HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-21, Page 42tb4
`,Yf AlmuleV' 14981
ktxti 's library is a 'branch' •
. of 'the Bruce
f tetin there;are `'several , 'special. services
4 nvatttib�l rn the county anal tits Georgian Bay Regie nal
r n
a fibra Sy tem type of these s he fialkLng Book service
dor people of any she with a reing'or. physical disability
which prevents tl �r t' from .usinga.ordinary books. Taper
s. on ass �k Aide vart+ ty ;of talking books are now
; v , II in n and nonfiction for all ages.
..t a ted inadvanc
nonfiction, t e come
s e h
p F hold n I nary y
u service
is to locate books 'not in our
'bu desired by a .patron. It" soanettmes takes
f �8 and to locate book>but 90% of the
ues s for tn•forcnation, about a.
availalle for
have! a film'
borrowed on
collection of`16 mm Elms
"he National Film Board.
al hundred films there ,are
sion n y audience, There is no,
t'';hese' films; but they:must ;be
ell : weeks in advance to be sure they are
a'sPecific date. Currefi't1ythe library doesn't
projector of its 'own •to loan out. 'We have
e. for the winter months from GBRLS , It
e library; had one of, its" -own on a
t= the library system cannot supply
ocal project.
Ims for this week are: Big Henry
Nikkolina,, and Three . Little
be ;shown beginning at 7.30
of the town ''hail.
a la
Glenn -Lindsay Anderson
of R. R. 1 Dungannon died
Sunday, ;January 1.8, 1980 in
his 22nd yearas the result of
a : snowmobile accident.
He is survived by his
. parents, `'John , and . Cynthia
Anderson; two brothers, Bar-
ry of Dungannon and John of
Goderich; three sisters, Mrs.
Gail Huber, Cheryl Anderson.
and Mrs. Carol Bechard, all
of Goderich; his grandmoth-
Mrs. ' Thomas Park. 'of
Dungannon; and nine nieces
and nephews.
1 A funeral service was held
at the MacKenzie and Mc-
Creath Funeral Home in
Lucknow on Tuesday, Janu-
ary;20 at 2 p.m.'1Mr.: George
Cowan officiated.
Pallbearers ° were Colin
Chisholm, Brian ' Nicholson,
Ken Girvin, John Ander lon,
Don Wright• and Fran Huber.
Flower bearers were Tom,
Todd Park, Nicole Anderson
and Michael Huber.
Spring interment will tie in.
Dungannon Cemetery.
The death of Mr. Mathers
"Occurred in the. Branson
Hospital, Toronto on Mon-
day, January 5, 1981.
He was' a member of an old
Kinloss family, his father
being the late Reverend
.Frank Mathers, ' who was
born on the Mather's home-
stead, boundary east, Kin-
loss Township. Mr. Mathers
was in hid 77th year, acid was
a member: •of a, prominent
Toronto architectural firm,
He is survived by his wife
Eileen Colwell, daughter Ju-
lia Galbraith, both of Tor -
onto, and a sister Lorna Krug
of Wingham.
He was 'predeceased, by
two brothers, Sherlock and
Graham Mathers, and a
sister: Alda Uffleman.
A largely 'attended service
was held on Wednesday,
January 7th, 1981, in St.
John's ` Anglican 'Church,`
York Mills.
Interment Mount Pleasant
Cemetery, Toronto.
A. W. Miles Ltd. were in
charge of the funeral ar-
Mrs. Olive Young, °;for-
merly of Ashfield Township,
died in Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital,
Goderich on ' Tuesday,
January 20 at the age of 87.
bile: was born in Hilton
Township. on. April :8,1893 to
Samuel and Catherine Ann
(Fowler) Jackson.
'She lived in; Huron
Township, Ashfield Town
ship and Ripley.
She tnarrled James A.
Young. He predeceased her.
She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Gordon
(Mona) Martin ,.of Port.
Albert;_ one son, Douglas of •
Ashfield. Township; six
grandchildren; and three
great-grandc tildten.
A funeral service was held
at McCallum Funeral Home
in Goderich on Thursday,
January 22 at 1:30 p.m. The
Reverend G.L. Royal' of-
Interment was in Colborne
PallbearersPallbeirers were William
Brown, Arnold Meader, Jim
Hayden, Fred Crawford, Jim'
drahtun and Elton Draper.
Lucknow COLT is sponsor.
ing :a. seven` week Ontario
Safety League Babysitting
Course for ,girls 11 -
Monday evenings. The aims
am to upgrade the standards
of babysitting in the .coni
'. munity, . to provide training
for babysitters in child care,
child behaviour and safety
and; to outline the obligation
and rights of babysitters and
employers. The girls . are
requirezl; to attend all ses-
sions, do at least three hours
of babysitting for a mother
and pass a test at t end of
the course.
Public Health Nurse • Shar-
on • Creighton outlined . the
first : topic °of ' Child Care
including feeding and chang-
ing of a baby. , Bach girl
received a Student -Informa-
tion- Booklet.
Next week George Whitby
will M instruct the, girls in
"What to : do for the„ girls
such as injuries and
The Clover Valley 4-H
club, madefirst . up of sevengo
metT`fhe or the firstth` mneetingn oft
new'; club, "Get' Ready, Get.
Set,; Sew", at the home of
Mrs.. Charlie Wilkins on Jan-
24 at 9.15; a.m.:-
.. '
agenda was the . election of.
officers The .results are as
follows/? Elizabeth Wilkins„is
secretary and press reporter;
Gayle MacKenzie' is presid-
ent; Sheila. Osborne , is vice
president, and Charlene El-
phick is treasurer.
Winners of draws' made at
the 36th annual meeting :of •
the 'Luck now District Co-op-
erative were Thelma Van
Osch, Jean Whitby, Bertha
Scott, Madeline Ritchie, D.
A. _ Hackett, ' Thos. Hackett:
and Allan Ritchie.
George and Olive Colwell'
entertained Ezra and Lulu
Stanley.on Sunday afternoon.
They alsoliad ' Albert and
Jean Colwell of Black Horse.
the same afternoon as
guests. Olive served a lovely
turkey supper "with all the
trimmings including her fam-
ous mincemeat pie with a
little extra touch, a cup of Oct
fashioned rum added to the
recipe. The dinner was thor-
oughly enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan
of. Ashfield visited with their
daughter, Fay, in London,
over the weekend. '
Shirley and Ray Gliders
had•a 25thh.Wedding anniver-.
sary -party at Black Horse
school, put on° by Mrs. Ruth
Colwell, Ruby Colwell and
Shirley and Ray Gliders.:.
They had . their friends,..
° brothers' and sisters from
Goderich, Clinton and Kin-
cardine, Their ` ,music was
supplied by her brother,
Walter Collins and Don Rob-
ertson. There were about 50
- at the party. Shirley's father.
and stepmother were not
present. Jack Colwell and
wife and family flew down
from Kendra for the occa-
Each ' girl is to bring a
name . and ” design : for ' `the
cover of our books to the next
With ,:the business ended,
the leaders introduced this
club: and each girl tried , to
find her sewing ability by the
standards listed in the books,
according to Beginner Sewer
or ' Advanced Sewer. The
leadersdiscussed j Sewing
-Box Equipment, Body Meas-
urements,, Patterns, Fabrics
and Notions. '
Each member had her
body measurements taken
and decided which Pattern
Size was most appropriate
for. her. -:
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•.e••.. 500 GR.
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)n r