HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 6i --Thursday, December tat 1932 TRY OUR Golden Guernsey MILK Immor Table Cream and Whipping Cream Safe, because it is all pro- duced from 'a Government- inapeeted nerd. Yet? patltinage solicited Clif. McManus Dairy -PHONE 639 - THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. The Black Box of Silence W. N. 1'. Service. Ry FRANCIS LYNDE Copyright by William Gerard Chapman. i .-...,....,.. sed-avesehed... tie lens.smother, Chapter L-Harlug demonstrated the power of an extraordinary silencer, the "Black Box," which he has per- fected, Owen Land's, young Inventor. in the little town of Carthage, confides to his chum, Wally Markham, that he fears the device, if exploited, might be used for evil purposes. That night the black box Is stolen from a safe la Laa- 1. liboratory. Chapter IL -Landis tin Markham. the only person, beeides himself, know- ing the combination of the sate, is they go on. On the road to the mining town et Copah they get news of the Fleetwing ahead of them. At a hotel 1n Copah they meet Betty. She le sur- prised at their presence in the West, and explains the reason tor her and her father's Journey. Markham over- bears a conversation between Canby end the three Loulevllle men which sonvincel him he 1s on the right track. Fifliapier VH. -Markham and Landis follow the three men to the Fleetwing. They And the eciesudesary oj,the China - bar • Lawson, with whow.J, !riven- her mine ha. been held up and robbed tor L In IovR. Markham takes a phis- 1 and two miler -kits& Again there was no sound of the explosion. At Brew- ter cast of a woman's footprint found Deaeath the window of the laboratory. *ter they learn of the arrival of Canby Chapter III. -Betty, daughter of a taut relative, William Starbuck, mine college professor, Is well known to owner. He gives them some inform.- • 1m. Both be and Landis believe tion which piles up the evidence as to herto her to be above suspicion, but to assure Canby's crookedness. hitdselt he takes an opportunity to fits • the cast to one of Betty's shoes. They are identical. Betty tells him Herbert Canby, a stranger in town, who is poa- Ing as a "promoter," bad driven her home from the theatre the previous night, and that she had dosed In the car. Markham does not tell Landis of his discovery. That the girl should and his party. Markham meets a dig - Hydro Store BUY AN Electric Stove Quick - Clean - Economical and cool to cook with MCC `w SEE DISPLAY OF STYLES AND MA14ES AT THE` HYDRO STORE Starbuck nodded, said, "How!" and went on sipping his coffee. Markham bridged the pito, chatting molly for a moment or two with the Intruder, ac- counting tor himself and Landis as vacation runaways from the home town, with no particular object is view, and expre .hag, in his turn, sur- prise that Canby could tear himself away from the Carthage promotion asheme, eaaa-dos il:e pieant,te ut w tor trip 1n such good company as the professor and bks pretty daughter. At this last, the good-dooktng young promoter laughed and said, "Good com- pany is right. But It so happened that I combine Holness with pleasure. As you will testify, Mr. Startuck. I still have a stake in the Tlmanyont. 1n the Quavapal." "I'm," said the elderly mine owner. "Thought I'd gage a few daps off and run out to sem how we aro getting along," ('anby; went on glibly; then, to the two CarthagluraDs, "Well have to get together and do a bit of sightseeing. I assure you the Ttmanyont Is worth it." As ('anby returned to his table, Star- buek closed one eye slowly and said. "Did you two young fellows follow that crook out here?' Markham answered truthfully. "No; we are both inclined to think It was the other way round -that he followed CHAPTER VIII us. Anyhow, he was behind us for e ome man --that!" said Laodta good part of the way. And his surprise they drove on; adding, "That was a '•S -Praisefuuy, after Starbuck had gone- lard aew3t seeing u. here .was a fake. b*ppy thought of yours. Owen--tim- "What do you think of the glimpse he He knew three days ego that we were Ing those three cars. Where does it gave ns of Canby's record?" Mauled this way" hind you?' "What 1 think will be embodied in a Silence for a minute, and then Star- "I think you know. The three cars wire tip 10 dad. Don't you want tobuck spoke again. lust alike were one and the same car. have deliberately stolen the invention wire -- your folks -just to let them know "Tell me, Walter, hare you got. eine And the man delving it all three times from Landis' safe is unthinkable, but you are 'still on earth?".thing on ('anby?" - was Canby." the evidence of the plaster cast deems "I will, now that we seem to hve "No; but now he is here, and rApe's "Check! The next question is, why to prove she was present at the time of landed somewhere." here. we'll try to keep cases on hint, If did he double back after he had left the robbery. Aey haA sent their onlyfoe sake of enlightening some the professor and Betty at the hotel?" Anil Owl Chapter IV. -Markham, vaguely sus- meseagrs they set nut un a tour of In - brow -knitting our good friends In the home town. Wait." said Landis; mid after a piclous of Canby's honesty, searches (Miry, hoping to get some trace of the' As 1 told you. he is trying to put over brow-kutttlug pause, "1'nt trying to his hotel room, In his absence. He Fleetwing Eight and its passengers, a lead of something like the one be en- remember. Coming over last night you finds hidden there two loaded automa- taking the entire afternoon for It. It gIneered here last summer,with-so m7 repeated for me the talk you overheard -baa revolvers and • complete set of her- - wan an altereer a- wasted.- Ia - the Lather thinks -0 Jest shunt as merit pro- between Canby and Iba thrc in the slur's facia,--i:,ahby, -returning, brings ! 1 pu garage. yo the revolver+ and burglar's kit to the hotel rlerk, claiming to have just found them In his room. That night the safe In the bank of the email town of Perthdale is blown open i�an,d looted. the noise of the expleehon ' being unheard Satisfied that hid "black "I saw that car, or oma just like it, go a slope. Before they 1%d gene very tar by a little after day, yesterday morn- they came upon what a r'ed to be a rough trail, with cru�ed anti broken lag." ra "Quite right; and we were in it. Was bushes to mark -its course. it the only one you saw'" • "What's been happenlug here?" Ian - "No, there were three more; big lis asked' "More ruck rolling?" can, all Just alike. Two going into "looks ]Ike It; we'll find out when we get to the bottom" town, and one coming out. 1 was alt- At the bottom of the gulch they came by the window." ting suddenly rayon the th .�4teld gee .sae- �......-.•tst?tl s.;ar.ht fee. -the sura they weed enough to tell us bow It looked?' Wedged In the bottom of the gulch wag "!t was a Ane, clotted car, painted a the wreck of a large car crushed into a kind of light yellow; • jimmy -aeon, sbapetess heap of Junk, and with every: - they call 'em, don't they?' thing burnable blackened and de - Markham nodded. "I suppose you stroyed. couldn't see the people In it, could "Now we know what made 'the your. scarred trail," mid Markham. "That "Only that there was two of 'em 1n car rau off the road and came down the front seat; a man and a woman." berg and burned up. la it the Fleet - "Exactly. Now the oext one; when wine'. did It come aloagr' Before Landis could reply, there "Maybe a half boar or so after that. came a vicious spat on the face of t!! It was going the other way. It looked ruck beside which they were standing, like the same car. Anyway, it was the followed by the crack of a rille. They same color." ducked behind the boulder, and at that "And the third one; which way was there was another report and the clang it going?" of a bullet upon the iron work of the "1t was going 1n, and It was a big wrecked car. yellow car, too. Just like the others. 1 -What the-?" Markham choked, saw It good." "Gould you see the folks 1n it?' was cooler. "I could see only the one man, driv- -Easy," he counseled. "It's those lug." fellows up at the filvver. Dunt waste "An extraordinary good witness. that your ammunition. The automatic won't carry halt that far." "11`-n !" gritted Markham. "We're penned up here like rats In a trap!" "No trouble about getting-out'of it. with all these rocks to dodge around," said Landis. Then, in a sudden up - blase of passion, "I've had about enough of this d -d ambushing busi- ness. haven't you? There Is good cov- er ou this other side of the gulch. We'll climb out that way and see if we can't do a little of the ambushing our- selves:' Markham had always thought of Landis as a dreamer, • thinker, a studeut--as anything but a fighting man. - Itnt herr was-ofteatierty flew detrsl- ('o h Didn't u say some 7ound qf_ lmulry only one c scam- IR to the investors 1n 1t.opmrnt. The dreamer, lair of focal to stance derelooped which might have "In that ease -Just a wont to the thing about l'anby's meeting---- the sure, but with his Jaw outthruat some bearing upon the mystery. . Thispothers, as agreed?" 7 wise. Walter. SII a gun In Suur' and the light of battle In his wideset was in the public garage where Canbyjeans If you're going to ;keep tab on "You've gat It! Hr di4 sal just gray eye., was storming up the steep was keeping his Nordyke. When they this rooster. There were some queer that. That's why the Fleetwing hasn't ascent at a pace that made his beerier questioned the proprietor about the doings here in cmmeetion with the shown up In Brewster: they've lett it follower pant and blow. Thus It came Fleetwing. he said be had put up only bauxite mine deal that never_dJd get sumrwhrrr along the road; and Canby about that Landis was the and to step ane car that had come tr the east Into daylight." - .pleked them up and brongbt them`"'tri• out of a thiek growth of little tweets W' grabbing tor his pistol. But Laud!' woman," Markham commented, when That night, as they were returning n re ram ng puzz r V. box" le la the hands of crooks and Is that morning, namely. Canby's limo»- being put to the ages he feared. Landis. ate, Iandls caked 1f he could fix the to the hotel after au evening -pent thee. I -hello -here we are at the burst out of the cover a moment later, time o[ the Ilmouslhe's •rriral. wkh Starbuck In the all -Gut -deserted EIUTi' Alice- Shill we 'stop?' and nkat he Raw was a further proof with Markham, delves at once to Perth- ,,,,.it sex." was the reply. "it wean "Have to, won't we? If Mr. Star- d*lr. y• p y. mansion In the meta suburb, they had that ( lifelongbole intend'ship may not rr Just about fire o'clock." buck Kerr us', he'll think it queer if we Chapter V. -At Perthdale they find Jturned a corner, when three dark fig- veal the whole man, even to Ills closest "More myetery." said Landis, as they , ures darted across the street to their drive pant without stopping." intimate. confirmation of their [ears. Three I left the plate. "You remember what Markham parked the cur, and as he Thr small, strangers, riding Ina Fleetwing, end rear. Before they could taps shout, dusty, rattletrap nor was the hotel clerk 'said this morningwhen was doing it. Starbuek came out. claiming to be business men of Louis- the was staggering from a blow on opposite id they had ulch it from the i we got In -which was a little after five the head• and Markham was doing his "You are Just In the nick of time to oppusltr side of the gulch. Beside It vine, are the only possible suspects. I o'clock?" best as a skillful amateur boxer from have a noon snack with ua," was the were two men with their hands above Markham and Ianeiia decide to follow mine owner's greeting. "Come on over them, although ■dviees from Louie- "Don't know as i do t was pretty sharing his companion's fate. their heads In deference to Landis' tire[! and akrpy." Fortunately the best was fairly good. to the mess shack and meet the staff." covering plstd, anti at their tett lay the rills seem to guarantee the standing of a You asked him If he had anybody A jab to the solar plexus sent one of This -was their introduction to the rifle with which one of them bad been the three. At St. Joseph Markham else from the east and he said. 'Tea,' a ' the assailants groaning, In the gutter, engineer*' and +Aker men's mess: and firing Into the gulch. Before Markham seer Canby's car, a Nordyke. He learns party of three -came In a couple of and a hook to the jaw discouraged au- finer the meal Starbuck took them In could get his breath. Landis was grill - Canby Is driving west,with Betty hand and showed thea through the e hours ago Then he told -us who the other. But the third man hit Mark- Ing the pair snappily. at the level of tete road. Markham Lawson and her father as his guests In the car. The Phetwieg. Markham's three people were - ham's guarding arm a paralyzing blow .mine- "What did you fellows mean by Ar- t t. p After they had tramped for w swinging for a second when help came seemed itke miles In the network. t In the shape of a.nlght patrolman turn- buck halted them to a well -lighted Ing the corner. "Hey officer!" Mark- beading where the chattering clamor of ham shouted. As the policeman carne: � 111 drills was deatening; and -the' on the run, the two who were .till silence, when the drills stopped and afoot darted away, and the third_man the miners began to unlimber and drag scrambled to his feet and botted--before them Mee froth the headtni -was--ti- the tinker could come up- - most painful. your game? Who sent you here to ftyj "Now then -what's all this?' de- This (ei ons iaaln lead," Starbnrk�ns off? Talk quick!" - mended the majesty of the law. "Was explained, when the stoppage of the " •Fore Gawd, mister. you got us all them fellies tryln' to hold ye up? Which drill clamor gave him leave. "It's wrvtrlg • We ain't almin' to kfil no - what the old miners call a 'true Asanre' way did they go''" body ! i them you was a o'er ; so bete car, and the Nordyke form a proses I see now what you are getting a with some heavy weapon and war hat Ing at us when we were down therr' can, on the !'Ikea Peak highway. That learns two hours unaccounted for sionbetween the time Canby reached Brew - Chapter VL -While he and Landis ster and the time he put his ear In the nre sleeping. Mnrkhem'e, car 1. stolen garage. Qnestk,n: can we find what - he did In tboee two hours?' ��y�APOSp UnC "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP CANADA aT/▪ *Ot 00. Limns/ A Treat Jor the whole Farm y -- an Excellent Food. for GROWING CHILDREN I C4 Try itititAtalttlhaikanilaaplaUttallipankapitilf You Can't Help at SuperiorStores Cascade I -Ib. Salmon Fancy 2 tine 19c PeasAylmer. 2 tins 19e Pe No.4 Pure Lard _ 2 Mona 21c Chocol Cakes Marateshmallows 2 Ihs. c New 2 Ibs 25c Raisins Sultanas nd Fresh a 2 27e Currants Cleaned lbs. r - st Cocoanut Finesnowdrift t//-Ih.1 c Royal York Tea . Orange Pekoe Finest New Geese Canadian y -Ib. Pkg. 23c lbs. 25c "That's It. If we can. I have a no- tion that we ,•hail tend out what has he - come of the Fleetwing buacb." Returning to the -hotel. they were fully agreed that the only remaining chance -of tracing the missing three was through Canby, since his connection vete, and they have ••belief that each with- them had been concluelvely "Down that alley," and as the pa. me, I did' They told »s, down along, proved. Markham went up to shave, trolman gave chase. Markham turned veins grow richer the deeper ynu that we might mart up with a b'ar while Landis went to the desk to have to Landis, who was holding his head In drive." Then, "They are aiming to comm through these mountains, and his card sent up to the Iawsonaehis hand.. load the holes and fire, and we'd better when we looked down yonder, we shore "Bad hurt, Owen?" thort you -all woe one, didn't we, Jeff?" "Sandbagged -knocked the senses appealing to his mate. "Good gravy! out of me for ■ minute. What did they You don't reckon we'd shoot at a man,knowin' It Will It man. do yerAt this point Markham took a hand."Nothing much. Can you navigate?""Where are you fellows from?' he"I can walk all right. Sudden.wasn't it? What are they? Stiek-up"We're from Temiessee. Seen to Talk NO and talk straight. If you want to go on living:" "_U -g -great Scott:" stuttered the tall- er of the two. "Ars ye meanie' to gray hit was you -all -down yonder b the gully?" "You know a-4-iiim Uwns! wbar. "The professor and his daughter checked out this forenoon," was the in- formation giren them. "They have friends here -the StilHnge-and Mr. Stilling,' came atter them." "Did Mr. /'antes go with them"' "Oh, no, he's still with us." As Landis was turning away he came tare to face with Starbuck. "I was hoping 1 might run across one or loth of you," said the mine owner, hospitably.' "Whereabouts Is Walter?" ---- - - _ ---- "He has gone op to /have; be said he was too sleepy to do It whim he came In this morning. Shall we hunt up a couple of chairs an! wait for him?" When they found chairs, Starbnck 'said, "i've just been reading In the move oat" As they came out of the mine, Mark- ham asked the location of the Quava- pal. Starbuck pointed up the road to- ward Lake Topaz. "It's on the other side of the spur In the next gulch. If you are going that way, you'll see the dump es you pass the mouth of the gulch." man?" . wondering. There waa no 'hands -up!' about 1t. They acted more They saw It, hanging like a huge eke hired killers. The ret one i hit 1 gray beard from the mountain side, but had his knife out. There it 1s now, to' • tarn in the gulch hid the mine build- ings. The aide road was barricaded agalnet traffic, and beyond the bawl• code they saw a man with a gun. "What do you make of that?" IA». dls asked. "No visitors ausd apply. 1 wonder what Canby imo up his sleeve in there? "Time MU. What do we do noir. -113- wing 3 -wing?" - Markham made a sign of assent. "I'd like to know where those three men left It, and why. Also, why Oanby went out to meet them." They stoppe0 at the hotel to glance over the reglater 1n search of the three names Markham had copied from the record in St. Joseph. The Mimes did not appear, and as they were driving out of the hotel gronnds they met Canby driving in, not 1n the yellow limousine, but in a sport roaduter. The other occupant of the single seat was Betty Lawson. Canby seemed not to see them, but Betty did and she waved to them. "You see," said lAndls gloomily. "1 see that you are taking 1t lying down," Markham returned In a half growl. "You think I wouldn't break in it I bed an opening -that I don't 'care enough? Good Lord, Wally, I'd give the beet ten years of my life if 1 could go back to where I stood with Betty before i began to bury rayed( In this cursed invention of mine!" He choked up at that, and then he went on, the gutter." and he atoopld and picked »p a vicious weapon with an eight - inch blade and a long handle. "Well keep this fora souvenir." In their rooms at the hotel they took account of their casuaklee. They were not serious. Then they examined the knife Wally-Lad.pleked up. t eltl»R.pnae-COLIU(ttAe7.apWlri is...IL e-iieiali.-4f for'elgn .RtBrtutlt.- the bandits --at the Cinnabar m ne, ture, and on the smooth bone handle over on the other Ride of the range. was carved a Spanish word which neither of them could translate. "Mexicans," said Markham; "I thought they were. H'm : no they kill first and rob afterward, do they? And we had two perfectly good guns' which we were careful to leave locked op safely here In the room' Never again. Owen, my boj. We go heeled after this. Let's turn In and forget It." Maybe you heard of It as you came along? Or din you come In by the Red Horse Pass road?" "No; we came the other way -by the mine. We got there pretty sum after the fact." "Did you see Broughton?" "Yea We'd met him earlier. He was down at the railroad station with a truck and an armed guard. wafting for his payroll money, when we .topped to ask our way." "The paper says there'll a mystery: that there was a gun fight In which the two commissary guards were killed, and that nobody In the camp heard the ring or the,laaplo.lon that wrecked the este and the handing. I can't wake that. i know the mine layout; been there any number of times. The eommlasary site Isn't much over a hun- dred yaMa from Bronghtml's bungalow. Don't seebelievable th.t nobody heard theRickel." Before Landis could reply, Markham stepped out of a descending elevator. "1 was hoping we might est with you, Cousin William," he said. Then. "Been digging Into Owen a bIt to And out what he is made of?" "We've been talking about this ruc- tion over at Stan Bronghton'a mine. Mr. Landis tells me you just missed Ife- leg In the thlek of it." "We did nen we go In to dinner?' As was moat natural, the table talk centred upon the crime of the night be- fore, and the mystery which seemed to be the chief feature of It. But there was had so nnaeeonntably dleappeered semewhery on the eastward road. It was atter coffee had been served that IA»dle saw a men rise from his seat ata table en the other aide of the rosin amd came acmes In their direc- tion, tboet. ley dM writ r0evigalne Moe Na as OlgiV spill the promoter was ERiCH Z ....sToutn - wen J. Calvin Cutt lit.....l was 111111mse. Nese in ^ bat she aaNIfi4ar eaditild ea Id Thew. "How •terboet. tele Una who wore finishing tiler dimmer m eetM to the intrudes, each steer his kind. lentils said notildag: CHAPTER IR in the Omit Going down to breakfast the next mornlug they found Starbuck waiting for them. When he asked what they were going to do with their day, Mark- ham said they were intending to drive about and have a look at Breweter and its surrop,dlingt. This brought forth an Invitation from the mine owner. • "If you are mut on the Topaz road. atop at the Little Alice. I'm going ont there shortly." The Invitation was accepted, con- ditioned npon their driving that far. An they were taking the roadster oat of the hotel garage Landis asked what was to be the program for the day. "I want to takes shot at trying (0 And out what ('anby did with those two unaccounted -tor hours yesterday morning." The "shot" was Aral methodically by making inquiries on all the rondo lead - Ing out of Brewster, and It led to no- thing until the round brought them to the road over which they tbemeelved had driven 1n. Here, at a eottege, Markham stepped the car, mytng. "There bas a light in this honey when we came by yesterday morning; T no- ticed 1t. It's only another of the wild chances; but we'll ask." A woman answered their knock, and Markham began the well -dein formula. "Pardon me, tout affil ire genteel if 70D *044141 'knower a few gnesrtlena foe ria Aga. Y *. ciport'-ap Mirka ninsormirabtrilltorr using sreahafb -, "t iron sear • blest My hahy was seek." "Do you often notke the passing of 4.. "t how my an opening, Wally, and I'll walk Into 1t If h -t a septa( on the other side of It! That's how much I'm taking 1t tying down!" "Um; that sounds more like it." was Markham's one approval, and he drove on. Ilefore•thay had gone far, Iandls, leaking bast, saw a email car Mhlw- >ng; ■ car that was apparently having trouble making the grades, since, hew - ever slowly they drove, It never over- took them. Atter a time Lend!' spoke of the struggling i►vver. "That 'Aside seems to he making hard work It It" he mid, when, on one of the revere* loeptngs, they could see It stereos the intervening gulch. It was stopped, and two teem wen app•r- • AolaRl4 At. not/4- 7:zia rbslm amouramiad SRT * ampul i4 mitis tut. ural ewers w• mew the dee sight Wore last" he palsied eat. "*apps.e we ellnmh Mrs?' down there and have a look." "I ttYddVt *err well We it mild i They got gel sag ses4ehed Use -atsrlg llat eWs b the rasa Bks wheels with stemsa. 1M deneent bete toes?" Them, polatteg to Use roadster, the gulch was dews a preelpltemm had left the seine of their late advem- ture a mite or more to the rear, "what's the answer? Is that wreck In the gulch what is left of the gleetwing?" "1 couldn't be sure. But 1t was as Eight. You saw that much, didn't your' Markham nodded. "Next, what's the answer to the two men In the di, - ver? Have you figured that out?" "No; though I more than half believe v were bring. , It's lucky for them that I wasn't sure." "Gosh!" said Markham with a laugh. "A little while ago 1 said something to the effect that you might be lacking a few of the red corpuscles. 1 take it all back -every last word of 11. Why have you never shown me the fghting side of you before, Owen? You haven't, yep know." Landis' smile was a mere tightening of the Ups. "You've!card the old saying. 'Be- ware the wrath of a patient man,' haven't you? I'm patient, Wally -too d -d patient, I guess. As I said, I'm fed up. Prom this time on, by the Lord Harry. 1 fight for my own hand! I've been robbed and sandbagged and shot at and the neat man that tries h 1s going to get the best I've got In the box !" "Gosh'" said Wally again: and this time be did not laugh. On the flight down the mountain no- thing happened until they were on the stretch approaching the tide road lead - Ing to Canby's mine. Here, however, there was s near aet'Ident. As they ran down they saw a heavy truck back - Ing out of the main road leading to the mine. Markham sounded his horn, but the driver of the truck held on in a - way to place the heavy vehicle fairly across the highway. 1t was too late to step, and Mali• - ham did the only thing there was to da -- If a Collision was to be averted: stepped on the gen. and with a quick twist of the wheel whipped the road- ster around the rear of the barktt.g - truc•k. with no more than_ -inches spare between a deep road'stde.,, ditch_ _ and the trundling menace. No word -was spoken until they were. speeding over the mesa road toward - the city. Then Markham said, We ought to have shot that truck driver, Owen. It would have been Justifiable - homicide, don't you think?' "I don't think ; I know," was the gritting reply. "That was one of ('an- by's trucks? 1 saw the name, 'Quawpal mine•' on It as we came up. It's run- ning in my mind that we'll have to kill a Yew people out here, let, before we're through, Wally. And by heavens, I'm telling you, right now, if they keep on asking for it, they'll get lt!" (To be continued next week) EASEr• It a man cannot fled seas i t Nam self, It Is to little purpose to seek it elsewhere. 1 We make a spatdalty of Floral Offerings for ■l1 occasions, par - Ocularly for funeral purposes, from the simplest spray to the magnl*eent wroath. - Delivered promptly and on short notice. GEO.• STEWART BRUCE STREET ?home 105 Goderieh, Ont. -�E 1 Utah, wain' If hit wua a iittfn' country for white folks. Hit ain't, and we're aimin' to go hack where we come from." Landis lowered his pistil, but bell It In readiness. "Why did rot MeV"' here?' he asked. The men Jerked his heed toward the open cowl of the ear, where a disarm - netted ignition wire offered the reason tor a atop. "Go ahead and fix It," said Landis ctirtll. . - He and Markham waited beside the road until after the car had limped on around the next gulch looping. Then they got Into their own car and beaded for Brewster. ------- "Well," Markham mid, Neer they Have you tried the WELSH COAL i am expecting my second car this week and advise early or- der", as the first car was sold out to a few day.. Customers are greatly *and with It, for its clean-0nrnlal and heat -(living qualities. . Also Anthracite, Pocahontas and OA*. L FLICK Tdiphone 178j Goderlch VIEWCVNIVILIZNEWEIStri Christmas Creetiog Cards A Fall Line at Prices to Suit All Reiss' • 4 The CMlafweese Carol We will be glad to show them to you The Sigoal Prioting-Co, Norte Street Goiench •�.-5