HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 5CAPITAL THEATRE P"end' New Playbill -Doubt 13111 -"Thr Crowd Road.," and "Branded." MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY - JOAN CRAWFORD and ROBERT MONTGOMERY Nils Astlter, May Robson and lwdk,$isa!- 111 1St• 17t1(1W yon V,• w1.11.4 THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Week's Trial Ends was being done with the money and had given their consent providing be rept within the limits set by Ruther- in Acquittalccountants Williamson, WI►Iladon, Ottawa, restriction tor the tires. There was no restriction put on what was included in organiza- tion expense,. Whenever he was in (Continued from page 11 doubt, Johnstone stated, he consulted yearly dtvkleud from a company that the directors. was never in operation. Asked by Crown Attorney Holmes If J. I'. Jubustose, when called to the he had ewer promoted any company wi, was Cool and collected. H11 previously, Johnstone stated it was his th 4 erffrt t. URr- Arst attempt. Ing, his whole appearance neat aid _'fou citifies----4+*4----83•01i businesellke. His evidence wan frank- since then?" asked the Crown. ly _given without any apparent attempt "Too 'much." Julutatuue rennet' Stan laurel and Oliver Harpy, to "COUNTY HOSPITAL." to coueeal the truth. terly' Johnstone's evidence showed that he Besieged by people who had lost had met R. A. Treleaven, Palmerston their money and threatened by some, creamery owner, while straightening Johnstone said that a few weeks prior it 1 the affairs of the Gold Medal Furniture to liquidation he bad gone to the On- PHONE 619 The Meat Market Wolfe and Victoria Streets Do., Listowel, of which Treleaven was Carlo Securities' Commission and laid director. Treleaven had suggested his cards on the table. He received 1 vice frum RAIL.. Denison, and acted .►formation of Consolicated:to eu, "Mark 'it, but foe lltbtiAld debacle'' wee on, and things -wound up in liquidation and the laying of the charges followed. answered an advertisement fora sale& His Honor Judge Costello said he man. He had good references and was could find nothing in the evidence that a licensed broker. Bytes was sent to would indicate that Johnstone and England, where he Interested Schwab Ryles were guilty of conspiracy, but re - and Snelling, menibers of the stock ex- serval further comment because of the change in London, to the extent of get- ting them to tinance the Company to the extent of $2,000,000. Bytes kept in touch with Johnstone In Toronto by cable. The market crash came as Johnstone was In mid -ocean, on his way to Lon- .i:ngland.-to. put - over - tba._-deak, - with Schwab and Snelling, who, It de- veloped. preferred to wait tb see if there was any recovery In the market. He got In touch with the Ocean Trust Co. and then returned to Canada to ob- __.(Continued from page 1) taln renewals on the creamery options. raised from five to six years units The treasury of Consolidated Cream- kindergarten dosses are provided. crier, Ltd., was depleted on his return __That the Department instrucbinspec- �. There's something about. �',oderich and Johnstone carried on with funds tors to delay all expenditures not 'boo - raised from the sale of personal effects, lately necessary during this time of de - o{ Bread that kiddies are fond mortgage of his home, and $11,000 bor- pression.' house of refuge. was present asks "LETTY LYNTON" Double hill llturaday, Friday, Saturday Double Bill Victor McLaglen, Conchita Montenegro, George O'Brien °freta happy Spanish story of de nog .sad rnl:llar "THE GAY CABALLERO" - 't.,otlt Turktn/feir7,ands (tisk the' program With hi.a "BUSINESS AND PLEASURE" A great humor -yarn. featuring the fawous WILL ROGERS with JETTA GOt'1►AL and JOEL McCREA C ulIag-addle Cattier, ID "PAL.MI' HAYS." -Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p.m. - Thursday. De. -ember r Nib. 11M2 -a maintain cattleguards at crossings on county roads. The Railway Commission, It was stated, has alroady relieved the railway companies of such obligation In respect to crossings In (-Bless and towns. The Prinee Edward County Board of Trade forwarded a resolution asking that unemployment relief be made en- tirely a local matter. each municipality to look after Its own unemployed at its own expense. The resolntlun held that 1 it was unfair to increase fanners' men who had been lured to the cities b) the higher wage, offered there. reek Shoulder Rwrt The Ontar�ii Di•partmeni of F.dirca- - Home-made Pork Sausage tion submitted a atatement of the leg- islative grant to rural 'schools of the county for equipment and accommoda- tion, to whkh tlih county 'coanc s re- quired to raise an equivalent. The Provincial grant Is, for publi schools, $1542.39, for separate school*, 4122.40- WLaT,111164.1R7 ...,._ The Provincial -grant for Hig1 Schools for 1932 is as follows: Coder- $!, C. 1., $linto.30; Wlugham 11. S., K 'te ,I ¢.� $1,519.42; Alliston C. L, 41,810.50 ; Sea- �' tifs„s►"s►" forth C. I., $1,584.50; Exeter II. S. "'� 7 ip Top Tailors Special Offer The county council of Elgin sub- mltted , resolution disapproving of the movement for the abolition of count; `°" Extra FREE Jailer's Report J. It. Reynolds, eonoty jailer, sub- mitted a report of commitments for the last six months. The total was 76. Of pants three twenty two were for L.C.A. vio- lattuaa, 'sight mach lot theft a'd, sgs' Sault, live each for vagrancy and viola - dons tions of the Tref& Aet ; and smeller , numbers for other offences. At present there are thirteen prisoners in custody. The cost of daily rations per prisoner I' is 0?yc. The clerk "submitted a report of the University of Western Ontario and read portion) of It to the ,nnnell. • , Mr. J. M. Govenlock, inspector of the MEAT SPECIALS effective till December 17. At our new store on Wolfe 1St., off t'ictoria, we are offer- ing high quality Meats it prices that will mean savings to the thrifty but»o' ire. 'J6iit i6or'bvefrthese prices. Whole 1 ig life Ib 81rl,ta-and Purterbogise Steak.. half 4'ig . _. .. ... . (b•"�. tae ib. First -*lass Pot Roast 10e lb. Trimmed Pork Chops . L lbs $5e No. 1 Round Steak 15e Ib. L lbs. t r ge l Pe ADOLF KI BLEB' *ad had secured the options before the company was formed. Johnstone employed Bytes, who had charges still to be beard. The pair will appear in County Court for their adjourned trial on De- cember 21. The Kiddies Like It , Final Session of -Ginty Council . -g of -its nut -brown crust, its delicious rowed from friends. That county councils he given ctn- �' L He returned to London, where he trol of all high school expenditures. If dressed the council. giving some inrOr- V , its joft.ftnt texture. Ji s health--, ct Itt should wish to tn- tuntiuu desired b members. Mr. lick liner _n.d m.iu.ge .waa.not toDef It ey a ease cos t"a _y. "lull(' " id teNKhoe to were well ted ' • tato tthat isethar. received an felt cert, mitis costs above the lnB deter ReseWt -_ - _. 51 a_ of e a meal -L-4_ fain that h.'hnd received an appoint- mCi by the county eonncit Burt -it do ment, but it is not Included in the min- soot Its own expense. Reeve Ne ICttlaon submitted a resntn- Utes of directors' meetings. That If a boy or girl is properly em- tion, Reeve MeK be fl aubm Reeve Taylor, Earnings of the plants having ex- pboytd after his or her fifteenth year, tothe seconded that the tesuuev Taylor. eyed, -d the amount required to pay di- he or she may not be compelled to at- Bred the Iuerr"-t that t of eountp buildings + vldytah, thef them, creameries were to tato in trod Schad. by pollee and jury nu absolute waste of 9lQ tfr of the the amount to be These proposals were sent on to the 1.1 -hale anti money, as these buiid_tnga ere Idoeluctat from tits purettaee `pore of '!r>Igtgtfntr'ro>Qa3ttftl:'tn was another - --- Ithe plant Instead of an actual payment from the county of i[bilesex to make under the supervL-Ion of -a (iurerfrt being made. - parents or guardians responslbie for harsh Ins w au shin est the 0 1117 awn• g chic 11 w•is asked that legislation be In reply to charges made by ()free- the rust of education after a pupil has Passed doing away with this useless tors that no atatement of the financial completed ox years' tuition at a sec- expenlse vim+ ROBINS O g' N 5 v given, J Of the Company had such on school, Reeves Elliott and Ilaaeke sronsorel $ given, Johnstone declared he gave such The Provincial Department of High- a resolution to request Provincial a atatement 1n January. 1929, and that ways notified the council of the rever- Minister of Agriculture the take uncial ! w The C�oderlch Bakery anal reports eleav had been given Barberisited from certain short pieces of rued regarding the ri crssivt• rates charged AGENT FOR TIP TOP TAILORS and Treleaven whenever they visited from the rmv ly tuck tor the mullet- 1 by commissioners in the stockyards iii ONE PRICE TO YQUR MEASURE the Toronto office. polities formerly in control of them. s connection with d iiptnetits of live y SUIT OR OVERCOAT, $ __ _F )NETT- efaiX , _-..- -.---- ---- Johnstone stated he had examined One of these was in Turntoerrp town. stock V T 'bent 130 es' ameviee andselected50. _ship and another in Hullettzw_herea ()ufi«x+s+rrte ad.eptwl yy 22.50 (i()T)ERICIT phone if� to be added to those on which he al- wharf rut has been constructed R, part- v 1'111 ►\ T•: aril i Hamilton S<• __ ready had options, in the formation of of the Provincial highway. �������s��`'! '� amalgamated Creameries, Ltd. The Canadian National Railways ap- Nuerb is sold In Goderkh exelush•e- � E 3S-1 �� {�{¢ n The directors were aware of what piled to be relieved of obligation to ly at CainjtwII's Krug Store. Old or young, you're sure to like ourbread.`Try --a[loaf today and you'll _ ___aiwa y&,bc.&iii W- mouse r. FOR 3 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 10 AND 12 Will be given FREE with every Suit or Overcoat ordered on the above dates. __WACH THI TS SPACE NEXT WEEK for our Annual Pre -Christmas Sale • ECHR1ST A for all members of the family answers the Cift-givingroblem P GIFTS FORE VERYON E ---Our store is literally overflowing with Christmas Gifts. You are as welcome to look as to buy. IFT G IST GREETING CARDS AN ASSORTMENT RANGE OF CARDS WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT -2 for 5c, 3 for 10c, -5c, 10e, eta. - GIFT TOILETRIES for MEN Mermen's Sieving Set Squibb's Staving Sets ...... .... 41.be Yardley's Shaving Sots . ELM to 44.N Williams' Shaving Sets 30e In 41.00 41.00 Yardley's Slaving Bowl . 41.10 Dairrnsn filtering Rawl. . .41.N Mullein lum Lavender Staving Sets Paiaselive Shaving Sets Pearltone Sets The Gift supreme for Lady Friend. Quality at BARGAIN PRICES... Set ... .. $6.95 np EN'S SHAViNG Si+'1'S $1.0S ROLLS RAZOR at BOTTOM PRICE $6.95 25o, 50c, 60c, $1.00, $3.50 98c and $1.50 �,.. Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets Mouth Organs, a large range FLASHLIGHTS.. Leather Goods %+ r Women. Both imported and domestic of well-known limes. Gi t T of�� 1 ' H[Tp!(il T'S. KI BINSTN IN'!t. DhBAKKY. ('(►Tl. 1►a1A'itOt(El, JFRI:FN, ROZI4;JOi8. YARDLEY'S BILLFOLDS, COIN PURSES, COLLAR CASES, -HANDKERCHIEF CASES, BOOK COVERS and malty other Leather Gift it't3c1ea Kodaks and Brownies at low prices. Brownies $2.75 up. Kodaks $5.00 up FOR MEN OR WOMEN In newest designs. Sets $3.75 np. Pena *2.75 ECLIPSE PENS, $1.50 GIFT STATIONERY 50c - $ 2.00 1-t Faee Powder ..41.110 Compacts Rath Salts 41.00 lavender Water. 35e, to 41.50 t'tMPLETE LINE. (IF YARDLEY'S SETS RUBINSTEIN'S Fate Powder .. 41.10. Pasteurized Fare ('ream ('.,.pasta DUBARRY Face Powder Rath Salts $1.06 Duharry Set $_ __ On Dusting Powder i'�.11 1►uharry Perfume 41.00 Ihtbarry Cleansing ('ream - $1.00, 41.10 • SLIPS 41.30 41.10 DALCROSS GIFTS Bath Salta Comports Fancy Bath Soap i)alermn Creams HOUBIGAUT'8 Noted tar ela$Steee ,of velum, Perfume ......moi..... 1.10 Perfume Comports ..ie to 44.50 Face Powder ........... 69e Creams. rte. JERGEN'S Face Powders Lee, Jorgen'n ('roan Me WoonRURY'R' SOAP 3 cakes for Me Lotion Ne BATH SALTS ' A big ,.aortttwnt et 'spider ptieer. Mt. Dennis'. Lightfoot. Ilrlcroua. - Smiles' n' 'Chuckles, Neilson's and Moir Chocolates -25c to $2.00- CUTEX SETS. -35c, 60c, $1.00, $3.00 victor )oMo $84.50 to $189.'0 0 victor tecoras (KI a('OU'STSC) 1p RUG ST I . , , , w,.•,.:�.. �-:.�: _.� :tee �;:Q�:: 'Phone 90 Csor e : h