HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-3-2, Page 3( ► KrIP -� '- "-TI e''.�73+t • ,. eI�`•,.. -r $17771 "1,- "' rte•: i' .3 torr e harm not •s eremites use for times." Itterr ghost a of the sad pea ten. and t. ores - sir MOOD • would es much altar. ef! SALES FS BOOKS The Signal can give you s aloes pries on Counter Cheek Books, If your twb supply r-fairar..g .1w telephone $6. A S 1; • WE SAVE YOU MONEY through our Clubbing List. Why waste time and money ordertag your daily paper or magazine when we can do It for you at less cost? THE SIGNAL or . THE EIONAL PRINTING 00. LIMITED, Publishers FURNACES CLEANED REPAIRED and PIPES REPLACED Prompt service and Woes rea- sonable -Agent for McCtary 7urnaos.-_ John Pinder ooDER1CH, ONT. Phew 127 P. 0. Rax 111 eo. Williams -DIALER I14- DOIO KION, PROVINCIAI4 MUNICIPAL AND COR- PORATION BONDS Pb'., Ambient, A-t--MMle d Genal Insorane Agent Otlloe, next to Bank of Commasc. Phone 53 Oodsaieh 1Now s and Your ek •DERICH .11 1 ra.a.':t FIRE,CAR and ACCIDENT INSURANCE -REAL E8'I'ATE-- Sev ral good mortgages for sale. Accounts Collected - W. J. POWELL Pilsen 112 P. 0. Box $3$ Monumental Works GODERICH, ONTARIO Best Materkala (stet Designs Expert Workmanship ALL WORE GUARANTEED -Reasonable Price. -- R. A. Spotton P. 0. Box 141 0.d.rklt. Oct. Aklpper-"TAM little boat sakes twenty knots an .hour." Girl Friend ---"Think of the roper And who unties them .11?" The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Messes and Lets Is Oederlah and Farms tar Sao. IisteeJ to cheese trim For . 'fs:-• Obeli IJOO4et. Farm very sheep. 110 bills, gullies or waste lend, very few atones. About 125 acres now un- der cultivation, more ready, In flue aoadldoa ; mostly seeded down. Over 50 acres timbered, more than enough to pay for entire Farm if properly handled. Good bank Barn, flue stab- ling, cement floors, 1% -story /-roomed bouse in good condition. Excellent water and bowie and barn, orchard; well located close to school, large village, good neighborhood, handy mer - Ws, 12 miles from Hoderich. Price seely $22.00 per acre, small down pay- meet accepted. Immediate paaeeMloa. Allo other Farms and a number of memo, low prices, easy terms for pay - meats. 7 �.s. J. W. ARIGITRON0 REAL ESTATE BOX W Gederkh Residence and office next door west Son Life once, West Street, Goderich. Aso' l000 Attila Bargain Time AT WHEELER14 FURNITURE S'1'ORL •• 1Oeefal prices on 0441. Mew ot sruraltuc els. Omit Oman limbers. Sink end odd Daus/.. Ws an I101117 pm da118. in WINDOW SHAD/ RUBBER STAIR 'nIEADO tD wiN0 MACHINE NEEDLES PERFORATED CHAIR SEATS CURTAIN RODS, DM If yes ars insides f� e bar- pM tiro as a mt8_. -J04 Amoral I)hemtor owi lAraiord Nolo. Msmelsn knot, G.iarie& PHOMM : 916081 1 1 , RAs 8100 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1933 Law Enforcement Costs Too Great \ r 0. L Robertson Shows Where Economies Could Be Effected r1 Toronto, Feb. 24. -'Terming the Government redistribution bill a "grandstand gesture," C. A. Robertsoo (Lib.. North Huron) today told the Ontario Legislature "the last depart- ment to be established was the Department of Welfare, and It should be the Brat to go." The department is headed by Hon. W. G. Martin, Brantford. The only excuse for the appointment of • Minister of Welfare, said Mr. Robertson, "then and now was to add W the elyll service list, fill the East Block (of the Parliament Buildings) and give a $10,000 job to a man who was unemployed. Economies can be accomplished in many ways without making a grandstand gesture of re - dist ributton." Res Aftteeney-Geserara Department goat of administration of Justice was far too high, he maintained. It had risen $578,000 In the two years preceding 1932, and the tacroase "extended in all directions." An lacrosse of $100,000 took place to the motorcycle patrol alone. He asked Attorney -General W. 'H. Price If be or his officers had instructed enforce- ment officers and patrolmen about the 1st of October last "to get busy, se the fines they were turning 1n were below par, and the year was drawing to • clog•." "I have never, said much about the Attorney -Gene 1'■ Department, leav- ing that to he lawyers," Old Mr. Robertson, t It does not rewire • legal t Ing to discover that the cost of la enforcement and adminls- tratlos o ustice has gene up by leaps and bou •-, Widespread Abases. "TY Increase he not confined to the Inside service but extends In all directions. This country Is lousy wltb Inspectors, constables, patrolmen. MO. pe►Intendents, overseen and enforce- okers, checking up all sortie s sortie regulations. Some may ke their expenses and some may The cost of the administration at justice in ontnlde municipalities has ran riot In recent years. Fees are on 400 high a scale and have been abused; economies could be effected in the matter of Juries. There are too many postponements of trials at great ex- pense to the country. I know of one rase where a Crown counsel was brought from the North country lato Southern Ontario, and he never took a case; another where the Crown held op a case tor two days for • reason I should not like to Merlons.. "In 190 the cost of administration InH trop county was 110.200; In 1931, $19.'370; Int -teem, $9,070." School children should be taught something practical. Instead of being fitted for professional careers, he believed. F2abonte schools had been built in hopes of receiving pante, and the Government now Instituted a cut In pants, which joust be made up by the ratepayers. The two-year Normal School term should be abol- ished. he said, and Increased examin- ation fees were • hardship in many cases. Meter disease Fem 0.0011Ile tax.. are far too high, he felt, and there should be drastic re- ductions. "iast tall an adjustment of motor licenses took place. The Minister says there wax no 'nerves. in fees but certainly there wax no reduction. Accompaoying the circular announcing the eh•ntte was a counp•ative state_ *Dent giving the cost of licensee in other Provinces, which gave the Impression we were getting oft easy. The feet wasn't mentioned that three of the Provinces eoaertrnct and main- tain all rondo In their re.perthe Provinces. Quebec maintains ■Ii Pto- vincial and local roads and 65 per cent. of the roti of cenetructlon of Provin- cial rhadx. Quebec has 13,000 miles to our 2,800 mike of Provincial roads. "I would Hite to call the Minister's insertion to the great dt.pertty In county grants given by the Govern- ment to the various counties, altogeth- er out M prnportion to the contribu- tion they mak. to highway finances, and 1 think there should be some re- lation one to the other. "The Mlnl.ter of ITlghwaye ham been preaching economy and has curtailed expenditure on highways to the extent d $9.000,000. The county and town- ship eointdla determine, or largely w, what shall be spent on their respective township and county roads, the Government paying • percentage of the eon, so that ,the economy la not of the Minister's own choosing. There can- be Pse canner of doubt that the grants the Department of High- way. wni have to pay will be very considerably reduced. Where 1. Repotted Revenue? "The spending of money on their roads 1s one of the few functions left municipalities, and they •re not emending at the present time. The Minister knew this, so why the extra 1 cent on gas tax and increased motor ncenoe for 1932? The estimated in- crease on gas was 11.300.000, on li- censer $1,200,000, or a total of $2.550,- 000. Bat did the increase materialise? You can drive • willing hone too far and fast; and again, if more revenue 1s ,•nllected than speot, what will be done with It, for the amendment we pawed last season read. thus: 'a levy for the purpose of providing for a fair contribution by the users of road* in Ontario towards the cost of the construction and maintenance thereof le MHO Api.uM.rat Nikko , He was (citral of governmental policiesregarding agriculture, and urged Investigation Into freight rates. He 'eked for protection of equities, and that no new taxes be Imposed. "Agriculture Is 1. • bad wa,y:_ ha said. "but we are as farmer* stilt tin Ing on the best of the land. We are not asking for or getting relief money. We ■re paying our share. and the man who wants work and needs relief hal our Rapport_ and sympathy. "What we do want and claim trona this Government Is that the eqully in our property be protected, that 110 new taxes will be imposed --ether an effort made to reduce taxation He4) and encouragement must be given In order to hang on. Thla Government doss not Institute trade polkles or con- trol the monetary system, but it can, and should, lend 1b Influence in establishing market., and breaking down the barriers of trade. I have heard one or two high protection speeches in this House In my time. but now that the ■rtifiend of pro - tertian at Ottawa has recognised the error of his way then i. • ray of hope, and this Conservative Government should Ret busy. The home market I. the wont we have had since the end of the last century, together with the additional cost of living and taxes. Outside markets must be found. In a direct way. the Department ef Agri- culture can beep Price Spread Tee Greet "There is too great a disparity be twee n the price of commodities on the farm and that paid by the consumer, p•rtlen larly those receiving relief. With live :atOek selling from 3 to 3% cents per pound; eggs 10 cents a dozen ; wheat 40 cents a bushel. and net. 20 cents ■ huRhel, there Is no Jaatl- ticatlon for consumers paying double nd treble these pries or. if they are a Wil ling 10 pay, the producer should get more. "There should be more direct and cheaper transfer of commodities, and In this connection I wish to draw to the attention of the Minister of Agri- culture the condition of affairs at our various packing boluses and stock- yards. "Live stock dealers and consignors of live stock are getting anything but a fair deal.. Stock 1. down 80 to 70 per cent. in price, yet charges remain the ume: 8.7, $28 per ton (eoat price, 118) ; 117 for selling a load; $2.20 preparing a car; 11 for unloading; 50 cents and 20 cents for Inspection. Add *emotive freight rates, and it takers about one-fifth of the contents of • car to pay expenses. An tnve.tl- gatlon Is certainly in order. The De- partment ha. nothing to hide, and everything to gain, by ■ thorough probe, and It should benefit both 'pm darer and (-onsumer. "In conclusion, I would say Canada shouts be one of the fink countries to emerge from this depreweton, If our governing bottles, both Federal and Provincial, do their duty; but the session will have been in vain If out of It all we do not realise that our present condition 1. dee ,to an era M relentlem extravagance, a total disregard for the ability or Inability of the people to pay, and to the fact that we have been for years living beyond our Income, discounting and mortgaging the future." HZNSALL SEED SHOW Animal Event Held Atrecwatfally en Friday Rennall. Feb. 27. -The Hensel' seed show, held in the town hall, Friday afternoon, was well attended. A splen- did address wax given by Professor W. J. liqulrrell of the 0. A. C., who oleo acted as judge. Following be tie prise lift In order of merit : FaN wheat -Hilton Trnemner, OW. en Genet & Son, W. R. Dougall. • Storing wheat -John Robertson, Ow- en Getter a Rat, Hilton Troemuer. hate Date -W. R. Dougall, Jtbhn Robertson, John Ingram, George in - tram. Hix_rewed barley -John Robertson; Hilton Truemner, W. R. Dougall, John Bolton. FIek1 pe•e-1)wen (ledger ! Son, Alex. Buchanan. Field tens- W. R. Denali, Hilton ?mem nor. Andrew Reil. Timothy seed -John Bolton, Alex. Aneh.nsn, Andrew !tell. Red Hover mewl W. R. Dnnpll, H11 - ton True/niter. John Rotten. nockw!vest-W. R. timer!, ,hams '"Tne,i. Cowen gent he & S. Eerlc potatoes -•W. R. Denali, 4s- drew 1*91, John Rotten. Lite potatoes -W R. Dortgall, 1111 - tae Trn,•mner, Andrew BshI. W. it Deegan wno the sweepstake bade for the beet •bowtag of prole, meads and tents BELFAST BELFAST, Pe),. 28.- Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips, ,,t Fordyce, visited re (nutty with the latter's patrCnts, Mr. and WC John Campbell.. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin oat Bnnelay with friends at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews, of Nile, visited with friends in this com- munity on friday. Mr. Mel. Hackett, of the Bank of Commerce, Innerkip 1s spending his variation with his parents here. Mea. Love, of Marnoch. L visiting with her brother, Mr. Gilbert Vint, and Mrs. Vint. Mr. and Mrs. Clift. Hackett visited recently with friends at Nile. Mn. Sid. Ferguson and sou Don- ald, of London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson. Mrs. Ida Hackett. of Lackaow, spent • few days last week with her daughters. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL -- ARaPHILD 0ouaedl met February 13th; all members present except Councillor Farrlsb. Minutes of January meet- ing read and adopted on motion of 1lllerwood end Zinn. _ Notice of a patient being s/edited to Ontario Hospital at Londoa.-Moved by Zlnn and Johnston and resolved that clerk get legal advice as to where he belongs. A re.olutkon from Dungannon re pool table was received and laid on the table for further consideration, on mot;on of Zinn and Johnston. Notice of road conference and Good Roads Association convention. Moved by Zinn and Sherwood that township do not join the Association this year. Carried. Appeal from Hospital for Sick Children; ao action taken. The report of Y.U.H. was received and adopted on motion of Johnston and Sherwood. The auditors then gave their report, which was received and adopted, on motion of Sherwood and Johnston. 'The following bills and accounts were ordered paid on motion of John- ston and Sherwood: Clerk, for registration of births. marriages and deaths. $13.75; Luck - now Sentinel. printing and supplies, $9.25; Uoderlch Star, printing and supplies, $9.01; Municipal World, sup- plies, 122.64; Toronto Stamp Works, dog tags, 112; Dr. Simpson, salary as M.O.H., 190..Municipal World, sub- scriptions, ubscriptions, $7; .1. F. Johnston, salary as auditor, $10, po•tefge, 50c; Wilfred McCarthy, auditor, $10; John Little, gravelling and grading, $30; Wes. Twamley, gravel, $3.35; Herb. Curran, salary. $2.80. Bylaw No. 9; re.--berrewlag from bank until taxes are paid, was duly passed. Moved by Zinn and Sher- wood, and resolved, that this council empower and Instruct the township treetnrer to clip cuupons and deposit proceeds to the credit of O.W.S.E.R. sinking fund in the bank. Bylaw No 4. to provide for- expen- diture on roads, war duly passed. Moved by Zlnn and Sherwood, and carried, that Reeve and treasurer be empowered to deal with Investment of funds to bank for O.W.B.E.R. Moved by .Ztnn.!nd Sherwood, and resolved, that council pay road snpei- tntendent thirty cents an hour, teams forty cents, men twenty cents, three- horae team forty-five cents, and pay tee cents a yard for gravel. Moved by Zinn and Johnston and carried, that this council record Its satlafactloe with bond provided by treasurer. Council then adjourned on motion of *Sherwood and Johnston. C. E. McDONAOH, Clerk. Faint pulse la often strong cen- sure. Car Markers for 1933 Following 1s the allotment by the Provincial Department of Highways of the 1933 automobile markers. Unlettered 1 to 500 -Toronto. The letters 0. I. Q. MM and MWs are omitted throughout Al -A0699 AA1-AA130 AA 131-AASt1D AA961-ABRO A Bill-AC..500 ACI01-A11600 A F501-AJ900 AJO01-AJ990 A K 1-AK909 A L I-ALd00 A1.4101 -A N000 A N6111 -A0650 At )661-AP600 A P601=AR850 A RR5I-A V400 A V401-AV700 A V701-AW10O A W101 -A WS00 A W501 -A W700 AW701-A X240 AX241-A X500 AX501-AR680 Amon -AVOID AX8R AY260 AYY6 -AY380 AY361-AZ990 11- B1-119999 4..:...Toroato BA 1-BXMOO ..............Ottawa BX401-BZ909 Rndbsry CI --00000 Toronto CAI-CA800 Sudbury CA1901-03400 Sturgeon Falls CR401--CD'I00 t North Bay CD701-CB800 Powaman CF.501-CF400 _ Parry Sound (:F401-1?H200 - Bark's Falls CH201-011900 :.Huntsville CH901-01900 - . , Braeebrtdge C2901 -0E400 Havenhurat CE401-CK999 Sandwich CLI-CL900 Amhersthurg C11t-CN909 K l ngeville ( )1-.CP9d) Wallaeeburg CP601- CVN00 Santa CV601- CXSO0 Petrous CX501- 412100 Watford CZ1o1-07,999 Wig rton D -C D1 -D0999 Toronto DA 1-DASOt) DAIO1-DR)400 infnenrdlne DBA01--DF:300 .,Walkerton DF -301- DM -on Wingham DH501-DK4I0 (loderich DKA5I--DN 5e) Llatowel DN51-D1't100 , Clinton DP601-08200 .... 9tatbroy DRE11-DT400. Glencoe DT401-DY400 �•I R.. Thomas DY491-DZ900 .............. Ay1OaCer Er- El -E1111011 Teresa* EA I-EVJ999 , ... Woodnteck EF1-F.JS00 ,....T1llootrburg EJNOI-F0300 PX)601--FP500 EP501-ERS011 i1R801-ET)400 ... , t/anover FIT801-F W. rri Mon E WS01 gitcherber FP - Toronto 4001 Mhmner •y Halt ......... f.. .Pari. ... Rtmene rt Rowan ihtnnrllie !. Welland Toronto Keewatin Kenos Dryden Manz Lookout Fort Francis Port William Port Arthur Schreiber Cochrane Iroquois Falls Timmins Swastika New Liskeard ....Cobalt Sault Rte. Marie Bruce Mine'. Theasalon Blind River ... Richard'. Ianding Gore Bay Little Current Mlndcmoya Manitowaning F.pe nolo Chapeau Sudbury Mertes 7t -rive,„ -Owen )bund Mstford 1)arlam F1 --F9999 Fat -Freon Fvnm-rule rum-FMIINO FN 1-FR500 Ff1An1--FT100 rrlol-P'Xl t) . FX501--17909 1S - ,'H1 --140990 .. . MAI -11(1100 . H(' 01 -HK 100 OK 101 -HM 401) Hit 401-H( H(0W)1-1i150 ) HVA01-4l7 oo 112391-1111M00 ,.Toronto rot 1.111 ort Erie Milton vlph Impton , Itli ... .34 , tit - J -- J1-.19900 JAI -J(1999 Brampton 110 -JF700 ... Coll l ngwood J F701-JJR00 Midland JJS01-JM600 OrlllIa J Me101-JROIJO . Barrie JR001-IT700 Vankleek Hill JT701-41'999 JVI-1V880 - , (aaa.elman J VINt1-J7.600 Cornwall JZ(101-JZ999 Winchester Toronto K1 -K9099• 0044104 KA 1-K B500 WThchew er KR5O1-K(•000 Kemptville KC001-K 14200 Prescott KF.201-KJ400 Brockville KJ401-KK800 - Gananoque KKROI-KM200 Smith'. Fall. K M201-KO100 Perth K0101-KP700 Carleton Place K 1'701-K W 300 ....Kingston K W301 --K W900 Tlchorne RW901-1117400 Arn w1or KY 4O1-KZ909 Renfrew Ll -L5999 • , ...Toronto LAI-LA400 Renfrew LA40I--LC900 Pembroke LCt101-LF200 Napanee L9201-LFS00 Tamworth LF801-LK 100 - Plcton LK101-L1200 Twt!ed LL201-LM 100 • .. ,Bancroft LM101-LN99O' ..........Campbellford L01 -1A)700 H..tings I.O701-LR700 Cobonrg LR701-LS300 ...:.': elseHavelock LS101--LY500 ""'""Peterborough LY5O1-LY919 Minden LZI-LZ009 I Inderay Li -- M1 -M3000 Toronto M80o1-119999 Weston MAI-MD800 Llndtay MD801-MF909 - Port Hope MF1 M11200 BowmanviHe M 11201 -MJ 200 ilea vertou 211J 201-M1,600 Leamington MiMOI-MN300 Kapnoka'ing MN301--MN700 Rainy River MN7O1-M0090 Mitchell MPI -M P600 iClgin MP901-MR200....De.eronto MR2O1-MRf100 Rldgetown M RSOI-M!3400 Ihre aden 115401-0(Z273 In Reserve N- N1-51010 , ..-, We ton N1001-Mhito sq. -Woodbridge N3001, -N0000 ...Newmarket N8001 --N8800 Sutton N5R01--N91109 Unionville 0- 01.-0100- 0101-06500 -O1----0100-0101-06500 Oohs wit 06501- 419)10 Belleville P- Pl-PSMIt) i Belleville PFt01-1'181N0 Hamilton 11,1-5199110. e. o.'.4.1Ilamlltcm • 81.00090 • • . %.,A T- . T1 -T1000 --• Hamilton T1001-'���0 Catharines 8401 7SIIp9 Brantford) U- 111 -T74300 Brantford ,'4301- ('18)99 London 1- V I - 1'iNll•► London W- W1 -W2300 - W1--W2300 London W28114• -W9999 thaw X- X 1-X300 •Ohs the m X7101~ -X1101 i0 .. Wal*srr1Ile X8101"-1410119 - Y10 Y1 -Y9000 ...,,. timmuz Windsor Y9301-Y9B90 Rtretford Z-- 161-7500) Atretforo 7.0 29990 In Reserve 'Hamilton 214, p li W. -I,. Commission Billed for $522.09 Thirteenth Power Bill for Year Ended October 3Lt Last - Total of $48,740 Ooderich's "thirteenth" power bill for the year ending October 31st last is a debit of $522.09. This 1s the dif- ference between the actual cost of power delivered (as calculated at the once of the Provincial Hydro Com- mission in Toronto) and the amount of the power bills rendered during the year. 7".ere may later be some credit on the charge for exchange, but the statement as received by the local wa- ter Ind light commission 1s as fol- lows : Cos.' of power purchased $ 6,673 08 Share of operating costs and fixed charges: Ope-sting maintenance and admtnfstratton expenses . 11,722 79 interest, including exchange 18.265 80 Renewals 3,506 96 Sinking fund 8,617 13 - Approlalatfen from -Contin -143, 776 -- -- 71 gency reserve 1.016 40 Total cost of power $42,740 31 Revenue is. DgL accounts rendered- - 42,218 22 i 522 09 At the meeting of the water and light commission on Thursday night last applications of W. Mood, Trafal- gar street, and Geo. Oman, Pfcton street, for electric range service were passed, as well as a number of appli- cations for electric Lighting service. Applications from John Muir and Tho.. Sanderson for positions at the waterworks plant were laid over for future consideration. It was decided to send water bills of persons on relief to the civic wel- fare board. The lease of the new Hydro store from 0. E. Fleming for live years from Ap.t1 lot, 1933, at $400 per annum, was approved. The water rate of William Long- mire for the property at the south end of McDonald street was reduced to an inmost oat payment of $15, subject to the usnel prompt payment discount. Self-conceit is a poor Rear to sit PLACER GOLD PUREST Oold recovered from placer deposit. Is ordinarily t.urer than that produced from lode deposits. EiGHTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. 9 J. W. •Craigie INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds F. WOOLLCOMBE gy sea writ - Sells insurance of Every Kind ABE FOR RATER BEFORE RE- NEWING OR PLACING NEW INSURANCE Phone 296 The 0. F. Carey Co. Fila, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE o,Bc.:- � c Temp.. Wait - NIONO1N Hub Telephone 230 _____ -COAL COAL COAL COAL ANTHRACITE Bituminous - Pocahontas -NO BETTER COAL MINED -- -COKE- We weigh our Coal on your Own stales (chs Market Scales). Fer SHELF and HEAVY HARD- WARE, PLUMBING, HEATING sed TINSMITHINO-TRY U& All work and material tally guaranteed. Chas. C. Lee -PHONES:- Store 22 - Hoose 112 STORE and COAL PARD tis. tits Harbor. . -COAL COAL COMB COAL•►+ TIP TOP TAILORS K -NEW LOW PRICE Same Fine Woollens - Same Fine Styles - Same High Quality Cutout Tailoring - The New Spring Fabric. are new on your order while the range of p..tterns piete. 19.5, display. Come in and place and. colors is most coma • Y #. 3=--;- i• You can't make a mintake, for every TIP TOP garment in'kut and tailored to your individual measure. Why be entletied with "cheap" clothes when quality mete bet 119.50? Over two end a halt million eatisfied conkomers. M. ROBINS, 111, LTA EXCLUSIVE DEALER r " MOM 31111 A Saving every week We sits a art LA story wait of Mead pdoes De yes llama William's Pink Pills for pale people _ 44c Ipana Tooth Peet* 311e trembled Yeast Rosario Seep, ens cake 113e Infants' Delight Soap, ono edam lee Special- 2 eakas Ila Colgate's Shaving Cream ITN. Ifrpembosphieee Comirmand A BARGAIN 2 Tubes Ceignee's Tooth !ism* end Teeth Break alla Perry Davis Perin _ Andrew's Lies" Sok. haw Sift Gillatt. Wades. groan paditaisi tee Via 10 for See Knialhoa lake elk 311,41 6 he We 11.11a !most Saw Dia 2 calms Mis Campbell, Die*, Lau lakty 1101311111011 1111UOSIMA t174