HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-2, Page 8r'11111,1r., 11--Thursdh7, March 2nd, 1933 OBITUARY -ALFRED DODDS ri, . accaread in the Cabri of Alfred Dodds, of picot pa Ifteaday, February 131h, g brie/ Mnsam The funeral beadonTberadaj, I he 16th, from United cholla, Interment taking In the Oabri "cemetery. De- wu fornesrly a resident of the coacemeon 11 Colborne township Arent to the West warty years ago. Lend/ TOW, of Goderich and in. Dodds Auburn are coo- • • E H. BOUNGBLUT truddealy to George Hu- t on Wednesday of this Ws/ In charge of the lop tall' and about a PI gamed while repairing tisa• mill He returned ect at home, and res-overed from the He collapsed yee- tiled In a few sixty-seventh Hullett towe- led lived In veers. die reel United ye and an by his Kalil. adalL him. and rs. of )fr California, Rankle. A leaves also two Alvin. of Windsor. Mrt Walker. of Myth; Watherrilie: lbw Met Mrs. MeBrien, of Hallett. Snell. ot Westfield. A tuners will be held at the family res Pinleon street, on Friday at 8 o' MMI tbe interment will be at Handl pa Iletortia. • • • FIJI METCALF Trask a pratetheet citizen of Blyth, aid- WW1 known throughout the county, Sid es Wednesday. Feb. ruary 22nd, after • brief illness. De- ceased was born he Fullerton town- ship, Perth county, in 1855, and went to Myth In 1878, engaging In the jew- ellery and Taney goods business. He was for some years active In muni- - THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. CLINTON WINS THE GROW CHAMPIONSHIP Tiod alter Sixty 1 f• II GODERICIII BRIDGE CLUB f ciiii ton Takes At the weekly duplleate bridge tournament held 'Tuesday evening at Minutes Overtime weert •j Deciding Game North and filasi.Were:h... I. _timiritL nd Li amile . 14"- - bji Ind, Mrs. T. Sauellere and Mrs. C. F. Sailors MN Group CliaPsnin (5%); 3rd, Dr and lies.by 2-1 Defeat Mon- .....i.pl A. C. Hunter (6). ICist and West -1st, Mrs. W. Wel- day Night -- Gruelling GOiliest Stopped Referee after Midnight -- Maws Exhausted The West street rink was packed from railing to rafters last Friday night when Goderich and Clinton played to a 1-1 tie after 120 minute* of hockey. Both goals were the Ord period, and la spite of ihe eat lee tast end furious hockey Was played during the remainder of the regulation sixty minutes. Play slowed considerably during the overtime per- iods and both teams kept going by sheer will power, skating and check- ing mechanically, each time a little slower to rim after betog downed by a check or the soft ice. Neither team wo old quit and play went on into the sixth overtime period. The majority of the players were practically out on their feet, but still unwilling to give up the struggle. Referee A. R. ("Speety") Oliver who had previous, ly advieed the teams to arrange for another play-off, stopped the game at the end of the sixth overtime period on p.ecount of the condition of the ice. Both goal -tenders played a good game, Twyford being the hardest worked. as during the final stages the Clinton players were /satiated to clear the puck with long shots, while the Sailors worked in with the puck at every opportunity. only to be stopped by. Teel -feed. Co.mpbell scored the first goal on a pass from Rath seer in the first per lod. Allison tied the score a few min- utes later on • spectacular solo effort. Goderich players received five penal- ties, Clinton three. No penalties were given in the last three overtime periods, as the players w to do more than the necessary Ing. skating and shooting. The final bell rang at 12.20 a.m. and the teams retired for a much needed and de e.rved rest. Goals -First period. Campbell, (Rath), Allison. fenaltiee-First period, Mnrney; tioLd period, Kennedy, Nediger, yooda; overtime, first period, McKay, it,Donald: second period, Nediger; int period, gurney. • teams: erichp-Goal, H. Doak; defend, midart, N. Wark; centre, D. Mc - wings, E. Robinson, W. Mac - alternates, B. Robinson, IL Woods, G. Allison. -4loal,. J. Twyford; de- nott, .1. Nediger; centre, wings, '. McEwen, H. tee, D. Campbell, D. Ur, B. Gliddon. Oliver, Galt. ker and Mrr. N. C. Lanaway (18%); 2tbd, Mrs. CI, Jenner and Miss G. Ginn (13'44); 3rd, Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. D. D. Mooney (11%). Another game will hi held nut Tuesday eviraimg at the Park Beene. The Clinton.Colts; workfng together like a smoothly running machine, kicked the Sailors Intl the scupp-.rs Monday nigh; rot Chino when they the Goderlch team 2-1. before BASKETBALL crowd of 1200 enthusiestfe m In a scho-duled intercollegiate bas- , many of whohad journeyed ketball game at Mitchell on Thureday from Goderich to see the game. last, both Mitchell teams, boys' and Referee A. It ("Speedy") Oliver girls', defeated the G. C. 1. teams. The Goderich girls' team led through moat of the game, but weakened in the last quarter, and at the iinai bell found themselvea on the short end of a 30-24 'wore. The teams: Goderich-Gua rds, 1. Elliott, E. Jewell, R. Murney, N. Hill, J. 'Thomp- son; forwards, M. motet R. Erring- ton, M. Deer, R. Curwen. MItchell-Guarde,- D. •.-Simpson, D.. IdeNalen. It. Davis, H. Hodge, J. Smale; forwards, D. Ruston, D. Gail, R. Walkom J. Grossman. Referee -Miss F. Dale, Goderich. The boys' game was very closely contested, with the lead changing fre- quently. Tbe comparatively small score of 13-10 was an indication of the defensive work put up by both teams. The Goderich team Was et a disadvantage on the small court and found it difficult to get going under the close checking of both the oPPool- tion and the referee. The teams: Goderich-Guards, E. Crawford, R. Errington, D. Middleton, forwards, J. Johnston, P. Page, T. Page. Mitchell -Guards, Z. Mackinidam B. Davidealltli. Stortetha_k 111_. Keillar; aria, !Hansen, IC -Ai -rant. 7.T Balfnight, E. Christie, 1z ---11c0111. cipal affairs, serving on the school , borio•d and the village council. He was I • member of Trinity church and took Springlike a keen interest in the welfare of the by the ethm" ty, Anglican church. being a delegate to but It metal sk the Synod for many yeara and a mese, the ating rink ber of the diecesan executive. He winter sports have selves with the t elpherendolendith •:"'"1,-eftefris- • 1412 be was appointed by the Ottawa Govern - met fruit Inspeetor InWeetern Canada and held that position until a few years ago, spending the winter sea.. sons in the West. The funeral took place on Friday laid. unday the an - gni 4's or the Blyth Maid Lodge, lets demand wag a member. evice in Trinity church. Ins were taken to Trini- ery, Mitchell, for Inter- co!f le survived by his ter, NM' 611a. llu CII tenet.. K. Pie Gibbs ; Kennedy, Re( TREK er Is being enjoyed oderich and richt- layg haroc with nt lovers of .oneole them- Is rich umiak eise Yeir. dal weather observer, temperatures of the past those of the corresponding last year, as follows: 1 1 Ma x. Thurs.. Feb. 23 ..4s • '34 Fri. Feb. 24 Sat. Feb. 25 Sun., Feb. 26 Mon. Feb. 27 Tues., Feb. 2l4 Feb, 29 Wed., Mar 1 ' •th -was tha ,iteh_ o- 1 8. and ot 27 20 15 42 14 io I 0 • 14.11.1 • U141.1 32 Me -Me -Cho, the Indian herbal took, th tone up the system. CAMPBELL'8 DELO WPORE. AUBURN AUBUILN, March 1. -Miss Vera Wilkins of Goderich has been visiting Aar aunt, Mrs. A. Ball, and her uncle, Kr. Geo. Dawson, for the past ten dare. Mr. Frank Raithrwrrbes commenced making maple syrup, having installed a new evaporator. Mr. A. Moles is engtged with him for the season. On Saturday last Mr. Ross Taylor of Nile and Miss Pearl Lawlor of Au- burn were quietly married at the United church paraonage by Rev. Dr. Mortimore. We with the young couole every happinem in their future life. King's Concert Compauy are giving concerts every night this week in the Foresters' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mayhew of Thamesvilte 'end and Igra. Wil- liams and family of Clinton ttended the funeral of their moth* Mrs. 741411ffiir Pretest Clewing of titatien..-As re- por ed by Tbe Signal last week, the people of Auburn and vicinity Inc aroused over the prospect of the dos- ing of the C.P.R. station here. A pe - litho' la being ciroulateti and will be +en: to the Dominion Railway Com - ...ion protesting against the aban- nent of the station. among the s for protest cited in the petition Ie. fact that the line was bon - the adjacent municipalities s opened through here in meantime the local a%. has taken another .n. The removal 011 linty and their sem mat ter of mpch of the village and 49 44 41 1907. In 27 agent, N M positiou at I Mr. and Mrs. from Auburn k regret to the pou vicinity. Death of *a- Early Honda motling there permed away Mrs. Throe latillauthan, in her eightieth year, at the home of her V011, Mr. C. 11 @true/tan, with whom she had made her Imme the last three years. • Born ois March 26, NM, in Colborne townshtp, a daughter of the late Mr arid Mrs. Geo. Young, de - (*aged spent ber whole lite in the vi- cinPy of Auburn. After her 'marriage Id Mr..Thos. Straughan they nettled Orl their farm on the 3n1 conceselon of East Wawanosh, at prement occu- pied by their son. Mr. W. W. Strang- hau. Here a family of four daugh- ters And four sone WIWI reified and later, needy twenty-three years ago, ,Mr. it nd Mrs. Straughato retired to Auburn. Nine years ago they cele - .1933 TAXES ‘Trin of Goderich ag your 1933 Taxes now in $10.00 inatalments ormare. disistint at t14 rife Of fOli% poirtinsitt allowed I 0 Bank interest is only 3Z , Thi. discount is in addition to usual June discounts 1933 DOG LICENSES NOW DUE J. H. ROBERTSCN, Tax Collect'' hrated their golden wedding at the old homeetead and in November. 192.3, 111r. Straughan died. Mrs. Stranghan dam a bright, cheery friend to ell, al - env% willing to lend • helping hand when sickness' I' ntered a home. Of a large family of brothers and sisters, KU. Vars. Anderson of Godericb &Led, surviving member. The fun- eral tielfTbeeday was largely attended. Aft. a short service 11 the home sooth ot,Auburn, the aerviee was 4MB-tined In the United ehurch by Aire% Dr. Mortlinore. The pallbearers -cr.- James Mut-h, Wm. J. Ifimble, 0. •.te'lCrratt, Wm. Anderson, Geo. Cowan .and John Hanna (WIngham). De- ceawel leave* two dinghtess and four mons: Mrs. Mayhew (Joon), of Thameorville; Mrs. C. William! (Ma- bel), of Goderieh township; Mauro. C. M. and W. W. Sitrairghan, of this vicinity; Mr. Geo. Stramrhan and Mr. Frank Straughan. of Idaho The bat- ter two were unable to be present et the ?inhere I. Two d a ugh term. Nellie and Amble (Mr. liennettl. meth.. Nerved her. The sympathy of the coesereitify goew out to the bereaved oast la Omit lonely hours. earthly delights are eweeiliir th don Stab enjoyment ; bet all rftnal pleeenreat Timm In fruition e expecte tiorn."--,ftithan. RE'S GARACE AIN AT 011E OLD STAND WITH Tim 0911090111 P wisp CARS IN TOWN AND HAVE THIS cAlts pram_ Mitres Sian - 10 Oakland Delos* Omit Reekber 29 Ford Camels C 1 29 Chevrolet Condi =1 , ' 22 ( beanie. Light Delivery RepoillComith /7 Whippet Rehm et the.. esti are WWI •t verv low Wive for quick elle, be had oti easy term. able to offer you •LIUMLATE RATTERV, coaranteed for the very low prim 4.-. $4.85 t" " ••••• .seanwsminissa.- • 11111-. handled the game in his usual com- petent manner, handing out three pen fifties to Clinton and two to Goderich. The game was fast and clean through- out, the five penalties being given for minor infractions of the rules. McKay combined with Stoddart and MacDonald in the first period. scoring on a pass from the latter. McEwen tied the score on a pass from Pickett In the second period on as smart a pkeyout one 'night wish to see. Pick- ett, flanked toy McEwan and Gibbs, took the puck down the ice and wormed through the defence. Pickett carried the puck to within five feet of the net, teased IMak out and passed to Mc- Ewen, who flipped the pock into the empty net. Kennedy scored the final tally late in the second period. giving the Colin a 2-1 lead that, they re- tained through the rest of the game. Doak starred fog the Goderich team and McKay looked about the best of the remainder. Stoddart was pot giv- .-n • chance to break. but 'was closely cheeked throughout the whole fame. It would be difficult to pick the best man on the Clinton team. The whole teem played as • unit, each man play- ing his OWD position and doing his own First Period Elliott the Puck from • scrim- ble at mid -lee and passed, to Gibbs, who shot wide. Woods returned the puck and ids shot was cleared. A Gibba-Pickett-MeEwen attack was broken up by Murney. Nediger picked ap the puck and lost to Murney. A pails to B. Robinson resulted in a hard shot that was cleared. McEwen lost the puck to Wark„ who shot wide. Woods picked up the rebound and his shot was cleared. Elliott lost the puck to Stoddart, who was blocked by the defence. McEwee.-wae robbed by H. Robinson. A pass to Stoddart was lova at the defence. Pickett took • pass and formed with Idellsmen and Gibbs ou an offside play. Pickett lost to Murney, who passed to *ark for a Ilard ahot that was cleared. A labbe-Pickett-McEvren attack was brokeu by (nodded., who formed with MacDonald for a hard shot. A Camp- bell -Rath combination resulted • In a wide shot. E. Rob boat to Camp- bell. who formed ith Rath on an offside play. A hat' shot by Stoddart WC: cleared. Z. Robinson taking the puck and shooting wide. Rath lost to Stoddart. who lost tO , Kennedy, whose hard shot was cleared" I A Preamble near the Goderieh net was -;1Veltirmvertlimr IP! who WAN given a penalty. Murney took a pass from Stoddart and las shot was elearedItllllott bet th Wart at the defence. Mums" took a pass and relayed it to B. Robinson. whoop shot wax cleared. A Gibbs-MeEwen cods: bination Wats offeide. McKay and Mac- Donald Reit to Keneedy. wboee shot was cleared. Stoddart took the pain end formed with MacDonald and Mc- Kay. A pane te MacDonald was passed to 3IeKay, who scored with a hard shot. Woods palmed to .Wark. whom shot kit the top of the net as It passed. B. ,Robinson took the puck from Melfwen and pilot wide: Nediger palmed to Mc- Ewen, who lost to Week. A piss to Murney was takes by Pickett, who formed with Gibbs for a hard ahot. MacDonald tont to (abbe, whose terri- er shot wax clearest by Doak. E. Robin/ton thee at the defend, Elliott pegging to Campbell. Doak eat on the meek as it bounced and finally cleared It. McKay took the 'puck as the period ended 1-0 for the Ss I tor.. %sand retried Woode formed with B. Robinson on an offside play. Elliott lost to Alli- son, whowe pass to Murney resulted In • hard shot that woe cleared. pasted to Gibbs, tos hose perfect pass -out from a eorner was taken by titoddart, whoee shot wax cleared: Elliott lost to Straidart, whose pass to Wooria was teken by Pickett. Flanked hy MeEwen and (abbe. Pick- ett rated clown. milt the defence and worked in on the goal, passing to Mc- Ewen, who scored as Doak threw him - •t thespuck. Pickett took the pods from the face- off and his ahot was 41eared. Woods end R. Robtotaon Met to Elliott who Wil* robbed by Morney. A page to McKay remitted in a hant, shot that wa M (+Mired. A Its th-t 'a m Abell com- bination WAR broken by Ei'ltobinson. Stoddart took a paha and ION diot Wes CIPII red. Rath lost to lacDonald. whom° shot wax cleared to Elliott E. Robineron robbed Elliott tond in a hard shot thet wax leared. A Gible-MeEweto eon,bbnitIpn wns bloc- ked by Streidset, who.* pa to Wuda WA II taken by Pickett. Oih, took • pass and was stopped by Stoddart, who nu penalised. Ell dt lout to MacDonald, who eleared fup the ice. Elliott 100 to Mnrn.v.I who wss robbed by Kennedy. who 'orrinsel with Campbell. Kennedy eve ell with • hard shot after taking 4 pawls front Campbell. MarDemeht took the p k and hi. shot was eleared. 37111 Ponied to Kermrsiy, whom thot was Marked by Stockinet_ Wark formed ith and so hard allot was etaa ed. Camp - took a pane fiOm Elliott and led to Wark at the defence .A long shot br Work aria kadieked dow I by Elliott. *ref ,feee, 'tent/serf eau irdt see tank lise moused ad MR whoa• shot wee wide limner end Wark ?erased on an side Play. Robinson Met en who formed A • t 11110.a.AII. with Campbell for • bard shot. Mc- Kay and MacDonald took the puck down aud lust at the defence, Elliott crlaring with • long shot. Woods rep turned the puck and loot to Elliott who was robbed by McKay. A Gibbs- ilott combination was broken Y Woods, Murney taking the pock as the period ended with the More Clinton 2, Goderich 1. Third Period Pickett lost to Blether, oboe. pass to !nodded was taken by Elliott at the detente. Stoddart respaned the puck and his shot was cleared. McEwen lost to E. Robinson, who out -guessed the defence and Whs hard shot was cleared. Stridden passed out from the corner tied Wark banged the peck at 'P07 - ford, who Made • Wed NM. Campbell lost the puck to Mures,: litoddart taking a pass and losing to Nediger at the defence. A Rath -Campbell combination resulted In a bard shot by Rath that was saved by Doak. The puck was cleared by a long shot that was taken from Elliott by Mur - Bey, who lostto Kennedy. Rath formed with Kennedy on an offside play. Shots by Rath and Kennedy were cleared by Doak. Allison lost to McElwee. who .hot wide. Woods and MacDonald formed and loot te IdIcEwen. Allison downed MeEwen and was given a pen- alty. Gibbs, Pickett and Moilleren stormed the Goderleh net but were un- able to poke the disk past Doak. MacDonald cleared the puck to Alli- son, who worked down for a hard shot that was cleared to Rath at the blue line. A pass to Kennedy was taken by Stoddert, whose herd drive was cleered.MeKay robbed Elliott and passed tat E. Robinson. Nediger boarded Robinson and was penalised. McKay lost to Campbell, who passed to Rath. /nodded blocked the shot and worked- down for a hard shot. Mur - trey took the puck from Bath and paned to B. Robinson, whose hard shot was cleared. Kennedy lost to Stoddart. who passed to B. Robinson, Campbell took the puck and cleared It with • long shot. Stoddart returned it and lost it to the defence. Elliott shooting it up the ice. E. Robinson's ehot was eieared, as was one by (nod- ded. Kennedy took StoddarCe re - bond and raced down for a hard Abet that was cleared. Stoddart, Al- lison and B. Robinson combined aod rushed to the Clinton end. Robinson took a pass and drove • wicked shot that Twyford saved. Eillott's long *hot wan blocked by Stoddart who formed with Woods and MacDonald for a hard shot.. Murney lost to Rath after robbing Elliott. Doak left his goal to smother Rath's shot. Kenne- dy was penalised for banging the pock to the Goderich end with 81* hapd. . Campbell lost to McKay, who 'wart tripped, losing the pock to Nediger. who cleared down the ice. A Murcey-Woods combination was broken by Pickett. Allison took the puck and passed to Stoddart as the game ended with the final score Clin- ton 2, Goderich L , Goals--Firort period. McKay (Nee- Doeald) ; xecond period, MeEwen Pickett), Kennedy (Campbell). Penalties --First period, Pickett; 411-01.4SOMOBRiabgetotteed period, Nediger, Kennedy. The teems: Goderich-Goak H. Doak; R. Btod- filliMITIr allernatee. B. Robinsion,, H. Murney, G. Allison, J. Woods. Clinton-Ooal. J. Twyford; defence, J. Nediger. J. Elliott; centre, K. Pick - $t: swinge, F. MeEwen. H. Gibbs; alternates, D. Kennedy, D. Campbell, B. Glidden, G. Rath. • Referee -A. R. Oliver. Galt. minty council Minunittee is omen- erevi only to reeoninsetsd puy.j of forwarded to the pensions. 'Me t are and a Goverament Imam* is seat to make a report on smellerdat. The lunar, paysheet sh ed person* in this county dia about. Of these 400 received month, 74 received OE "eild 93 rte ed•ed 310 or wee.' "4:4.."' • ' r-: iatit•Sf the 'ffirdt Tbe total musberkAtleitiesit is 1070. • FOS SALII 011 e TOR SALE -NEW NOW 1191034 HOUSE. gm Brillisamim B. Kriel. aKEE11011 pram) 11011. *2917.10 MEN • ' MITCHELL -1n Goderich, '014 Feb- ere.ry r, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell, • daughter (Donna Eve lyn). RU TLEDGE.-At Mungannon, on Fri- day, February 2418, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Gawps K. Retied's% a P40 (Millburn). ' LANORIDOE--At Victoria 11100111tht- Lood'on, OD Monday, February 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Beeson langridee, Goderich, a daughter (Dorothy Frances). DIED PRIMA -In Clinton, on Thursday, February 23, George Phipps, aged 68 years. YOPNOBLUT.-In Ooderich, on Wed- nesday, March 1s1, George Henry Ymngblut, in his 67th year. Durr. -.&t Tonna., on Wedneede7. )(nub 1s4, Inaba Meatball, widow of Use late Robert Duff, In ber 78t8 yea r. MI'RRAY.-In Goderkh, on Thurs- day, March 2ad, Catherine Mc- Auley, widow of the late John Murray, in her 92nd year. pax809 SALR-rown-Acale more or less. The property of the late M. W. C. Naftel, situated at the did uf South street on the southera boundary of the town; of good day loam; large house and barn, drive shed, workshop, henhouse, artesian well (135 feet), the very best of water; good fruit trees. Ideal location, dose to schools and churchat For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or to PERCY or WILL NAFTEL. POEBEL & CAREY.-CONSUUTINQ .and Municipal Engineering, Deals - age, Land Surveying. Masonic Temple Building, °Weds* Out Phone 230. CARD OF THANKS wits F. W. WHITE WIIIHEN TO thank neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown during Mr. Whites Muse and at the or biz -dieth. Special thanks are extended to them who loped their cars and to Dr. Gallow, Rae. goo. T. Watts abd Rev. J. Z. Fort., ge. BRIEFS WANTED CRANK P. G IBBS, CHARTERED Accountant, 102 Ontario street, Stratford. those 1.580. Rea. 13303. DOWBOAT WANTED -16 -FT. MUST n be in good condition. Slate price. BOX 17, SIGNAL. AUCTIONEEKINO 71101148 GUNDRY, GODIDRICH. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Bales No. 119 al=hiloilailnywhere and every effort midi to give satisfactiom. Farmers' sale notes disceunted. 442ii WANTED BY THE HOUR OR DAY, 1, repairing or making house ilium. curtqua, children's clothes. et trill do same at home. MRS. J. C. STEWART Trafalgar street. DOS ITION WAN"11515.-11.4RILIED a nun, capable of taking Au.11 charge, des rre wort on farm. Will hire by month or year. Best references ha to character and ability furnished if re- quired. Apply to BOX 24, unc SIG- NAL OFFICE. ha. F. J. R. FORSTER, M 34T34, ZAR, NOtlE, THROAT Late House Surge= New York Oph- thalmic and Amer ,apital, stadetast at Moorefield Eye H tab and Golden Square Throat Holm, Loudon, 63 Waterloo St 8.. ratford. Tele- phone 267 At Hotel Bedford. 1 ch. from 7 o'clock on tbe evening of rd Moeda, of each month till the fol wing Toss. day at 1 p.m. Messrs. R. Higglem, of Henault. and W. T. Booth, of Mecham, are at the court house this week auditing the tenuity books. The reguisr monthly meeting of the Goderich general relief committee will be held in the town _hall on Monday, Maris 6, at 8 p.m. All reprthenta- tfves are requeated to be present I Mr. Menton A. Reid of Se_aforth has been appointed seeretary-treaeurer of the McKillop Fire Insurance Com- pany In place of Mr. D. 'F. McGregor. wh.-b rem resigned. A euchre party In aid of the relief fund was held by the Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Peter'e church at Mac- Kay Hall on Monday evening. Be- cause of other attraction' the attend- ance wax not large. Mies Wylie To- bin Won the lady's prize and Mr. Harold Dalton the gentleman* OLD AGE PENSIONS busty Council Committee Organises and Althea Districts The old -age pensions committee of the cotmty council met On Friday last and organized for the year's work. The county was divided In five dis- trictil, one dietrict being allotted to each membee of the committee for in- vestigation sof cases. The districts are allotted as follows: . R. J. Bowmen (Brunel -a) -Turn - berry, Howlett. Grey, Including Bruit - sets and Wingham. B. it- Francis • (Exeter)-Pxborne Tuckersraith. MeKiliop, inclnding fientrallio, Exeter, Hensall and Asa- torth. .1. Leiter (Millen') -Monett, Moe - da, Zest and West Wawanosh. includ- ing Althorn, illyth, Londenhoro and Betas re. W. H. Ftweltzer (Stephen) -Step - hon. Hay. Ittanley, Including Oredlton, Dashwood, Enrich. Grand Bend and Va MA. .1. W. ('re (Goderich field, Colborne, Goderieh toweallle, In du ling Clederich. Clinton. Dungannon and Rayed& Twenty-elght application* lor pen- sion wore indonitted at fhb. meeting, anti Of 0100P twenty.twn vrere passed by the committee. OOP less refused Am* 18..ret/W//40141.49-....40,1•440orr* Two of theft, recommended tor par Mona •re Inmatee of the comfy aeons of refuge Leder the neer regain twig At • •";A:°t1 • • • 4a. • AUCTION SAI/I • COMMUNITY•AUCTION SAUL - A community auction ..-*l11re..-*l11be held in Clinton on Tueaday, March 7, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of a fell line of farm implements, horses, cows, young cattle, young calves end plgs. Any person wishing to purchase in this line will be well 'dallied to attend this aibe,oc any person wiehlig 10 441-11-4-1VLZ*151e'-=', the intention of the manager con- duct an auction sale of this , nature every two weeks in Clinton. 'Phone your requirements, or for fuller parti- culars to A. E. Townshend, 'sales man- ager, 'phone 600-r23. Clinton eentral. GEORGE, H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Any person waiting to dla any stock or iznplements at th satestes z of should have me at the sale not later than 12 o'clock noo,4741113 t) of sale, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notiee Is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Mary E. Mores, late of the ;Mown of Goderich, widow, who died tons or 10.10U. the 1518 day of February. 1933, to send same, duly proven,,, tp the und•rsigned on or before the Ilth day of March. 1033, aol on and after that date the Executor of the eatiti *date *111 proreed to make dletribution thereofhaving regard ofilift'eto the claims of which he has notiee. Dated at Goderich this 20th day of February, A.D. 1933. HAVit & HAYS, Goderich Solicitors for the Executor erg'''. WYTICE TO CREDITORS. • n PI" Notlee Is hereby given to iwe'v r - eons having any claim against' e es- tate of WilHam Master, late of iihe Town of GoderIch In the .CllithOr Huron. laborer, who died on r iledrt the 29(11 day of November. A p. 191. to send same to the undereignal on or before the 4th day of Mare% A.D. ball, as on and parer that date the ea- vienlItihjedth d latren)r:tto.b e4 lamvthan: the perdr- only to the edalm. of which we-imy• notker '0? Dated at Ooderieh this Nth day of r•hroary, A.D. 1923. D. R. NAJRN. Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor- for , the Itriltutor herein. NOT3911 10 010111111TOR8. -- Notice ia herehy given LO in. per- sons bade, any claim against the ea tits of Tamar Amelia Oltsder, &ate of the Town of Goderich ler the Ovular Of 11 ti rms. widow. who Med am or about the 3418 der nt. D A-. Deell4ifen 1A22. to vendto th same e ed on or before the 4th day of arch - A 1) Mit as on and after that date the estate will he tfhltlibiltad "o lcftlf (he peronni entitled litheveln, epIng retard only to Slating of hick we bare 1.4"-* ' ^ ihkellittis. It''' -.11) . - - February. A.D. 11111R.1. * n t. tAtgar. Ooderieh. oefeiin. Solicitor Adminieleitor herein. • ' '- •'tliPc' Ivo CHIROPRACTOR AND OLEOS ':HZRAPIST Goderieh. Phase Equipped with a maimed bathe. Electroalc electri and chiropractic. Chronic, nervous Muses. Lady Office hours 2 te, a:Empties lionday by appointment, • A. N. AitrNsoN Residence and office -Censer et ft! Etatel--JrUsati - 2minsisimir7,--scr..srmannemme MUSIC ed' taints a ttandassca to 9 urallay mid gp ATMOND FLEMING PLAYER. nA.T.C.M., Devoid and Chotreasstee of NAB Street United Church, ea - flounces that be is prepared to accept pupils In piano, organ, theory, mod vocal. Terms on apalleation. Med- deuce and studio, Newgate Street m R. H. N. LIVIDNS, PUPIL or THS Royal Coturervatmy, Lethal& Gee - luny. Teacher of piano, organ, vocal, and harmony. Terms on application. BEDFORD HOTEL or KNOX CHURCH. ,1,11:6AL DUDLEY Z. HOLMES, Be relater. rte. - . Office--Handiton street, Cloderich Phone 27. DOCKILAIS R. NAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor. Office-Hateilton street, Godetich. Telephone 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, VIC. Success& to J. L. Killoran. Phone 07. Offku--Tbe &mare. Goderich. DRANK DONNELLY, 8.4.. Barrie:et Solkitor, etc. Office -Hamilton Street, Godertell. Phone 1181 HAYS & RATS. Barrister* and Solicitors R. C. Rays. K.C.. and 8. C. Haya, B.A. Hemlines street, GOMIt Telephone 88. DRNEST el LZE, Barriater and Solicitor See Life Building. Aeoleide and Vie- . torts street., Tomato 2 Telephone g1n 5901. - _ INGIllIANCIL LOANS. rro. WeKILLOP MUTUAL, 8I13.12 INSUR- ANCE co.-rarm and loolated town properly tasarad. Officers --Geo. McCartney, Pres., E. R. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Vice Pres., Goderich P O Menton A. Redd. ReciTreas., Seeforth P.O. Directors -A. Brondfoot, R.R. Ne. Seaforth James Sheltie*. Waltam: W. Know, Loadestworo: Robert rends. Rarloqi; Geo. leinhardt, Brodliagam P. 9 8n Penrod, Brumfield. W. At. Yee, litlt Ne. 3, atm- : Jews Weft, Myth; 11. Ube& ssalt ; hitte Ilterwy, Seadarth. • owe ma Imam ou MONO 1101,104/0$10/ seedetell aliuM a tie evil Swart la so po be slibdued tie ramckladissigia...asf _