HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 44--Thur'aday, December 8th, 1952 . • Do Your Christmas a* • • THE SIGNAL • Shopping Early Christmas goods are alt Itt- id on display. Ws in - not be asked to buy. Men's and Boys' Gifts, such as Neckwear, Scarfs, Hosiery, Shirts, Sweaters, Spats, Pyjamas, Bath Robes. handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Gloves, tJoder- wear. heather Coats, etet l'RIM-'FQ SUIT-�l'AS UYER— maiwimaimemszte W... C. Pridham &- Son Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 irtriterruntomeattrocirtarairetveta toctittoctectroctoretetctectesetetcd NetFBUITIArived. Success is assured in your Christmas Baking . • if you select your supplies from our fresh and wholesome stock of RAISINS (Spanish. Sedless, Bleached, Puffed), PACKAGED CUR- RANTS. DATES, FIGS, CHERRIES, PEEL, I.EMON11),_COCOANUT. SHELLED) Nt'TS. CHOCOLATE, COCOA, LARRD,_KA-TRACTS, tREAIM: BUTTER, BOOB. SMARTENING, --•P H• -ant PASTRY Cal bt and examine our Fruits before bnybtg eleawStere PRICES RIGHT - t - SPARR'S GROCERY THE STORE OF $ATISFAtlION HAMILTY►N STREET — GODERICH We I)vllw r In Towu Pill 1.: Ila ZOI CARLOW 't GODERICH, ONT. CARLOW, Dec. 7.—Tflte• ii*uad Ma- sonic at-home, held at Harlot! ou Fri- day, December 2nd, wax, a grand sus•- cese. Au excellent cotleest Was given, after which war leech and dancing. Servicers at the l'reabaterlan church on Sunday were conduceek by Mr. NI heft Mcllaw C.P.R. 'tattoo for McCord. roll, ,4 Knox l'ollege, Tostluto. Sask. It contained 330 bags of apples (Ito hags of which were hand-picked N.egitle p, MVO. . 11,4 hose id ynl 4 bags of carrots, bags of parsulpr bags of 'mixed vegetables, 17'y bags of catibige ftetilifliffe to the tang), 5 bags of walnuts. 57',4 bags of potatoes, 1',4 bags of leets. 256 bushels of turnilpyjt 15 poUlxlr of onions, 630 pounds 4f beans, R5 pounds of dried apples, 18 pounds of honey, 16 pumpkins, one cit- ron, 1(15 gems of fruit, 912 small Jars of apple butter, 100 small Jars ot marma- lade, Jelly, ete., 711 cans of vegetables, one- betr•eP•-€brtatmas• hooks' 'axle' I small bale of clothing. The communittes which contributed to this shipment were Renmlller, last week. Smith's 14111. Auburn, Westfield. Doo - Mr. and.Mrs. Kenneth (*Wpbel1 and nybrook, Porter's Hill, Leeburn, Nile, , two daughters, of D,•trolC v9ited rela- North street United (Goderich) congre- itires here this week. gatlon. and the Bisset Bros. of Saltford AUBURti • ANOTHER O1 i1LOAD KINTAIL FOR THE WEST The Young People's Society of Knox Itrv. N'. J. Psttoo Basis mune win, Presbyterian church, Ripley, are put- taatrtad to Making This Shipment (1u 'Thursday morning. December 1st. a relief carload of fruit and vegetables -FEKIN'G -- MA'P L1C) t , flee. It aMt. and Mre. Joe Day, of Hamilton, viseAti lir. and Mrs. -herb Curran last w• Mr.,and•lirs. Wm. John 7 t*11 visited Mrs 1IMt1's mother, MI. Little, of Kinloss, on Monday. Mrs. Rlelwnl Johnston and Cecil Johnston visited Mr. and firs. H. Mof- ffat of Sarnia over the eek»end. f Berk Wllyard of Du e .M. ,•e wag • weekend guest of Rich i 'Kilpatrick. Mr. S. R. Stothers of 1, Ur vlsitod 111s slater, Mrs. H. Icor ..' .e.+day of The Women's Institute the Foresters' Hall on e•ember 13th, at 2.15 ('hrlstmas Message," sistance of Mr. stud Mrs. Jonathan 1 nun. Buil cell--�lxuhaq f - l'hrix[mas gifts. 1rsUeses--Mrs Air to the workers. ' Bean, Mrs. J. Taylor, M 1 con. e The Ladies' Aid ot e Baptist ties In Saskatchewan. chureh held their monj 111 meeting May i take this opportunity to thank last Thursday at the holte Rt Mrs. W. the many contributors for theft co -op - last and donations to this great work? Yours sincerely. W.I.PATTON. Heights. Special mention should he made of the Althorn contribution. Miss itailir's 11 mart in part In the North street congregation's -9 De- offering and Rev. Mr. Shaw's In that of s, Subject— Nile, and the Bftaet Brae.' generous as , W. Rubin- sistane•P; also the hospitality and as - A BIGFUR SALE1 Jor Christmas1 Fur Coats and Fox Scarfs AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN YBAR8 ('hoose one from our large display on Friday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th A fair allowance on your old coat, and remodelling . reasonably done. —ALL ROODS GUARANTEED PERFECT— PHONE 155 C. A. &- S. McKinnon MILLINERY STORE — SQUARE e Hug on a play, -Turning the Trick," in Kiotrll hall oy Tuesday, Dezember 13th. It 1s hoped there will he a large attendance to see this Interesting play GODERICH TOWNSHIP •4tcettilttWCtL-TY.JW MI13It, dlace. A, Mr. and airs. Robt. Sowerby and child- ren and Mrs. John Sowerby spent a -- day last week visiting with friends uear London. Miss Marguerite Falconer of Gelder- Mh spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ross and Mary, of Holmesvllle, were Sunday visltorti at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Victol ftet w+ °ler Jae: Rosa.' -rho had been' visiting there the part week,' returned home with them. Miss Ruth Evans was able to resume• her duties as teacher of l'nion school No. 0 on Wednesday of last week, atter being laid up for a few days with • sprained ankle. The mild weather Is we:comerl by the farmers of this district, who are busy 'getting their fall ploughing finished Up. Miss tiara Harmer and John are confined to their home with measles. Coal! Coal! Coal!� We carry a MI line of ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS and I'OOOHONTAS COAL and COKE. Our Poeohontas is treated so that. Yen here no duet. With this treatment It gives you much better combustion, therefore you g� i-.S11a,.:)tt}►kdt readaosa-7 " be.t►ng c,uv( NI oar 1a-watg►wd on soar own reales (the !Market Sales). L - -- We carry a full tine of Shelf and Heavy hardware, Plumbing, Ik,aUug and '19usmithing Goods, and we guarantee aatdafaction. We have a six -cylinder Studebaker liar which am ire courertod Into a good truck, for rale at a very rearonerble peke. .ti• Chase C. Lee s t'z.rR Phones—Store, 72 --House, 114. daughter, Mrs. J. K. McEaehero, at London. Dr. nisi Mrs. Robt. McComb. of West Virginia. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross last Friday. Mrs. Met' sh was formerly Miss Nora which are becoming quite prevalent. r1 - • Misses Pearl and Davila Rougvhe, of llomm. ttloderieh, were guests -.t the -#►em,• 4,�,Tllr regular monthly meeting of the 11r. u1 1 afar. G. W. Harwood on Mon- I wet wanhe Fire Iaauranes Go, - 1s. John •WU- The car was well filled and Is going iwas held in the s,'e•retary's utBee ou to one of the most needy municllell 'day. Tuesday. Polon ('hovel Neter—Next Sunday Mr. (',re• Black. who for a number of .ervi,e will be held as usual in Union ye -ars has leen ,rwducting the chewing church at 3 p.m. Sunday school at 2 mill al the Dlslier dell, has dtaposed of p.m. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik. his property to Joe Petrie. SOD of John i will occupy the pulpit...Freed.* has Petrie. ith tooeesstun of Ashfield. Mr. commenced for the annual ChristmasPetrie took possession hart Thurteday trea_aat.ec•neert of Lacon church San- Mr. Lawrence Smiley _of BltteTale day eehool, to be held In the chunk one called on friends here on Tuesday. Thursday evening. December 22. A Th (;elle of the Anglican church are good program Is being preparell....The holding a enehre party -fa the parish regular meeting O1 the. Y.P,S, wU1 be , hall on Wednesday. ' - - `I tr d-tw he-eheeea-i'riday. _q'tr. . rift. J+ealwr Fgm3 rr• - •p' rminr 1u- 'ZTilold Porter win nave charge of the r'Ulnae are putting on their pity. "TAP meeting. AU young pleoplir are cord!-'Ulnae o'i'ls k Boy." In the parish hall ally invited to attend.... There was a „a Friday evening of this week. fair attendance at the service in InionFatrtieers—}rye munlclp►al ele- chon•h on Sunday. The pastor, Rev. i Hosts. 141111.11 took plae•e In Arhflel I and F. \C. Craik, occupied the pulpit and West w'awanosh on Monday, developed preached an interesting sermon On. Olt_ ,.teeoslelrralde llreilness. A large nuns. „'webieel-'etrniv111 -In'y quku-hwe---t ttlereentst l to els.* a. text. "If any of you do err from the mat their rules. The results were r troth. and -one Punvetl Lith. MPT rpri n AsLfteld. leartnR the smrtfi I C. . ltole-rtson. with a good attendance. The trrealdent. Mrs. l'. A. Whwson, pre- sided over the meeting. A splendid program wan given, Ineludlng a talk err - St. Paul by Ills Margaret Small, Afterwards a dainty lune Yaps served cured a position In Detrolt. Mrs. Nell - by the hostesses, Mrs. W. . Roht•rtson son and children dnTend joining him and Mrs. A. Asquith. Heath .L.Jaba Wilson.�,•i[tpa of the oldest aid beet -known resWNdgts of the T7ti vim l ermmmllty, In the person of John Wil- Dalton are very sorry to lean of bee eon, passed .away this (T�t,•ureday) serloWl(n Mr mornlugcat the age of righty -Ove Tears. Mr. and Mr+. F.luxu'Fatrimh e! An- Tis funeral will le held oh wtl(at*rday horn visited on Monday. with Mr, and afternoon to Auburn l're.Ly(erlao Mrs. John Farrlah. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mjschm.a two rime Ign.ere,a-7iUbIic Jstrie'lbe eivi►dres. of.. held at 2 o'clock. The .ets4e w 1 be }apes Little • auspices.- �Lr: Wtlaou • having leen for over fifty4r,1 rs a Malt maJter of Morning Star .wisp. inte•r- meat will be In Hope chapsl.cenlete•ry. COLBORNE TOWNS}IIF t ltable'et township. -, - ; COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, Dec. - 7.— Mr. and Mrs. Will Clayton and ton COURRIES CdRN ERS t Jack. of Putnam,, spent Sunday with the lady's' parents. Mr. rind Mrs. John COMMIE'S CORNERS. The. 8.— i Treble. 11te /'.F.W.0 held the December meet. I Mr. Kenneth Actin of 1 etrolt spent tag In the hall ibis afternoon with a ' the week -end at his home here: fairly good attendance. The main atlas Marjorie Hetherington spent badness was the election of officers for the ensuing year. The only change from last year was the iweretary. who 1s now Mew. IJnyd Robb. Plans were made for buying flannelette and making layettes The Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian and small ehlldr"h's clothing. church held their meeting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Armstrong and of Mrs. Alt Errington on Tuesday. the week -end with her aunt, Mrs. Robt. Me 11 wa In. Mrs. \%m. Mcltw,tln visited with friends in Wtngham on Thursday. family. of Loralon. visited over the week.eod with Mr. and Mrs. DevM Little. - We onion] congratulations to Mr. iWilfred Ferried' on' Ms election to the 'ib iftehip 11 And were especially pleamwl to ase that he headed the poll': Mr. James Neilson. who with Mrs. Neilson and three children has teen living recently with the Indy's parents, Mr: and Mrs. Archie Johnston, has se- WIEWIETtteirirIMINETME CARLOW STORE NEWS S 1'RE WE HAVE BAR(;AI.NS M. a N. Tooth Paate itle Bay -Rum Shaving ('ream19e Candy Kars 6 for 25e Resehnut Gum 3 for lee —GAS'. PAIi, SPF.('iA1... 24e— Everything from Soda Crarkerw to Shingle Nalla FRANKLIN Mel1.V°A.IN NERKTMETINETIMITMETOE know- that he which converteth the t pad without any n•prwe ntxtlyr. How- sdnner from the error of his war 1h•ll'' pope, ,.ongratulfions a re *Alighted 10 twee a sen! from death, and shall hide: sii,-c1+.fll; rsndhl.+t++. a mnttltude df sins" IJames 5:1x► -2111. ' iesi atld Miert Rartgrtet.—(4, Wee- t (From another corrtspcnd,•nt 1 telslay .'%ening o1 last week a father The Ladiew' Aid of Ebenezer United ,and sun Nxs held in the base chunk held their regular monthly ment of the United church. Alseut meeting ou Thursday ei'rning last at seventy father- mud 1/011* eongregstc,I the home of Mrs.'D. Remota. This meet- far esad t hnring sp•nl tug inrinded the men folk, who wi.h,-t a s-erylie pleasantevnt eveniret+erng. The .peak• to hear the address of Mlsa N. Sinclair. ,,rs for the cession were • Mr harry It.N.. of Stanley township. She was Long of ( ;alerlch and Rev. Mr. Craw I formerly a resident of this neighbor „f Klneardlne. .\n orchestra suppllyd howl and for Rome time was ■ewa•latel sled,. with Miss M. Moatard. R.N., of Gip- 1 N M fi Off,—Tlar \ - M s of • sumetile, to mission work. She was ' the 1'rr.bytertan church held their of the• meeting Rome lively vocal end !Kolar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Sam Iiheerdown sod two child- instrumental musk. was enjoyed and Musk # Mcwhtnnry tier spied the ' heard with much interest At the c1cs.1' rr Mrs, W. R. Stother. The prr;ddent. ren, Harold and Ada,- of -6ederith. ..(pent Saturday with ML. -_!!(.;Mrs. John Trehfe. - Mrs. Jas. Feaganlin having a new splrouse lift. Wet% Morelli tate returned home after visiting with friends at Port Al- bert. Mrs. Wm. Watson of Nile 1R visiting irlth Mr,. Robt. Mellwain this week. Mrs. Thos. McPhee has returned home after visiting with her slater, Mrs. J. Bisset of Saltford. the pupils of S.S. No. 1, Colborne, will hold their Chrkrtmax concert In the township hall on Tuesday evening. December 211. l'wteeds of the errning In aid of the school. The Sunday achool of the United church will hold their Christmas enter- tainment on Monday evening, ,.Decan- ter 19, in the church. The Presbyterian church wUl hold their Christmas entertainment In the township hall on Friday evening, De- cember 23. ' _ Mr. Harry Inkster of Goderdch vielted wtth his Mew,- -iris—Meant Mitchell, lest week. (then a bountiful lunch was served. I, chair. The Scripture lesson was read Mrs. E. Tehhutt and wee son have re- Fitzgerald. Readings on Brit turned home from the Clinton public is �� ocepsi lilytlnllana were given by 'Pr. Me titr..11...1Min-laseasinit moms, hospital. el Mrs. Roan and Mrs. David• ft work done at his mill, t twtng"tlre anneal meMtt*g. the Mr. and Mrs. S. Skinner of Munro foiloNhig officers were apl'uhltM for visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. the ensuing year: 1're•aldeot, Mrs. R. McWhinney: 1st vice-preeldent. Mrs. M. Willr. iamson. (habaldeston la confined toI Davidson; 2nd vks-president• Mrs. J. the house with a severe attack of rhea- Bennett: secretary -treasurer. Mr. F. matin. Ross: supply se••retary, Mrs. G 11 Me. Mrs. J. Cudmore has returned from Kenale: Tidingsaw retary. 31 r..- J. s recent visit with her Roo Earl, of BBennett : tame helper, overdoes, Mrs, Brampton. m F. Reiss: we•Icome and welfare PPM. • • Furnaces Cleaned, Repaired and Pipes • Replaced — lh ape arena rwed went reur.w.p,- Agent for McClaay Furnaces JOHN PINDER GODERICH. ONT. Phase 127 P. O. Bel 131 SMITH'S ART STORE 1111ve now on display all their ll Christmas ■ p1W if. ('fibra. Pottery, and no end of a.e•fhll dainty little gifts from 25t U p. Thi• Ir the shop to sekct Juat tee *net yrs, want for e■veryew'. Itnt the Pietisms •re wonder- ful onderfol. Is,ye-Ir Iatlelseapee, Mar Ines. and /-,pies of the Old Ma. - leer+• nulglnr In prier from 225e, 35e, Ser. 75e. $LIS. up to $25.911. And nothing is MI mulch ■ppre- clitel x1111 gt,vw wrote Meting pleasure• n, a good Picture. c'enue ill anti wee all the pretty pings. soh-,udld line of CHRISTMAS ('.\ Klkt. —STORE OPEN NiGHT$- Smith's Art and Gift Store Fast Street Phone 191e DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Dec. 7.—Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and family spent Sunday In Clinton, the guests of Mr. McKenale's mother, Mn. Thos. McKen- zie. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray of Itluevale called on friends here last Wednesday. Mrs. Robt. McKenzie has returned home after a week's visit with ber hristnems Store )HsOM[TuIG FOITP CVLPYB()DY la 'LADIES' Winter Coats ('oats at clearing prices. Our entire stock of Ladies' Coate offered at leas than cost. A great opportunity for ymi to an- ent*- a Coat at a VERY LOW PRICE M Wear The Gift Season is here -'.-give practical gifts this year. We are ready.for your-Geis-I-- mu our nsmss trade witha host -of suggestions FOR LADI EFOR MEN LINGERIE HOSIERY GLOVES ._. SCARFS FINE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR PYJAMAS 1 IES. SOCKS _... GLOVES SCARVES 'KERCHIEFS SWEATERS . BELTS FANCY BRACES HATS and CAPS 'KERCHIEFS PULLOVERS - r DRESSES LEATHER JACKETS LINENS BATHROBES TOWELS attar aloe oi; %lard 4 e )4' intoriartasrrrisirgingim Dalai MEN'S Overcoats Overcoats of fine cloths and tailored by experts; we are offering these Coats to you at unheard-of prices. $15;00 and $17.50 ('ome and nee them and he e011- vineed of their value. ITED TO re -. • tarp, Mrs. It Davidson; key woman, Mrs. W. R. Stothe:s: program commit- tee. Mrs. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. W. ii. liaise. 1 sited Church W. M. 14.—The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church in Dungannon wax held Fri- day. headings were given by Mrs. A. Elliott and Mrs. (;. C. Treleaven. A vote of thanks was sent to Mrs. Crawford j for the beautiful flowers sent by Beth In memory of her grandfather. 11. i. Crawford. The election of odicera I! ,tauited as follows: President. )1 CS 1ta Pentland: vfr•e-pre !dent, Elliott; eorreeponding , G. Harris *melodist L. Campbell: stranger* see Geo. Irwin; temperance seentary, Ma. B. Rose b ; supply ret Pift'y. Campbell ; treasurer, Mrs. H.P. Why- ard ; ('hristian stewardship o *-rotary, Mrs. F. Stewart; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. ]t -Clore; pianist. Mrs. Jas. Mc- Whinney : press secretary, Mhos .11. M. i'entlarwl ; axelatant, Mre. G. C. Tre- leaven: finance r•ommlttee, Mesdames McWhinney, %%yard, A. Elliott. Mel Culbert. Rnaeh, Williams; literature aer-rstary, Mre. Whyrd. Junior Farmers.—The regular month- ly meeting of the Dpngannon Junior Farmers' Chili was held on Thursday, when a very enjoyable time was spent. The Junior institute had been invited, end over one hundred were in attend- ance. 1n the alewnce of the president, Allan Reed. 11. 1.. Atklneon..pf Clinton, assistant agricultural rtemmettattra dor the enmity of Huron, condneted the meeting. 14 in his opening nenarke, broth organizations upon tbs. their work, which, he said. a Ineo4 feted exs 01 MIAMI most favorably with that of other almb lar organisations in the county. There was a short program, including the fol• lowing numbers: inatrutneeMl piano duet. Mh.sea Claire Pentl,nd and Anna Reel: vocal solo, Miss Margaret Pent- land: reading, Miss Helen Anderaon, after wtlr'h election of officers' for the Junior Farmers' Club for the ensuing year wee heM talth the following re- sult: President, Ailan lle•sd; vice- president, Fordyce Mark; strrleary, Harald Webster; tret'grer, Albert Taylor; program connoting, James Wilson, Thomas Anderson lad Hamll- tem Clutton. It will AO the a=Pell Thr► • of the this the by the ;debt bit the tive to appoint other meeting closed with the National Anthem. program, a Anne, w Swish, for which wan M Phinkett oreheatra. A tenelt'baa merest are a mow was 3eollgnt Rt wK the feeelearal AMP*:IW a I Il<va.n end' Ma It DaeJdaow sera Christmas Suggestions NEW HATS for the holiday season. in velvet, felt, metallic trim- mings, soft colorings and cleverly blended materials. Scarfs, Berets, Baby Bonnets and Costume Jewellery. Miss Me IiicVicar throgrii rm.= THE L r GODERICH HEAT FOLKS HAPPY IS THE HOLM -KU THAT KNOWS mese T Vf MERRY SOULS OU HEAT WITMAOPCOALS APLENTY!t • 1f rear heating equipment has shown signs of a nervous breakdown. phone for the Heat Polis. A ferw doses of 'blue coal• and It will pert up imme- diately. Here 1s • diet that is easy to digest. The Heat Polka drive away furnace frowns and rheumatics. They pit Are in its heart and • healthy glow in its cheeks. With the Heat Folks ai the job, your furnace will get strong and robust- end soon need 'title at- tention. RINCERITT AlrxPrtt, and pare tKi �. a Mu8TARD 0 age .shall pass eltallaaL n� R. 1 an