedietien. el
The first bit. meeting of the spring
term *as held In the assembly hall of
the Collegiate Institute on Friday,'
g mit 3rd, under the direction of
Miss Eileen O'Brien. The program wat
opened with a welcome song by a
chorne of eight Orin, Misees Mary
Alota O'Brien, Marjorie
Doer. Margaret Sandy, Irene l'ellow.
Norma Hill, Norah Costello and Au-
drey Wieland. Out that whereas there were only about
Miss O'Brien, in a few well-chosen 200,000 unemployed in Canada winglike
wordg, expreseed her appreciation of Bennett Government took offiee In Isiy,
the honor of her position and thenked 10.10 thpre are faliv 7.10.000 „mu.
those who were inetrumental in pier --
Ing her In the offiee of first viee-preal-
dent of the Society. She then intro-
duced Niles' M. Promo" Re the leader of
the affirmative side in the debate,
"Rene ved, that Canada should confine
Mins Prouse was Ably upheld by her end acrimonione exchanges. w hich
her trade to the British Empire." their increasingly requen
partner, Miss V. McLeod, both being make the fur fly end atir lip their
representative++ of form I . supporters in the Howie *Idle they
M. Mathienon and L. Stothern, repre- peat, lint which many think do not
molting form 1I.A, very (-nimbly upheld I nink,, „ry
to bring in a eupplentectary proposal
that the expenditure be- limited to
20 millions for "Indirect" relief.
Leaders Have a "Scrap"
Criticism of the Government brotight
&Alen' defence from Premier It. B._
Bennett, claiming that the Government
had brought Canada through the
',model' better than any country ila
the world. Mr. Maekenzie King pointed
direct relief from the Government.
Then the twe leaders iiroceeded
to indulge themeelven In one of I
Mr. E. Smith, In Announcing the
itidges' deeinion. sold that it was un-
animously agreed thnt the affirmative
eide had won by a very emelt margin.
The debate was followed by a hum-
orous three-ket portrnyed in gong
by Dnrothy Craig, Margaret Fergibion
and Welter Hunt. The girlie chorus
thee slang a populer number, "Echo in
the 1%11ert"..-The Joernal wax edited
and fred by Ray Dean. was
followed by selectione by a male
quartette composed of Murray nether
'neon. Jim ReddItt, Keith Murieon
•nd Herbert Green
play that the ever popular
feature of these programs was then
presented. The characters of the oley,
lielealness and Ro Forth," were as
follows: A young lawyer. Reg. Aa-
ulth.; sprit -mute for tbs position of
rinse. ensiamis.
Dong Middleton and Keith Merited.
pornewhat forted bark -stage
I'slighter was indeed hy Jim um -
4111. Th. megrim was closed with
' staring of "God Save the Kist"
the country °Weide.
A. A. Helios, Imhof-, Winnipeg, 10-
w -rented the inauguration of a thirty.
hour week in CAnada mai other eonn-
fries of the world to relieve the un-
employment situetion. No scheme of
unemployment laini-.iiiiMoltiti
in Canadit at the moment, Er. nefiPPI
i employed with $7.50 per week for forty
weeks a year, would coat 225 millions
a year, mid where eonld the Govern-
, ment get that amonnt, he asked. The
(Where will enntintm.
"Nati/mar Govormarnt Propowd .,
Wednewinr night Sir Artha Cur-
rie, commander of the.fittssAian fon.**
In Frence at dee time of the Armin -
graduates'. Ile took oeestalon in hi*
entitle spark to urge that a national
noversaat be banned here. "All
Seveu local youths appeared in Po-
llee Court Saturday morning to an-
swer to charges of breaking, entering
and theft. Three of these, who were
first offenders, were given two years'
suepended sentence, two were re-
manded to jail till Saturday, March
Ilth. one wan remanded for one week
on his own bail, and one was given
the alternative of furnishing ,/ bail
or being remanded to ja11 for a week.
yhe Arthur l'irele group under
Mrs.*R }Reset and Xre. F. Miller pro-
vided tor excellent supper for the,
members of the Circle in the lecture
room of Knox church on Tuesday
evening. The table, becorni
adorned with St. Patrick's decor
[Ions, nctommodated the seventy oh
more people present. During the
supper those pre•ent were enter.
by.* piano duet by Miss _IL—
!Waterville and Mrs. F. 11111er, seise -
on the chino hy miss E. Stanas.
mixt. Games' weiW played laterutese
the evening and a a•cry
time was bad.
At a meeting of the tkelerteh Bowl-.
Ing eletr on Thursday, Ile rch 2nd,
officer% end committees( for the eonting
season Were appeintesil% folloWn:
!honorary presidents, 'm. trine, Stu-
art Henry, 11. McDermott; ambient,
J. W. MacVlear; Vice-president. H.
F. O. Weir; executive committee. the
ottle.rs of tlie club anti Dr. 11. It.
141111, .1. Brophey and F. Toole; open
tournament eornmittee, Robert John -
J. Newcombe, T. Pritchard, J. tiro-
phey, II. T. EdWarda. W. Barlow and
(leo. klarEwitn; inemberahip commit -
Him Lordship Reverted Today to Be
Rapidly Improving
Report. from London of the merlons
Mame of ftlehop Meager ViPrf. revolved
floderich. Blehop'a home town.
with eoneern Mahon Meager
was taken 111 week am hest
dile, hut earned on hie duties& Laid
Raturday he was known to he dan-
gerously 111 of pneumonia. bad
n4 his devote Apee bed, ea
Torts?. report is ressomring
crisis In the attack of pneumonia wall
has since been a/bowing dna ardr:2
panapct net Tumidity. and His lo
rooms toward recovery