HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-01-07, Page 114 8 L. Christmas Day - dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs: Cliff Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Johnston and family, Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Johnston and fatuity and Mr., and Mrs. Wayne Johnston and family, both of Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and family. of Holyrood Mrs. ° Mark Johnston of Lucknow and and M Bert Moss of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hart- emink and family spent Boxing Day with Henry's family at Aylmer. Chris was home for holidays from Dun- • das and spent • Christmas• with his family. • Mr. and Mrs. Barry John- ston entertained Mr. , and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Mr. and • 'birthdayptiety'. Following the •annual Christmas and December birthday party the: Brucelea Haven Auxiliary held its final year-end -meeting at the home on December 18th. The birthday committee reported holding "Over 90" parties for four more nonag- enarians: Charlotte Camer- on. Norman Yack, .Nellie McGlynn, and Elizabeth. Schurter. An anniversary party was held for Mr. andlirs. Elmer Martin on OctOber 10th on the occasion of their S7th wedding anniversary. They formerly lived. in Clifford. New arrivals were welcom- ed by auxilians and hospit- alized residents were visited. The nominating committee report wks preserited by Mrs. Edna Dailey and was accepted as submitted. The following are the officers for the year 1981: past president,. Mrs. Marion Palmateer; president, Mrs. Wilda Lamont; Ist vice, Mrs. Edna Dailey; 2nd vice, Mrs. Janet MacKenzie; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Marguerite Fischer; public relations of- , ficer. Mrs. Winnifred Kean. The next meeting was set for January 22, 1981 at .1.30 p.m. at the Home Library. This week in out Kinloss by Ruth iBuchmeier Mrs. Dwayne. Grieg, and " family of Elmira and Thelma and. Terry Chadbourne of Kincardine for Cliritrium dinner on Saturday. Steve Ritchie of Calgary holidayed at home with his family for a couple of weeks. Besides Steve, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie and ,farnily were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Young 'land family of 'Port Erie;• Mr. and Mrs. Nick Barclay of St. Pauls; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson and Janice and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and family, both of ° Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and family of Kit- • chener; Mrs. Gershom John- ston of WinghaniNGeorge Grigg of Wingham and Kar- en Reurink, Mite Doer and Karen Morris of London... Karen Morris is spending a week with Marianne. On New Years Day Mr. an‘Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, Marianne and Karen Morris were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson. • Mr. and Mrs. David Mac- Kinnon and family were Boxing. Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ron McWaters and family of Walkerton.. On New Years they were dinner guests with Cathy's mom, Mrs. Anne Forsyth and Terry of Walker - 'ton. I • • Lucknow and South Kin- loss Young Peoples enjoyed an afternoon of cross country skiing on Tuesday, Decem- ber 30. Then they all went back to Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell's home for chili which finished off the. afternoon just right. Mr. and Mrs. Ion Wallace. 'Susan and Nancy of London, Mr. and Mrs. \ Peter Steer, Tracy and Heather, Mrs. Philip Steer, both of Lucknow and Nick Beyersbergen and Louise Clarke were all dinner guests on New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell, Wayne and Bev. .° Margot Messenger enjoy- ed a weeks vacation in the Bahamas. She wentwithher school 'class from Loitered • College. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Messenger • and family. were Mr. and hstrs. Albert Ayre of Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ayre Jr. and Brenden and Amy of ‘,Hamilton and Mrs. Ruth Messenger of Pine River. Home for Chriatmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie were Mr. and Mrs. lan MacKenziest Christopher and Mirelle of • Cobourg.• New Years Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie and Matthew were Mrs. Bill Eadie of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Eadie of Kincardine, Ken Eadie and Joan Fergus - •on, Steven and. Allan Eadie, and Giryin Reed. , Mr. and Mrs. Norm Sceli and Nancy Burt of London I were home for Christmas • with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burt and Robert, Jim Morrison of -Wjalow- dale visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Dick. McQuillin and Ron. Jim took Linda McQuillin back home to Willowdale with him. Also Mr., and Mrs. Jerry Brute - gam of St. Catharines and Gloria Neufild visited at the same borne. Jack Gilchrist was home from Vancouver to spend the holidays with his family. , Besides Jack, Mr: and Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- Donald and family were Christmas Day dinner guests with Mr. and 'Mist. Fred. Gilchrist, Dr. and Mrs:Bill Buckton, ,George and David of Water- kloo visited over Christian with Bill's parents, Mr. and • aa. . dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray and Duncan on Christmas Day, Christmas Day diner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and Mur- ray were Mr and Mrs. Jim MacKinnon and boys of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frayne of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. David MacKinnon and family, Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs, Ken Cameron of tuck - now and Dr: B. E. Cameron of Aylmer. On Boxing Day Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac- Kinnon and Murray were' Boxing Day dinner guests with . Mrs. ' Ken Cameron. Mrs. Jack Wilson of Hamill.' ton visited at both homes over the holidays. New. Years • Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall and family wererIvirs. Dick West, Mable MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Jim West and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer • Smeltzer and family. Mr: and Mrs: William Dickie and Krissa visited on Sunday at Bramalea with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Edwards. Sympathy is extended to • the MacIntre family and other relatives on the death Of Dr. Anna (Nicholson) Wright who was a resident at Pinecrest Nursing Home at Lucknow. • We all wish little John- athon MacKinnon and Mur- ray Gilchrist a speedy recov- ery as they are both in Wingham Hospital. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooks were Dr. and Mrs. Selles* 7ffivollaY; 5y 7 1,1—Pow 9' s Brian Remington, Travis and Cailyn of La Grange, Geor- gia, Mr. and Mrs. Dinald Savage and Brad of:Klinciur- '' dine ;r."d 11171;1!)a. ,vee Remington, Mr. Taylor, Mirs'''BE°°11s andof Kitchener and Jerry Culbert of Kincardine. ,Christmas Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham, were Mr. and MTS, Jamie Graham of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Estabrooks and Martha Graham and Mike Seguen„ all of Toronto. For New Years dinner, Allan and Elsie and Burnell and Ruth joined the 'rest of Allan's family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snowe of Fergus. Present there were Mr: and Mrs. John Lowndes of Qmonsvii, le, Mrs. Brock MacKenzie and Mary Kay of Teeswater -and Rennao of Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cassidy, Charlotte and John of Tees. water and Rennie Graham of Toronto. [EVERY TWO WF;EKS1 Wednes January at 830 p.m. at die Vendome Hotel Teetviater EVERYONE WELCOME PROMS FOR CONTESTANTS 0 MUSIC by Kountry Kats LAST NIGHT JANI. - 1 ADULT - Two Showings 7 te9 WITERTA1111174 ft t3bUttO CAgtWoOd, CAM glair -iv CW&9 2Fogu Can, JAN. 9th- . JAN. 15th FRI. 11 SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. P.M. Discover our resort. where the beach has more sea gulls and pelicans than people scapiit to Our Island - Golf .Tennis - Heated Pools Oceanfront Hotel Apartments Fishing - Beautiful Beaches Restaurant - Lounge For more information. ca lI or write: Indian River Plantation Resort, Hutchinson Island 385 N.E. Plantation Road, Stuan, Fl. 33494 (305) 225-3700 (45 miles north of Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services 30111aCLERRNig Dross Slacks 25% off • Blouses 25% .off • Blazers 20% off. Skirts 20-40% off Sweaters 20% off 9 Drosses Starting at 14.95 ' and up. • Jeans & Cords By Sassons, Straight Leg and Baggies. Mac's, Fancy Ass, Cream Jeans and Baggies by Farini. OFF PIPIVATE',BCVJAM11,1 PARK VIiingbatn HOUSEOF FASHIONS • 457.1051 PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH • UT NO