HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 8Christmas Gifts The most beautiful array of G1FT8 ever shown is now on tllspiaj. The prices are very moderate. Britt( your shopptug list and browse around at your convenience. - DAINTY. BOXED Awn ova • Book Depart- ment Shelves loaded with good Books suitable for everyone, from the beautiful leather-bound Books to the lovely display for the child- ren. 1IAND1SOME LEATHER et ••Handbags FOR LADIES GENTLEMEN'S BILLFOLDS, KE1••TAINES,TIE RACKS, PARKER W MERMAN'S and SCH AEFFEWS Pens and Pencils in all the latest colors. $1.25 to $10.00 s Notepaper and Correspondence Cards PRICED FRIM 25c to $3.00 PER BOX Inchaneand English 4 t rassware in all the useful pieces, such as VASES, TRAYS, ROT WATER K ETTLES, Ete. DONT FORGET YOI'It Christmas Candles and Decorations in the latest colors. CELLOPHANE in all the color- for wrapping your unreels. Sec our tables of ENGLISH OHINA. Specially price.) at 3 t is. and :00.•. Dail forget that DOLL for the little girl. Cole's BookStore -STORE OPEN EVENINGS -UNTIL _C,14RISTMAS VtaCtertetMesitMCCIMCCIEMSCICCICICX 'ra..a .7s wc.i THE SIGNAL )FORTH STREET W. K. 8. lire. Hetherington Chosen Chosen as Prodder* at Annual =otiose( OlkenThe W if 8. of North street United church held their annual meeting for the election of omceri esa Monday afternoon. The report of the uomin- atiug committee was adopted without cheat* and Me following officers wilt at the January ;melting:Modem& .14101f� Colborne, Stewart, and Tom ; pte�1 dent, Mrs. I. Hetherington; vice-presi- dents, Mesdames Hamilton, McKay, Watts and Graham; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Wm. Strachan, with ]Ira. P. W. Currie as assistant; correspondingn secretary, Mrs. Wm. Rive; treasurer, Miss V. J. Robertson; . cretarlea of departments: Christian stewardship, Mrs. W. J. Andrew; strangers, Mrs. W. C. Pridham and Mrs. Wilcock; supply, Mrs. T. Johustou and Mrs. so 1t. J- Iiow. and ; astate helpers, Mrs. C. M. Rob- ertson and Mrs. S. J. Wark; literature, Mrs. Wm. Rivers; Missionary Month- ly, Miss A. Davidson and Mrs. A. Bu- chanan; temperance, Mrs. M. W. How- ell ; press. Miss V. G. Robertson; anp erintendents: Mission Circle, Miss E. Buchanan ; C.G.I.T., Misses Bailie and Cheer: Mission hand, Mutes Bradford, Andrew and Cooper; Baby Band. Mrs. Fulford. Miss A. Jenkins, and Mrs. P. J. Cantelon; planist, Mrs. J. T. Fell; auditors, Mesdames Hern and Attkea; finance committee, Mesdames R. Ryan, rid and Glrviu; representative to the official board, Mrs. Ilerheritigt After the election of officers Mrs. P. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES to TORONTO Saturday, December -17th GOING: Leave fladerieb -8:4'• a -m.. and 2.30 pact.. RETI'RNiNG: Tickets good up to Monday. i)ecember 19th. Bey tickets in :. I..t..,• from Town and Depot Agents. $230 RETURN Ti.ke4s g.»•.1 in �r ( orches --fillip. tategage checked. Children 5 yuan and ' under 12, half fare. CANADIAN NATIONAL • T-182) TAX NOTICE - TOWN OF GODERICH - Mg_ l0t_..lp,)'_4- m' Ill of 21x1 installment 1932- Taxes. - Penalty added Deeember 1113th. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector. GODERICH, ONT. A*RdltRlne.'T,7Rrt',,3 The Vote, in Monday's Elections AIRFIELD FOR REEVE Polling division 1 i2 3, 4 • 5 6 Matheson 60 81 85 4T 82 106 McKenzie 114 79 57 74 41 32 7 86 32 Majority for Matheson -127 - _•_ _. ,,., FOR COUNCILLOOPe 014 t- BRIEF'S:, See these kerbs. roots and barks in their raw state at Campbell's Drug Store. Ilea Elsie Bradford if reported to be Total much better this week rad her amen- ities tion has taken a much.more favorable 429 turp. The Victoria Home and ikt►ool >u4e ii ' me5tlCiubag Pmoon. December 15, Culbert 95 61 61 89 36 43 51 386 Parrish 61 73 93 00 91 113 106 008 Johertoa-n,..r,,vivo-or 100 53 56 114 28 12 2e 435 Sherwood i)8 84 00 53 78 38 32 443 Zinn 18 109 106 40 86 71 49 478 Farrish, Zinn and Sherwood elected WEST WAWANO8E FOR REEVE Polling dlvtslon 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mole 89 28 32 49 32 11 Stewart 84< 129 46 54 48 44- Majoribe for Stewart -184 FOR COUNCILLORS Aitchison 48 70 43 81 Gammie 43 63 51 74 Leishman 80 46 20 31 McQuililn 70 88 48 65 Walsh 29 66 28 34 38 32 227 Webster; 115 101 48 78 48 33 423 Webster, McQuillin, Aitchison and Gammie elected 43 34 51 31 20 13 48 36 OS ?bateau .at 4 pm. The Saltation Aewy L 'Steele( pots ea the Square for Christmas cheer, lu aid of the town relief fund, and Invites contributions from the townspeople. Mr. Thomas Anderson, Napier street, who has had poor health for some weeks, had a severe attack on Saturday, but this week Is reported Total somewhat better. 721 The Central Home and School Club 405 hill hold its Chttatwaa meeting ou Monday afternoon, December 12, at 4 p.m. Rev. J. N. H. M111s will give an address and there will (te a musical program. Ttip Goderich Beauty Sboppe bas a special offer in permanent waves from now until Christmas: Shampoo. per- manent wave and timer wave, all for $3.50. Thha will make an !deal Christ- mas gift for you or your friends. Make your appointment now, as there is a limited number. Phare 556. The ('ollegiate is again indebted to the generosity of the 1.(JLD.E. (Ahmeek sbjlttrr), the Catholic Women's League. the Lion Club sad the -Lit- erary Society for the prizes to be given to the winners of the public speaking contests. The senior contest for boys and girls of the middle and the upper school will take plac(ew oft Friday even- ing of next week (lleceother ltkh) in MacKay Hall, i.eginning et 8 o'clock. A eih er-collection win. be Ukelele defray exdesees. 317 313 210 835 0. 0. F. SCORE SUCCESS let us show the same spirit,' said His Worship. Big ('rowd at Relief Fund Benefit Drawing the tickets for fowl book Wednesday Night 'e. the following holding lucky n•_-_ hers:' Turlreps, William Carter, G. E. The Oddtellows' Hall was filled to W. Currie took the chair for the den- a capacity on Wednesday night on the oc- !lonal program- The Scripture lesson. rostra of tete old-time fiddlers' contest Luk -,{'s beautiful account of the birth of held by the local Court of the Order of Ch at. was read by Mrs. A. Buchanan. Foteeten for the benefit of the civic Mrs. Wattle offered prayer, and Mrs. W. relief fund. J. McNevin read the story of "The Organizer Percy E. Perrin acted as Wcuaan ]Vbo.laver.to Radiate Hopp!-. chairman of tate meettng and in his nest." A ('torus, "Joy to the World." opening remarks expressed appreeta- was splendidly rendered by a double tion of the splendid co-operation given quartette, consisting of Mesdames Rob -1 the Order In cal rposes. _ "'etre" .-rwwvn. Rowell, Nattel, Moore. John,..-pn Squires (Clapplson's Corner), O. Johnston, and Mise Marguerite Fal- coner; geese, K. Kneeebaw, Devitt Warner (Hayfield), G. Carpenter; ducks, D. N. Patterson, W. Webb, O. Ingles and W. C. Lee; chickens. W. M. Barker, Peter Spain, Dr. W. P. Callow, Prod-- Flownn- W. -haddock,--its Church, P. T.. Turner, J. H. Lauder, H. Miller (Kincardine) and D. Drennan. I money for relief Old-time dancing pat the finishing .ton, Barbour, Kershaw and Hewitt, $171M-1971-7 rill -Adel -ion as'Aare-ilSifH- Th. -fastasa=-at=tbs=*tnaiag;-•- 1114""^ - - - - - Ist. Mrs. •W. J. Andrew fiddlers' contest, was divided into four gate ," inter- � groups: Under 21 years of age, 21 to ' estinR talk on "The Blue Book." trod-' R BAY FIELD Ing well-chosen selections from nal40 years, 40 to 60 years, and over 60. , %%vaith of information. The closing Entries and winners were as follows: Il k3FIF:LI1. Dec. T -Bev. R. V. prayer was offered by Miss V. G. Rob- I l'nder 21, Harry Schram (winner) and `Gale attended the Presbytery meeting DIED -aORHON,-Io-Asbtield tow -Tbar'sday, Hee- ember - don, to his 6018 year. McCOLL-At Toronto, on Friday, De- cember 2nd, Margaret ]I<•Coll, widow of the late Alexander M.t'oll, aged 75 years. DALTON. -In Ashfield township, on Thereelay.-December 8, Mary', beloved wife of Morgan Dalton. agel 87 years. - The funeral teniae w at St. Joseph's church, Ringabridge, Saturday morning. December 10th, at 9.30 o'clock. LACEY.-In Goderleh, on Thurwlay, December 8th, Mary, widow of Thomas Lacey, aged 82 years. Funeralfrom ber late residence, Wolfe street, Saturdat, December 10th, at 8.45 o'clock. to St. Peter's church,- and hurch;and thence to R.C. cemetery, Colborne. 1 M -MI MORLAM HOWBON.-In loving memory of Chas. A. Howson, who passed away two yeatettgo-December 9th. 1930. "There are loved ones in the glory, Whom we miss so here below. They are welting for our coming, On that bright celestial shore." -Sadly missed by WIFE AND DAUGHTER. ertson_ PIANO BENCHES AT FACTORY PRICES Onler one now for Christmas The Goderich Organ Co. Ltd., Goderich. Ont. ' James Fa.rrtah ; 21 to 40, Tom Stogie I, (wiener*, John Farriah and Jim hind. say; 40 to 60, John Farriah (winner) , mrd Alex. McDonald; over 00, William Ilyde, Ilenaall (winner), and James f Blae[. Mr. John Farriah, Leeburn, won the solid gold medal in a contest between the wtnneis of the various groups, •• Mayor Lee presenting the medal. The winner were selected by Siemens. H. Blackstone, J. Hacking and William tillreriteRNIEVIEVICTrIte Johnston, who judged the contestants from behind It screen so that they Your ! our B 1y multi no[oee who was playing. The following received entries for the groups and presented prizes to the winners: E. Breckenridge, Percy Bar- i ker. W. F. H. Price, and H. G. Ar - At Least A Half Dozen bony. ,,, Names on your Christmas sopping list can be- stroked off by this one ,• " - tuggiettlotl-.gtve Beauty V. Gifts this Christmas. May we not help you? ASK US ABOUT OUR BEAUTY CERTIFICATE Beauty Culture Shop Pthpne 536 Gederieh On the Square at North Street HNECH'rEL CELEBRATES WITH A FRSs PREMIUM. Or 14 PiscES OF KiTCHSN ALUMINUM 7WAEE 1 Mayor Lee was called upon to speak, and volved his appreciation of the - I splendid patronage given the event. He -pointed out that for each dollar raised e •reef here, the 'Federal awl Pro- vincial Governments granted oue dol- lar each. Ile warned citizens not to eve food or money to transient& btu to refer them to the chief of pollee. They would recelre a good meal and It cost the town only six and two-thirds cents, the other two-thirds being paid by the Governments. "Nobody is go- ing to go hungry if we can help it," be stated. Erneet Breckenridge gave a delight- ful saxophone solo, and Carleton Dair supplied piano selections at intervals In the program. Organizer Percy Perrin thanked the audience for the splendid turnout, and outlined in brief the work of the Can- adian Order of Foresters. He an- nounced that it had beam proposed to make this event an annual affair. Brother Albert Barker presented a i financial report which showed receipts and expenditures eo far as they had been able to compute them at the time. The report showed that the sale of tickets had netted ;60, drawing tiekets 9137 and donations ;12. Expenses amounted to ;60.40, leaving a balance of shoat ;150, every cent _of which would go to the relief fund. Mayor Leecexpressed his thanks to the Order for having made possible this substantial addition to the relief fund, and asked the citizens to coop erste by sending old clothes and stock- ings to the town hall for distribution. "During the war the ladies knitted socks; now we have an economic war- This New Knechtel Kitchen �roup • Specially designed for this unusual Event ter Knedstel Kitchen Kabinet, Knechtel KAMM TAM Knechtel Kitchen Chairs --s complete new Kaedat14 EltebM Group at the specially low price of and a FREE PREMIUM of first grade Aluminum Waw, inaapriaing *mitten pieces of Kitchen Utensils. thus A.ntLh wg you with Ma entirely new outfit of cooling Utensils for year kit n. 011111e in and see this remarkable value. i. 161.50 Old Sores Soon Healed or Money Back Never think yon have to put np with ou don't! And you ahould'nt, for $b7 xray lead to something ser- ious.- No matter how long you have had them, get after them at once with Em- erald 011 and they'll heal over as nice is can be in no time. If this soothing, healing, anttaeptic oil doesn't quickly clear them up. nays Wipe's Drug Store, get your money hack and see a doctor. 7 J. R. WHEELER Hamilton St. Goderloh The Lai Ma's Stye Everything that's new in Meng Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure Chas. Black Phone 919 Ocxlerieh ratt at Egmondville on Tuesday. The Bayfield branch of the Bible -So- ciety are bolding their annual meeting 1n flo Preshyterian church on Sun- day evening at 7 o'clock, when the of- ficers bficers will be appointed for the new year. The service will be.vnducted by Revs. R. V. Gale and F. H. Paull. Mrs. Fulton and son Wilfrid, of Big- gar, Sask., visited last week with the forwer's stater, Mrs. P. Weston. Miss Mildred Cameron returned to Detroit last Friday. Mr. Lauder Buchan, of Windsor, is visiting his sister, Mrs. N. -VF We The Ladies' Guild of Trinity church met last Thursday at the home of Mrw 0. King- Sasttisi Btatrtgaret.--A very pleasant evening was spent In the basement of 8L Andrew's United church, Bayfield, Wednesday, November 30th, when a splendid supper was prepared by the ladles of the congregatlorl. Everything arae there to delight the palate, ere°. to "haggis." which was a speetal for those of more pronounced Scottish _Q. toast list was presented after the supper, Rev. R. M. Gale acfiu( air toastmaster. Mr. A. E. Erwin re- sponded to the toast to the King, after the National Anthem had been sung • Mr. E. F. Merrier, "Our Country:" Mr. Colin Campbell. "The Church ;" Mr. Jas. Sterling, "The Ladles;" Mr. Don McKenzie. "Scotland." The audience joined in singing patriotic and other numbers between the toasts. A Scot- tish program followed. Mr. A. E. Er- win sang "Annie Lamle:" quartette numbers by Messrs. Gale, Rhen. Erwin and Sterling, "Ye Banks and Braes:' and "Highland ',addle." Mrs, R. S•otehmer and Mr. Gale sang"Hunting- tower" and "Matrimonial Sweettt;" Mr. Eben, "Lamle o' Mine." and "Early in the Morning." Mr. .1 Sterling ap- peared in Scottish costume and sang "I Love a Lamle," and "The Reaon Why I Wear the Kilta." Mr. Gale played a few Scottish numbers on his violin. These numbers were Interspersed with short addressee and humorous stories from Mr. Edwards, Mr. Cameron and Mr. L. Thomson. Miss Gladys Osie acted"M accompanist throughout the program. The evening closed with the singing. of "Auld Lang Syne" and the benetiict ion. L. 0. 4 Oieera,-I.O.L. No. 24 bell their annual meeting on Monday. De- cember 5th. The following omeers were appointed: W.M., John Castle; D:M., W. Westlake; chaplain, A. E. Er- win ; recording secretary, N. Heard; financial secretary, E. A. Featherston ; treasurer, H. Stinson; marshal, G. Sturgeon; ler-toter. W. J. McLeod ; de- puty lecturer, W. McDool ; committee men, Wm. .1. Elliott. Robt. Orr, Chas. Gemeiahardt H. )acieod, Wm. Orr; auditors, A. F Erwin and W. J. Mc- Leod. it was decided to 'have a euchre and dance. More pertienlara later. Tea and Sale. -On Saturday, Deeem- her 3141. the girls' branch of the WA. held a snecesstul tem and male of Chriet- mae glfta In the Orange Hall, which was taMefn1ly de crated for the. oeca- aton. The Ohristmee tree, whieh held nee- and ten -cent gifts, was in charge of Mn. H. K. Moorehoase. The home- made eandy table and Christmas cards were in charge of Insane Nina Heard and Vine Herbert; fancy gifts, Betty Gairdner and Doris Featherstone. Mn. R. H. F. Oairdner poured tea. The pro- eeeds amounted to over 126. • LOST OR FOUND LQer.-LEATHER CASE OONTAIN- INa rosary. Finder please leave at MORAL OFYICL - CARD OF THANKS .3 WE TACE THIS OPPORTUNITY OE rr tendert* our grateful thaab t $!os3ts kindnesses extended during the illness of the late Mr. Gordon and to the time of bereavemept. WIFE, SISTERS AND BROTH2E2. YRS. WM. GLAZIER AND FAMILY take this means of expressing thele sincere appreciation of the many kind- nesses extended to them by neighbors and friends In their reeent sad be- reavement. They wish old to express their gratitude to beta vim so I111167 Loaned their cars. PUBLIC NOTICE . PUBLIC NOTICE. To insure payment this year, alt ac- counts against the Town of Goderich must be rendered ■t once. L.' L KNOX, Town Clerk. NOTICE OF MEETING -AL ►14AA - MARINE- AND OEN-- ERAL HOSPITAL. ASSOCIATION. The annual mteting of the Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital As- soeiatton-will be held In MacKay Hall, Goderich, on Monday, j)aestppsr 12th, 1932, at 8 o'clock p.a., All members of the-doresiatIon are requeited to attend. T. G. CONNON, Secretary. UNGIXEERLNG Rl!Ti`a- CASEY.-CONST'IIPING and Municipal EngineerilW, Drain- age. Land Surveying. Brenn*• Temple Building. Goderich, Ont. ('hone 230. A (CTW NEERLNG 'riiUMAB UUNDRY, GODERICIt. *IID GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction Fanners' sale notes diecoonted. (I MEDICAL F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT Late House Surgeon New Tort Opo theimie and Aural Hospital, aselataat at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St 8., Stratford. Tele. pbone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, from 7 o'clock on the evening of third Monday of each month tel the following Tues- day at 1 p.m. DRUGLESS PRACT•_TIONER CHARTERED ACCOITNTANT 1rItAt "ler`` 0fEIS ' • CHARTERED}t A►RACTOR AND DRUGLESS .--�_,..z,. H ERA P 1ST Accountant. ' 102 Ontario street 1 Oodericb, Phone 341. Stratford Phone 1580. Rea. 111301 Egnlpped with electro-magascle - batba. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Otlroeic, organic and Here's a real Christmas g1it for yon from the (Wench Beauty Rhoppe: Your hair cat, shampooed and waved all for 85c. for ono week before and one week after (Ahristmas. KEN AND WOKEN WAl1TEDI Qnalify for better pay as garage me - chanting, battery, welding, electrical, barber and beauty culture ezperta. Bhort training 1 regal ie �e for i.lteratnr*. bailie Head Oases •79 area Street, West, Taub. LA1IIIIIII4110110112411 r' gni. s ae r.f1it4i"n fa; w,1 it" largest residence- It contains several thrummed rex thetchave aeon adder* from nine to time since It was hagna In the reign d emperor Constantine. eine, 1377 k has Aeon the only maw Mr home, of the Roman pontiffs MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PRO- PERTY. RO- PERTY. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will 1* produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on Saturday. December 10th. 1932, at the hour of 2 o'eloek to the afternoon. at the premises, the follow- ing property: Part of the South Part of Lot Num- ber Fight, Lake Range Concession, W. D., Township of Colborne. This is Lake Shore property with a large barn and no bonne. TERMS -Twenty per cent. cash at the time of the sale and the balance V thirty days. For further particulars appy to HAYS & HAYS; -0aKeglai(k-- !Widtors fol the Mortgagees, or to TH08. GUNDRY & BOPI, Auctioneers. Ooderich, Ont. FOR BALE OR RENT 'r0 RENT. -HEATED APARTMENT. Modern In every detail. Possession any time after November 1st- HAYS & HAYS, Barrieten, Goderich. TO LET --PARTLY • FURNISHED APARTMENT; living -room, dining alcove and kitchenette. Farnacc- bested and electricity. Apply PARK HOUSE. Vint BALE, -A SMALL QUEBEC 1 heater, in good condition. Also 24 lengths of pipe. Want to bay a good. fire -proof safe, but moat be cheap. Ap- ply to SiGNAL OFFICE. v0R BALE.--GROO>ERY SMOCK AND I' FIXTURES. W111 either sell or rent store and dwelling in connection. Rent reasonable. JAB. H. PiPE, cor- ner Victoria and Nelson streets, Ood- erich. WARM. COMFORTABLE FLAT FOR rent, on 1St- Vincent street All eonvenienees-garage, garden, lawn. and spacious verandah- Formerly part late Judge Doyle mildest*. I. W. HOWELL, Phone 213 or K TO RXAT. - BEVEN-ROOMED house on Keays street, with modern cmaveMPneee: as rage and chicken house; one and ■-half lots. Mae six - roomed apartment nn South street: modern convenietheea. Ream and board if required. J. E. HARMS/ELL, Keays street. 'ARI TOR SALM-FORTY Al7RE8 more et Iona. TM property of the late i:. W. 0. Nafts4 deeatd at . ddpd Beast street w the eoeties'u `moi ias'BitllMBatei��atralls' workshop.. .taoa; atMdas well (3E6 tooth SO Net b efR rsior i pd fruit trent, IML lgaltnrat, dlw to wheels Rad Mmr*sa fait 11air7•or par- ticulars rtieeMrs apply sa the itrelbllr1. sr to PRRQT or WILL NA /7. servoua diseases. Lady la attendasce Offle'e hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p -n., 'excepting Monday and Thursday asd by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office`-C,oraer of South street and Britannia road. MUSIC RAYMOND FLEMINo PLAYER. Organist and Choirmaster of North Street United Church, an- nounces that he is prepared to accept pupils in piano, organ, theory, and vocal. Terms on application. RM - deuce and studio, Newgate Street. WR. H. N. LiVENS, PT'PiL OF THE Royal Conservatory. Leipzig, Oer- tYny. _Teacher of piano, organ, vocal, alt trteonlr. Terme on application. BEDFORD HOTEL or KNOX CHURCH. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office --Hamilton street, Goderich Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor. Omce-Hamilton street, Godericb. Telepbooe 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successorto J.:.. Killoran. Phoebe97. Office -The Square, Goderich. 'FRANK DONNELLY, B. A. J Banister, Solicitor, Etc. Omce-Hamtltoa Street, Goderlek. Phone 262. HAYS & HAYS, Ll Barristers and Bolletton R. C. Hays. B.C., and R C. Hays, B.A. Hamilton street, Ooderich Telephone 88. VRNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor B an Life Building. AAoanide and Vit - torts streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 6801. INSURANCE, LOAN0. ETC. McKILLOP MUTiiAL ruts 'SOUK- AMOR CO --Tars and isolated town property immured. Omenn - John Bseneweel1as,,, Pros„ Rrodkagea P.O.; Janes Oons.ity, Vies' Ooderieb P.O.: D. T. Nedra'sr, B ee.- , Matertb P.O. Dtnctovs-A. Bnadtest, RA. Ns L B eafortk : James Polars), Walton • Wm. Kee, 1 oadeaboro: itobert fret Oso. McOartaay, LL ms. S safrrtb ; /Ms Pepper, Bree.Bda. Sleett:: e owe 1- Asp, Seeder& t Jris Iter -or, P*Bey.ta cars res masa all sad get trot cords e.ralpt j afayts Ms stmt. onteneb... Dor�sr�� Ql . t Qiltrrl t•*r► 7 ■. *Mf'e artl Mises IMAM/ • • 5- 1