HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-02-11, Page 10• I.I • • • rage 10,�-L*dmow Sentinel, 'WednawlsyVp`tbntaty 11, 1981't, The 14th annual meeting of the Huron -Perth Presby- terial, United Church Wom- en, Was held at Brucefield United Church on January 26th, 1981 The theme for the day was the Price of Partner ship. Delegates from the 73 United Church Localsin Hur-.. on Perth attended. Muriel Coultes led ; an op- ening sing song. Greetings were brought to the 245 U.C.W. members present by, Anne Walters, Presbyterial president; . Beatrice Stoll, Brucefield U.C.W. president and Marian Anderson, Lon- don' Conference U.C.W. vice president. Three annual ev- ents for ; U.C.W. niemnbers are: . Conference Annual at Windsor April .6 7; ;. West - Minster Weekend May 29-31' and Alma College August 16-19. The Presbyterial commit- tee chairpersons presenteda skit H.P.P.P.P.P, (Huron Perth Presbyterial , Partners in Program Planning). Ruth. Axtmann introduced the committee chairpersonsand compared these . committees rueelea Haven !s meeting The Brucelea.._Haven Aux- iliary' meeting washeld on ° January 22 at. 1.30 p.m. in the home. library: The roll call was: answered by . 10. members. and payment 'of tees were accepted_ A discussion of=future pro- jects for 1981 followed in- cluding a Residents Tea to be held in September with the help of the Auxiliary- mem- bers. • . The : guest speaker, Mr. George Strauss, president of Residents Connell, told ,bow it was organized with 'Mrs. Long ;asvice president and Mrs:. Parker, secretaryareas- . urer. At present, a . Regional Council'. is being formed which will enable them; to _ p.,m, receive assistance from the New Horizon program. Mrs. Marguerite Fischer gave a reporton the OAHA convention held. on Sept- ember 21-24, 1980 at Thun- der Bayy which site attended finding it very' interesting - and' educational. The Auxiliary Tea is to be held on April 30, the treas- urer being instructed to pur- chase the required 'Lottery • Permit. The Provincial Lottery tick- ets were distributed: and pro- ceeds are to be' handed in at the June meeting: The next meeting will be held on March 19th, 1,30 with the four. -food groups of the Canada Food Guide prov- iding 'us rov-iding•us with spiritual noun, islunent in the form of program ideas in the differ- ent areas of U.C.W. concern. Rev. Rae Grant, chairman of Huron Perth Presbytery, assisted Marion Anderson in • the installation of officers :for 1981: president, Anne 'Wal- ters, al-tern, Kippen, 1st. vice, Grace Pym, R. 1 Centralia; 2nd vice, " Muriel Coultes, • R. 5. Brussels, recording' secret- ary, Evalena Webster, Blyth; assist. recording • se.%tary, Dorothy Grant, _ St: Marys;; corresponding; secretary, Al= ma Langford,. Exeter; treas- urer, Jean Hanly, Goderich; . Committee chairpersons; include: leadership ` develop- ment, Noreen Hayter, R, 1.. Varna; Christian de v':, Donna Tuffnail, R. •'5, Stratford; church in society, Ruth Axt ": mann, R. 2 Walton; world outreach, Iva Wood, 'coder-. ich; stewardship, Grawce Drurr►mond, Exeter; corn- munication's, Mame Wilk- ins, ins, R: 3 Goderich,• archives, Muriel ": Coultes, R. 5 . Brus- sels; nominations, Doris Zur brigg, Listowel.. `Huron regional presidents: . -North, Jean Mathers, Blue- . vale; South, Carole `Willard, R. 1 Centralia; ass't., Alma Godbolt, Exeter; East, Lois . Elliot Clinton; ass't., \ Jo ce .Dowson," R. 1 Varna; West, ;' Shirley Hackett, R. 7 'Luck-. now Perth Regional presidents: North, Hilda. Grant, Listowel; asst., Ulsie Williams;: R. 1 Gowanstown; South, Phyllis Rodd, Woodham, ;ass't Re- , to Standeaven, R. 1 St: Marys;, East, Muriel ;Hog gatth, R. 5 Stratford; ass't., 'Doris Miller, Stratford;. West, : Fran lanin, :R 2 'Dub- lin. Rev; Bob McMullen, 'min- ister of Brucefield Church, asked the blessing and dur- ing lunch, the ladies visited the Book Room where a large selection. of hooks was avail- able from the Resource Ceti. ter at Mitchell. " The afternoon session .be- gan with a sing songTbe day's . collection iso to .be Emmanuel a divided between Em rn College and the United Church Mission and Service Fund. •The Guest'SPeaker, Betty Nortey, spoke on Partners iii Crisis. A, Social Worker, she told of ,her work in Family Services, whilewith her hus- band, Rev, David'Norte'..y. , at, his charges in Oshawa and Labrador, Giving us an in- sight into the complex work- °. ing of . the various S o i al Service department, we rea- lized that we should all be Partners in Crisis. Evelyn Smith gave the courtesies and the meeting closed with a worship service by Woodham U;C.VV. a "Be Responsible" is the theme of Birth Control; Week, 1981. The Family Planning Programs of the Bruce Coun- ty Health Unit and the Grey - Owen Sound ' Health Unit %onsor-the week to p� make the . w public more.aware of the Family Planning Services provided in these two coun- ties. One of the major concerns of the two co-ordinators, Liz, Owen of the Bruce County Health Unit' and Judy Mor- row of the Grey -Owen Sound _ Health Unit, is . adolescent: pregnancies. In -Canada,' ap- proximately one teenage girl in five becomes . pregnant I.. between the ages of .15 'and 19 years... The • two co-ordin- ators feel that effective com- munication in : the . home about sexuality is a major factor in'- promoting respon- sible behaviour amongst ad- olescents. Pamphlets and booklets will be given out at displays in Malls during the week. Parents, teachers and any- " one who is interested are welcome to attend. Biblio- graphies'' ; of books about sexuality and sex education - available in Bruce 'County Libraries: Viand in the Grey - Owen Sound Library will''also be available.. ,' • The Mall . displays will be held from 1.00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Sutton Park Mall ih Kincardine on . 'Wednesday, February 11, at the Hanover. Mall (near People's store) on Thursday, February 12, and at- the, Port Elgin Mali on Friday, . February 13. An ev- ening :display.. from 6:00 - 9:30 will 'be held at the Qrey County Mall in Owen Sound. Information and booklets and bibliographies will also, be available ,it libraries ' in •• Southampton, Wiarton, Kin- . cardine, Port Elgin, Walker- ton. Ches ey and , Owen. Sound. 'as well ''as • ,through Health 'Unit offices