HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-07, Page 184i 1 II' • • • umierwimiewnewismisurwa •�FvRIdISHED �..� .� ...�.._� at . r heated,m all u ill res „Wiu 40p le weiding.and Mainpaid- Ava liable' immedia . . in shop repair wart ie 52 - ' ' Phones 5 3723.. -, if t taLU■g THREE BEDROOM house to fent m Ia cknow. "Available y CRY S • OOD Phone.' 528-2071 er 528-2393 after p m -42tt By the Quarters Halves St On Tuesday,and Thursday Cut ind wrapped to your specifications Five -ling Available B011'ON"S° EEAT Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer eau 528-2112 ar Try an ,Electrehoine Humid- ifier from .Greer,. T.V. and .. ` "•,ectdc phone 528-3112, Lucknow- We . also have, filters and Sanitaire forour y Electrohome humidifier.. -47tfac,_.` NHi CHECK THE SELECT. ION of New and Used Appliances at The Lutlosow Appliance Cen- tre, Phone 528-2946. 50tfar 1980 MODEL CLEARANCE Simplicity Washer and Dry- er, S699.95,no sales tax. Greer T.V. & Electric, Luck - now, phone 528-3112. 52tfar BATTERiES Reconditioned and Guaranteed' Car, truck and'tractor batteries,,,'/;price. Call Ardold. Campbell 5297621 - 53ffar. 250 YAMAHA Snowmobile, late model, in excellent con- dition, Phone 395-2821. -53,1 3 -SPEED ELECTROHOME humidifier, used only, two` winters, excellent condition; $60; 45 ft. T.V. tower, $65. Phone 529-7619.-1,2x USED 7'/2' SNOW Blower,. good condition.. Also .heavy duty tractor chains, . size 18.4 . z 30. Call Jim Martin, Goderich 5249042. -1,2 FRESH FARM EGGS, will deliver to_ town. Phone 528- 6445. -1 2. Mobile Homes MIMI MM. --- -- NEW AND USED TRAIL- ERS, truck campers, truck' caps. Large selection. Also parts and accessories. We buy, sell .and 'rent. Morry's Trailer Sales, R. R. 2 Walk- erton, 3644.3748. -33tf ram es sew isms MIME NINO MIND aim Now am= 4. Articles wanted aerie giaip aims miss se sow mom era WANTED: Used truck cap. Phone 395-2821. -53,1 • TWO. BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow; one bedroom apartment ` m Teeswater. Phone Glennhaven Apart- ments atter 9;p.m., 528°3234. - -45tfar HOUSE FOR. RENT in Am- berley.. For information calf 395-5305.-47ffar mum BAS BI' ' 15, LucKNOW r , 5284026 -- 2tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock Manning Pianos. ' Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi, :tioned pianos for sale; !And pianos wanted. For "piano: tuning and repairs call. 395- 2982. -tfar HOUSE AND an apartment. on Main Street. Phone 528- 3423. -ltf FOUR BEDROOM house in Ashfield, Township; insulat- ed, oil heat. Phone 529-7488:. Adar t TWO BEDROOM brick bun- galow. un: galow. in Kinlough. area. Phone 529-7350. -1,2,3,4 • THREE BEDROOM house for ,, rent between' Lucknow and Ripley.. References re- quired. Phone 395-5738, _lH ion, dean alo,eilmo mono - 12. Help wanted GENERAL MOTOR parts' person required for GM deal- ership in Northern Alberta. Must have minimum of five years counter experience, ability to work well with others plus the ability to meet the public and to organize work. 'Be stable. We offer ' Full company benefits which include dental. eye- glass. Excellent working con- ditions. Compute.d inven- tory nven tory system. Excellent . wag- es. For further information contact Les Vachon- Manag-er,• Trumpeter. Pontiac Buick Ltd:,' 12308 100th St`, ; Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (403) 532-8865 or ' res. (403) 532- 3826. -1nx 14. Emp. wanted WILL SHOVEL ROOFS. Call -528-2322, Alex Mawhinney. -1,2 . -.- OPEN. 18. Services available. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of Ail Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 -40tfar . DON THOMPSON T -V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY - 15tfar Cecil Cranston R, R. 2 Auburn • • Phone 5294691 AIRHA14i1ViE . DACKHOEIN --5tfar CUSTOM BUTCHERING hogs, cattle, and 'Iambs. Mondays: Reas ►nable: mites: Contact Ripley Abattojr, 395- 2905 or 395-2979. evenings. -42tfar 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS! IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE EDWARD• LOCKHART.. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estateof the above-mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow in the: County of Bruce,' Retired - Farmer, who died on Nov-' ember 24th. 1980. are requir ed to file proof bf same : with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of January 1981. After that date the -Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, -Ont- ario this' 15th day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1980. CRAWFORD, MiLL, DAVIES &' ELSTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors -1,2,3ar 20. Public, notices ANYONE hafting good snap- shots of any events at the Dungannon ; 125thcelebra- tions, please contact Mr."K. K. Dawson at 529-7913. -1 FINLAY DECORATORS will re -open for business January 12. 1981. -lar NO'ICE ° TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS The Township . Waste . Dis- posalsite will be open every other Saturday, January 3, 17, 31, February 14, 28; March 14, 28. Township of Kinloss -•53,1 ar MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor. LUCKNOW Phone $28-2913 or 397.6061. 21r P IS 'ALCOHOL A PROBE';" in Your famile MADE* Can �1p fmnilies and friends of Phone Walkerton 881=3113, Goderich ;524- , 6001..." Ask for an Al -Anon number.- 45tfax HAVING '" 4A -' DRINKING PROBLEM? AA an help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-4655. -*Afar PREGNANT and need help' confidential s uthnght: Ca111357- 1 i oe lect or 432-7197. -affair ,'' Gordon and- Catherine Bar- ger celebrated .:their 42nd Wedding anniversary on Dee - ember 27.1980 at their home With their family. They have five: sons and 2 daughters, 14, grandchildren. Their son Bill and wife Anna "of Hanover prepared the dinner and served it at their home. Bill got his Chef's certificate at Conestoga College a number of years ago so he really put up a delicious dinner with the, heof Anna _, ,,They also" received several lovelyw ,gifts.. from1p the ' family. Thanks;-. Kids! It` was lovely►:. Mom and Dads. 22. lost and found' LOST - cow . strayed from William Kinahan , 'farm in West Wawanosh ' Township during. pasture ' season.. Shouid have red tag with TD on it. Phone 529-7765.. -1.2 24. Business oppor. HELP YOUR INCOME keep up with your outgo through pleasa t part ante work: Training : • " vided Listen to our business > lan and -win a prize. Contact 482-3676 be- - tween .6:00 p.m.:and 8:00 p.m. --i,2,3 EARN MONEY! Learn in: come tax , preparation at hone. Reduced prices. For free brochure, no obligation, . write U & R Tax Schools, 118. Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ont. -lnx mom mmin immi ammo ' ibis HARRIS - Paul and Bunny and their sons, Greg and Jamie welcome with joyand love . a precious addition to their family. Lori Beth was born at St. Joseph's Hospit- al, Monday, December 22, 1980, at 12:59 p.m. weighing 8 lb.' 10'/2 oz. and 211/4" in length. Lori is the. first granddaughter for Bill and Wanda Harris of London, formerly of Ripley and Char- les and Monica dancock of West Hill, Ontirio. Especi- ally proltd are great grand- mothers, Mrs. Ellizabeth. Fer- guson of the Pinecrest Nurs- ing Home, Lucknow and Mrs: Irene ' Hancock, Red - vers, Sasatchewan. Special thanks to Dr. Ken Milne and U.W.O. student nurse, Fran esca, Cole. -1 HOW DOES YOUR SUB- SCRIPTION LABEL READ? -1 • 01•100•••••• rrIPOIPPIIRVPOW The marriage of Venin Mae • Gardner and ' Ead ` 'Dam Schaaf took plane on `.Satur- day„ December 20, 1980. ,Rev-NomaaPe k perform- ed the erform-ed:the double -ring ceremony in the Chapel of the Ontario Street United Church. Clin- ton. Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Schaaf will ' make their home at 2 Victoria Blvd.. Vona stra. Ontario. -1 304-11p memoriam I.M.111.1111 ONE= 010101 FINLEON In loving memory of Isabella, Marlene and Robbie. -who passed away one year ago. January 5. 1980 To a • beautiful life came a sudde ,ip- end They di e+ as ; they. lived. everyone's friend. They were always .thought- ful. loving and kind. What a glorious -memory to leave behind. - They left so suddenly .their thought unknown They left us memories we, are proud to own Treasure them aGod in your garden of rest. - d._ S , For"in this' world to `us they F Y� were one, of the best. Sadly and lovingly •:missed by the Joe Finleon families. -1 • McPHERSON hi loving memory of a dear husband.. father and grand- father; Ewart McPherson. who passed away three years ago, January 7th. 1978: e'do not need a special day Tri bring him back to mind For days we do not think of .* him Are very hard to find. Lovingly remembered by wife L ella and family. -1' MacLEOD In loving memory of the late Alexander Sandy MacLeod, who passed away January 7.' 1980, ' in his 94th year. Lovingly ..remembered by his wife, Ada - Mary, and family. -1 --- - Num, am= MOM 31. Cards of thanks, MeKINNON To all who remembered me with gifts, cards and visits at Christmas and during 1980 I wish to saya sincere "Thank You". May your New Year be blessed with . health and happiness. Belle McKinnon Pinecrest Manor TIFFIN • Words cannot express my appreciation for all the lovely cards front „friends, relatives and neighbours; also to . the many who came to visit ane in the London Hospital and to those who ' gave my wife transportation to the .hospit- al. Thanks to the Lucknow Doctors and Dr. Sales and his staff. Special thanks to the nurses on the 4th floor of St • Joseph's Hospital. To you all a Happy New Year. Fred Tiffin 31... of On behalf of Charlie and myself~ I want to. sincerely thank the Tueknow. Trinity sr U.C.W. Lucknow Lawn. Bowling Club and. -friends who have sent gifts,. treats and cards and those who visited it Christmas. All were appreciated very much by both Charlie and myself. Anne Anderson " -la I would like to thank my friends. relatives; ` members of U.C.W. of United Church and Institute for letters, cards". gifts and visits While in Wingham and. University Hospitals. It was all very. , much appreciated. Ruth E. Helm -1 MacMURCHY Thanks to all those who sent. cards or called to :'. make John's birthday a very happy one. also for the .lovely Christmas cards we received: John. and Helen MacMurchy .1: CRAWE.ORD,, Many. tlhanhs, to fiends and: neighbours: for all your kind ness during my :illness and over Christmas: Happy New, Year. Kay Crawford MACIIAN Oursincere thanks to all who sent cards and flowers and kind thoughts due to the passing of a dear' mother, and grandmother; Mrs.. Gladys .Machan.• . . Ron and Barbara, Kevin and Stephen. Machan` -lar CAMERON The • family of the late ora Cameron of Lucknow wish to convey sincere thanks to all neighbours, friends and rela- tives for, the expressions of. sytnpathy, floral' tributes, memorial donations in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to. Rev.: Hugh Nugent. Ripley, Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home; the ladies of the Presbyterian Church, MacKenzie MacKenzie and ` McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow, and all the pallbearers: Mason and Jean Robinson Ralph and EupheMia Cameron -lx HUGHES Sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours who were so kind during Allist er's illness and at the time of his passing. Special thanks'. to Rev. Munshaw, Drs. and nurses at the 'Medical Cen- tre,the staff on the first floor of Wingham and District Hospital, the °staff while at Pinecrest, the Houston fam- ily. For cards, donations, floral tributes, phone calls, food sent to the house, lunch served at the church by the South Kinloss ladies and . to those who took me hiany times to hospital. n My thanks, ;leanHughes -lx