HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-02-11, Page 204. rf; 1 • 'i. Articles for sale . 1. Articles'' for sale 7. Real estate for sale ` B- Accom. to rent FOR SALE OR RENT (by day or week), Canadian Rot Tubs and Spas.. Phone Pete's Plumbing, Kincardine. 396- 7733. or 1-800=265.6355: -p4-8 USED APPLIANCES New and Used Appliances at.. wool, ms. eau* ommw 1.10w .•• PRESEASON SALE new and used .travel trailers, ° hard- tops, truck campers and caps for " all makes.. Motor:; homes, parts and : accessories, re pairs and rental, Morry's Trailer 'Sales, ` Highway 4, between Hanover and Walk- erton. Phone 3M-3748. --5tf .Lucknow Appliance Can: Phone 528- 6r. =- 50tfar ire ,.SHEAF1Fl:R- ` PENS, special - _ bin, -20%; ' off price marked. 26" CONSOLE ' COLOUR . Treat yourself to a new pen. T.V. in good working condi Sepoy Stationery and Print tion, $250.00. Greer T.V. & ing, Lucknow, phone 528 Electric;, Lucknow, phone 2919. -rStf 528-3112. -War DISHES, , collectible,' quiet =and used furniture at This and That Store, Main ONE MOTOROLA : AM/FM, _4 18 track, radio, two years old, good condition. Phone 529- 7408. -6,7x Street, Lucknow. 'Phone 528- ,TOYASET.. KEROSENE rad- iant heaters; cabinet ' style wood stoves 25% off; kero- sene by the gallon:' Shetler Enterprise Sales, at St. hel- ens. -6,7x 723, '.Lenore ; Glenn. -4ltf: TRY C. & C. FURNITURE, new and used. ,Dial Goder- ich, 524-7231. - 40tf owel from maga 011.1.:01/iimo *Pm wow arm wig mar ear siva arm irmineill maw um. so= Owe 01=0. 12% mortgage on energy efficient, well insulated bun- galow in Ripley. Phone 357- 2826. -6,7 ' STORE AND LIVING,' quar ters on 1 acre of land in small communi, ylY,, 4 miles south:of .._, Lucknow.. Phone. > 528-6193. ....�I., - ono: -,- rm-:maim.. 9. Ascom. to 'rent maim m......M .: wino.:.. .o ---' FURNISHED BACHELOR,;': apartment, utilities included. Available' February 1,, Phone 528-2113. -2if FURNISHED bedsitting room heated, allutilities paid. Available immediately. Phone, 528-3723.-41tf THREE BEDROOM, -HOUSE to rent in Lucknow. Available; immediately. r{ „Phone 528-, 2299. --S0tfar • HOUSE FOR RENT in Am- berley, For information call 395-5305.6-47tfar wdg rapw• sum T urn �sawn . moo mum 12. Help*anted, ;�...::.� .�.... +;. �..dume aims. sum PART TIME SALES CLERK, for local , business. Apply in. HOUSE AND an. ' apartment writing to .yBox B, c/o Luck on Main Street. Phone 528- now Sentinel, Box 400, Luck; 3423` Barry McDonagh • now„ NOG 2130 -6ar s . --lifer THREE' BEDROOM house for rent between Lucknow and Ripley. References ;' re quired Phone 395-5738. DRY SPLIT „HARDWOOD in , TWO BEDROOM apartment ONE GREEN PORTABLE 11\ p ;lotsl. Phone 528-2071 or Kitchen . Aid dishwasher. in Lacknow,; � one bedroom" 528-2393 after 6 p.m. 42tf . '"A Phone 529-7337. • 6 ! apartment in Teeswater. BEEF] By the Quarters and,Halves CUSTOM On Tuesday and Thursday. ' and wrapped to to your specifications • `Quick. Freezing Available LU'cKNOW Shop•528-3009 Or If No Answer Call. 528-2112 40tfar • DRY AIR Try an Eiectrohonte Humid- ifier from Greer TN.' and Electric, . phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We also have filters' and Sanitaire' for yout Electrohome humidifier. 47tfar,. BATTERIES Reconditioned and Guaranteed . Cat, truck and tractor batteries, '/z price. • Call Arnold Campbell. • 529.7621 ---53tfar At 4 1980 MODEL CLEARANCE Simplicity heavy duty 2 cycle washer, $449.95. Greer TS, & Electric, phone 528-3112. -5tfar NICE, L GHT SIDE of BEEF .54 ss• ' HINDS $1•15.4 mows 61.35 Ls Wi�11!IS or HALF PIGS oilC Gross • Weight Prices Include euttlng, wrapping .. £ • quick fre=Ino RIPLEY ABATTOIR` 395.2905 or 3954979 • 'evenings STORE SCALE with_ . price indicator; " ' antique manual meat slicer; 29 cu. ft, Woods chest freezer; 5 heavy duty steel Shelves, 6' x6' x 15"; ' dis- play cooler with compressor. Phone 528-6193.., ONE LARGE ANTIQUE liqu- or" cabinet in excellent con- Lucknow. Phone 528-2905 after 6 p.m. --6 Phone 'Glennhaven . Apart- ments after 9 p.m., 528-3234 or 395-3255.-45tfsr TWO BEDROOM brick -bun- galow in Kinlough ' area. Phone 529-7350. ;5,6,7,8 HOUSE FOR RENT,- three - 'bedroom, on " Ross Street, phone ;':Bill' `Andeww, 529- 7335. -6' clition, 'from the old hotel` 'iii " ONE USED . OLIVETTI ` cal- culator reconditioned, •guar- anteed, 585.00; Dayton scale and weights; also quantity of stove pipe elbows, best offer. Sepoy Stationery and Print- ing, Lucknow, phone 528- 2919. -6tfar r. JUST VACATED, fully insu- lated home with large yard in '> Ripley; 2 bedrooms plus den, easy to heat. Phone 357- 2826, -6,7 AJRNI SHED, HEATED, one. bedroom apartinent down- stairs, on Main Street, avail able immediately. Phone 528.3723.. -4tfr �..,s�,.. -.Y AW -.MSI •I�.YM-M. ... am. dos 4. 'Articles wanted :4. Anisic wanted • .�. .m•, 011111i1.1110 .� .:.- - M SID- w HARDWOODBUSIor•TRE5 WANTED i, • Cait: . CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For ;Best Cash Prins 5�1►RW0 FOR SALE BILL CRAB AL CRAM 526.7220 5244512 • PROPANE STOVE, prefer- ably 2 burners; Phone 529- 7360. -6x • 5. Cars, trucks for sale maim.. s -mss -. .ii ...: awe mail 19 B72 FORD LTD, safetychecked in December. Phone • 528.2929. •L.• OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for wrecking :.and .salvage pur- poses, Contact Ross Lumley; `1185 Murphy .Road, Sarnia, 1542--4088. -33eow 1971 INT TANDEM 'Gravel Truck, 1000 •z 20' tires'.. Excellent' running` condition. Phone 526-7709. -56 318 engine, automatic, FURY d 1972 PLYMOUTH g' sold as is for parts, motor in good condition, $150.0Q. Phone 528-6842. -5 1 Na r Dai scum h CARTER - Wayne and Cathi • welcome with love the. birth of their son on Friday, February 6, 1981. weighing 6 ib. 6 oz., at Alexandra Marine and General Hospit- al, Goderich. Proud grand- parents are May and . Ken Collison, Teeswater a`nd Donna and John Carter' of Luckriow. • ACCOUNTANT required by Northern 13 C. Auto. Dealer. Dealership Experience an asset. Top Management pos- ition 520,000.00 plus; Nego- tiable. Phone ,(604) "774.3931: --6nx. IM MMEDLATE PLACEMENT Start now - Local Amway distributor offers opportunity for good earnings. Your pi k the hours. We assist. Phone 395-3259 evenings. --3.4,5,6x HELP WANTED FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN' WALKERTON DISTRICT`' SECONDARY SCHOOL 40 hours per week Applicants must be willing to doshift work if required and " be able to provide medical certificate and proof • of satisfactory chest x-ray or or tuberculin test. Apply on or before Friday, February 20,. 1981 using^ application form . which can be obtained atthe school or by writing - or telephoning the employer below. The Brute Ctihnty Board on Boz 190; Chesley, Ontario, Telephone: 363.2014 of IURONcou" BOARD' OF EDUCATION requires o CUSTODIAN For Control Iluron Socondardy Sthooi and Vittoria Public School. WV.rtttoai_ applications Outing experience and phone 'number, should • be addr u .d to: R.NkVeon Plant siipirinten dint • Huron County Soard of Edueotionr' �53 Albert iter Gunton NOM 114 is Applicants w1I1, be niotifisd it required for on intends* lleadins for applications Is Feb,: 17. Auction' Sales. 17. Auction "Sales AIN SSLE5,ARENA �MOtl Sale Antiques, household effects and miscellaneous or the Wingham Sales gena 680 Josephine Street [North end of Wingtiaml r on 7 evening, F 7:30 p.m. THIS',_ AUCTION SALE. INCLUDES:-, Aetig ue 'Victorian. sofa with carved walnut ,frame; ;4 ., .postersingle•Pineapple bed; 9 pc. dining ,room suite;4' large oak booltcase; excellent 4 pc. ; chesterfield suite; leather top. coffee table and end tables;. 3 pc. modern bedroom smite; " tea" wagon; 'umbrella stand; wicker night stand; dressers ands beds; 2 `pe. -sofa set; Maytag'. washer; .automatic dryer; colour TSV.; electric range; r' •assortment of "glass ..and ' china . and Other useful household, items. . TERMS- CASH,CHEQUES,, VISA, MASTER CHARGE NIGHT` OF SALE AUCTIONEER - JAKE ItHUCERT •" Vinglaiii Sales Arens 357-1730 -' �. . --6ar 4- .111111•m1111,a i�NMI .111•14 rMOM ..m.Irmo *moo r.. m..1611•41.10 :... 18. Sandals evallable', MACIYN MANUFACTUR- ING LIMITED, Phone ` 395- • 3352. G: CAR. OILING, i'% miles north of Amberley, west off 21 .highway. Open Monday till Saturday,'9 a.m. to ':5 p.m. Closed "Wednes- days, -5ltfeow; JOE Van ROOY Licensed Carpenter Renovations --Additions -Repairs Residential & Farm Buildings For free estimates can 528-2292 or 529-7438 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers. Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teesw ter 3924170 --40tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & .APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and'Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY -15tfar • Cecil Cranston K. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529.7691 AtiatiMmeit BACOEING -Sitar CUSTOM BUTCHERING - Hogs, Cattle, and. lambs, - Mondays, Reasonable rates. Contact RipleyAbattoir, 395- maim. 2905 or 395-2979 evenings. •=42tfar 18... Services 'available IMMO 4.41111 NOM ONO SIII140 11/4/10 ad= moo • HANK'S PORTABLE WELDING • 'MW CUSTOM FABRICATING Don't Cana To Us. WWII Co*. To You. ONE CALL :WILL DO IT ALLI. 396-4800 PORTABLE: WELDING,. Will do' portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling • • .SPIKE BAKKER It. R. N 5, LUMNOW 528-2026 -2tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Paoasoiiic Sound° Equipment: Recondi- boned pianos for sale; used pianos • wanted. • For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. -;-tfar 95-2982.:tfar Need help with your return? maim .. ,maim. Service. Child Tax redlt Free With .Husbands Return 11 Phalle 528-6945 HOW . DOES YOUR SUB- SCRIPTION LABEL READ?