HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-21, Page 27ladali er Seistfisel, ry Imam 28,11114-P BY BkLL ItAcigivrr Trinity Church congrega- tional .meeting was held at the church, Sunday, January 25 at 8 p.m.. Rev. ` Norman Pick was chairman and Rev. Arthur Scott opened the meeting with scripture and":a prayer. The -minutes . of the 1980 annual meeting were ` read • and adopted. The reports from the different commit- tees were discussed, adopted. and carried. BY JOYCE McEWAN On the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Allan McArthur attend- ed the London Trailer Show at Western Fair Grounds: Alongto. help p ' their parents on Saturday and Sunday were Richard and Kim. Visitors' t rs on"SundaY with h� Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stanley were Mr: and. -Mks. Douglas Garniss, Anne . and Adam, and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fraser and Matthew of Sarnia: On. January 30 the Kin- lough Young Peoples Group are staging a bake sale at the Zehr's Shopping Mall in Kin- cardine. They report a suc- cessful garage sale at the Centre last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley report a great trip to Florida. Among the friends they visit- ed were Mr.` -and Mrs. .- Homer 'Devitt " of Cape Coral. °'The Devitts are former.. neigh- bours here. - Home on the weekend was Sandy McEwan of Guelph. Visitors at the McEwans were Mr. and . Mrs.; Jack White and Mrs. Gladys Arn- old. Prize winners at" 'last Thursda 's ' euc h re party. at Y the, Centre were high man, Bob Johnson and high lady, Muriel 'Arnold. Due to the heavy weight of the snow. ` a pig barn ` roof collapsedon the farm of Paul- Revest. A group of neigh- bours went in on Monday to help repair it. This is . the former Del : Lindsay farm., glue jays } .BY LILLIAN YOUNG With ` ,:edntintted" milder Weather last week.` Starlings. Blue Jays' - and ;• Partnd es • ere seen around - here. There has also been quite a few woodpeckers aroundthis last while. Whitechurch held their first card party 'of the season' in the. hall Monday evening with nine tables of • euchre being played. Karen and . Liane Young visited Wednesday ,evening With their grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Young. Steve • Hays of Glencoe spent ` the: weekendat his home and visited Sunday With Janet Frances and the • Coughlin family. Mr. and Mrs. . Russell Young of Newmarket spent the weekend with his par- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford • Young and Friday evening' alt visited with Mr. and ----Mrs. Len Coughlin and family: - 4 The K' loss " Recreation committee are holding a family cross country ski on Feburary 15 starting at Jack O'Malleys over the ski trail with a lunch, of chili and hot chociate being served at the Holyrood hall afterwards., Next Sunday,: February 1 is the day of the Billy Watson " Snowarama for crippled children. The Whitechurch' Young Peoples held their regular . meeting at the home of Jim and Judy de Boer on Sunday evening. The Presbyterian 'Church, Whitechurch, are . holding <their annual\zieeting Friday afternoon, this week. , New arrivals FERGUSON -. On January 21. 1981, • in Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ferguson of Antherstburg, .a . daughter, Julie Marie, a sister for Douglas, and a granddaugh- ter for Mr. an&Mrs.l+yidianx Ferguson, Lucknow. w. SUETLER , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheeler of R. 2 Luck- now, are happy to announce the safe arrival of their son, Johnny, at Wingham and District Hospital, bn January 241, 1981 McMANN -,Chuck and Mar- garet McMann of Pierre- fonds, Quebec, are pleased to announce the birth 'of a son, Jeffrey William, 6 lbs. 14 oz., on January 18,4981 in` Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. A brother for Kris- tin, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doelman of Holy - _rood, and Mr. and Mrs: Mel McMann' f goronto, GRAHAM - Hugh and Sandy (nee . Cameron) of Welland are thrilled to • announce the sat'e;aiir-ival of their daughter, Amy, 8 lbs. % oz.., born on January 22, 1981.at\ ;Welland General Hospital. Proud grandparents are, Ralph and Euphenria .Cameron of Luck- now. RICE - Ron and Cheryl (nee ' Faskin), Sault Ste. Marie, are pleased to announce the birth of a baby boy, 7 ib. 9 oz., on Monday, January 19 1981, in: Sault Ste. Marie Hospital. • A great, great grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin, Lucknow. A great,grandson... for 11drs. Lara McConachie. . U .. • The session " :members of Trinity church are Charlie Wilkins, Ivan Cranston, Wm. E Andrew, Kenneth Alton, Warren Zinn and Ella. Hack- ett. The board of ` stewards are Chester Hackett, Donald Al- ton, David A. Hackett, Ste- phen Andrew, Jim Hunter, GregMake, Stuart Alton, Marvin ' Scott, Bell Hackett, Russel Irvin, Tom Helm. John Andrew is treasurer for Trinity .. congregation. Mrs. Ruth Alton is organist and choir leader. Manse :trustees are Wm. E. Andrew, Charlie Wilkins, Frank Alton, , David A. Hack- ett, John : Hunter. Manse committee is Ken- neth Alton, Ella Hackett, Marian Zinn, Shirley Hack- ett, Marie. Wilkins, :'Chester Hackett, Charlie ' Wilkins, Donald Hackett, Lillian Irvin. The resident . members ' of Trinity church are .129, with 29 non resident members. There is an active Young People's Group now at Trin- ity. Plans are being ntade by the U.C.W. ladies to redecor- ate the church this spring. A suggested date for theanni-: versary service is May 31, 1981.' An invitation was extend- ed to Rev. Scott to remain as our minister for the coming year, July; 1981= June, 1982. A vote of thanks was given to Mr.. Scott for his guidance and °work with the congrega- tion and young people, to Mr. Pick for his help through the past year, and. to the members of the different church committees for their work over the past year. Mrs. Ken Alton and Shar- on went to the Canadian Gift Show at the ' International Centre, Toronto, on Sunday. This was a : wholesale show where many dealers attend, and was, of :special interest to Sharon for her work making flowerngements. tongra ations- to Harold and Mary (Cranston) Hackett of Montreal, and formerly of this area, on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniver-.' saty on January 29. ,T Marvin Scott had, his teams of horses hitched on Sunday, to enjoy the good: sleighing. Those enjoying a ride on the two sleighs were: Cathy Thomas = and ` boys, Cody, Chad and Todd of Ripley; Jim and Arlene Scott, Tim, Rob and Jeff of Ripley; Don and Shirley Scott, Randy and Brent, Colborne . Town- ship; Antone and Delores Van Osch, Linda and Sandra; Kim Cooke; Bill, Lisa : and Angela Card;,Bill, Helen and Nancy Brindley, Colborne Township; , Rick and Linda McQuihin; and Doug and ins father, Bob Scott. Vi itors with Alex and Ella Hackett on Sunday for sup- per was Rev. Norinan Pick, Clinton, who came 10 preside over the `annual meetings at St. ; Helens and at Trinity churches. A very good num- ber attended to hear the reports and make plans for another year. Anna Mae and Vernon Hunter, ; Lucknow, also visited with Alex and Elia Hackett on Sunday- Shawn, Hackett, son of Wayne and Gloria Hackett,4` broke his leg recently. Shawn has a cast on his leg and is able to get around with crut- ches. rut ches. We all hope it heals well for you, Shawn. Norman and Eva Bolt, Langside visited on Satur- day evening with Arn and Dona Campbell. Jan Gibson spent the weekend with Sheila Campbell. The loss of calves and their inability to perform up' to genetic potential can represent substantial losses in both time and money. .Good calf feeding and management, right from calving to your heifer feeding program, can cut. these losses to a minimum. - CO-OP Calf Feeding and Manag meat Programs are based on the most recent research from the. Co-operative Pr Research Farms, and are . in use throughout North America. They can save you money and increase your profits by promoting the growth of strong, healthy calves that get into the milking fine sooner. CO-OP'S programs are designed to be flexible to your needs and production goals. Talk to your CO-OP salesman soon — put CO1OP's team to work for you! • 9