HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-02-04, Page 17rage 16-Lucknow ry, Few' 4,` 1981 •M 1. Articles for salts FOR'SALE OR -RENT (by day or week), Canadian Hot Tubs and Spas: Phone : Pete'. s Plumbing, .•Kincardine 396- 7733 or 14300-265-6355. • 1973 SNO JET in good con- dition;. Homelite chain saw and buzz saw. Phone 529- 7889. -4,5 USED APPLIANCES New and Used Appliances at The Ladino* Appliance Cen-` tre, Phone 528.2946. 50tfar 26" CONSOLE COLOUR T.V. in. good workingcondi- tion, $250.0.0. Greer T.V. & Electric, Lucknow, phone 528-3112. -4tfar DISHES, 'collectible, 'anti- ques and . used furniture at This and That Store, , Main Street, Lucknow:. Phone 528- 3723. Lenore .Glenn. -41 tf TRY C. & C. FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goder- ich, 524-7231.-40tf DRY SPLIT. HARDWOOD in cord ,lots.. Phone 52872071 or 528-2393 after6 p.m..=42tf'. BEEF By the Quarters and Halves.•. CUSTOM WING On Tuesday and Thursday. Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528'2112 r DRY AIIR. Try an Electrohome .Humid- ifier: from Greer .,T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow: 'We also' have filters and Sanitaire for 'your Electrohome humidifier. --47tfar ANTIQUE'' ADDING Mach- ins Dayton scale and weights; also quantity of stove pipeelbows, best offer. Sepoy Stationer, and Print- ing, Lucknow, phone 528- 2919:. -,3ar BATTERIES • Reconditioned and . . Guaranteed Car, truck and tractor batteries, 112 price. Call Arnold Campbell 529-7621 +53tfar B.ED . CHESTERFIELD, structurally sound, 'original cover worn, $40.00; , 3 geese and 4 ganders, $10.00 each; one horse plough, working condition, $30.00; McCiary wood cook stove in'good condition,- $20000.. Phone 528-6842: -5' "CHAMPION" HAMPION' Generator, 3,000 watts, 27.7 amps, with a Toyota motor; mounted on. welded . frame, $600.00. Phone 528.6842. 1980 MODEL. CLEARANCE • Simplicity heavy duty 2 cycle washer, $449.95. Greer TrV. &. Electric, phone 528.3112.' 5tfat inial.6 wow :pi,. ilisill0,1111111. MOW 111,1111 1. ArtI les, for sale NI,CE, LIGHT;. SIDE of BEEF..• *1.54 Ls. HINDS' *1 75 'LS TS 11.35 FROM '.LB WHOLE or HALF PIGS 44. . Gross - LI Weight Pricesclu inde cutting. wrapping'' A quick RIPLEY ABATTOIR ,:;,. 395-4905 or '3954979: evenings - DRY BAGGED shavings for sale. By ,,the trailer Toad. Custom Lumber -Millwork Ltd., Bolton, Ontario. 4416) 857-1882. Phone Collect. -5nx TWO 15 ' GALLON. aquar- iums, one; five gallon acq:uar- Alum;' also lights, filters and air• pump;: everything good and nothing leaks; also hood type hairdyer. Phone : S29. 7610. -5 o PRESEASON` SALE new -and. used travel traile •s, hard- tops, truck campers and caps for all makes: Motor homes, parts and accessories, re- pairs and _rental. Morry's Trailer . Sales, Highway 4, between Hanover and. Walk- erton. Phone 364-3748.: -5tf SHEAFFER ' PENS, special bin, 20% off ' price marked. Treat yourself to a . new pen. Sepoy Stationery. and Print-. ing, Lucknow, •phone 528- 2919. --Stf CALCULATORS FOR SALE. 1 only, new Texas instru- ments calculator, deSk mod-'. el, 'regular' $70.00. Special $50..00; 1 used Olivetti calcu- , lator reconditioned, guaran- teed,. $85.00.' . Sepoy Station- ery and Printing, . Lucknow, phone' 5282919. --5tf 4. Articles Wanted Cars, trucks for sale 1971 INT: TANDEM Travel. Truck, 1000 x ° 20 tires« Excellent running condition. Phone 526-7709. -5,6 1972 PLYMOUTH FURY ° I, 318 engine, automatic,' sold as is f'or parts, motor in ood condition, $150:00. ' Phone 528-6842 -5 Air onir.am. , 7, . Real estate for sale 11 -ACRES, 1'/. miles outside of Lucknow on paved' road: Good building lot. Phone 528-2900, after 6 p.m. -4,5 RAINY RIVER district 263 acres clay loam soil, 90 acres clear, . balance bush, can , be cut for pulp. Three bedroom bungalow, full basement, modernlumbin 20': x 40' P g�.. . garage, approx. 35' x 70' pole shed, 40' x 50' steel shed, 12' 'x 24' greenery, $72,000. Call: c/o Hoovers (807) 487-2263 Barwick, Ont- ario. -5nx 9. Accom. to rent FURNISHED BACHELOR. apartment, utilities included. Available February 1. +Phone 528-2113.-2tf HOUSE AND an apartment on Main Street, Phone;' 528- 3423,_ Barry McDonagh. 1 tfar THREE : BEDROOM:: house far rent between Lucknow and Ripley.: References re- quired. Phone 395-5738. -1tf TWO BEDROOM apartment Lucknow one bedroom apartment in .Teeswater. Phone - . Glennhaven Apart- ments after.:9 p.m., 528-3234 or 395-3255,-:45tfar` TWO BEDROOM brick bun- galow in Kinjough area. Phone 529-7350: 5,6,7,8 8 ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent in• Kinloss Township, available February 1, attach- ° ed garage; newly ,decorated, new carpets downstairs, , on pine treed, 2 acre lot. Phone 368-7589. =4,5 ..r 4. Articles' wanted ..m --G .ing Maio ..Arall, slain HARDWOOD BUSH or TREES WANTED Coll: CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For Best Cash Prices SLABivOOD FOR SALE BILL CRAIG At CRAIG 5264220 52.7512 SADDLE HORSES. Phone WANTED TO BUY " used 395-3391, Glen McLelland.' crib in good condition. Phone --4,5 528-2629, Wednesday or Sat- urday. -5 WANTED TO BUY - Crawler loader, minimum 50 hip., no Junkers please, °Phone 395- 5591 after 6.:00 --i6 . HOW DOES TOO Ste- soorrION op the �ant Ads: Amin Milo Naafi ... Ari!Op, Am *MO illy .■U.. mum Meat smirk mak gimp. FURNISHED, HEATED, one bedroom apartment down- stairs, on Main Street, avail- able immediately. ' ' Phone 528-3723. -4tf FURNISHED bedsitting, room heated, all , utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone ' 528-3723. --41 tf THREE BEDROOM HOUSE to rent in Lucknow. Available immediately. Phone 528- 2299. -50tfar HOUSE FOR RENT in Am-' berley. For information call 395-5305. 47tfar. 12 Help wanted EXPERIENCED sales person required for weekly news- paper. Must have own trans- portation.' Pay scale negoti- able. egotiable. Reply in confidence: Mid NorthMonitor, Box 1126, Espanola, Ontario. POP 1 CO, •--5nx 'LICENSED , AUTO BODY :T h: d M h ec nician an: ec anics required, Excellent pay. For •expanding G, M. Dealership in Grande :;Prairie • in _the' beautiful Peace River.. Coun- try. Contact J. Hunt, Doug Marshall Motor City, 11044 100 Street, Grande: Prairie, Alberta ; Phone (403)° 532-' 9333. 4:hx IMMEDIATE 'PLACEMENT Start now Local , Amway distributor offers opportunity for good earnings.:You Pick: the hours.. We: assist. ,Phone 395-3259 `evenings. 344,5,6x • 17. Auction Sales REMINDER OF AUCTION SALE Of Household. Effects f and Antiques for the estate of the late GEORGE LOCKHART SALE TO BE HELD AT C '& M 'TRANSPORT SHED, LUCKNOW SATURDAY, FEB. 7 atlla.m. Listen to CKNX Radio for full listing on Thursday', or Friday AUCTIONEERS Grant 1V1cDbnaid, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392.6170 -Sar Wishing dor money? 5,11 don't wants with a 11 Cal P„ot rthe nnner� El4 This business property locait.d on 'Highway MO. 06, '' West of Lucknow... . tarto (d.scrlbed as :Lots 299. 300 and 301. Plan 36. Mileage of. Lucknow. County oof: Bruce, and buildings locat.d th.raon. excepting Parts of ;said lots expropriated by'th..Department of Highways via Deposit No. $9S) is for sale und.r Foyer°of;Sale by vir- tue of default. in a loan secured by realty mortgaga►. Arrangements to inspect the ;realty may be made by cc ntacting Mr. Doug. Farmer In Owen Sound, Ontario. telephone S19-376-4431. Written tenders addressed to Mr. G. Acton co Post Office Box 266,`Owen Sound, Ontario Bilk 5P3 will be accepted until 3:30 p.m. on February. Sth, 1901. A cer- tified cheque for10%.0t the amount tendered' must be included as•a deposit;(payee to be designated) and will be 'returned without interest If ,the tender is not ac- cepted. or forfeited as liquidated damages if: the'. tender is accepted and sale not' completed by the pair- chaser. Provincial sales tax Of any) to be,pald by the- purchaser. The highest or any offer shall not neessari ly be :accepted.: Assistance" to finance the transactlon • will be considered. 17 Auction Sale$` 17. Auction Sales: Tools,J:Pifrdi,:'cl;e'it�n, Down at the Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street, North Eiid'of Wingham Thursday • Feb. S from 9.0.0.; to 6 p.m.. 'day - Feb.6 from9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday -Feb. '7 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. INCLUDED IN .THIS 54tLE WILL BE: Wrench seta;„ ppuneh and ' chisel ' sets; adjustable wrenches; 7 pc. screw driver sets; socket sets: in various sizes; trouble lightsr-tapand die sets; claw hammers; 'sledge hammers; hatchets; wedges; tapes 150 ft.);• pipe wrenches; tool boxes; vise grips; fence . pipits; flash lights; pull chahr key rings; Bower therm; bread: and butcher knives; various types of saws; pick axes; 3 'ion hydraulic jacks; draw.. pins; logging chains; carpenter's nail pouches; 1 - i/s ton chair fails; and many more small tools. • ALSO.8 down • draft stoves to be cleared out. Everything must be . sold and will be offered at Liquidation Prices!!! I. • CASH, CHEQUES, 'VISA OR MASTER CHARGE NOTE! While attending this 3' di y sale .check out our nein furniture section. 'Excellent deals on dining, bedroom and living room•auites. All offered at, just over • wholesale prices. Opel, Daily,Monday to Saturday, 9 - 6. Friday night until 9 p.m . • °' REMINDER CONSIGNMENT AUCTIOtNI! Thursday Evening, February 12 of Household Effeets. Consignments accepted until Wednesday, Evening, February 1I. Call' • WING1 ' ' SALES ARENA 3574 730 OPENING SOON Ill ! . Gun and Sport Shop it the Winghatn:Sales.Arena. .: Sar ..., _ • •. • O