HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-12-04, Page 51Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 4, 1985 -Page '5 ..
Blyth Festival to workshop op new crop ot plays
If you thought nothing happens at the
Blyth Festival Over the winter months,
think again! Katherine Kaszas, Artistic
Director, announced today that three new
scripts, currently under consideration for
the 1986 season, would be workshopped at
the beginning of December. "I am very
excited about the opportunity these work-
shops give to actors,, directors, and of
course the playwrights themselves. To
have them all come to ; Blyth, away from the
noise and stress of city life; is wonderful �a
chance to really concentrate on the work in
progress," she said today.
The workshops will begin on Dec. 2,
culminating in an entire day of public
Annual concert held
On Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. the Lucknow
Presbyterian Sunday School held their
annual Christmas concert in the church
Prior to the program Christmas music
was played on the piano by Angela Cran-
ston, Alesha Moffat and Brock Raynard.
Rev. Allison.Ramsay • welcomed everyone
and the program opened with the Sunday
School members singing several Christmas
selectionsunder the direction of Norma
June Gilchrist, the Sunday School Super-
intendent, introduced the membersof the,,:,
classes as they took their part in the
program. .
The kindergarten and preschool class
gave recitations, which are always enter-
taining. Those taking part, were: Kristi
Cranston, Ean Moffat, Craig. Moffat, Julie
Cleland, Alicia de Boer, Paula Kwan,
Jolene Emberlin and Jennifer Moffat.
Their teachers are Debbie Emberlin and. ''
Marg Wilson.
The Grade 1 - 1 class taught by Jackie
Murray and Mae' Raynard, ' performed' a
skit. entitled' "The Manger Creche", with
the audience helping by singing Christmas
Carols. Those taking part were Michael
Cranston, Matthew de Boer, .Sonia Jones,
Mark Nobert, " Trevor Moffat, Andrew
Cleland, . Lee Drennan, Lisa Kwan and
Joshua Emberlin:
The audience t then sang, "There's a
Song in the Air". .
A pageantwas performed by Chad
Moffat, . Angela Cranston, Michael. de
, Boer, Alesha Moffat and Christopher
Jones. Teachers are Judy de Boer and
Susan Moffat.
The senior class took part in a play called
"The Visit of the Wishing Lady". The•
characters were: Jennifer Cranston, Jenny
Cooper, Brock Raynard, Jackie Wilson,
Sarah Nelson and 'Kristi Stanley. Their
teachers are. Lillian Jones and June
Offering was'then collected by Brock
Raynard' and Michael de Boer. This
offering is forwarded to the Children's Aid
Society in Walkerton.
Rev. Ramsay closed the program with.
prayer and those taking part in the
program were presented with 'treats, and
refreshments were served to the audience.
Update'so.il knowledge
On Dec. 5, at 7.30 p.m. in the OMAF
boardroorh in Clinton, -a soil conserva-
tion update meeting will be held.. This is
your chance to express .your opinions on
current local and provincial initiatives
and where you think they, should head in
the future. Representatives from the
Ontario Chapter of the Soil Conserva-
tion. Society, of America, the Ontario •
'Institute of Agrologists, the Ontario Soil
and Crop • Improvement Association, the
Huron 'Soil and Crop Management As-
sociation, Soil and Water Conservation
District, the • Ontario Federation of
Agriculture and the Christian Farmer's
Federation of Ontario will be on hand to
present their views.
This meeting is jointly sponsored, by
the Soil Conservation Society' of .Amer-
ica, the Ontario Chapter and the Ontario
Institute of'Agrologists. Refreshments
will ' be provided.
readings, and discussions with the actors,
directors, and playwrights, on Dec. 13.
The plays to be workshopped are: Sister
Jude by David Carley. An amusing look at
presbyterianism in small town Ontario,
through the eyes of a brother and sister -
whose reactions to their strict upbringing
are very different. Originally from Peter-
David Carley is also the author of
Scoops which was performend at Port
Stanley Summer Theatre last summer. The
director will . be Bob • White, • Artisitic
Director of Factory Theatre in Toronto.
Gone to Glory by Suzanne Finlay: Two
elderly women struggle on their meagre
pensions in the British Columbia interior.
This is a comedy about their lives and
eccentricities in the small brightly -coloured
shack they call home. Another of Suzanne
Finlay's plays, Monkeyshines, was a big
hit at BC's Bastion Theatre recently.
Katherine Kaszaswill direct. % Another
Season's Promise by Anne Chislett and
Keith •Roulston: A heart -rendering story
about a farm family struggling to keep the
farm from going bankrupt. Anne Chislett is
well-known across Canada as the author of
The Tomorrow Box and the. award-winning
Quiet in the Land.' Blyth resident Keith
Roulston has written several plays for. the
Blyth Festival, including The Shortest
Distance Between Two Points. This is their
first joint venture. •Ms Kaszas will also
direct this workshop. .
The tentative schedule for the readings
on December 13 is; 10 a.m., Sister Jude
(reading and discussion); 12 p,m. lunch; 1 -
3, Gone'to Glory (reading and discussion);
3:30 - 4, break; 4 - 6, Another Season's
Promise (•reading and discussion); 6 - 8,
Reception -. The•, Blyth Festival's Open
House and Christmas Party.
The day's events will all take place in the •
Blyth Memorial Hall, and are open to the.
public. Anyone wishing to attend all or part
of the day's activities, should call the Blyth
Festival at 523-4345.
Come in and see
usinour brand
new building. •
We've, greatly
increased our
bay area to
bring you more
efficiency in
the repairs '& r
maintenance `
of your cars
With winter just around
the corner, now's the time
to bring in your car or
truck for winter tune-ups.
Watch The Sentinel for Our Grand Opening Celebrations!