HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 7Brophey Bros. THE iZA.DINO P JNRRAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance vendee at all hors, day or fight PHONICS: Store 120 Res. 217 QODEIIICM IPercy Clark, of Wlugham, (tad hes right arm broken while cranking his car one day last week. On Friday (art Mr. and Mrs. George .c • THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. County and District J. R. Wheeler Fv.er.1 Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night AMBULANCE SERVICE • PHONES 1116 --- -- Residence 355w Hamilton Goderich THE COCKSHUTE IMPLEMENT SHOP Wire Feacug Cream Separators Repairs for Cockshutt, Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 Kingston Street Goderich Baynhaw, of (entrain*, celebrated w their fltty-thise� adding ettnieereary. aloeiioise lu Brussels, be property fit Mimes Ybllet-k, was de - by fire eerly Friday morning last. Rev. M. A. Hunt, formerly of lirant- ford, has assumed his new duties as rector of Trlvltt Memorial church, Exeter. The bread war at I;\xeter reached a climax when bread from outside the village was brought in and sold at three loaves for ten cents. William Guest, a furmer resident of Wlugham, died last week at Mount Brydges, at the age of seventyelght years. The remains were brought to Wlugham for Interment. Th d tl red at Clinton on Th. ea a Ol'(•u Saturday of Sarah Marlow, widow of David Tlplady. in her seventy-ninth year. lh•teaetd is survived by a broth- er, Walter Marlow, of Goderich. Nell Tllonupson, of Blyth, passed away November 25th at the age of six- ty years. Surviving are his wife, three sons and one daughter. The burial took place at Uhepstow, where deceased The death occurred on Sunday of Richard Roy Fletcher, thirty-three years of age, at his home on the Lou- d u road three miles south of Exeter. u Det -ahem( is eurvlved by his wife and -1 two young children. Four persons of Wingham vicinity f Monumental Works GOOUICH, ONTARIO Best Materials -Leh* .Desiglis F.zpert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Price. 11 salted re•e•ntly to spend Christmas to the ONd Ffontry: Mrs. W Illiam El- ston and son, Bernard, of Morris town- ship; Miss Nelile+Ltllow, of Bluevale, and Alfred Agar, of Turnberry. Henry Brenner, of the Stanley .1.tnw sltlp-heitedery, bed November 22nd at. the age of years -He was a native of Hay township. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Jos, 'feebler of Stanley. At the i nite( church manse, Bruce - field ou Wednesday, November 30, R. r1. -t V Visits-Atae..oa1j aughter_ot Mr. and P. O. set 161 Coieriehe hitt.' Wis. Thomas Wheeler of 'Brumfield, was united in marriage to Charles H. 1 • iia-h.rraa nf- -tkretferd. v If you want to save on Candy or Furniture GO TO Blackstone's ' On the Bra i L,, j_. ooda'ich" Hullett township, palmed away Novem- ber 36th hi bis ninety -set -mid year. Bonn In Halton county, he came to Goderich township when a boy of twelve. After bis marriage he moved I9 a„f.alln.ltl ttx.__.WA- thirteen yearn ago and one moa three daughters survive: John, on the homestead ; Mrs.Thtld4James o[ Wi ham, Mn. John Watkin. of Clinton and Miss Lottie at home. Bars Burned in Morris The barn on the firm of W. H. Armstrong, Morris township, about two miles from Betgrave, was completely destroyed by fire Just atter midnight Thursday night last. All the live stock was saved except a few pigs, the bin- der, buggy end harness also ware saved; but the remaining contents, the driving shed, car and Implements were destroyed. The loss Is partially cov- ered by Insurance. Death .f J. E. McDenrll Johu E. McDonell, formerly a well- known merchant of Hensel'. diel on Saturday at London, where he had lived since retiring from business. lie was a native of Exeter and burial took plate at the Exeter cemetery. Besides his wife, a brother and two skater.. survive: Charles A., of Hensall; bffss Susan. of Exeter, and Mrs. E. A. Bennett, of .akatoon.. The _late tern. _ (Judge) Dickson ut Goderich was a sister of the deceased. W. 8. McK.reher Passes The death occurred Tuesday, Novem- ber 29t1,, at his home in Wroxeter of William S. McKercher, in his seventy- fourth year. Deceased had beep 111 elnee last May. For over forty years lee was secretary -treasurer of the How• WHITECHURCH WHITECHURCH, Dec. S.--Rewew- ber the meeting of the Women's Insti- tute to be held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Leggett on Friday, Deember 9. The roll can is to be answered by a gift tv the Children's Shelter at Wal- kerton. Mr. Wu. . Falconer of Isugside Is rpeading the winter at the home of Mr. awl Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Mr. John Stein and sou Chester, of Win- (ardlne, have purchased a bake shop s.1 W heatiey. - - _ _ �.- Miss Frances Rubinson of Wingham spent the week -end with Miss Florence Beecroft. Metiers. Amos Cornelius, Price Scott, K. W e+ver, Robt. Csrrlck, Wilfred Jacques, and Geo. McQubld have been off rabbit -bunting during the past week. The annual .business weettng of, the W.M.S. of Chalmers ehurch it being held on Thursday, December 13. Mrs. A. held, who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Balfour, in Lucknow, returned to her home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Farrier spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs John D. Ross of Huron township. 1 1'buretday, December /Rh,' 1982-1f Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON Goderich, Qut. accepted the challeuge, not knowing its full weaning, but they saw in It new possibilities for their development ahtng new ways. They had been living use- ful Ilene but in a restricted area. On the other hated St. Paul had been ae- Ilme In a wider and altogether dlfer- fivorably Situated. Tp.y were to caro for the well-being of their souls, minds, bodies and aortal and charitable solei- • ties and the result was that their hearts were lifted up lu very great gladness. Jesus called Ills disciplee apart that they might rest and take over their de - cut sphere, but wheu called ht. too re- hugs and receive strength tor further sieuided and entered'uu a newer, Pullet work. The proper use of leisure aids lifes all the rest of a usan'a dally life. 1 of saltation take flue cup, her. 4-IJving with Poe of Odin ' On God's name will I call, Rases. WESTFIELD -3olaw 4:5.11: Arts 11:31.31. -Yeka- 3aiti a,...r 1:J1 pay •!ewte pow to be Lord L Dear In God's sight 1. His smite' death. Thy eervesft, Lord, am 1 t ---- Thy servant sure, Thine handwald'e son; ley bands Thou deist turtle. -Scottish Psalter • • • 8. 8. LESSON TOR DEC. 18, 11132 Lemon Topic -Review: Christian Standards of Life. Lesson Passage-IPhII. 3:8-14. Golden 'Eext-Luke 9 :23. Oct. 2 -The l'brlstiali s I)r,otlo,a.l Life. -Matthew 6:3-15; 11 Timothy 3:14-17. -11 Peter 3:18. We find In the Bible and iu other i t...: - Jesus began the breaking do of amih --the tartition_ B'liLchbatLa0 long.. Aela n1 .-fth •rll, of Goderich, spent the week- -the Jews and Gentiles. He entered iter stater, lies Sohn Cowan. into Intimate a ttversatlun w!th a Sa- maritan woman anti revealed to her the meaning of true we rrhip. Ar Ile was ieavlug,His disciple* for the last time, Ile eummisstoned them to disciple all uatlone and In obedience to that command we read of Peter's preaching to a company gathered In the house of Ceraettus, a' centurion of the Italian band. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oodktu speut mitered writings that "luau cannot live Sunday in Wingham with Mr. and by bread alone" and that prayer Is the Mrs. Gordon tiodkln. bridge that licks up the needy one to Quite a number from Chalmers the source of supply. It is, as one church gathered at the home of Mr. -writer puts 1t. "the root. the fountain. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt ou Monday even- the mother of a thousand blesaings." Mc radpresentedthem witkrtwe .plea- When it ir..nettlectwi ur 0147-Isnif.heart: did chairs, a chesterfield table and a radio stool. Lunch was served and a pleasant evening was speut by all. The regular business meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church will be held on Wednesday. December 14. Mr. Wagoner ofXhestley and Mr. Aldir Punlon of L€amington took large truckloads of ■pples from thea eon - ick Mutual Fire Insurance Company sonify on Monday, Mr. Wagoner tak- HP was tater married. the first wife Ittg sevOnty-four barrels from Mr. Ab passing away in 1107 and the second Cameron lu Aahtleld. lie also took Nurr brin . Twu softs, -Robert. of Mon- treal, and Stewart, -of-Omskat,sou, stir- Its'_ .ns.kltrer w'dumg oi'71rt"meet Mr.. Jas. Plowman of 1)t nybronk was working --these are the ' alternate l elebrated un Saturday last at ,their chords on which the is of our lice•= 1 huwe• where about sixty- relatives and should be struck:" neighbors gatherer) to the aftenoxitu I 04.t.16 -iia• Ione and the ('-' and pr seutel them with a shower of -a1ttmtnanmwere. s -_ - - - - ItAYFIELD I lute utiel for last week' IBAYFIFLD, Nov. 29. -The .anneal member of--thsliynold branch of. -4h Ititile Society will be held in Khos Pre'sbyterlan chant on Sunday even- riiib# 111(1. at 713r.m. There - Bremner otfielating. Edgar Jacob Baker, of Hay township, died on Friday at the home of his *la- ter, Mrs. W. Lucker. Hensall, in his seventy -drat year. He was not mar- ried. Bs•akles the slater, three broth- er.. survive: Peter, of Hay; William and John. of Stanley. 4Joseph Morgan, a young Irishman who cans• to this country tour or five months ago: had his hand ttartty='amt while using a circular New on the farm of Thomas McKay, McKillop, on Fri- day afternoon. He was taken to the Seaforth hoepltai for treatment. The death occurred on Monday of I Bank of ('ommeree for the past three Thomas Hunkin, at the hone of hie months, has been transferred to Deter. daughter. Mrs. George Coward, Us. I The A.Y.P.A. rally at Trinity church I'elorne sixty-nine yearn ago and spent on Sunday evening was very well at - borne townehtp. Deceased was born to tended. The service was eondnrted by 'Tei it the (tome of Mn. Chas. Martin _ practical': all Isis IH.• tleerv. HP is the rector. Rev. F. II. Paull. The of- last Widne'(Iay. The ladies spent the --Josh°a *.' u lsurilird ILL his wife, two sons and five ticers installed were as follows: Pres(- lnfternoctn In etutlihng _• amanita in his clay mads Jcmeww. Jw r daughters. Ident. Carl Diehl: She -president Mur- ltnwnnu ('rnlg and Alex. Coulter strong terms bit' Lsh•niuth . 'terrine the ll t nod t,Ikiug his fxnnih•t^ ^ Cardene 1'auilnC G,, cow of Jap Itathwell 2nd rice puealdent Anode veld the Neck scat in R [altham wjth wt h1.r . rend he , nllwl u • ifie-l.te- reed Geattarr,_ at 'Ulelt- 4 ib t wood Novendwr .'9th, In her seventy serenth year. She was tarn In Ger- many and had been a resident of Dash- wood for forty-seven years. Her hus- band predeceased her and two sons and four daughters nurv►ve. At the Unite( church manse, St. Helens, on Wednesday, November 23rd, Rev. T. C. Wllkinsen unite( 1n mar- riage Gertrude Amanita, only daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Deyell of Wingham, and George Scott of Lang - side. The young couple will reside on the grooms Nam at l.angside. A quiet welding took place at the Evangelical parsonage, Dashwood, on November 20th, when Mies Kathleen Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell of West Summerband, B.C., was united in marriage to Earl Witmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Wham of Dashwood. - Rae. A. W. Satter ..�1- ■ted. Mrs. Elijah Higgins, an old resident of the 3rd coneuttnlon of Morris, passed .way oss Saturday in her seventy-third year. Surelvlttg, besides the husband, are three sons and three daughters: Nelson, Robert and Gordon. of the 3rd concession of Morris; Mrs. George Warwick, of Grey township; Mrs. J. Fitch, of Ilowkk, and Mrs. Gordon Walker, of Morris. The death of Wilhelmina Anderson, widow of Charles J. heading. on No- vember Mb removed an old resident of the Wingham dlstrlet. In her seventy- fifth year. Before moving to Wing- In in - agar ell• entered upon the devotional Iifc wanes and eooln. Oct. 9 --The Christian bbl the Fambb). -Lake!: 4.02; 10 t 88-42. -Pasha 101:2. In the first part of today's lesson we see a relationship of trust Iwtween pat- ents and sun, alai also respect and obed[enee uu the part of the latter • to the former. In the second part there is brought out what ritually life may 1.' and what.11 ought to he. When any &ember becomes unduly ttttsesseel there le apt to be friction, of a serious ret. tiff('. --Re•eivltng. gtilTit pr•ayTrig-"' (:erterat ieut. 4rneein 18:17.19; tient. 6:4 - The telephone me`n hive been busy- 9; dark 10:13-16. In these harts repairing their lines. -Proverbs 22:6. 3Tany llrttltwdistrh-t -fiats--had -tire - lanai' w•as'1ns rut• ed to rare( --'1-r, , will be no afternoon serviee In the phones taken out for the winter s[te•e•s'rling generations that If they Presbyterian church nor that evening mouths. acre to continue in God's favor It In the United church or Trinity church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Header en. Ivan ,ytttld only he tbrnugli Ilring (lens uT Rev. R. M. Ie and Rev. F. H. i'aull and Eileen. of Paramount. spent Sun- obedience atul righteousness. will have charge of the aervke In the day with her mother, Mrs. MacGregor, Muses taught that they roust give .111 intsreet of the Bible Society. who has recovered nicely after her re. igent howl to hear and observe and let Mrs. A. Newton -Brady is spending a cent sick spell. sink into their hearts the word of few days in Toronto. Many from here attended the funeral God: hitt they muse teach it ss w'i•lt 1„ I)r. E. P. Lewin or Toronto spent the of Mrs. Thos. Field In the United I their children and Nt preserve• it from week -end with Mrs. N. W. Wood*. Mrs. L.ewii remained for a'few days. Messrs. Samuel and Henry Kirk of Toronto visited Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon re- cently. Mr. L. Jackson. who has been 1n the church. WingW[s, last Thursday and generatiotl to.g?lleratinn. extend sincere sympathy to the Ie'r- Jerur gree xu ubJtr t I, -,a w t0 hi_ caved hushatxl and sisters. dise•Iple•s of the value of little children. Mrs. (SartIkrfd of Mount Forest Ir' When the mothers brought them to visiting this we•k with her (armed+. i Him He game them wore them they ,' - Mr. and lire Kenneth Weaver. 1 pectwl. 7111'y looked for n t0tu•h. 11.• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wightmen and grecs xn eonhcue nod a blessing. Miss May spept Sunday with their Ori. 23-ProhIemo of the Modern Home. daughter. Mrs. Brigham of Blyth.-.lorhw Quite a number attended the W.M.N. 6:1-11 Dee. 11 -The l'brlattan's tae of _Leis- ure. - Nehemiah 8:10-17; Mark 6: SO -92. - I Corinthians 10:31. After the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, a time of •rest was oh served and in it Ezra the prophet read and explained the law of Moses to the people. Then he commanded them to take thought for their physical needs an,l pleasures and that of others less West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Eiectrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates gives .e apphcatioe FRAM McARTHUR Telephone 82 - Oodeelch THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Toronto Globe 36.50 the Signal and The Toronto 7.ti0 Daily Star The Signal and The London 6.50 Advertiser The Signal and The London 6.50 Free Press Tbe Signal and The Toronto dfl0 Mail and Empire - Tbe Signal and Tbe Term! s' Bun 8.25 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star . 3.00 The Stgnal and Saturday 5.50 Night The signal and The New 3.00 Outlook Th• Signal and Western 2.75 Home Monthly The Signal and Canadian Romeo and G. rden* 4 66 The Signal and The Catholic 3.T3 Record The Signal and McLean'. 8.75 Magadne The Signal and Montreal Wltit renewal 3.35 new 3.50 The Signal and WorldWi42E new 8.3E The Signal and The Toronto lTE Star Weekly ......• Th. 1 and TM dm• diem l7own�''t om - �.Mgppas With Otber.illall- .dlasM beat Ea Had ApMiesees 5' ham. deceased lived for many years the township of Turnlr'rry awl at Hine - vale. She 1s survived by a daughter, Miss Alice C. Reading, of Wingham, and a son. John C. Reading, of Hamil- ton, William Jenkins, an old reddent of _ Fat_Girls Out f. Fashion McLeod: secretary. (lay_ Whitmore; Mr. and -Mrs. Clarkson mart y xL.Ini- treasurer, William Heard. During the children Bt isms{ t,t n+eke ,� like dvei- offertory Mias Lucy Woods sang the (Intended for last week stun. solo "Monter. I would follow Thee."WHiTECIFIURCH.. Nov_ W. -Tire Paul In him day taught and (asset on The choir ibnsleted of mashers , t the Sunday sello/1 children of- both Ills teaching In writings which are In A.V.I'.A. from the three churches of churches arc busy these Saturdays rase to our Clay for the guidane•e of , practising for the Christmas eonrrrts. fathers and elhtidren, masters and ser - On Wednesday evening last the Mis- vent.. In the way they should live and Rion hand of Chalmers church held a make their lives a blessing to them - very successful social. A splendid selves and the home and eunlunlnitc. program Was given ant( Rev. Mr. l'at• Ort. 26 --The Christian anti Law (Ihser- tersun of Illiterate gave a very Inter- same. P..thlg address on II IN Impn•ssiens of the I-Werld's Temp -ranee Slnwlay. (/dent. After the program, lune'. was -Remus 1:1:1.7: I:alatlasw 6: served and a social half-hour wan en - 740. toyed by a11. The principle's of Christian civilize. Miss Mary Laidlaw, who has been tion are set forth by St. Paul In these huproving nicely from her long illness. words: "LPL merry send be adr)eot is spending the week -end at the home unto the higher pr+w•vr... For there is Women let All Nation Sibsming All over the world Krim -hen Salts Is appealing to glrla and women who are striving for an attractive free - from -fat figure. Here is the meths( they are follow Ing to banish fat and hying into blos- som all the natural attraetiveneas that they misspell: every morning they take a halfteasp0onfhl Ot Krtncttrn Salta to a glass of warm water before break- fast. They do this every morning -with - nut misfiling one --foe "It's the dally dos' that takes (IR the fat." When Erns-hen Is taken daily, every particle of poisonous waste matter and harm tnl acids and gams are expelled from thee system. At the name time the stnwiar'h. liver kklneya, and towel* are toned op and the pure. fresh 144od containing Na ffire'a fix life-giving salts -1a -married 1, every organ, gland, nerve, and Mor. of 4lte41MIt oaf .m4'!'44!" M*OSAII.'.'thn: toads is (;hates emeMserr tis pap►'!a'- ltrametwo tograirroPostsatw 11ta►tb sr. heals Mar brolherre4o-lttw;-Joseph ,ww6.e:t►vt, tlul; la beige' (larnet ansi J1m441 jilrfiatrdtsrl, Start e Tom. (war attn. etiPferlfeNittry. altdi Y,rvpll+y: JIM ttYll broflf!nh, slits' YLeF ■ chartable Genre. William Smith. t, the parish. HOLMESVILLE (Intended for lest week' HOLMESVILI.E, Nov. 29. --Unite a cumber who have been 'suffering from measles are now recovering. • Young People's Meeting. -The young people's meeting of the Holmesville United church on Friday evening was in charge of the fourth vice-president, Miss Laura Jervis. The Scripture les- of her sister, Mrs. Sam (outer. son was read by Norman Trewsrtha. Elgin Coutts of Wingham spent and the commentary on It was given by the week -end at the home of Mr. and Marjorie Glkldon. Mrs. Leslie Jervis If re. Robert Ross. .and Elva Proctor contributed a duet Miss Merle Wilson spent last week and Harold Turner of Clinton gave a in London writing cxamlnstlons for very vivid description of a trip to New - tier R.X. foundland and Labrador. He man Mr. Rud Mrs. Jack Henderson of visited the Greaten mission and praised Lacktow spent Friday at the home of very highly the work of Dr. Grenfell. her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor, who Howard Hyde, of Klppen, a candidate has been under the doctor's rare the for the Boys' Parliament, made the rest week. last speech of his campaigp. He out- Mita Annie Moore in visiting with lined his platform very dearly and her aunt, Mrs. Moore of Lucknnw. promised a report of the work of the Mr. Ernest Sperling of Kincardine Boys' Parliament, if elected. The or- spent last Saturday here with• his cheetra contributed a couple of num- brother, Mr. Harold Sperling:----- - b rs and prayer was offered by Rev. Mies Winnitred Farrier, who has Mr. Hawke of Clinton, after whieh the been laid np with an attack of pleuro - gathering adjourned to the blesement, pneumonia, in now improving at her where some jolly contests enlivened home In West Wawanoah. the remainder of the evening and Mrs. Walter Lott spent the week -end home-made eandy was served. A dra- at iirussels, at the home of her par. math- reading was given by Mrs. Me- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacKay. Pooley during the social hour. Born -on Wednesday, November 23, A Bodden Ca. -Neighbor,. and to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray of friends were shocked to learn of the Whttechnrch, a daughter. sudden death of John Smith on Thnrs- The United chureh W.M.S. are hold - gay morning, November 24th, as he had ing their teas on Wednesday at the seemed to be in his usual health when homes M Mrs. Chas. Martin and Mrs. he retired on Wednesday night. Ai -Herb PeHttj)iece. though Mr. Smith was born at Moore- Gamut -Weir. --A happy wedding town and received his edneation there was solemnized at the home of Mr. most of hist llfetlme was spent In God- and Mrs. Fred Davidson, In Feast Wa- erleh township, where he 'voided for a winnch, on Saturday. when Mier liar - number of years on the 16th conces- hare Weir heesme the bride of Mr. Wi- gton. He hulit the red brick bonne gar Gaunt of Kinlnsa. Their many where Mr. and Mrs. M. Butler now re- Mends in this community extend to side. He was an indnstrions farmer them hest elshem for a long and happy of a kind and cheerful disposition. He wedded lite, was twlee married. He was married institute AtahMse. -TI institute In Novemher, 11487, to Susan Richard- hall was crowded on Friday evening son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rich- by the metnhere of the institute and ardeon, Goderich township. They had their families, the nceadon being the a family of two daughters. Mrs. Wm. annual at-home. A splendid propf#Res Merritt, who reside* on tap farm across was given, with lir. Mac Stows opting as the road from her father's home, and chairman. Severs) gave cnngratntatory Mrs. H. Hayes of Detroit. In January, remarks to the members of the Instil - 1906. he married Mlas Ruses Richard- tate for haring worked an faithfully son, d.natter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rlrh- until they were completely out of debt .rdson, of Mkhlgan, and to them were and thanked them for their Interest in tarn a family of three sons and one the young folks. eo that the latter can daughter: Beth, who peed/reaped him have wholesome amusement in their slavered years ago: Garnet of Detroit, own clilage without going fir afield. Goldwln and tktneid at home. The Mr. Re•ott Paterson of Toronto has funeral was held ernes the residence tweet visiting for the pest few weeks near Summerhill nn Ratnrday at 2 p.m. with his father. Mr. F. McK. Paterson. and wile eondncted by Mr ('olwlek of Mr. Charles (.ever ha■ been on the the Chrtatlan Brethren. The 'service ptet list the past week. wet largely attended. interment was Mita iettle Fox returned Mai Matic no power but of God: the towers that be are ordained of God." In writing to the (tallithim, tet. lain: lets forth dearly what l'hristisnity Is in practice anti In reward. "Be wet weary In welleloing. for in due season ye shall reap If ye faint not." Nev. 6 -The Christian arwl World Peace. -Psalm 72:9-17; Kphealans 2: 13-19. -Matthew 5:3. The Psalmist foresees the reign of Chrlot In the hearts of men and pro- phesies that kings and rulers shall ensue and offer their crowns to the Son of God, all nations shall serve Hent. St. I'aul In his 'ley preached peace between rival nations as being noewitle when all should crown Jenne Lord of all. W'hpn they meet as summon sueopil• manta around the cross of Christ then shell were tease and the world be at pewee. Nov. 13 --staking a Livl tg. -Amos 5:11.15; Luke 19: 11-13. -Rossano 12:11. The Prophet Amos, viewing with con- y Hut -people abent him were loving evil and hating good, prPaehed repentance and the pace of God, hoping to stir them rep t(f a better mode of living. The Gospel ■ceohding to Linke re- cords tine teach:ltg of the Mester alaui the true object in 11te. Its expectations are to look beyond the good thing.. of this life. All the gifts with which man Is endowed eta to be used in the tntsl- nese of trading in rite Interests of the Master's kingdom. Net. 2S.-8t.wardehip et Mertes'. -D.mlw.ssaaty 8:11-14, ug. 1 rerleulla.a 9:6.10. -- -Luke ---Luke 12:15. The Old Testament abounds In re- ferenees to giving back to God a por- tion of what He has bleeped Hie crea- tures with materially. In today's dew• son we read 0t (iot a calling Hie chos- en pent Ir to remember who It Is that giveth them pow -Cr to get wealth. In the New Testa Men, Iessnu Nt. 1'nu1 urges thn•c to *thntn he w'as writing 10 glre gen* r.,,•sry, kunw ing that God loves a , :, •t•rfwl giver. at: t 1111r, 71.. ee felt isye 1*11 we" wi MFM. 1-4 rielt.*Flltsb. 444 Mr. Rosa, his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Vert Vincent of Bel - grave visited on Sunday at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. J. L. McDowetL Mrs. Wm. Crosier of Crewe spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw end family of Goderkb were visitors at the home ot..l•1g. and Mrs. Martha ileDew- ell on Sunday. -- Mrs. J. N. Campbell Is spending the winter with tier daughter, Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Goderich. on Saturday little Victor Campbell was playing In the stable while his father. Mr. Howard Campbell, was up In the barn putting down feed. While ctlulbing for a kitten with which he had been playing Victor fell, lacerating his tongue so badly he had to be taken to the doctor and have a couple of sticbet put in. One of his upper teeth was also knocked oat. A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail h math 11 for a da wecki trier( subscription t• THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Publisiwd by T. Unusual. Sartre PV.tt.wutes .oetarr Boston, Massachusetts, U. 5. A. 1,11 In It ,•u vol and the daily lama aria .el the world from e. am *sag a>ms�►.- well as department, devoted In women's and ehrdren's Internets. .porta. finance. education. radio. ate You •111 he (lad to •ete••a. Into rent karlw advocate t pease and prohibition. And don't nam osis. 621:12118. mad the sunial aed the other (5.terse Tint Cwar(to•. Serowe *aorreroa, Bark ear Sts:lon, Bats.. BriPt Mao wad tri (t: nets. anal subscription. I amiss Via' _Nit• er % t• i Mira) Mats) lh:e*e. 1',a.e rrinu indow Glass A shipment of WINDOW GLASS, in all sizes, recently received. We have also a splendid assortment of WINDOW FRAMES and STORK BASH for your winter protection. Come in and let us demonstrate the value of Bracco Roof Coating which adds years to the life of all roots. Goderich Planing Mi Cambria Road and Nelson Street. l'hone 388 Geo. Westbrook, Manager. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Prop. • Nee. S7 20:1219. 111. I'llbtlti "hav:,ig Asst. -ft ill Vib. melee re used,* .0)... tewr'n 15s taaMew a.. Him snit share His experleuces. They uta... Dad's here too." Lou, n'IIIJUg rates .w �t.flM-fl-Sit tin* (.d1, 111/16/ .s 71)0 p... still ewer light ran t ter Young Joe Wilson got his first away -from -home job a couple of months ago. Though a stranger to Brantboro, I1lihtls yet to feel his first twinge tff homesickness. Each Friday night at 8.30 he puts through a Long Distance call and • chats with Mother and Dad ... a treat looked forward to by all three with the reversed charge paid for by Dad with a chuckle. "It's a small price to pay for the pleasure it gives", he says. Long-Distalce is ea: y to and Jilin• "T' :it.t rte yea •ty!