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30. In memoriam
In loving memory of a dear husband and
father, and grandfather, Paul Andrew Ken-
nedy who passed away December 17, 1984.
We miss thee from our home, dear
We miss thee from thy place..
A shadow o'er our life is cast,
We miss the sunshine of thy face.
We miss thy kind and willing hand
Thy fond and earnest care.
Our home is dark without thee
We miss thee everywhere.
Sadly missed and always remembered by
Shirley and Marilee and Chuck Lobsinger
and family; Liz and Murray Louttit and
family; Rose -and' family; Dave' and Angela;,
Dan, Jamie and George. •
31. Cards of thanks
We wish to express our, sincere appreciation
to our neighbours and friends for flowers,.
cards and visits at the time of the death of a
dear daughter-in-law, Eve Brown, at Belle-
vue Washington: Your,kindness was very
much. appreciated.
Thelma and Wilbur Brown
I would like to say a very sincere thank you to
all who visited, sent cards, flowers and food
while. 1 . was a patient in Westminster
Hospital and since returning home. This
thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Mary Lou Raynard
We would like 'to thank all who made ' our
50th anniversary such a happy occasion. God
• bless you . all.
Tom and Nina McDonald
'The family :of the late Nellie Chesbro, wishes
t9 express their sincere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbours for all their kindness
and support following the loss of 'a dear
mother and grandmother. The .beautiful
floral'tributes, charitable donations, expres-,
Bions of sympathy, and,food brought in will
always be remembered. Special, thanks to
Rev. Clarence McClenaghan, 1JIrs. Robert
MacKenzie and the United Church who
served lunch following the service. Many
thanks to funeral . directors , for their
understanding and guidance,: our heartfelt
thanks to all.
Wilma, Rhoda, Robert and Maurice
and their families
Our sincere thanks to everyone for your
cards, .visits, phone calls and gifts while we.
were/in the hospital and since coming home.
Thanks alsoto the helpful staff .of 2nd East
for their excellent care. A special thanks 'to
Dr. Cauchi on the safe arrival, and to Drs.
Pearce and, Walker for their assistance.
Thank you Dave foryour, support and
comfort during Jennifer's delivery.
Dorothy and Jennifer
32. Coming events
Friday, December 13,,' 8 .p.m.. Lucknow
Public School. Presented by Grades 5 to 8,
with. Kindergarten children presenting
Mother Goose's Christmas and Christmas
Dances. Public School Band will . perform.
Everyone welcome. —50
32. Coming events.
Meets each Monday and Friday, 2 - 4 p.m.
Everyone welcome. —43tf
Tuesday, December 17, 8 p.m. Admission
adults $1.50, secondary students $1.00,
preschool free. Everyone welcome. —50
The Huron County Health Unit invites you to
attend the Expectant Parent Education
Classes being held at Wingham United
Churchcommencing Wednesday, January 8, ,
1986. The cost is $5.00. The next series of
classes will begin the week of March 17;
1986. For pre -registration or further infor-
mation, please. call the Health Unit office at.
9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Tickets Available
From Members
The Huron County Health Unit invites you to
attend the Child Health Clinic held at•the'
Health Unit office, Wingham Hospital Clinic
Building on Wednesday, December 18, 1985
from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for:
1. Health Surveillance'
2. Anaemia Screening
3. Immunization
4. Fluoride
—50ar ,
Attention Farmers!
A.,7,For sale
395-5227. -50,51x
C. Wanted
WANTED " TO BUY - barbecue : pigs,
ruptures, rhinitis, poor„doers; any size; also
sows and, boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151.
—4 Sxtf
WANTED TO RENT 'land in Lueknow,
Ripley area. Peter Edisbury 395-2438.
—50,51x ,
-WANTED - 8 tons ofmixed grain. Bill
Phillips, .529-725/7. -49,50
D. Livestock '
available for December and January farrow-
ing, bred to coloured boars, as well as our
usual selection of 'York, Hamp, Duroc,
HampxDuroc boars. Prices reasonable
and guaranteed. Bob Robinson, , R. R. # 4,.
Walton 345-2317.' —47-50
E. Farm services
R. R. No. 1 K.incardint . •Ontario. For all your
manure, feed, and gran handling require-
ments call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley.
We handle everything - «almost. —42tfar
FARMERS.experiencinn financial difficult-
ies. There • ay be w ys of "solving your
problems tt , ” • ou are not aware of. For
further i;if 1,on contact SYL-MAR Fin-
ancial ( s ts. (519) 449-2809. —048 "
STA" EQUIPMENT. Barn clean-
e.-; , manure amps, vertical, horizontal; 8'
15 P.V.C. .r S:B.T ductile. Cow and calf
tie 'stalls. Loose housing. Bunk feeders,
ventilation •equipment, hog confinement,
Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing
crates. Weaner decks. Plastic 'slates and also
farm gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3,
Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390.-42tfar.
F. For rent
27 ACRES OF CROP LAND to lease or rent,
Dungannon area. Call evenings 529=7606.
discover -
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 1.1, 1985 -Page 17
Michael Kosmyna.•
Michael Kosmyna passed away in
Toledo General Hospital on Nov. 24, 1985
in his 75th year. -
A retired employee of Wylis Jeep
Corporation in Toledo, Ohio, he leaves his
wife, the former Phyllis MacDonald and
one son, Jim of Englewood. Colorado to
mourn. Final resting place Lochalsh Cem-
Lovingly remembered by the Robert
Scott and Sadie . Hamilton . families.
Nellie Irene Chesbro
Nellie ,Irene Chesbro (Phaneuf) of 400
Broadway St.;, dpKincardine, flied Nov. 29,
1985 in Kincardine and District Hospital.
She was 74.
She was born in Ayers Cliff, Quebec on
Jan. 8, 1911 to Maurice and Nellie, both of
Beebe; Quebec.
On Nov. 5, 1932 she married Walter
Chesbro in Georgeville, Quebec. A United
Church adherent, she is survived by four of
her children, Robert, at home; Wilma and
husband Ellwood. Elliott, RR 3 Holyrood;
Rhoda, Kincardine; and Maurice and wife,
Linda, Kincardine. She is also survived by
two sisters and six brothers.
She was predeceased by her parents, her
husband Walter, July 1985; daughter
Esther, December 1962; and . an infant
The funeral service' was Dec. 3 at
1 MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral. Home,
Kincardine with Rev. • Clarence McClen-
aghan of the United Church presiding.
• Flower bearers were grandchildren Cathy
Chesbro, Bruce Elliott and Dwayne Ches-
bro and pallbearers were Oakley Woods,
•Art?ur McCormick, Bob ' Arnold,' David
Gibb, Harold Elliott and Donald Elmslie.
Interment was at Greenhill Cemetery,
Elmer Nelson Graham
Elmer Nelson Graham, 76, of Goderich,
died Sunday; Nov. 17, 1985 at his resid-
ence. •
The son 'of, the' late Nelson Graham, of
Ashfield Township and the former Alice
Pollock of Pine River, he was born June 21,
1909 in 'Ashfield Township. A farmer, he
was a member of St. George's' Anglican
He was initiated into Morningstar Lodge
309 G.R.C. (Carlow) on Sept. I4, 1932 and
was a mason for over 53 years. ' He was past
master of that Lodge and a past principal of
Huron Chapter 30 R.A.M., Goderich.
He was a member of Huron Council 25
R.S.M. Stratford, St. Elmo Preceptory 22
Stratford, Wildwood Lodge 22 R.S.M. and.
Edwin York' Rite College 59. He was also
the past patron of the Eastern Star Blue -
water Chapter 284, ' Goderich.
• Surviving are his wife, the former Nora ,
Aileen Sowerby, one . son, Lorne, of
Goderich and ' two sisters Laura, Mrs.
Frank Shields, of Colborne Township and
Irene, Mrs. William J. Stoddart, of
- He was predeceased, by one sister Ethel
Funeral service and committal were held
in the chapel of Stiles Funeral Home on
Tuq'sday,, Nov. 19 with Rev. Robert J.
Crocker, of St. , Georges Anglican Church
officiating. Interment Maitland Cemetery,
Morningstar Lodge 309 held a service at
the funeral home Monday, Nov. 18.
James Alphonse Leddy
James Alphonse Leddy; who was born in
West Wawanosh Township in 1895, died in
Clinton Hospital on November 23,, 1985.
Active as a farmer in the township until his
retirement to Wingham ten years ago, he
had a particular regard for horses.
Retaining his driving license until a few,
months ago, Jim Leddy-was an ardent fan
and faithful attendant at district harness
racing events:
Jimhad a wide circle of acquaintances
and was known for his gentle Irish w't and
optimism. He was devoted to fartni - and
took particular care to encourage young
men and women taking up farming as
careers in the area. He had a deep personal
regard for St: Augustine R. C. Church
which he.had watched being built in 1903.
Reverend Frank Dentinger, celebrant of
the funeral mass at St. Augustine on Nov.
27 spoke of the material assistance that Jim
had given in the upkeep and renovation of"
the edifice. '
Con -celebrating the funeral mass were
' the Reverend Stan Soltysie of Sacred Heart
Church, Wingham and the Reverend
Edward Dentinger of St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbride. Also present in the sanctuary ..
was the Reverend John- Mooney of port •
Burwell, former pastor in Wingham. 1
Pallbearers were Stuart Chamney, Ted
Robinson, Dennis Leddy, Bert Moss, Wes
Jefferson and Bernard: -Boyle. Steve and
Dean Tiffin were altar boys and Christine
Stapleton was the organist. Flower bearers
were Bill Leddy and Gordon Foran.
Interment was in St. Augustine Cemetery.
Jim Leddy is survived by his " wife
Margaret (nee Jefferson); a sister, Sara
Anstett of Wingham and brother Raymond
of Lucknow.
Milvert Jarvis Reid of Goderich died at
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital ori
November 25, 1985 at the age of 75.
A retired Lucknow area farmer, he was a
member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Vic-
toria Loyal Orange Lddge 710 Clinton and
the Royal Black. Knights.: -
'Born in Ashfield Township on October 30.
1910, he was a son of the late Samuel Reid of
Ashfield Township and the former Matilda
Jarvis of West Wawanosh Township: •
Me married the former Laura ,Mae Con-
gram in 1945 who predeceased him. He mar-
ried the former Gladys Miller of Seaforth
' Besides his wife; Gladys, he is survived by
a daughter, Marion, Mrs. Peter Keil of. Gor-
rie and three sons, Lloyd of. Point Clark,
Keith of Seaforth and Murray of Toronto'. He
is also survived by his stepchildren, Dick
Eisler, Mary Hogue, Doris "Ellison, George
Barwick and Bill Barwick, all :of Goderich,
Bob Barwick. of Orangeville, Jack, and Bill
Eisler of Seaforth and Lloyd Eisler of Kit-
chener, 29 grandchildren and 21 great
Also surviving are. four sisters, Evelyn,
Mrs. Peter Cook of Lucknow, Ruby, Mrs.
Charles McDonald and Doris, Mrs. William
Humphrey, all of Lucknow and Lorna, Mrs.
Gerry Hudson•of London.
He • was predeceased by his first wife,
Laura Congram and a son, Grant in 1948.
The Orange and Black Knights held a'ser-
vice at the Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich
on. Tuesday, November 26,1985•at 9 pan.
The funeral service was conducted from
the Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich on
Wednesday, November 27, 1985 at 2 p.m. by
Rev. G. L. Royal ' of Knox. Presbyterian
Church, Goderich. •
Flowerbearers were Dick Eisler, Ron
Pennington and George Barwick.
Pallbearers were Jim Reid, Doug
Hackett, Bob Cook, Major Youngblut and
Bob Glen.
Burial in Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow:
Margaret Foley of Goderich died ' at
University Hospital on Thursday,
November 28, 1985 in her 82nd year.
A retired school teacher, she was a mem-
br 'of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church,
Goderich and the Catholic Women's League.
Born in Kingsbridge on November 6. 1904,
• she was a daughter of the late Edward Foley
and Mary Sullivan.
She is survived by two sisters, Mary, Mrs.
Edward Johnston and Rita, ' Mrs. James
Johnston, both of Goderich and a brother,
Matthew Foley of Kingsbridge. '
She was . predeceased by 'three sisters,
Sister Appollonia,,' Gertrude, Mrs. .Earl
Drennan., Helena, Mrs. Dan Doyle and three
brothers, John, Michael and Theodore
Funeral mass was held at St: Peter's
Roman Catholic Church, Goderich at 10:30
a.m. on Saturday, November 30, 1985 with
Rev. Joseph Hardy celebrant.
Parish prayers were said at the Mc-
Callum. Funeral Home on Friday evening,
November 29, 1985.
Pallbearers were nephews, Dan Doyle,
Michael Drennan, Dennis Johnston, Bill
Walters, Ronald MacDonald and Bill
Burial in St. Joseph's Cemetery, St.
Joseph's Roman Catholic Church,