HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-07, Page 150 DlUnittiCErf Visitors with Mrs- Georgi Henry on Boxing Day Were her. daughters. Wanda and Bob Jeffcoat', Craig, Heath- er and Teresa. West Wawa-. • nosh and Faye and Herb. • Oakes, George and • Michael of Oinbnr, On Sunday, December 20. `Don and Shirley Hackett held alliglILIS for their family. Guests were Shirley's moth- er, • Mrs. Wilma Cumming,• Kitchener; Rosalea and Tom Ripson, Seaforth; Wilma and Greg Blake, Lucknow; • Darlene and Ivan Wattam, Christopher and Amanda, Wingham and Michael and Donna Hackett. - Wayne and Gloria Hack- , ett. Vicky and Allis' on wentto spend Christmas with her ' , parents, Milt and Pat Gutz- • man, Deep River. Shawn • visited with grandparents, Alex and Ella Hackett. Russel and, Lillian Irvin had their family home for Christmas on Friday even- ing, December 20. Their guests , were William and a Shirley Irvin and Shelley; Dale Irvin and Wendy Fitz - henry, Kitchener; Munay, and Elizabeth kwill1; Susan kvill, ilirallaciburg and Alez kvin. • Jim and Triz Hackett. Toronto spent the holiday at their home here and had as their guests, his parents, Wilfred and Virginia' Hackett on auistmas Day. Visitors with Tyme and Mlle Reurink and Karen on New Year's Day were Donald Ritchie, Kinloss; Mel and Reina Arnold, and Carla, Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Logtenberg, Goderich; Mr. and Mts.• Derk Logten- berg, Jerry, Simon, Kenny, and Melissa, Ashfield; Jim • and Fon Farrell, Kincardine and • Joe and Irene West of Stratford. Jack and Lilo lnvin, Kris: ten, Matthew and Billie enjoyed Christmas Day at the home Of his parents, Jack and Sadie Irwin, of Goderich and with Jack's brother, Mel and sisters Nancy of London and Jean and Ronllionspson' and family of Wingham. Bin and Irma Phillips. Are you interested in searching for gold and other minerals? If. you think you'd like to become a mineral explorer — a geologist now is the time to start organizing yourself for obtaining an unusual summerjob. MOst mining companies ,hire 16 -year-olds, during, the summer to work at mining camps. Mining companies pay about $950.00 a month to stu- dents during the summer. Inquire at your local Man- power Office for 'emulation about where to apply. If there isn't a Manpower Office near you, look in the Yellow Pages of your phone book under "Mining." Most mining camps are very isolated and far off the beaten track; geologists are usually Down in by• plane. The plane drops off its human cargo and leaves the people to fend for themselves in the wilderness -The only contact the mine camp has with civilization is a radio. Some„ camps are so far north that they have sunlight 24 hours a day. In these camps there's no need for candles to read by at night. _ Mining camps have no comforts of home. It's a real adventure to live without running water, electricity, and fresh food. While working at a mining camp, geologists use lake water, candles, and dried or tinned lood. For shelter against wild animals, bugs, and the weather, geologists Use canvas tents. They bed down in sleeping bags on the ground. After breakfast they get to the site they are working on by canoe, skidoo, jeep, or helicopter. WhlIe at work, geologists look for minerals by taking samples of the ground, mapping the earth's magnetic fields, or mapping the local rock types. If you would like to become an explorer, face a few challenges, and learn about geology, perhaps you should think of working in a mining camp this summer, (c) MO Canada Wide Feature Service Ltd. - by MacKay Fairfield Tate • at 0 • ImIkaaw1 ,,14-4401 Audrey and Bob of Ashfield and Diane McBride. Kinks were guests zvith their daughter, Shirley and Hugh Eskritt, Fordwich, on New • Year's Day. Gmnpany with Bill and Dora VanDyke, Helity„ Peter • and Tony on fleceniber 27. were Nora Van *Dyke of God- erich and Bill's sister, Mr., and Mrs. John Van Row, and faintly of Kingsbridge., Peter Van Dyke and Brian Van Osch, sen 'of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Osch, are taking a Survey Course for two weeks at Allis ario. This will et them a. Class B license. Later this winter they are to attend a course at Ridgetown College for their Class A license. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Bill Sloteginaf who has been sick in the hospital • and we hope she soOnsan be home again. Visitors over the holiday with Philand Gerry McCann, Michael, Brian and Patrick were Geny's mother. Mrs. Laura MOrgall, Paisley, and Geny's brother, Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan and family, Walkerton. Jim Nel- son spent Christmas Eve at ' the McCann home. Phil and Gerry and family enjoyed a couple of days with his. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joe McCann of London. Mary .Anne Alton of Van - convey cime lime on Satur- day. January 3 for a week's visit with her mother, Dora Alton, Stuart and Stev- en. • Howard and *Hen BlakeT. ansi her Parents., Mr: and v MTh. Wm. Dobney, Kincar- dine, visited in Toronto with Helen's brother. Fred Dab- ney diking the Christ- mas holiday. Visitors at the Blake home for New Years were Greg and Bernice Blake and Matthew. Cambridge; Greg and Wilma Blake, Luicknow_ and Cad* Blake, Kitchener; Paul Blake `* and Doug Blake. Larry and Katie "Hackett, and Stewart 'flew , to Salt Coats, Saskatchewan for a week to spend die holiday with her patents, Rev. Albert - and Janet Cook. „ Many thanks to,thoie who phoned with their holiday news and to Mrs. Cora Cranston. Mrs. Ella Hackett and Mrs. Betty Ritdiie' „for phonin' g and writing news). A very Happy New Year. 1 e • 40' 41, . • ., • • ' 400 .01P dir 41P 41IP ../P S T FOR YOURLEISURE TRAVEL" HAWAII - Feb.. •131h to Feb. ltith - minis • FLORIDA SIGHTSEEMTG•-:Febtrisir j.2411i. - 16. days % Highlights - LAWRENCE WELK SHOW, .PASSION s t PLAY, .DINNER AT KAPOK TREE, etc. 6 nights at St: Pete Beech, 3 hr.Orlando, iit.Crystal ' II • % • • 0 6 ARIZONA March' 23 to Apr. 5, 1981 • By Mr and motoreoach. Leisurely idgjataeefie tour of ARIZONA INCLUDING LAKE HAVASU, COLORADO s k RIVER ,CRUISE, GRAND CANYON, RAINBOW 1 . DAYTONA BEACH - MIDTERM • . k 10 days - Mat-th 13 20atid Alsh -20-- 29 • -1 ' A Book though. your travel agen%t . s Information from • LEISURE TOURS INC. 1, 251Ia - 10th St. . 1 Hanover, Ont. Phone 364-4458 [collect]. 410, ./IP 411P 411P ../PP ..... 411. dip dr ,air new • doors to small business See Our Stratford Office Representative Don Handford AT The Bedford Hotel, toderich, Ontario ON: The Znd & 4th Tuesday of etch north [Nest Visit Date: January 13th1 It you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK [Branch Office Addren1 For an appointment or further.. InfOrmatfon on the Bank's aervices.call 2714650 froliecti orwrite 1036 Ontario Street. Stratford, Oita& • • Inomposomen. Oat. 11111/11 S29-791111 FARM IIOME .„A4SEIPSIS COTTAGE lam* Fara" 2 itiodiarsit „ • • , ‘4,111011111000*.111 It 144 apirphiv- Ajar, IS.. **Aiwa • ' • . . . , • 0:04"040:111StoatiliTideasea:ouni:dno:7:3;etwii' soosiegh, Ainatiss Mori* Ruda...nos $3,41101 Omni. 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