HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-07, Page 14• i• • Page Soleil,Wodinia*Irt 41.111013 7, , • fr ,• • 010 r" rt. nit. •••,•t•••. ..0 NT BEM RUCHE John and Shirley Hunter and family had Christmas dinner with 'Rens and Cliff Nieriart of Ludlimow. Visitors Cabanas night for supper jjtb John and Shirley were - Marion and Lorne Cook and family, Rod Johnston and Maik FrsYne, Violet and Harold Elliott and Ron. Xmi, and &setter' C.araPbell, and family of Landow and Lana Sanderson 01 Lucknow. Congratulations to Nancy and Gordon Folka,rd on the arrival of a new baby gid another gr*nddaughter for Jessie KiAland. Holiday visitors with laary and Janet Wilkins and Laura were her parents, Mr. and hits. Evan Hoffman of Bur - Easton, her sister, Florence and Elwood Waglet of Brun - net and John and Janice Hoffman of Goderich. Celebrating New Years and Brenda's birthday with Allan and Violet Ritchie and Winners of the Christmas cake at Kemp; Store were Karen Campbell, Don Alton, Janine Helm Roy McKay. ,..Wayrie Fax -Fish, Bob .',110r: lity.ceiTamBrenda and Jany fluiziriga and family of Ai* In* John and Ken Ritchie of Luebaiow and Torn, Delores Culbert and Linda Of Du* gannen, Allan's motherilta- , bel .Ritchie of LICIE00'W was • admitted to Wiligham' Hos- pind an Wednesday. : Jack aid Wanda Millar of Barrie, spent the holidays With her parents, Jim and 16464 Hunter and all attend- ed the Hunter family Christ- mas with Lois and Bob Mel* 1osh: On Bosing Day with JIM and Isobel Hunter were her father, Dan Niabehowof Ludmow; Hill. DOmild and Rob Smith of Seafiath; Lorne and Margaret Ritchie, Jack and Annshelk Aitchison. Lord'. Nancy and Jill, all of Ripley; Don and Marion and Kathy Gillespie' of Kinlough, Ron and Sue Gillespie cif Kin' hawk Ken and Joyqe Nicholson, Wayne, David and Anne; Allan and Joane Nicholson and Don and Hea- ther Patton and Melanie, all of Shelburne. Guests with Allan and Nancy Gibson and broil - Christmas Eve were her 11114( 1r pare. • b Al and Olive hwin 014V visit y Lucknow; also Bob and \ Elaine Irwin, Ken, Chris and nship. Craig, Huron Tow d ends over holiday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter spent a week ,of Christmas holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane, Ilene and Brian of Newmar- ket and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mrs. Laura MacConachie of Wingham is * patient in University Hospital, London. Mrs. MacConachie is the daughter' of Mr. and him. Spence Irvin, Ludmow. Mrs., Bryce Elliott of Luck - now spent New Year's Ire& visiting with her son and daughter-in:law. Ray and Noreen Elliott at Bedford, Nova Scotia. (Mended for hist "Peal Allan and Violet Ritchie and Bryce, and Annie Nesbit spent Christnias Day with their daughter, Brenda and Jerry Huizinga, Pauline, Martha and Wesley of Aub- iluniter, Neil and Laura of Pefferlaw,with whom they spent Christmas Day. The 1 Keanes also celebrated Christmas with Donna and :Aarry and family at Peffer- . ;aw. Master Brian James Mac- Kenzie, sutra of Neil and Judy MacKenzie is a patient in the 1Wmgham and District Hos- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks over Christmas with their' San, Kenneth, and his family, Man, Suzanne and Nancy at Seattle, Washing- - ton and on their returnthey spent day with friends in Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and M. Gordon Miller of London, 'and Mrs. „ Chester Taylor of Whigham visited recently with Mr. and . him; E. W. Rice., Visiting With Mr: and Mrs. Jim McNsiiighten over Cabbalas were their son and daughter-in-law, rim and Maureen McNaughton of R. 02, Belwood. On Boxing Day they all v'isited with Mr. and , , Mrs. Rudy Henning and Elaine and Norman of Lon- don for a few days. They also spent some time visiting their aunt, Miss Mary Camp- bell at the Delaware Nursing Home. , A new Year's dinner party was held at George ind Olive Colwell's for the Cohvells, namely, Glady Mason, Don - aid and Annie McCosh, Currie Colwell and Ann and , her friend, Ken Reid, and Clara Webster. Dick McCosh couldn't come at the last minute. • High school freshman Chris Phillips of Albany, NOW York, was banned from playing on the football team in 1977; It was ruled that his ar- tificial leg might hurt 'someone. But Chris took' his case to the New York State Public School -Athletic Association, the ruling was overturned and Chris was allowed to play. Encyclopedia Brown's Record Book of Weird and Wonderful Pacts. urn. John slid Ken Ritchie of Lucknow also visited with them. Mel and Jane Ritchie and, Kris,* attended , family airiStem dinner on Satur- day with her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. JackVirsits, of TOrOnt0. Christmas Day visitors ivith Jessie Kirkland were Gordon and Nancy Pollard of BeIgnive,- Donald and • Joan Kirkland, Lana and Darren of Kinpville:Ken and Kath Kirkland, Jennifer and Christine of Milton and Day- kl, Betty and " Of Ludmow of Toronto. They all bad dinner at David and Betty's on Saturday before returning to their homes, - • Harvey and Betty Ritchie had family members home Christmas Dig which also included and dairy Thompson Red Deer, Al- berta, who flew home on Sunday evening. Holiday visitors on Sunday with Eldon and Madeline Higinan- Re la flOns -000DP HiliNOVER cornmeniceltions - OOP KINCARDINE Dressing lok Pointing Horne Landscaping PhouVraPhY 1 OWEN SOUND Aviation Ground School , • Aviation instrument Flying . .11aliroarier Ikundng - Leval 2 Bartending _1111*Ing _ liookkoeping rompli liesiness LOW • take Decenrating - Beginners ` • • ,7 intermediate Calligraphy- Level 1 • •' • • • - Loyal • C.I.M. - Mauragarfal. Accounting • Organimetional Behaviour Policy and Administration Chainteming frir tire Handy Parson Coattail Navigation ComPlirtir Receptionist fiL Contiersational Fronds Internied Dogs, Hobby/Profression Love! 1 Drag Obedience • Drafting 2 Electrical Effectivolabour Rolations • OMDP Energy Alternatives • Farm Business Management Flew:ter Arranging' " •• Folk Art - Desk Fur /Wryest, Man. & Conservation' Furniture Refinishing ' Gas initaller 2 General 'intermit. Program Golf for beginners Cialta*T.Intradactpry , • Jan. 29 Jan. 27 Hom Landscaping- Feb. 26 Jan, 27 • • NOW to Start a Small.ilus.iness Jan. 2* .1 • Heinners'ileodir& Support Apr. . • Jan. 27 Human Rollations ONIDP Jan. 29 Mar. -Human ihrsomries Man. OMDP Jan. 21 Jan. m Managements by Oblectivos- OMDP Jen. 24 AtorrtingOlibwey Jeri. 24 , • Jan. . muirorcycre orpoing', Apr.? 20 MunlcIpaI Aehidnittration, • Jon 29" JanollA • , • • ' , Oil Darner Service — • . Jan? 29 r. Personal inirettment - Level 1 Jan. 21 Feb. 9 - • LOVid 2 Jan. 27 • "±PhOtographic-DarkrotrinTedmiques- --Jan, Jan 27 Picture !rending • •mim41!. Mar. 4 PhYsla • • mar.3 Pottery Workshop Mar. 24 PliYdRcit°gY LILA. Quality Assurance rundaiMmtaln :jan.12 Real Estate Introductory , Jams. 12 , Mortgage 'naming Jan. 12 Red Cross First Aid Apr. 24•Shorthand - Level 1 -1 • ,• Jim. 29 . Apr. 7• Jan. 27 A.pr. 2 Jan.29 Feb. 16 • 3TLA.• Jan.. 27 • Jan. I* Apr. 25. Jain. 27 : Jars, 29 • 'Jdari 19 Jan.. 26 • Fob. Skiing Cross Country , Jan. . Spinning & Dyeing - Level 2 Stained Glass - Level 1 Mar. '26 - .46"1 2 int. Stationary Engineer - 4th Class A7pr. ••Tending Your Horne Bar: jan. 27 Typing • • j • "•Weaving *Level 1 jou Level.2 Apr; 21 Yielding • , . Jan. 27 Jan. Jan. 26 Mar. 31 • Apt. 14 Jan.. 19 May jun. 16 Joni -1Witat Landscape Design is All About Mar: 25 PORT ELGIN • •nookkeepins - OMDP Gardening Under Lights • Home Lardscaping How to tarte Sinati Business 1. ., Jan. 20 Mar. 24 Mor. Jon..27 1981 Winter Evening Courses For further information contact: Georgian College Box 700 Owen Sound N4K 5R4 (519)376-0682 Owen Sound Campus 1150 8th St. East cokyi ." . • • , • , , • • . • Ritchie Carol, Donald and Jim were her mother, Mrs, Ernest Bogie, Mis. Cliff McPhee. Mr. and Whs. Mei Bop* and family and Rod Bogie, *0 01 Goderich. Charfie and Marne Wilk- ins took Fiizabeth to Five Oaks Teen " Conference this 'week at Paris and visited with Bath and Jim Sheppard. Janet is, working there this 1 week. Holiday visitors with Chadic and Mayme and family were Laura and Mabel Campbell of T011ento, and on Boxing Day, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verhulst of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ,Wall of Teeswater and Mis...14e1- son Raynard were dinner guests on Sunday with Harv- ey and Betty Ritchie and family. , • LUCINOW UNITED CHUICUI SUNDAY, JANUARY11 10 a.m. Samday Sdsool 11:00 a.m. Morning 'Worship Rey. James A. Reuben M.A.; COMMUNION Nursery Provided for Pre -School Children Everyone Wdeome '. • • LUCKNOTI- PRESBYTIIIAlt cll II CH • Rev. Wis, Minshiw B.A. M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 11 a.m.• • Conibined Services Church and Sunday • School Nursety Provided •–EveryorieWekruse Dates Available Lucknow & District Community Centro OPEN DATES • AVAIIABLE JANUARY Friday 16 Saturday 17 Friday 23' Saturday 24 Friday 30 Saturday 31 FEBRUARY • Friday 6 Saturday 7 Priday13 Friday 20 • Friday 21 Saturday 28 , NOw Booking For 1981 /I • FOR FURTIIER • INFORMATION AND MID WEEK BOOKINGS CALL 5284532 1.04•10,1.