HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-14, Page 1730. in sm. p * 't►ho 'Pl1 sed away JanustY 1900,' THE ROSE STILL GROWS Neat slue S. Budded f and blossomed in Gt d's; fee, light, Watered" .and fed,, by morning dew. Shedding its sweetness day and night. As, it gray and blossomed fair and tall, Slowly ' rising to 'loftier height, It came to .a crevice in the - wall, Through which there shone a beam of light. Onward- its crept -with < added. strength. with '`neverYa thought of fear or pr'ide:, h ?, It followed the ligbt''through the ,cret alength: And ua0deditself ott tie other side. The light. ° -the dew.• the broadening view. Were found'ihe same as they were before; ; And it -lost itself in beauties new. Breathing" its 'fragrance. more. and more. Shalt claim, of death cause us to grieve. And make our' courage faint or fall? Nay. let us faith and hope receive: The rose stillgrows beyond the wall.: Scattering fragrancefar and nide. Just as it did in days of yore. Just as it 'did on the other side. w . Just as it' will forevermore. A. L. Frink ' Lovingly ;remembered by the family- —2x MIMS -- IMO 31. Cards: of thanks s.. Having,been a`reconi patient Of University Hospital. Lon- don. i' would.like to take this upportutam to thank alt m� friends and: customers of the Maitland. Rest. for all your concern, cards.. gifts and. calls. it was deeply apprec- iated. Very special thanks oto my dear .family. "The 1r - wins" \ for all your ' special care and concern: ' Thank you! Laura,:McConachic •-2 FAMISH ,. Ilwish to thank all my friends ,and relatives who came to visit me and sent cards while 1 was a patient in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. : Lorne Farrish —26 MacDONALD Mysours sincere thanks to neigh- bours, ana relatives for getwell wishes and visits i while was in London and Wingham Hospitals. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin, Mc- Kim and Jolly and nurses on the 2nd floor of .Wingham Hospital for their kihd and thoughtful care; also to Bell Hackett and Rev. W m. Mun- shaw for their assistance,, Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated. Seasons greetings to ail, . --2 May MacDonald 1�.. Cords. of Winks Van ASS - Words cannot express our ,const sincere appreciation tom. watds the many eip essions of .;sympathy.. we received at the time of the loss of a dear wife; mother, and grandmoth- er. We wish to thank alt our friends and neighbours for the flowers, Mass ,Cards,. donationsto the Heart Fund, visits tothe funeral home, sympathy cards and : for the food . sentt to our homes. Our appreciation also to Doctors Corrin, McKim and Jolly, nurses at; the Medical Centre and, the Intensive Care Unit at the Wingham Hospital for all theirrcare' and kindness shown to our, beloved one during her illnesses. A spec- ial thank you to Father Dentinger' for his kind and consoling words during our time. of \sorrow. also to. St. Joseph's and St. Mary's C.W.L. for saying the Rosary at the Funeral Home and to the Kingsbridge ladies for the, delicious lunch served after the funeral and especi- ally_foy.=forming a _Guard . of Honour jn the °,Church. Also thank you to . MacKenzie's Funeral. Home: Lucknow, for all • their --.assistance at this time.. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Jack Van Osch and Family GAR.DNER .. Many thanks . `to. relatives. friends and neighbours for all expressions, of sympathy at the time of my mother's death. Floral tributes. char - irk donations and work as ' sistance are appreciated and will be long remembered. Lane Gardner -2 GILCHRIST. 1:.would like . to . thank every- one who visited me during my recent stay in thehospit- al. Special thanks to Doctors Jolly and McKim . Gifts and cards received were air- ap- preciated. Murray QiIchrist —2x WIUGHT ' The family of the late Anna Wright extend sincere .thank you to all who were so kind to her during tier` illness and time of- passing:'the staff of Pinecrest • Nursing Home. Drs. •Corrin..McKim and. Jol- ly. and Rev. Munshaw. Also thanks to . those who sent food, flowers and donations. Your kindnesses will long be remembered. ' The Nicholspn and _ Maclntyre Families —2x DRENNAN Sincere thanks to my rela- tives. friends and neighbours for' the lovely gifts. cards and flowers and visits to St. Josephs and University Hos-. pitals ' in London. Special thanks for all the phone calls. All was deeply appreciated, ° ernice Drennan 32. Coming events maw ram =rim.mo asse._ mm. ewe ® -.m .mo BUS TRIP To Toronto to Farm Show and Horse Sale, January 28. phone Jim Aitchison 528- 6993. —2 PAPER DRIVE Lucknow Girl Guides paper drive Saturday, February 28. No magazines please; news- papers only, tied or boxed. --2,5" ■r 4®..�Ir 4!R 32. 'Con iina'.t its NOTICE Lucknow Legion BranchNo. 309 January Dunce Saturday, ' January 17 9°30.8 m^• Tickets available at door- lin ainceatea —1,2ar GARAGE SALE Saturday, January 17 ... at Kinloss Community Centre on #9 Hwy. at Kinloss. Time 1 pm., - 5. —2 IMIVIUNIZATION CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites youto attend as Adult Immunization. Clinic being held inn ' January 19, 1981 froth 1:00 - 3:30 p.m "at Brookside Public School, R. R. # 7, Lucknow. -2ar CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron :County'' Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at "the Health Unit office. Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day. January 21. ' 1981 .from 9:30 - 11:30 ; a.m., for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization . 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride b ush ng for ages 3 to 5 years -2ar • Attention Fanners or sale WONDER STEEL. building 40' x 100'. Ideal for mach- inery or grain Vstorage. Phone 528-2071 after 6 p.m. —42tf Etimosfase ytekaiim � 14 E. Forlml.s rimes. LYNN LOWIT FARM SYsLTD. 9NE. Drive Silo Unloatders Big Jim Silo •Unloaders, .volume Belt - .. Feeders, Convey -n -Feed cattle Feeders. ' Single'? Chain i.Conveyors, Sarni Cleaners, '.Oswalt Ensil i mixers, s { FARMATIC 'Blender 1 '� Hammer Mills; Mendell f. Roller Mills, . Blender l . Mills -for Ground H-Mois- I • !' tore Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators ACORN Cable )yarn 1 Cleaners, Hydraulic Man-' ure puTEEL-mps. %. WESROSCO-Grain 1, bins-1350to 250,000 bu.,, ., Bulk Feed Tanks. : : ;ACME - Fan -Jet ' Ventila f tion Systems • /' f ASTON Ventilation Sys taws, % B& L - 'Complete Hog' Confinement Systems. - : `SLURRY -SLINGER Li- .f quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY :inure and Service 3 t "for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH - Liquid • Manure Pumps,: Aerators. • : Separators. / WE HANDLE % EVERYTHING -ALMOST j 2atfar• . f .••.,..�.l, fl ....:.�••- 1 WHITECHURCH - tractive home with -many % 1 new features such as vinyl 1'. siding. drywall interior.. new Fleetwood' cupboards 1 and much more, Offers f considered. j HIGHWAY FARM on #86: ; near Wingham, 45-55 ac -1 res workable. Beautifully � restored and restyled 31 bedroom; 2 storey brick j home with new added,; j family room with fire place. 2 full baths. drilled well. many other features( 1 such as, modern kitchen% f with custom : cupboards. % Owner who has been; j transferred has, lavished; money on this luxurious! : home. ST. HELENS - Restyled; home on a 3 acre lot coloured siding house; fully insulated - 2 baths -! attractive kitchen - new % ff,insulated workshop 24 x % 32 - combination oil -wood j i furnace in house. Taxes only,,590 per year. 1 1• 00 ACRES Hwy. #4, north of Teeswater, 55 -; 6• 0 level and workable. / balance mixed bush, ask- ing $49;500.. THREE. LARGE STEEL Wal- enste:n pig feeders; water medicator: ; Phone 529-7375 after 6 p.m. —1.2x . : FOUND: Air supply, tank; also calves for sale. Phone 529-7774. —1..2x E• Farm. "services CLEANING BARNS. remov- ing manure ' piles. Phone Robert S%nes. 528-3047. Lucknow. —2-5ar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners. Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders. Farrowing Crat- es. Water Bowls. Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —30tfar LUCKNOW. SHIPPER UNITED CO=OPERATIVES 'OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R.* 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays . From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a, m. for prompt service 'ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE 100 ACRES next to above farm. 90 acres crop land. I balance bush. 40 x 60 beef r barn. older house, asking • 585.000. j t 4 ACRES close to Hwy. 86. many mature trees, older 4 bedroom home j needs renovating, oily; fur- t nace. 24 x 48 steel barn, 1. • asking $20,800. MEL NMATiERS :. Wingham Phone 357-32Q8 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine • a • 11=-1111-=1111 — tlit 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 -1111 -1111 - EST' WAWANOSH lii-1111-1111 Esrwawallosx The Waste Disposal Site will be. open on Saturdays only P_ during January,- February and March. • West Wawanosh Township Connell JJj, • 6 ME11111MIIIMIIIMMWMAII1111WillitE41111alllitaltiltit AUCTION SALE 4N CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT LiQUIDATT WAYNCO.LTD. 230 Bechtel St. ,ilespelerl.Caeibridge, Ontario_ Take 401 to Hiway 24N - follow signs ` , SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 at 9:30 a.m. HEAVY TRUCKS 3 - 78 . to 74 CHEV & FORD Sen Trucks 5 69. to 74 GMC, CHEV Q& FORD Stake trucks 4 - 69 to 73 CHEV, GMC, DODGE Dumps 1, - ' 71 IOC 1600 Stake Dump - PICKUPS' ;,& LIGHT STAKE TRUCKS 7 ;- 77 to 79 GMC pickups 6 - 67 to 74 FORD, GMC, CHEV Stakes 2-72to74FORD Vans 4 - 67 to 68. GMC 1/ton Vans SALE TO BE HELD IN HEATEDDBUiLDING CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: 4 DITCH -WITCH'& DAVIS Trenchers; 4 Port Welders; Sod Cutters; Bering Mach; 3 Port. Air Comps; Breakers; 5 Compactors; Hole Hogs; Generators; Chain Saws; Cut -Off Saws; 11 Trailers; 8 71• DETROIT • Diesel Engine - complete; etc. etc. SHOP EQUIPMENT: Shop Air Comp; Battery Charger; Jacks;' Tester; p&� Elec Chain. Hoist; Aeet Set; Misc shop tnolis and OFFICE E UIP RADIO TOWER & 2 -WAY RADIO PARTIAL LIST ONLY • LUNCH ON PREMISES VIEWING FRIDAY, JANUARY 16; 1981 1= 4 P.M. TERMS: 5100 cash or certified cheque deposit on major Items & vehicles. Bnlsuice by rash or certified cheque by Monday, January 19, 1981 4 p.m • Cash, company approved cheques or as posted or Announced. M. R. Jutsi & Co. Inc. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers and Auctioneers Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Cotnstructioir,Industrit►i and Commercial • . Enterprises' ' • 69 Sydney S., Kitchener f 519] 743-5286