HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-2, Page 5was
xxxx x cx:000 Mr• King Breaks
Protect your skin a 21 2 4: New Ground
�.t. J xo March e n s .a-11MfakasmAL
with owe( these India( Toiletries--DUBARRY, of the two Labor members of the Hoose
1 at that time." Mr. Woodaworth hot-
RUBINSTEIN, BARBA GOULD, SEYESTEEN I ly denied that Mr. Wiliame is an agent
of Moscow, while Rt. Hon. W. L. Mac-
-t. kende King, Liberdl leader, warm-
■^� 1 ly dented Mr. bpve's charge.
ampbell s Drug Store I>
••I wish to state emphatical-
Goderich — Phone 90.
r.5 oku nor
— ONLY AT — `•e -'--
Y • ll that at no time did 1, when lead-
_ _ _Or Rig late' Liberal 13ovadarent.
.. 1eater nay kind of bargain or agree-
' iii went, either expressed or tmiled, with i would he a poor. pitiable product of
Fathers and Sons
at Annual Banquet
(Continued from page 1)
Coder •h some years before when he
was premier of the boys' parliament
Since that time he had gone to the
Wert and had given tine service for time, Feat Ideas and ideals In his
-tbe ehnreh there. He had broeght mind- 11 he learned that hie dad had
bee# with him from the West, as had %lmllsr ambitions he would be ,
Mrs. Lapp, another enthusiast In more ready to accept dad's advice.
young people's work. Now Mr. Lapp Words of Appreciation
was field secretary of tbe Boys' Work Mr. J. W. Moore said that in his
Board, but he believed he was the youth older people seemed to believe
as me Mr. Lapp as the one who had that badness was Inherent in boys and
bee. with them a few years ago. must he twunded out and goodness
Mr. Gordis Lapp pounded In. It is a move along right
Mr. Lapp, on rising, confessed that Hoer that -boys today get ,right treat -
h e had sacrificed two teeth to the meat. Ile commended the father
dentist a short time ago. and that M who prepared his son to face tbe
had lost his heart, but he had the world and Its dangers and temptations
same Stull. and, he was thankful to and to win out in life's struggle,
say. in view of the fine repast he had rather than the father who so shielded
enjoyed, he had brought with biro the his boy from didculties that self -re-
n ame stomach me on his last visit. Mr. Iia*vr. and strength were never ac -
lamp then conducted a singsong and quired. Mr. Moore expressed appre-
• hs:f-hour of story and fun, and tat- elation of the work of Mr. C. M. Rob -
▪ Lu the evening gave on lexptring ertson In the Sunday school, and heart -
*ad heart-searching talk oa -the rely tty endorsed the words spoken by Mr,:
of father and son, who should be Lave. He then moved a. --rote of
companions lm worship. In study. In thanks to those responsible for the re-
:se_mi.-.p•. wore and sport. For the attention past the* bad been set before them.
of the father there are many bid- Mr. Joe Prlddle seconded the motion,
der.; business, flaternal societies, which the men and boys present en-
serviee clubs, civic government. edu- dorsed try applause. Mier Robertson
cation, sport. arts, hobbles all present replied briefly for the senior Bible
claims on his ti , but to none of
these should be yen the place In the
father's life th his son should oc-
cupy. For the ,on there are also
many bidder,' sport". wholesome and
crime, eduea
•nl.nns, seri
church, and
boy shout
lather In
fife path should be a right choice.
A toast to the fathers was proposed
by Murray Hetherington and re-
sponded to by Mr. W. C. I'ridham,
who at the time of his reply read Ed-
gar Guest's poem, "A Father's Pray-
Must Have the Stamp
The toast to the sone was proposed
by Mr. Roy Newhouse, who, holdld
tinea! Railway. W time trustees and
an arbitral tribunal to brtng about
eumpulaar o
lcoperatltp between the
C.N.R. and Canadian Pacific Rall -
way. Senator Arthur Meighen, Gov-
ernment leader, described the bill as
":.Re 'ptiy alterttatiSe..RQ..,NOW. EISA_:
agemgltJ(' to which proposal he made
plain hie opgosltton. "Unite the two
railways and you would have a power
which, to the hands of competent.
shrewd. far-seeing men. could be made
an almost insuperable factor in the
political life of the Dominion," Mr.
Meighen warned, "without provision
toe comp:demrl _ emaperLUn_" _Mr
Melghen added, "the railway bill
up a WI1e pointed out that It was of i any group or any member of thea ' anaemic legislation." Opposition to
no value until stamped with 'the Howe of Commons in connection with the bill was voiced by Senator J. A.
klny'r quad ; 4nd no boy he said, was
of great value to the world unlesrhe
had stamped on his heart the image
of :he King of kintR.
Mr. Gurdon Armour, responding on
behalf Pf the sons, declared that
there wa's no boy who would not ap-
preciate the company of his dad.
Every boy ie bound to have, at some
Mr Ralph Henderson, seconded by
Mr. Norval Anderson, moved that a
conrregatieual picnic be held next
summer, mad that, to make nec•estwery
fo11ow1N commit
support to be given legislation," Mr.
King declared emphatically, demanding
that Mr. Dupre withdraw his state-
ment. After squirming around for
a half-hour or more, Mr. Dupre, at the
Inetstence of L)epnty Speaker Lavergne,
who was in the chair, was forced to
withdraw his statement unreservedly.
Mr. Sennett took the atand that epee
tion 914 is needed on the statute boob
to deal with Communism. and the vote
followed party lines pretty closely
George Spottnn, Conservattre, Nottb
Huron, voted to keep eectfon 118, while
W. H. Golding. Liberal. South Heron.
though paired, stated he favored re-
peal of the offending 'section.
By a vote of 133 to 89, the Govern-
ment defeated the proposal by D. M.
Kennedy. U.F.A., Peace River, to pro-
ceed at once to construct a railway
outlet tor the tamed Qeace River
farming country.
Canada's Vaiee at Geneva
At Men oft tbe Hoasg applinded
Mr. RennettWonfrrIday that
Canada, at Geneva:bid-Seated 18 Ode/N-
the report of the Committee of Nine-
teen condemning Japan for her actions
in Manchuria. Mr. Hing and Mr.
Woodaworth lost no time In mewls -
ting themaelve• wholeheartedly with
the Government'e stand on the matter..
It was stated this week that It has cost
$10(1,347 for Canada's delegations to
the League of Nations .tile 1920.
Calder. Conservative, Regina, Sir Al-
len Aylesworth, Liberal, Toronto, Sen-
ator C. P. Beaable•n Coneervative,
Montreal, and Rentor A. 11 McRae.
Conservative. Vancouver, as detrimen-
tal to the interest"' of the C. P. R.
To these arguments, Senator James
Murdock, Liberal, Ottawa. replied.
''I•.-tba_C. P .L _untouehable111.tbe.
tall to wag the dog? it is about time
that the 0., P. R.. which is given
credit of making and unmaking Gov-
ernments, is told that the tntereets of
the Dominion as a whole are to be
paramount In dealing with the raR-
way situation." The House a Com-
mons will consider the hill soon. ,
Religions Census of Huron
In the 1931 eeosns figure's. Joel re -
Thursday, Marek gad, 1338—$
MRS. R't)Hi' tT I►1'FF
A former resident of Goderich, is
the person of Mrs. Duff, widow of the
lath Robert Duff, passed away et
Toronto on Weduealay in her Revue
Morrow. Mr. and firs. Morrow resided
at Nile until 1862, wbeu they moved
to Dungauuon, where they resided for
eve years, coming in 1867 to Goderich,
where thug have .ince resided eoutln-
uously. Mrs. Morrow war a member
of the North street United church and
of the Golden Linke Rlbla class. To
�t�rr-al t oar. !r(j�ljl! awl iwkaad-M�!
'lifuu o "i:$er ii ecce]' w ni alttt'cre sympathy of a large eireie of
tarred itt Maitland cemetery atter a friends. The funeral was held from
fnueral service in Victurie street the residence, Waterloo %trete, on
United church on Friday afternoon at Monday afternoon. Rev. G. T. 1Vatts,
2.30 o'clock. pastor of North street United church,
conducted the impressive service and
was aa,dsted by Rev. J. F. Ford. The
hymns sung, all of which were particu-
lar favorites of Mrs. Morrow, were:
"Sweet By and By." "I'm Singing a
. . .
(Norge Phipps, former resident o1;
the 4th eoncession of Goderich town-
ship, where he was poultryman on the
Revell farm, died on Tburedal leaf Song of a Beautiful Land," and "Safe In
4e tee-Ulieton hospttai, .,t the i,e- ettlET "KfNe or'J 'A.'-Trile-'pa'litegree
sixty-eight years. For the'paat year de-
ceased had Leen living with a coualu,
Wesley Marquis of the Base line, Hal-
lett. He wan taken to the hospital for
au operation for appendicitis, which
bowever, failed to save his life. He
was not married, but is survived by
two brothers in the West and a els-
were four uepitewe of lir. Morrow:
William, Richardtnd David licWhln-
uey and George Colilnson, and John 1).
Curry and Adam God. Interment was In
Maitland cemetery. Besides numerous
friends from Dungannon, Auburn
and the townships of Goderich, Col-
borne and Aahtleld, Mrs. G. W. Felt.
terat Sowmanvtlle. He was a mem- lin, sat Ridgetown, a slater of Mr. Mor-
ber of Maitland Masonic Lodge, row, was present, also Mr. Wm. Pol-
God.erlch, and the funeral, which took luck, his mon and daughter of Bay
place from the residence of Mr. Mar- new, and Mr. Wm. Fees and Miss
yule on Saturday afternoon, was hi }ees, c,f HnsalL
charge of Maitland Lodge, Rev .F. G.
Verrill of Clinton was the oniclaUng
clergyman. Interment wu In the Q V V i t i ER It
atter cemetery: 1 1 it
• • •
Tie death occurred recently In St. Yield to Lyda E. ploussows
Luke's hospital, Cleveland: 0.. of Vegetable Compound
Thomas C. Graham, manager of . the
New Amsterdam hotel In that city When you are jet on edge ...
Mr. Graham was born in (loderfrh when you can't stand the chil-
slzty-sle years ago, the son of_ Mr- drab's burdennoe .. ,wenn u ere fan:
and Mn. Edward Graham, East s . , .whets yousn hit:
street, He went to Cleveland when.. table and blue ...try this mall-
cine. 118 out of IN women I.
young man and prospered there. Me hencfit.
leased, the religions pnpulatlnn M was a member of the Cleveland Real tt will 41ve you )wt the eltril
Estate Board for many years and a oner�. you need.Lite will seem
Huron county. with 45.130 population. trustee of the Cleveland Hotel Aaao-
arortb llvind again.
la given as follows: --United Church of clatfon. He-sneeumbed- to an attack.{}
Canada, 22.791; Presbyterian. SARA; r of pneumonia, ifter an illness of only
a true days. He 1s survived by his
wife,. Mrs. Jennie W. - Grabaa-In, a
daushter. Miss Jeanette W. Graham.
a roe, Sterling F.. G_ rabm, assistant
all i''rtising manager o'i'-The Cleteland
Anglican. 5:357: Roman Catholic,
'8,953; Lutheran, 1.623: Evangelical
.As oelatiou...J,. 2:°ftaptlats. 700..
Robert Gardiner. C.P.A.. Acadia,
bowie leader of the independent groups
(though Mr. Woodsworth was mimed
C.C.F. leader), has been forced through
Sl -health to take a trip to Nasaan,
The death occurred at Ottawa this
Week Of John R. Ewart. K.('., noted
Canadian Constitutional authority. who
ar, brewery Interests, arrsnapamepts, the for ninny years fought for .Indepen-
on, the professions, labor tee be appointed: Mewsn. Rube,
Jol n,tp n, A. L. Cole, R. Stonehouse, made that Sir William Stavert, LOM
L)nring the wept. announcement WI `dent and equal status of (*nada and
nitnre, rhe home. the 1
the other domlolone within tie BritishJesus the Christ, and the . W. 11aore, IEdwards, L. C.
gave the whir help, the IJI, '1'.Amnlree and CharMs A. Magrotb o[
1 Commonwealth nf Nations. lir. Ew-
Clt.nptyu and E. J. I'rldhem. The Ottawa have teen named as a relal1
r comgnionahip of his i motion was carried unanimously, art played a prominent role, though
rder that his choice of his 1 etimminnion "to enquire into the future behind the seen%, In the 1926 erne
Night School
- IN
Central Business College of Sint -
ford announce the opening
of Commercial Classes in
Muirday, March 6th
Bookkeeping Shorthand
and allied subjects will
be taught
Afou return card herewith forfeit ereticutora
Cental Business College
Stratford, Oat.
Please send me tail particulars re your
sight classes.
The doxology was then sung and
Mr. Wm Rivera pronounced the bene-
diction. ,
AiQ1F11:I.D. March 1.—Mr. and
Mrs. Robert }Julien and George visited
ret4-ntly with Mr. and Mrs. Donhid
Merl testear: dill oi�
-- •i' , _.assassi lltla_ jm
' Bft1-b ii ..a a
Lochaiab. and brother of Donald FI.-
laysoa, has lately been appointed pri-
vate secretary to Prime Minister It.
it. Bennett. His many frIbpds are
pleased to hear of his success.
Mrs, Wilfred Francey is nursing
her .ister, Miss Annie MacMnrchy,
who took erltically 111 while visiting
her sister, Mrs. Dunbar of Ethel. Her
many friends here wish for better
news anon.
Rev. J. K. MacGillivray of Ashfield
Presbyterian church received the sad
and nnevpeeted news of the death of
his stater, Miss Jessie MacGillivray, at
her hoide In Detroit following a
stroke. Mr. and Mrs. MacGillivray
left on tMonday morning for Detrol[
Sympathy Is extended to them in this
Mr. and Mrs. Bain MacDonald are
visiting this week In Sarnia.
Bev .�, K. MacGittivray, minister of
AahAelb. Presbyterian church, will
ccmclnct a meeting for Bible study and
prayer at the church on Friday of this
The Ontario Hydro_F,lectr1e Power
('ommtkeion, 1s launching a project to
reduce the surplus of unused power by
offering special low rates for water
heaters, Combined with the low rates
will he other attractive features of
the'ptoposltion, details of which will
1 he n the hands of the local
a Newfoundland and Labrador."
Newfoundland. with 260.090 popula-
tion, has an external 'debt of 95 mil-
icons and the situation is'wrlons. Re-
eentty the Brlttah and Canadian Gov-
ernments united to assist Newfound -
lead in meeting her preeaing oblllta:
tlelsa The .final result may be.. t
Newfoundland and Labrador may be-
-- zee.* -the +i��'2`•eelen. ane tl
Thomas Reid. Liberal, New West -r
mtnater, B. C.. was unsuccessful in I•
his proposal to lower the freight rates
on grain trevellingeweet through the
Crw's Neat Pass. Mr. ReId's bill was
stitutinna) difference between Mr. Mae-
krnzle King and Vlscount Byng, then
Ooverpor-General of Canada.
This week an interesting visitor to
old haunts in the Press Gallery was
Arthur R. Ford, editor of The Lon;
don Free Press, well ktsown in Gode-
area reoe4ved a warm welcome
a few- fir colleagues still in
defeated by 97,to 58 votes on a straight
party line division.
To InvertIg ee Spread
The Home approved a resolution
prnpnaest by Mr. Bennett that the seri-
f eniture committee should make a
thorough enquiry into the spread of
prices of milk and milk products'
II throughout Canada. Another reeo-
lotion stands on the order paper in
the aka. of John Vallance. Liberal.
Rout Battleford, Sask., that the agri-
culture committee should be asked to
study the Serkau Russian barter deal,
call witneasem and bring in a full re -
shorty j
water and tight cemmisslon. It 1s un-
Openrng AnuwgInenL
A/�ETER twenty-five years service with
F. H. Martin, quality. titihor, and with
his xemoval to Ton $I 'wish to an-
nounce to the people of Godetrich
and vicinity the establishment of
'. a tailoring .hdness of .my own
at the -
Greatly reduced prices con•'
sistent with , time*. and with
quality and w rkrnan'ship main-
tained, wnll be my prdicy. Due re-
spect has 1 -seen paid to overhead in
launching tills business.
Following is the list of gifts to
Alexandra hospital on the occasion
lei Its eighth "birthday" celebration,
on February 16th:
Mr, Geo. Stewart, 2' ferns ; -- Mepie
Leaf, I.0.D.E., tulips and Q41Wdila;
Catholic Women's League, carddtlons;
Nurser Alumnae, daffodils; !lies
Bu.ennan, nlarutalade ; Women' In-
stitute, china for six trays; Mies Mor-
ris, It.N., cream and Eiger; Mra. A. F.
Sturdy, baby blanket; Mrs. W. L.
Horton, chair; Miss Finnigan, R.N.,
baby blanket; ills* C. Crawford, R.
N., baby blanket; Mrs. Greenwood, 31;
Sal'.ford hospital Apxiliary, 14 jars
fruit, 10 ids. honey ; Mrs. J. 11. ilaults,
JO diapers; Miss E. Saulte, 7 infant
nigntiea ; Mrs. Felker, 31; Mrs. 11. J.
Sau,tm, 32; Mrs. C. A. Reid, 2 jars
fruit, 8 tumblers, cups and saucers;
Mrs. J. Ii. Taylor, 2 cups and sauc-
port. Still another resolution by 'C. E. core; Mrs. W. McEwau, 2 fruit..2 jelly;
Bothwell, Liberal, Swift Current, i Mrs. Beattie, 1 jar pickles; Mrs.
Metter, 1 jar fruit; G tc•h Town-
.hlp Auxiliary, 18, jars basket
apple. ;,Jllirs. I. 4ilkeld, 4 ars jelly;
Misr Noble, jgr fruit; Mra. Chas. Ise,
tea pot and cosy; Mrs. 11. McCreath,
centrepiece; Mra, Murison, `1 jar
fruit; Mrs. (1)r.) Hunter, 4 cups and
saucers; Mrs. McLoughlin, 32; Mrs.
rosette, jar fruit; Mrs. G. Williams,
2 tray cloths; Mrs. G. Green, jar
fruit; Mrs. (Arvin, jar fruit; Mts. C.
Saunders, tea towel, doylies; Mrs. W.
F. Naftel, 16 cakes soap, 25c; Mrs.
Riley, pair pillow supe; Mies Brock-
lebank, 30e; Mrs. A. D. McLean, 3
jar, fruit; Mrs. T. Bowler, 1 dosen
met; Mrs. Black, 25c; Mn. A. Haven,
25c; NUL J: Doyle, 31: Mrs. Rey-
nolds, 31; Itry.• %Veber, 2 Ohre fruit;
Mr+. T. Sand ' hasket apples; Mrs. J.
B. McKay,Cr pillow slips; Mrs. L.
Knnr, 3 jars (rnit, 32; Miss Haw-
kins, Mc; Mrs. Gray, 50c; Mrs. M. J.
Allude, 2 dnz. oranges, marmalade;
lira. W. ('ralgee, jar Jam; Mee Cool-
thu'-st, pair towels ; Mrs. Walter
San+ts, 2 jars fruit ; Mra. E. Fvane, 4
sale and phot 'ra ; Mrs. R. C. Hays,
jar fruit: Mr.. Field, jar fruit; MIs,
Hay'•, 2 cans eg(i•tables; Mrs. Gori,
bath towel, ■p; Mrs. McKim. 111;
Mrs. K. Q' Reteom, jar tickle. jar
fruit; Mra, (; Binnett. hie; Mrs.
Vroomin,•2 ha h towels; Mrs. Sal-
low*, jar peach ; Mies H. McVicar. 1
doz. oranges; . Ian W. Ball, 2 mar
bth towels; lir . iI. J. Acheson,.bahy
•blai.ket : Mra. V. Tebbutt, 2 jars
pickles: Mrs. La way, Jars beets;
Mr.. A. tlrnith. ple erne); Mrs..
Mason. jar pears; Mrs. Wardrnw Tay-
lor, 31: Mian A. Nr lennald. 1 I1.. cof-
fee: Mrs_ G. W. III ark. 4 jars fruit;
Was 11. Hartwell, I dos. oranges;,
Mra H r vreet, !Ii ' : Mr Ce A.' Hetet(
Mrs+ 4Iee -Wil•
1 doe
qna rt
er.•m: lith% ('. McKinnon, h by vests;
Mra .1. Ir Mte'r, ` 1 . Mra V. Mem.
r•Ln 2 jar• fret: \1rs (;e,, . Slither-
litherland. $2: Mra. C. Whitely. fr 1t; Mrs.
Waun,v Meek. ern t ' Mrs Plante
Sask., asks that the Government low-
er the duties on eminent..
Relief Bxpsodlturea
When on Friday the Goveit5meut
sought extension of Its "blank ehegk
polity" for unemployment and farm re -
Het on the general principle of Direct
reltet only, Mr. Mekensle Hing re-
gretted the fact that the Goverr.ment
had not yet developed any permanent
plan with regard to unemployment and
had failed to bring to any scheme of
nnemployment losnrsnee. Mr. King
again urged that a national commission
be net np M deal with unemployment
and relief matters. Ron. W. A. Gor-
don, Minister of Labor, •stated the
Government spent 25 millions in de
reet relief the past yew'. In addition
1112.720.121 as a wheat bonne to
farmers in the three Pratrte Peaviness
and in Brttieli, Colnmbla. The (iov-
ernment loaned nearly 81 millions to
the four WesMrn Prnviners to std
them In earrying their share of relied,
of whit* 112.8118.790 has been repaid.
RIP Provinces the unemployment re-
lief Mjjsndltwrea were AS foliows : --
Pt'kk7 Edwsrd•lstatd, 1114,113(; Nees
4leeIia; • 3290,910; New Brnnnwiek•
333,4343 Quebec, 31,3811.3116 ; Verb),
$24''t3.427; :We nitnha, 32,004.5RA: Se'sk-
atehewsn, 39,051.110; Alberta.
Btltieh Columhta. 31,406.767. is
dlflaa the Aaakatrhewsn Prrvinclal
Met armmission was siren 310.250.-
+11101 for gw'riml relief In the ttrledriet
Nee- tltgl'e.. Wen mere weva LETS rot ansefurre:; 'i1
Iplj fetti iti in !septet of r4Pr n.n.s 4N:-
`'a .1 t�7t�ateUo, 3Z; Cole's Boo
–1Ililttb.en; orrAh. M*eke
Rrlw ty 1 r'gialatim
'+rt„• Aepitte on Thnrsdsy approved
A ere '•inn the rallwse hill as drafted
Ica ralis►hr enmmtftae calling for
•1n1•trstion of the Canadian 17s•
Platndealer, and four sisters. Mrs.
llai.el Mlnkie of Rocky River, _ Mrs
Edna Preston of Willoughby. Mn.
Birdie Merrier of Windsor, Ont.. and
Mrs. Gertie Lindenfield of Parkhill,
• • • •
On Thursday ening last there
passed away a well-known and highly
esteemed resident of Goderich. In the
person of Mrs. Mnl•redr, beloved wife-
of Mr. W. J. Morrow. Ieaaed
had been 111 for about six weeks. Her -
maiden name was Sarah Emma Ken-
nedy and she was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy of Na -
parser, Lennox county. With bet
parents she removed to Nile, where
she was married In 1877 to Mr. W. J.
SUPPORTS to tndidlivat
.,-..:... (Prodel esated)
111 Adelaide St., LAWN, OM.
Write tor'info,matiort or phone
Fair. 3408
Do statist it off and Men have
carate -to rept lt. `--'then IMFthose Flowers right away to that
friend of yours who 10111 or abut -
in. Just tq 1t and notice the
cheer it wad give. 'We eon O-
liver Flowers in *arty 1,107
country in Abe world threggh
our telegraph del I ver,.
nem 106endeplkh. ON:
;ubbera ubber Boot Goloshes;
This year the brands of Rubber Foote'
the built-up confidence of the eou
anti s.•rvice that has never failed. The
GOODRICH brands are built for MP
111111 the titling qualities the best. firs
I'rices are right for t 4ua1
now while you have the best ass
mot GEO.
let vein stock enjoy
bile eased on quality
1.14. LiFE-BUOY and
The styles are smart
ent from which to racket your
• t,
OM x.r✓-.'.,.
"mow Vis-:
lee LI F_Is
'ik- °zap
• • •
HEN you ask for a certain brand of g
d you are
good," do
ou insist on
a brand that you have seen a
your local and other newspapers,
told dere is something that is just
you accept that statement or..do
getting what you asked for?
41031, ta.
"The just as good" variety is usually an imitation of
a successful line, prospering in the glow of the original's
advertised popularity. It is seldom as good. Remember
this: goods of superior quality are always advertised.
They are right. Their manufacturer knows they. are
right and states his claim publicly in the press. The
maker of advertised goods spends his good dollars to
tell you that he stands behind his product and the
stores that sell it. There is always somt:thin :missing
in the "just as good" substitute. ---That--- someth
usually"quality." Refuse the "just as goon" offerin -,
Ask For and Get Go04s
4.r -_ ...'".._,...�-.,.- '''''''"7/14"1.- .w araC, s- v. s OM
• '1*-::44174e!'"tqw Advertised